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As good as the tv original, sometimes even better.
8 August 2021
My personal favourite of the two dalek movies, not only is this a great movie, but a great adaption that in my eyes is slightly superior to the TV original. Unlike the first film it doesn't undermine the original, it's cuts are justified and make the story flow better and look tighter. It also improves many set pieces from the original, the saucer attack scene here is so well shot/directed, great actions and fights from both the humans and the Daleks, it's an impressive and more dramatically done scene. Plus I love that dalek double head take. I do also appreciate that the heart of the original story is still a massive theme here, the theme of hope/survival. I love the journey we take with these survivors of London and there are some great new characters thrown in too. Bernard Cribbins is excellent as Tom, I really enjoyed his arc of being a hero in a future world that gives him more confidence and skill when he goes back to his own time. I always really liked the crook who sells drwho out, we get a great line from Drwho who simply says "don't apologize I saw it coming". Then the two women who give Susan shelter who later tell the Daleks in a scene that freaked me out as a kid. Its a good extra side that I feel the original misses, even in the end there still bitter people using others to keep themselves alive. Peter Cushing it's far better here to, he's aloud to be a more serious dr, he gets some great scenes, especially him in the dalek control room were he commands the set, berates the Daleks and subtly gives Tom an idea of how to stop the bomb. It a shame we miss a recreation of Daleks over Westminster or the chimes of big Ben at the end, or a slither cameo. There is of course some rather silly joke scenes that don't bother me because it kinda works for the character Tom to be acting like a roboman, but the music score doesn't help. But overall the music is great. I do also prefer these dalek designs here the most, they look great. Overall I bloody love this film.

Rating 4/5 8/10.
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Good fun but like a book adaption, the book was better.
8 August 2021
So these films mean/are a big part of my childhood, I could never get hold of the original TV dalek stories so this was my only way too. It's an adaption of the Daleks, and to be honest it's a fairly good one, it's paced well, got lots of action that definitely do look far better than the TV show but it still has all the beats and moments of the original. The original script is perfect for a film as it's story is strong and flows very well. Lands on planet, locked up, escape and rebel. Although I prefer the 7 parter, the structure here can be seen as stronger due to its run time only being just over an hour, it shows that you can tell a very good story and even a cut down version can be very good. It's a classic action kids movie, it still has it's rather deep themes of racism/fear but it's done much more subtle and it works very well. It's very cool to see the story in such colour and although the sets, the costumes and the Daleks in particular all look amazing and very 60s future, colour was obviously one of the big hooks and so it's added everywhere, which can be a bit off putting, the thals for example. The Daleks here looks stunning, colourful but more towering/menacing, I love the gas weapons, in a way it makes them more creepy. Peter Cushing is the dr here and I'll never understand why he gets a bad wrap, I thinks he's such a charm to watch, hes basically an early version of Troughton and Smith, and I much prefer his love towards Susan here, it's very grandfatherly. Dare I say Cushing is one of my favourite drs? Shame he wasn't included in The timeless children. My biggest issue is Ian, he's nothing but comic relief and although he has some Great scenes, funny and heroic, it's not a patch on the original. Ian was the hero of the Tv story and inspires the Dr to get involved and fight back. Here he's the idiot boyfriend. But for this film, he does work for it. Sadly I do think the tardis set is very poor, I get the idea but it's so bare and inferior to the TV show, but the box itself? Lovely. Overall it's good fun and I have great memories with this on uktvgold with a 50p sweets mix from the icecream van.
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Doctor Who: The Rescue (1964)
Season 1, Episode 11
A tale of Team work
8 August 2021
The Daleks origins are a perfect example of team work, both on/off screen. From Verity Lambert's determination to use the story. Terry nations clever way of representing war, with racism, fascism, patriotism, sacrifice, heroism and teamwork by translating that into a sci-fi concept. Ray cusicks brilliant design that captivated the imagination of children and charmed adults. Peter Hawkins/David Grahams chilling emotionless voice that terrified millions. Christopher Barry/Richard Martins excellent direction to make them look menacing and their city bleak. The Dalek operators, Robert jewell, Kevin Manser, Michael Summerton & Gerald Taylor who gave them life and had the incredibly difficult job of moving the damn props. Finally our four main cast. All working together they created a success that 57 years later still stands strong. The story is a very well plotted journey of adventure/horror, every part knows what its main goal is, discovery, capture, drugs, escape, team up and final fight. We do spend 2 parts in the cliffs but it never drags as it adds to the desperation of the characters/storys journey. I also like the cowardly thal who sacrifices himself, it's gives him a nice little arc. I also love the 1st drs arc here, he starts off as a manipulative grumpy Oldman who refuses to help even Barbara in a great cliffhanger. But by the end he gets involved and excited by the defeat of the Daleks. Ian is the star of this piece he's a true caring hero and in away is everything the doctor would become years later, almost inspired by. There is also some excellent quotes/dialogue, from "if we are monsters what must they be like" it all adds to the Daleks tragically pathetic life, it's an incredible idea, a race of people who due to war became horrible mutated hate blobs trapped in machines. The story does a clever way of showing you their true nature, from blob, manipulation of trust and extermination of the thals. It's full of great action/cool scenes too, the mutant reveal, Ian inside the Dalek/escape and the final battle were the 1st dr finally stands up to them. That moment is when the dr is really the dr for the first time.

Rating: 5/5 or 8/10.
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Doctor Who: Flashpoint (1964)
Season 2, Episode 9
The brits vs the Daleks!
8 August 2021
This story has always felt so patriotic here, it's not the universe Vs Daleks it's London Vs the Daleks and I love that. It's a fantastic sequel bring them to earth and actually win. It's a great journey of survival/hope and I really like the gritty desperation for some people. You grow to like these characters and hope for them, such as Jenny who's quite crabby but a realist. Dortmum who lets all these innocent people die because of his belief in the bombs, I love his death, fighting till the end and trying to redeem himself. There's also some great mild horror here, the guy who finds his brother and then dies, the shot of Susan and David as we hear a man running/begging for his life only to be killed and of course the Daleks roaming around London. My absolute favourite shot of a Dalek, going along Westminster and around Trafalgar Square. It really does reflect that still present fear of what if the Nazis won. Plus a subtle but brilliant moment when big Ben chimes after the defeat of the Daleks. There are of course some problems, there are some great pacing but some dragged out scenes even though I enjoy them, the cell scene and slither for example. Sadly the dalek saucer attack here is also quite poorly shot, I feel movie does a far better job. But I really like added detail to the Daleks, I love the added height and discs on the back explains how they move on earth, it's a great design update made better by some great angle shots that make them look towering. Ian also saves the day again with the bomb which only adds to hows he's probably the most important person the doctor met, he's everything the doctor would become. Susan's love story is not bad, good set ups but not enough, I feel Jo grants was the right way. But Susan's exit is beautiful, and I like how the Dr has watched her throughout this story, this is a perfect way for the doctor to let go off his stubbornness and see the dangers his new life has for Susan. Hartnell obviously didn't want anyone to leave and here it shows, it's such a rich and honest goodbye, added with that twinkly smile hiding the pain. Brilliant written lines.

Rating 4/5 8/10.
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Doctor Who: The Planet of Decision (1965)
Season 2, Episode 35
Too silly to enjoy.
8 August 2021
The chase is an odd story, you either absolutely love the bat crazy new take on the Daleks or its ridiculous. I'm in the middle. Dennis spooners work can be very enjoyable and offer the lighter side to traveling, it's why I love the Romans as it's a perfect balance between historical/comedy. For me his comedy is very hit or miss, here the Daleks who arent a great threat more utterly useless. Dalek comedy can be great and in later years Nicholas Briggs would capture it perfectly through voices/morals, such as the high pitch/over excited dalek in Lego dimensions. But the chase does have some unique and really exciting ideas that I'd love to see done today a with a budget. This is the moment the daleks have decided the doctor is there enemy! Chasing him through time, we get see the Daleks invade all sorts of different time/space zone and as child it would be so exciting to see Daleks Vs Frankensteins monster, invade the Mary Celeste, giant questionable squid and giant Mechaniods with flames. Low Budget is means nothing to me, as an actor that's why I love the show, because you can see the hard work of all those involved, trying to make this show work, so silly squid monsters and definitely indistinguishable doctor clone is the charm of the show. It's a shame this was never made into a third dalek film as the structure/plot of space chase would work perfectly for a movie and I admire them for giving this story a go. Plus the Mechaniods are an incredibly good design and seeing them fight one other is an excellent scene. Sadly this is the goodbye of two of my favourite companions. Ian & Barbaras exit is perfect, they both get a share of saving one another and the fact that the doctor refuses and kicks off makes this a beautiful scene to start picking at the layers. The doctor has grown fond of them but he doesn't want them to know that, Hartnell turing his back on them isn't cold, it's brilliant acting, it's showing his pain of facing them as they go. Hartnells goodbyes to his companions was so thoughtful. I loved the more joking around goodbye montage of Ian & Barbara I'm London, seeing there excitement and I loved Ian's jokes too. Ian & Barbara are some of my absolute favourite companions, new who likes to do alot emotions call backs and referencing. I'm honestly so shocked new who has never done a call back to these characters and highlighting there importance in the doctor who universe, there are the main inspiration for why the doctor became who he as, why he travels. I'd just love to see William Russell one more time.

Rating: 2/5, 5/10.
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Doctor Who: Mission to the Unknown (1965)
Season 3, Episode 5
Half an hour of great little horror.
8 August 2021
This is an incredibly unique piece in Doctor who, being the only story to not feature the doctor and being a prequel set up, something that would be done endlessly in new who. But its also the time of big changes for the show, this would be Verity Lamberts last story and it's important to thank her for not only keeping the Daleks alive from day one but transforming the show to its full potential/what it is today. This also offers us a glimpse into what a Dalek spinoff could look like. I truly love this story, it's almost like a short horror film or a twilight zone episode. The constant screeching noise in the forest adds to this tense horror, proving loud music isn't always needed. We follow the survivor Lowery and security agent Corey as they try to warn earth of the Daleks incoming plans. I love seeing these characters desperation with the horrors around them, seeing one of there crew be transformed into a Varga and the dalek search party looking for them. Just imagine being in a huge Forest, it's near pitch black and your constantly hearing and seeing things, plus the daleks are coming for you. That idea has always sacred me as a kid, with today's ability it's a shame it hasn't been done. The Daleks are great here, seeing them team up with other creatures to conquer the galaxy is so exciting and I loved the shot of the sucker landing on earth to be first. The aliens are a mix of cool/odd designs with some voices not being the most convincing. The ending is also such a great cliffhanger and a cruel end to our characters, Corey records a message to warn earth but the Daleks swarm him and kill him, the message destroyed too. It just builds/adds to the fear/danger of these Daleks/story's. I do think the characters don't get any real development time but for the storys sake they work fine and I did really enjoy seeing them all fail building up to this very bleak/dark dalek story. But unlucky kids because next week you have to watch an incredibly awful historical. Season 3 is all over the place and treats some of its companions very poorly, so this a great surprise for that season.

Rating: 4/5 7/10.
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Doctor Who: Destruction of Time (1966)
Season 3, Episode 21
Shocking and cold end that still holds up.
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Parts 11-12 (Getting back to the scary stuff/an horrific end) Part 11 has the task to set up and fix the tone back to a creepy desperation story. It nails it perfectly. We get some great scenes here and I loved seeing Marvic Chens descent into madness. He just can't get over his greed of power, he really believes the Daleks follow him, the whole story does a great job of building up to that moment when he realises there going to kill him and it pays off. It's starts with the Daleks locking up all the alien delegates, seeing the effect of the time destucter at the end adds to this moment, the Daleks were going to leave them to die with the universe. Finally when Chen meets the supreme his time has come, the scene is so creepy and chilling, the music adding to it. What makes it so good is that we see Chen going mad, screaming for answers, the supreme just starring at him coldly not saying a word. This has to be the most chilling dalek death yet. So simple yet so effective. For the audience this so satisfying to see his end but still so scary, I can imagine this was especially scary for kids. Finally we get to see the time destucter in action, the dr uses it back against them and it almost kills him. The final scene is so tense/full of chilling moments that it's arguably the most horrifying end to a Dalek/Doctor who episode. I do wish though that when the alien delegates flee in there ships that Marvic Chen had hidden some explosions on them, would of been an shocking twist and shown how power mad he's gone and how closely he's becoming a Dalek. Plus although I like that the alien delegates get to flee to warn there people etc, it's an development arc that just happens and with no build up just feels like a wasted opportunity. I do really like how the characters personality effects there outcome, Steven often quite stubborn is safe and eventually saves the dr, Sara wanting to redeem her actions/be a good person is aged to death. It's a very impressive scene, not only horrific because the production decided to show us her skeletal remains. The doctor then moaning in agony just adds to this perfect scene, you just wonder what the hell is going to happen! It's a mix of excitement and fear. I even love the Daleks destruction too showing us a dying mutant. Animation can have alot of creative fun with this. The final moment of the Dr/Steven shows why you don't need over the top music, let the drama come from the scene. Just a wind sfx with the drs lines "what a terrible waste" makes the perfect cold ending.

For me Parts 1-6/10mins of part 8 (up to Trantis's death)/parts 11-12 is the best way to watch this. But I do think you should at least watch the whole thing at least once. Sadly though the Daleks master plan does create a severe problem, at this point in time the Daleks were everywhere, toys, books, films, stage plays etc you couldn't escape them. But adding to all this by making a 12 part story spanning several months was possibly the main reason Daleks/dalekmania eventually died. Rule number 1 of anything that gets really popular don't give the public/fans too much or you'll burn them out and they'll move on, which sadly some of the public did. Thankfully the Daleks/their popularity did come back. I do utterly love the daleks plan here, how they've waited patiently for Chens core to build up, and how horrible it is for him to spend all his life to be to used and killed, what a wasted life. Here the idea of using the time destucter that wipes out anything and turns it too dust is so creepy that I'm shocked and annoyed they've never tried to used it again. Or least let us see another or more in-depth episode/story of its effects. The stolen earth/journeys end did try this and it does also fall into the same problems this story did (mainly parts 8-10). Good set up with some good horror then ruined by a jokey light-hearted runaround. Except this story redeems it's self by bringing that tension and horror back plus going/pushing it far more darker in the final two parts. I've always said that a great way to make daleks scary is to show them being patient, evil and cunning with the characters around them being just like them or show us how people can become them or how they effect people. This story does mange to do all those some better than others, but what an amazing first try.

Rating: 4/5 8/10

Overall story Rating: 4/5, 7/10.
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Doctor Who: Volcano (1966)
Season 3, Episode 17
Forget the tension, fear and action. Its now a Spooner joke fest.
8 August 2021
Parts 8-10 (Comedy runaround stuff) : Sadly for me this is when the 12 part story goes drastically downhill, all the horror, tension and character development stops. Instead we get 3 parts of padding nothingness. Even the chilling music is replaced by a goofy one. For me this is Dennis spooner at his weakest, jokes/scenes happen for no reason. That's not saying you can't enjoy these 3 parts, I did enjoy parts of it but it drags on so long that I worry that the upcoming amazing finale will completely kill anyone's enjoyment of it if there watching this for the first time. Parts 1-6 was so chilling/creepy and these 3 parts completely shatter all that for a run around. But it's not all bad, the start of part 8 has great creepy Dalek moments. Having gotten back the time destucter core the Daleks attempt to test it on one of there alien delegates. It fails and the Daleks just kill him, it's so ruthless and a great way of showing how they will stop at nothing, no one is safe especially when they fulfilled their purpose. We also see the return of the meddling monk, a character I do adore and Peter Butterworth is excellent as always, however he's completely wrong for this stories tone. It's something new who falls into a lot, how can we the audience Keep feeling horror if you have a character who's soul purpose is to be a clown character? That's not to say it can't work, but it's hard to get it just right. The monk has no arc, maybe a team up/redemption arc in last parts as a thank you for saving me would of worked rather well. But I do enjoy the camaraderie between the Dr and the monk, especially the tardis chameleon circuit. One scene I do utterly love is the doctor facing the Daleks for the first time on his own. I loved seeing Hartnell stand up to Chen/the Daleks to save Steven/Sara & the monk. Hartnell beautifully commands the stage and it shows how far the doctor has come and how the Daleks and his relationship has developed. Parts 8-10 would work tonally in a comic book format, a few years ago a fan (for charity) made this 12 parter into a comic and parts 8-10 work really well there in the realms of a comicbooks over the top/dramatic tones. Just not in the show.

Rating 2/5, 5/10.
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Doctor Who: The Feast of Steven (1965)
Season 3, Episode 16
Insane, crazy and breaking the fourth wall.
8 August 2021
Part 7 (nothing to do with the Daleks so watch it on your own conscience) : BBC never learn do they, why can't we have the daleks at Christmas? Here I can slightly understand due to most family's on Christmas wouldn't watch TV back in the 60s and it stops the risk of children with those kind of parents having to miss any part of the main dalek story. The main problems with this story is it's so hard to enjoy because it's a recon/narrated audio. Even then it's just the doctor/Steven and Sara running around places and shows with references almost 80% of people won't get nowadays. But I do admire and appreciate the effort to try something new, it is at the end of the day harmless fun. In a way it feels just like a children in need special. There are some good stuff here at times, I bloody love Hartnells quote "I'm a citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot". Plus we get the amazing fourth wall break "merry Christmas" from Hartnell which alot of fans believe it was an improv but many of the script writers saying it wasn't so who knows. I do honestly think this story would very easy to remake/update today, get David Bradley and a few lookalikes and make a new version of it, make a few jokes about them not being the originals or Doctor who as awhole, hell even a few cameos from future Doctor who actors etc.

Rating: 2/5 4/10.
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Doctor Who: Coronas of the Sun (1965)
Season 3, Episode 15
The good and scary stuff.
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This a long story to review so I've decided to review it in parts

Parts 1-6 (The scary tense stuff): First a massive well done to Donald Tosh/Dennis spooner/the whole production team for making this at all, with Terry nations lack of scripts more outline, it's a miracle this worked/looked as great as it did. This 12 part epic can be very daunting/long winded to get through, even as a dalek fan I find it a struggle. But parts 1-6 are so enjoyable, exciting, scary and well written, it's easily the stronger half. There is of course dragging throughout (part 3). But its incredibly bleak and creepy for the Daleks. There's a great theme of "power" nearly every character here wants a form of it, from the most extreme such as Chen or less like the dr/Steven who want to stop this. I also really loved the background story/arcs building up, Marvic Chen is an incredible villian, he's incredibly dedicated, spending years to collect the core. He's so naive/cocky. He doesn't just want to have power/rule the Daleks, he thinks he deserves it. A perfect politician. He gets some great power play scenes here, such as when he and Zephon talk about their importance. Testing each other for who is really important to the Daleks. This comes brilliantly full circle as Chen makes them aware of his bragging, resulting in his death. I just loved the parallels between him and the Daleks. We also get Nick Courtney's first role as Bret, a great character determined to warn earth only to be backstabbed and killed by his manipulated sister Sara. It's an incredible arc and just adds to this society. Making the Daleks/Chen look far more scary as they are one step ahead, with the plan making horrific sense. We also get the first companion death, Katarina. It's a very shocking scene that just leaves you feeling cold and adds to the storys tension. Sadly it doesn't work as well is it thinks, we barely know her and shes not exactly a good character. Vicki would of been perfect here, imagine the drs/audiences horror to see Vicki die like that, someone so sweet who which we actually spent time with. Finally the music score, my absolute favourite classic score, it's so creepy/beautiful at the same time, adding another fear factor.

Rating: 4/5, 8/10.
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David Whitaker, the greatest Dalek writer.
8 August 2021
Regardless of your opinion of this story it's a perfect way of reintroducing a new dr/era and it's a testament to all those working on the show at the time. We owe it all to them, everyone. So much so that it set a template of how to best introduce a new Dr/era all these years later. Dennis Spooner's, lighter and clown like dr and David Whitakers excellent job at making Daleks good/offering anew fear to them just compliment each other so well. It was a massive risk changing the Dr and Patrick Troughton absolutely nails it.

The story is perfect for a fresh start. The drs friends/companions aren't sure of him just like the audience would be and so we feel through them throughout and slowly have to trust him and let him save the day. Have the biggest/most popular monster to get the audience to make sure they don't miss it regardless of who this new guy is, but also make the Dr have to save the day quickly and on such a big scale. Even as an actor, power gives Troughton the ability to show off many different styles/emotions. Comedic, sad, scared, desperate and angry. And having the Daleks be the one to immediately recognise him and not care but just want to kill him helps us warm to him. Plus having some of the most awesome Daleks moments later really helps it.

I adore David Whitakers work for doctor who, especially the Daleks. I love how he makes sure there's an arc for characters and makes every human character reflect the monster too. Something doctor who often doesn't do. David Whitakers Dalek work is something I still admire. In a nutshell he accidentally created a whole new life/other side to them. Yes there creepy but nobody pushed there evil/creepiness like David did. It's almost like he takes the biggest stereotypes with the Daleks and gives it new perspective. Daleks just shoot and kill, well what happens if they lose the power to that gun. How would they invade? Would they try to learn?. Power gives us what I utterly love the most about Daleks. These little sods don't need a gun to kill or crumble you. There clever, patient, learn very quickly and are very minuplutive. And they have a gun too.

This story is about how the Daleks get power but it's also how the colony staff want power too. It's brilliantly written, meaning the boring human stuff becomes really interesting. Everyone here wants some form of power. And some just like the Daleks will wait and be very minuplutive about it. Such as the arc of the Character Bragen who has deliberately fed flase hope of a new world to the reblion and plans to just use them as a political game chip to become governor. He plans to have them help him and once he's in power get rid of them all making the colony trust/praise him. He sets up Quinn for murder making him become senior governor and then has people take over and eventually kill the governor. He even plans to use the Daleks as a form of police.

I really appreciate how this story takes it time to really show you why some of these characters have joined the reblion. Valmar joined and did the dirty work of Janley because he had feelings for her, leading to a sweet moment as he cradles her body and defends her actions. We don't see too much of her good side but she just wants the colony to better and more advanced, but second quesses and people who sit and wonder what if is what she really despises. She sees the Daleks as this get up and do advancement the colony needs. Even characters who don't do too much have great little arcs, such as the governor wanting to use the Daleks to gain hero statues from the colony and Quinn just wants people to be honest and get these peoples who are messing around stopped with all this backstabbing which is why he makes the personal decision to get the Earth examiner involved. Even the characters of the colony we don't see is painted really well by a sign which explains how to get new food/drink tokens and only if it's an emergency you can get more. Subtle way of building up this worlds people/class system. Those who can't the poor, those who have too much the wealthy.

Lesterson has the most enjoyable arc here. He's a simple scientist who wants to improve the colony and has no time for petty politics only advances in the science and life of the colony. So he makes the ridiculous move to be too curious and give the Daleks back power. Which the Daleks only exploit and fill he's ego of bringing them back, they'll save the colony by having them do the cleaning, making advance to machines to predict the weather etc. I utterly love how the Daleks minuplute his sweet nature. We then slowly see his slow and Shakespearean desent into madness as he learns the truth of the Daleks and becomes like a child whos absolutely terrified. Robert James plays it brilliantly and it's truly heartbreaking to watch him crumble and it make these Daleks feel so utterly ruthless. There's some amazing moments as he goes quietly mad at the theory of how man has had it day, it's the Daleks turn now and we should marvel at it. A good actor never over plays the madness in a character and I love this more quiet rational thinking but not rational thinking kind of mind this character has towards the end. Especially as he's speaks as a Dalek before his death, which on paper sounds cringy but it's utterly werid and tragic. But also the humans around him have caused this too, such as Janley who keeps pushing him, making people think he's mad and even blackmailing him about an accidental death. Thankfully the new animation did a far better job at capturing his performance. But I'd love to see it live action. Someday please.

The Daleks here are at there most scariest in the shows history, "Master plan" has some good horror but ultimate makes them too comedic in the next scene/episode or just screaming extreminate alot. Here David Whitaker has completely added a new edge to them, showing them being patient, cunning, saying kind/gentle but of course fake words to gains trust. And when the times right killing everyone. There's so many creepy and great diologue/scenes with them here. Such as when one Dalek stops himself from screaming how much better the Daleks are then humans and then gives them a compliment. Constantly keeping an eye on the Dr and waiting for the perfect time to get him, building to one of my favourite moments as the Dr tries to warn the colony as the Dalek speaks over him and screams "I am your servant!" it's a fantastic cliffhanger. Other scenes such as when the group of Daleks state "we are not yet ready to teach these human beings the law of the Daleks!" and one later being very curious when it's orded to kill another a human. There's really awesome explosions too in the end especially in an horrific but striking image of two Daleks coming towards a family and crying Babie. Nice little nod to the Nazi Germany period there. Or when they push past the many dead bodies.

Without any doubt my absolute favourite moment is when we and lesterson see how the Daleks have used the power and created a whole factory line of new Daleks. It's an incredibly awesome and creepy sequence. Watching the Daleks scoup up a mutant, place it into a shell and then see rows of Daleks come alive. I showed this to my nephew and he was both amazed and little scared. With the music, the sound the excellent production design and Peter Hawkins chilling voices, it's arguably one of the most beautiful pieces of art ever shot. I think it's a testament to how even with not the best budget you can create something like this, and quite telling how newwho with its bigger budget doesn't do it.

I was absolutely amazed learning about this scene as a kid, utterly gutted when I couldn't really see it. But my inner child gets so excited everytime I watch the animated sequence.

The reason I get so angry at the way new who writes the Daleks nowadays is because you watch something like power that show you how they don't need weapons to kill you, just look how mad lesterson got, show you how there very minuplutive and creepy and it gives them great and odd diologue that not only makes it nteresting in hearing how Daleks work but hearing them say human things adds a creep factor. Then we just get shooty bang bang kill kill Daleks on new who, if were even lucky as the Daleks barley kill anyone nowadays. You need the right blend of Daleks doing lots of killing/blowing up and them being minuplutive and cunning. It's seems there are never moments of Daleks showing there personality and how they work. It's just info dump for plots or extreminate. I want Daleks like in Dalek, or a script that shows Daleks acting like actual characters like in "Daleks in Manhattan" when two Daleks secretly talk about how they don't trust sec and check if anyone is looking, or like the Dalek prime strategest from the animation series. Daleks should never be treated as set pieces or cameos or too over mocked like new who does. It really angers me, don't even get me started on how moffat treated them, Thankfully Chibnall gets the mutants of them.

My only issues is Polly does nothing but be tied up and used as bait and as much as I like Ben, I do feel Ben and Polly are the weakest characters here, there not my favourite companions as they sadly never got anything to expand on but thankfully things would change once they left. Jamie, Victoria and Zoey all got great arcs and character moments in there eras more. Patrick Troughton is absolutely brilliant, he manges to have the right balance of comedy and darkness.

Power has such a great legacy today in who history, it's constantly reused and offers a perfect example of how to introduce a new era/Dr. I'll never understand why the Daleks wasn't Jodie Whittakers first either. Its my personal favourite dalek story. It's got some of the best cliffhangers and best Dalek moments. Ever since I was a child I adored this story, from the target book, to the audiobook, to telesnap recon now having 3 different animations.
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Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 7 (1967)
Season 4, Episode 43
A hell of an ending.
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What could of been the very last appearance of the Daleks the product team really did go all out on this one, it's very similar to how a big end of the finale stories are often played in new who, especially cliffhanger 6 with the iconic "look at the size of that thing Dr!". From the brilliant writing, great actors, beautiful sets and some awesome explosions it makes me incredibly sad to see how much of that incredible work is still missing. I read in the book "now on the big screen" that Patrick Troughton loved the story so much he was interested in making a film adaptation, sadly due to his passing it never went anywhere but I can absolutely see how this story would work as a film. Great set up, good strong characters that reflect the baddie, action and fights scenes and a big war at the end.

Whereas power Is a more self contained space/story with limited characters and more Daleks, showing you how miniupltive and clever they are at faking for humans to get what they want. Evil is a much bigger scale but with some excellent new ideas for the Daleks. What if the Daleks were good ? And its the first time the Daleks seek out and force the Dr to do there work. Cementing the relationship between them.

The Daleks miniuplte everyone here but due to David Whitaker's clever way of writing he makes at least every character have a minuplutive arc. The Daleks want to minuplute the Dr to create the human factor and then spread the Dalek factor through earth. The Daleks force Terrall to have the Dalek Emperors mind linked to his to watch the house, they also minuplutie professor Maxtible to trick an use Victoria as bait for the Dr all with a promise to make gold for him. Professor Maxtible miniupltes Waterfield and his daughter and later Kemel to protect victoria from Jamie. The Dr miniupltes Jamie by deliberately making him angry to save Victoria on his own. Waterfield miniupltes the Dr to his house by stealing the tardis. Even side characters like Toby tries to manipulate Terrral for fear of spread fake stories for more money.

It's just a very clever constant corruption and manipulation for people. But you still have your innocent good Characters too, such as Jamie, Victoria, kemel, Molly and the lady of the house. Kemel is a character that might not sit well with todays audiences however this character actually has both good and bad with it. It's more a stereotype than blatant racism. For the time period of this story they would still have black people in wealthy people's homes, not as slaves but more as either servants like Molly or just in the house as a novelty/brag. Like look how exotic we are. While the way Maxtible calls him stupid works for his character it is a bit much however David Whitaker has at least tried to make this character less of a stereotype and more an actual Character that moves away from that. He teams up with Jamie to save Victoria because shes one of the only people who didn't really care about his skin colour, however even towards the end most of the characters themself don't care. It also revealed he was brought to the house for the sole purpose of the Daleks experiment, considering what the Daleks represented it does work. Having him not being able to speak and die in the end by an old man is where it becomes annoying for me.

Evil is definitely a much slower story than power and it's only until the final 3 stories the Daleks really shine, but that's not to say the previous parts of the story are nothing, there very important as it makes this story work so well. It takes its time to show how the Daleks and humanity are very similar in some ways. Something David Whitaker is excellent at. Alot of fans say that the episode in which Jamie and kemel try and find Victoria and escape deadly traps is pointless, well far from it. The Dr/Daleks makes this as a test for Jamie's humanity for the whole experiment, cut that out and we get a lazy told but never shown story of how we get there. Although as a kid I found this a little boring until the Daleks show up. Today as an actor I can see how good the arcs and themes are here.

The Dr is absolutely brilliant here too, all down to Patrick Troughtons absolutely brilliant performance. There are times when the Dr really does seem scared by the Daleks and worried about being forced to work for them. There's a lovely moment in the skaro cells which he refuses to take the opportunity to risk everyones life for the whole of earth. Which is tragic when all but Victoria die in the end. Patrick also gets the chance to really be a good stand strong dr here too, I loved seeing him stand up to the emperor and refuse to work for him. For such a small actor Troughton nails that strongest man in the room that the dr should always have. But this Dr still has the wonderous curiosity about the Daleks being good.

I also really loved the final arc for Waterfield, towards the final few episodes he's Character very similar to Lesterson has a descent to madness almost about how he's done and will cause with the Daleks taking over earth, all because of his experiments. On skaro he jumps in front of the Dr to save his life and we get a very lovely powerful scene between the two characters, Waterfield remarks how he was a good man/life to save. In a unspoken way he's apologising to Earth and the Dr and I thinks it's incredibly sweet how the Dr kept his promise with Victoria.

Jamie is also great here. He's a much stronger companion and arc to the story than Polly and Ben was in power. Jamie is very much like the Dr here, which is a nice close to his first season and shows the impact the Dr has had on him so far. He believes that they must save Victoria and for the first time he doesn't feel the need to get revenge on someone, he saves kemel and even confronts the Dr in absolutely brilliant scene. People have died here and the Dr to Jamie doesn't seem to have really realised that yet and so in a way Jamie is like the moral good angel and the drs shoulder here.

The Daleks are absolutely fantastic here, it's an idea that has been constantly used today but here for the first is done so creepy and brilliantly it still holds up so well. Considering this was after Dalek mania David Whitaker in just two stories has come with a completely new angle and added a new horror to them. I like Terry Nations works but his stories are very similar. The idea of good Daleks originated in David Whitakers work for the Dalek chronicles in which it also shows a Dalek with care and friendship, such as the emperor not wanting the black Dalek to die and others such as a good Dalek loving flowers and starting to question. It's nice to see the ideas be fully explored more.

There's a ton of great Dalek moments here too, seeing the good Daleks want to play trains with the Dr, sing and then save each other towards the end is so creepy and yet really cool/exciting to see. Having that creepy voice saying things like" Dr jamie friends" is so well done. I also really loved how somehow the Daleks try to trick the Dr by replacing a name he gave one on the skirt of a good Dalek. Although alpha would return in "Children of the revolution" were he started a good Dalek colony, I wish big finish had brought them back with the Dr during the time war. An idea I really wanted to see as a kid. Especially when we got the war Dr.

It's also revealed here that the Daleks have also created a new better Dalek factor through the human factor and start creating human Daleks. It's another thing we've seen many times such as the voices in people's heads which is also the first time we see it here. I do wish we got more time with the good Daleks/the human Daleks as this story is more the journey to it then the idea itself although I still really enjoyed it. The final moments see the Dr trick the Daleks to be filed with the human factor and a war breaks out between the two Daleks in an incredibly awesome action explosion piece. With the Dr saying that this is the final end. Thankfully it wasn't but it was a beautiful and brilliant end to the 60s era daleks, an era that in my opinion will always be the Daleks TV best.

David Whitaker is probably my favourite classic writer, I just love his ideas, Characters and themes and it makes me incredibly mad he never went on to more great TV stories after ambassadors of death. I like and respect Derek Sherwin on the show but reading more into it he could be quite nasty to writers and rewrites as shown with why Haisman and Lincoln (yeti writers) vowed never to write on the show again after how much changes was made to the dominators. Wanting there names of the script, years later they wanted money from the quarks and the BBC refused them. Ambassadors of death has some great stuff and Characters in it that eventually becomes a messy story because of Derek Sherwins for good or for worse re-writes , which is why that story hurts to watch. I can see how good it could of been, if people had just let him get on with it.

Rating 4/5 8/10.
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Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks: Episode Four (1972)
Season 9, Episode 4
Take your time with the Dalek lines Oliver Gilbert.
8 August 2021
After 5 years, alot of letters to blue Peter and needing Pertwees 3rd season to start with a bang the Daleks are back but only 3 of them with some very interesting voices.

Daleks aside the story's main focus is its time changing plot and it does it very well and doesn't over complicate things, proving you don't need to be very clever and do tons of techno babble or timey whimmy plots to make a story interesting or work out in the end. The story isn't perfect but it's time plot is very good it's an enjoyable watch/journey.

During a peace conference, sir Reginald Styles is brought in to hopefully stop ww3 from happening. An explosion went off and Styles was blamed leading to uproar of country's and conspiracy, leading to war until all sides was weak and slowly dieing out. Which the Daleks used as an opportunity to invade and enslave the planet. The problem is Styles didn't cause the explosion, the three gorillas who went back to change everything/stop and kill Styles did. But another member cut off from the group Shura went to fulfill his orders and causes it himself.

The ideas Is pretty good and very enjoyable learning how it happened, I love how the Daleks decided to just wait and watch and then invade the humans. Something I strongly believe/prefer in. Why cause so much hassle invading when you can make the enemy wipe themselfs out or wait. The more you think about the plot the more possible loop holes appear such as the doctor and Jos involvement. Technically they caused Shura to go off get injured and then cut off from the group so aren't they also stuck in the time paradox?.

The next problem is who put the time machine deceive in the tunnel? The whole story is the controller and the Daleks trying pin point which timezone the gorillas have gone to. But the ogrons went there in part 1 so why did it take so long? If the gorilla hides it in the tunnel then we needed to see it. I think a problem with the time stuff comes from it not being able to show us, the audience the difference. When we go to the future run by Daleks it looks quite poor and lacking. The dvd did an excellent job at showing a better version of this though.

Another critism the story often gets is its lack of Daleks. I've never understood this personally as both classic and newwho has set up the idea how just one Daleks is needed to wipe out people. Look at power for example. I think if you wanted to show there was more Daleks then the gold Dalek is really the main problem. It should of been the same colour as the others with a slight difference so it could of been easily repainted. Or just film the two Grey's and have the gold stay in the future. Or even have a few additional lines about how these Daleks are the surviving ones from the last story evil. Add another about how because of something to do with the timelines only those Daleks can go back and sort it. However big finish *Planet of the ogrons" has fixed this slightly. The ogrons seen here are actually experiment ogrons with special skills and super abilitys because of the experimental Dalek overseer.

There is alot of things that do/can slightly ruin this story but I can look past those as there is some really good moments here. Especially with its side characters such as the Controller. Aubrey Woods plays him brilliantly, a hint of evil but also some fear and care deep down. I can see him as a master. His arc here is very good, often times in who the villians are just evil or love being evil but here we have someone who has been evil but he isn't a bad person. He was forced into this position because of his past familys tradition and he is just to scared to challenge the Daleks. He's done some nasty things such as threaten a guards family, but he has tried to save people in hard times. In the end he gets a chance to redeem himself once the Dr saves him. He then saves the Dr and in a brilliant last line tells the Daleks "who knows perhaps I have helped to exterminate you.

There are other great side characters too such as the cell guards, one who tries to help the Dr while he acts secretly with the gorillas and in one great scene warns the Dr with a shaken head about Jo/the controllers honesty. The other is also quite enjoyable, he's a typical brut and eventually snitches on the controller to get his role.

The ogrons are great fun though and give me my favourite line in classic who, all thanks to the actor that day. The no complications scene. One actors gives it his all, the other just wants his extra money. The Dalek voices here are also both annoying but comedic, sadly there diologue takes way to long to be said. Thankfully the SE dvd did fix this. There a few funny moments here such as when Jo tries to give Benton some food only to have Mike take it instead.

There's also some great cool action from Pertwee as always, such as him karate chopping someone while still drinking some wine and a slightly comedic motorbuggy chase. Jo sadly doesn't get to much here but Katy as always gives it her all and even if jo was more involved in this story, her unfortunate flashing would still be remembered the most, but Katy Manning has a good sense of humour and just laughs about this now, bless her heart.

Overall this isn't perfect but I do really enjoy this story. It's the only time in this marathon I'll get to talk about my favourite era group. Jon Pertwee as the 3rd Dr, Jo grant, the brigadier, Mike Yates and Benton, and of course Rogers Master. It's my era/doctor who. For me it's still the most constantly good and best era due to the brilliant team such as Terrance dicks, Barry Letts, etc. That era for me was like a warm second family and I love revisiting them.

Rating: 3/5 7/10

Special edition rating: 3/5 8/10.
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Doctor Who: Frontier in Space: Episode Six (1973)
Season 10, Episode 14
A stunning space opera with clever themes of war/racism.
8 August 2021
I've always loved this story since I was a kid and I've never really understood the hate/moaning it used to nearly always get. Which has thankfully died down a little today. While it's fair to say I enjoyed this for different reasons as a child, I now utterly love the politics and people drama its about. Doctor who apparently has never been political which is more laughable the ogron monster in part 6, yes some are more subtle than others but some in the Pertwee era are so not subtle they'd be hated today, such as "Inferno" or "The green death". Pertwee often walked into a room and stated the obvious theme of said episode.

The big reveal to this story is that Master with the help of the Daleks have manupluted a war between earth and draconia. I love when the Daleks do this and any villain that does this. You don't always need a big invasion plan just mess with the enemies head and they'll start a war between themselves. Which what they do by using a fear image enhancer to make both sides think the other is attacking them when in reality it's the ogrons. The entire story until episode 4 is all about power play and fear mongering and it's great drama.

We get to see both sides of this war starting. Humanity who believe the Draconians are wanting a war. We get some great side characters in madam president who is on the edge of bringing humanity to war/firing the first or last shot. But we see her struggles to keep her people save and her morals intact. She wants to avoid it at all costs. We later hear a little about the outside world/people. Two sides. One in which is against the war and so uses the presidents face as symbol of hate/war. The other who want to start fighting against the Draconians and use the face of the president as a symbol of we are coming to get you enemies of earth. It's just brilliant world building to this story and probably one of the most realistic who stories. It was definitely reflecting fears and riots at the time and with today's eyes feels like there are some parallels to Margaret Thatcher which it is spookily similar to her and the day she decided to sink the belgrano.

We then also see the Draconians side to this, as they also think the humans are trying to attack them and start a war. However as we later discover, General William once attacked an innocent Draconian ship that came on a peace mission. So naturally they all fear/believe this why the humans want a war and finish them off. We also get to see great parallels to the Draconian prince who isn't sure about firing first or last. Which considering the sexist ways of Draconians not allowing woman in places really adds to the theme of how two different cultures could be easily manupluted to go to war. The make up/design of the Draconians is absolutely brilliant and could easily work today and I'm shocked they haven't come back yet. I totally understand why Pertwee loved them.

While alot of this story is a runaround and the main cast getting constantly locked up or called spy's for both sides etc it's still good fun and hearts back to the olds days. But there's so much to enjoy here both dialogue and action scenes. Such as the Dr. on the ships, ogrons smashing into places and an awesome shots of the master on the cliff. Especially when the Daleks appear. What a great surprise that was.

Jo gets some excellent moments here too, really setting up the theme of how her character is growing up. There's some great comical moments in the cell as she tries to come with an escape and says what the Dr and her must do and goes oh what I'm I worrying for? It's great. She also finally gets to defeat the master this time. Whereas in her first episode she got hypnotized here she sings riddles and stops the master from getting into her head. It's a great moment for her character and shows how far she's come from her first episode and showing how she's becoming much more independent. She also gives the ogron an banana which always makes me laugh.

The biggest problem this story has that even fans of this story agree on is the disappointing rushed ending, while it was great and a nice full arc of having General Williams team up a Draconian and then try and make peace together, the master/drs escape is very clumsy. It's a messy scene of the Dr gets shot and ogrons run away and somehow the master has escaped. Its not the production teams fault but it's such a horrible turn of fate that this is Roger Delgados last appearance. An actor who was both passionate, dedicated and very talented and was taken from us far too soon. I cried my eyes out as a child learning of this, but I always liked the idea of Roger as the master in the sky reading his war of the world's book. For me hell always be the definitive Master.

Infact when the Blu-ray collection set came I really wanted to see a scene which fixes this story, yes I know comics etc have but just a short scene with some look alike and brilliant impressionists to add a scene into the original story. So much so I had two ideas for said scene. One I can't find the other is this : The Dr and Jo after tricking the ogrons run away to find the TARDIS. The master and ogrons corner him as he mentioned he signed for some Daleks to return. The Daleks know the Dr will try to find there home base in "Planet" so a Dalek back to the master. If we keep the theme of these Daleks being the last three from "Evil" they need to protect the planet at all cost.

As the master confronts them the Dalek emerge. The altercation/panic happens, the dr gets shot and falls to the ground everybody runs away, we get the reveal it was the Dalek who fired the shot. The master is seen limbing away and cursing them. We hear a voice from another master. It's revealed that the master saved the dr from getting a full blast of the Daleks gun and let himself get the hit. Refusing to regenerate because of the dr, he stumbles to his tardis. It's revealed from the voice that master made sure this happens as he saw an alternative timeline were the Daleks rule and keep him as a Prisoner. So he must let the Dr find and destroy there base in "Planet". He hoped he could trap the Dr there with the Daleks too, or at least have the Daleks destroyed and deal with the Dr next. Using all his strength he tries to stop the timelords getting to the Dr and it causes the TARDIS to start exploding and causes him serious burns. He gives the Dr a message in his had in is tardis about were he's sending him. The Dr thanks him and eventually will forget this and why he's on the planet. The timelords also want to get in contact with the dr to get him back to Gallifrey and work out a way to stop the master and bring him on trial. The master contacts the timelords and agrees to make a bargain. I'll return to Gallifrey to be allowed a regeneration and be isolated if you let me make the Dr go to the planet to stop the Daleks. They agree. The master slowly regenerates in his buring tardis laughing.

Maybe one day I'll get some fans together and we'll try and film it. Who knows?

Rating 3/5 8/10.
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Doctor Who: Planet of the Daleks: Episode Six (1973)
Season 10, Episode 20
The Daleks (The dead planet) but in colour, with Jon Pertwee.
8 August 2021
This story means quite alot to me, it's the story that started to really get me into the Daleks and it was the story I watched many many times. It was also the story that I watched in a childrens hospital to help me get through treatments. Jon Pertwee is my favourite Dr and I adore Katie Manning, together the pair gave me great hope and my favourite quote comes from this story "Courage isn't the matter of not being frightened you know, Its about being afraid but doing what you have to anyway". A quote that gave younger me good hope.

Looking at this all years on its still got a charm and place in my heart but it does fall into some famous Terry nation Daleks repeat problems. But one thing it is very good at, is just being a fun adventure. But considering many fans hadn't seen the first Dalek story by the time this aired this in a way was the closest you could get to seeing it. It was for me as I could never find the original Dalek story on VHS. So planet is more like a reboot/remake and Pertwee is an excellent Dr for it. With a beautiful costume.

Jo gets some amazing stuff to do here and really starts taking charge, looking for help/clues, stoping the Daleks when she can and risking her life many times. It shows how beautiful her character arc has developed and it's great to watch her as she explores the planet with her log recorder. The Dr even gets some great moments about her too, such as Jons incredibly tragic acting when he thinks Jo has been killed, brilliant performance and hes sad look as he watches her join in with the thals who are about cause a diversion for the Daleks. It's great subtext that she starting to not need the Dr anymore. She's grown up now.

I really wish the idea of the Dr thinking shed died had become an arc in the story. Especially regarding the tape she left him. Instead of him using it as a way to escape the cell it should of been a personal treasured item for him. For him it's the last thing he has from her. I think having him hold on to this and listen to it when the Dr feels worried or unsure what to do next, then eventually he has the hard decision to use it as away to escape would be great drama. This being so hard for him. But thankfully him and Jo reunite.

The side characters of the thals while not being anything too stand out are very enjoyable and here it shows more about them as individuals then pervious storys with them. We see some who are made to be tough and trying there hardest to safe there love and the crew like with the leader Taron, others who are too cocky and naive and want to just attack, others who wish they were that brave and courageous and then eventually realise just being self accepting and honest is the bravery they also need. Some also get great little arcs. Such as Vaber who steals the bombs and when he gets caught refuses to give his peers up even though he's blown there ideas.

There's also the thal Latep who Jo slowly becomes attached to. Now I don't see these two as lovers, more foundness and alittle cheekyness between the two. Although I much prefer the love story in "The Green death" and I'm so glad Jo got the ending she did as it's still the most heartbreaking in the shows history, I do really enjoy her mid sorta love story here.

There is of course alot of repeated moments here from the first Dalek story and some others, such as being locked up, Daleks cutting through the door, thals in the caves, Jo hidding in the city, dr dressing up as an alien to sneak in and the big first episode reveal of the dalek. Part 1s cliffhanger gets alot of rat but I don't get why. The dr is disorientated and didn't know the invisible creature would be Daleks especially when the episode clearly shows the invisible creatures to have legs. I've always loved the idea of invisible Daleks and so I do love the cliffhanger.

But there's a ton of fun action/moments here to still enjoy. The spridon Wester is an excellent side character who helps Jo and then traps the Daleks testing out infected bacteria. I was always sad to see him go. The Dr and the thals escaping the Daleks in an air balloon is another great scene. The supreme Dalek looks awesome too still my favourite design.

One of the things I adore about classic who is that regardless of bugdet they always give it there all, something as a lover of the arts I really appreciate. But here I think there is alot of great effects that you can tell were quite new. Such as the infected arm, the invisible creatures, and the sets are great even if the jungle looks like a studio floor covered in leaves. I also really loved the miniatures/toy Daleks being used for the caves scenes. It's both charming and effective for me.

The Daleks are great fun too, while there not quite as scary or miniupltive as we've seen before we do get to see more of them here with Pertwee and there voices sound alot better, even though as a child I couldn't stop imagineing Zippy inside a Dalek. The supreme Dalek is always a highlight and had quite the journey before being screen. From being in the movies, planed American Dalek show and later the Weetabix adverts. I do love a supreme who doesn't take failure and blows up his own Daleks. With his ending being such a great tease for them to return, we are not defeated! The Daleks are never defeated.

Pertwee gives a beautiful monologue at the end here too about war sounding like a game. Don't go back home and brag how awesome it all was tell people the horrific truth and don't make it sound like it's fun and games. While this goo debate whether doctor who does this too, for me one of the reasons I love doctor who is that it shows you both sides, adventure and horror and has the Dr be effected by it. So remember kids it's all fun and games but remember how scary it was along the way and the characters who didn't make it.

Overall it's not a perfect story, because really why if the Daleks can be killed by cold did they hide thousands in an ice volcano? But it is filled with such good fun.

Rating 3/5 7/10.
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Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks: Part Four (1974)
Season 11, Episode 14
Not to be taken seriously.
8 August 2021
This story is best enjoyed if you don't take it seriously and enjoy the more wacky low Budget but still giving it there all side we love about classic who. Which is alittle hard as it takes its self alittle more serious than "The chase" does. There is alot of problems with both the writting and production of the story but the main one is that it is very risky to make a creature or set piece that's either a god or enslaves people look convincing. We learn here that the Exxilons were once incredibly superior beings and created great technology and eventually this great city building with a real thinking brain. Now the problem is throughout this story it's fair to say the Exxilons are very ridiculous grunting monsters/creatures so it's very hard for us, the audience to believe that. Even more so once the Dr actually goes through the city and plays the games to get to heart of it.

While yes the budget wasnt very kind to this story so the games in the city look abit rubbish, like the maze on the wall and death square. The script is also to blame. We just get told this about the Exxilons we never see it and the imagination of Terry for the games is alittle telling. Honestly if the story had a better Budget and didn't have so many longer part stories in season 11 this could work. A story structure like "The Ark" were we spend 2 parts in the past of the colony and then 2 parts in the future allows us to see both sides of the Monoids. You could do that here, have part 1-2 with the Daleks and grunting Exxilons and then 2 parts of the Dr and bellal trying to warn and stop the Exxilons in the past from building the city, the Dr then goes back to allow Galloway to blow up the Dalek ship. Of course without the city how do you explain why they all get trapped there? Well it's doctor who do a time is slowly changing reveal.

I always say every bad story has something good in it and every good bad and this story does have some great moments, alot of them are accidentally comedic ones though. I love that the Daleks use a tardis model as target practice for there new weapons, who ever thought this is absolutely brilliant. I do love the design/colours of these Daleks alot, especially with there machine guns attached. Which is also seen the mandalorian. The Daleks here get alot if good killing and exploding moments too. Even if you can see the wire to the metal snake thing.

There's also alot of nice references to past Dalek storys such as the mentions of the crews family fighting in the Dalek wars with earth and draconia. The idea that a plauge is spreading and the Daleks wish to exploit it at the end is a great one and far better than what we got in death. This is something Nicholas Briggs would recon and expand on brilliantly in his 2nd and 3rd season of Dalek empire. Were eventually it's reveled the Daleks deliberately infect people to get them to join them for a cure. This infection has no cure and it actually transforms these people into Daleks. So I like the added canon to this story. It also kinda is alluded to that it's the virus being made in "Planet of the Daleks".

Despite the surviving crew being so typical Terry nation characters of them being nothing but a crew member, we get some great scenes between Galloway and the captain as he dies and tells him he doesn't want him to take over. It's a great seem that adds to these characters and gives us a break from the overall plot. Its a nice ending for Galloway when he scarifies himself to blow up the ship even of it's not deserved as he hasn't really seen anything to make him do it, plus hasn't he technically done what the Daleks wanted by spreading there virus?

Bellal is another over the top character that I utterly adore because of actor Arnold Yarrows performance, he says my absolute favourite line in anything doctor who. "Which way did he go?, Sarah: Well that way. *Ridiculously shocked sound* that way leads to DEATH! " Hes a great charming character. When's big finish doing the adventures of Bellal boxset?

We then get to explore the city itself which is the story most ridiculous and biggest let down. But it's incredibly funny. First the maze on the wall. How the hell did not one of these super beings discovers this ? And how is ones skeleton still standing. Review of death came up with an excellent recon that these Exxilons came into the city, got trapped and someone forgot the sandwiches but brought the chess game. Then we have the square of death which gives us one of the greatest cliffhangers ever.

This being the last Pertwee Dalek story I think it's such a shame they weren't more tightly written to connect to each other because the ideas and references are there. What id of done is following on from "The Evil of the Daleks" 3 Daleks have survived and traveled to earth and are waiting for humanitys war to weaken them so they can invade and take over. The Dr and Jo fix the timelines and the gold Dalek escapes and teams up with the master to bring the Daleks back and cause the war between humanity and drconians. They have a secret base with an army of Daleks waiting but the Dr is about to get there and stop it. He does so and the Daleks are traped and eventually are able to save a few Daleks and escape. The new Daleks are upgraded to new casings and start finishing there infection viruse from spridon and start to spread it across the universe. Making a very good Dalek trilogy for Pertwee.

All in all its not a great story and it's full of moments to laugh at but I'd still rather watch most of this than most of "The chase" because that story thinks it's being really funny but failed, but here it's accidentally funny. But this story will always have a special charm for me.

Rating 2/5 5/10.
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Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks: Part Six (1975)
Season 12, Episode 16
Why criticism is important and how to do war/political themes right.
8 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the most political and not so subtle story in who history, with it's incredibly dark, powerful world and beautifully written statements and characters it's a very honest reflection of its parody. It's a perfect example of passion and teamwork. Everyone from the brilliant main cast/supporting cast, the excellent writing team to Terry Nation, Terrance dicks and Phillip Hincliffs willing to push the show to be great and new, but making sure it works. To the amazing direction by David Maloney to make some beautiful and yet horrific imagery and shadowing. Plus the sets, music and sounds too. When you work as a team with strong passionate players you can create gold.

Nowadays your not allowed to have fair critism, which will slowly kill great art, as an actor you are right to defend your work etc but you need to be open to others ideas/opinions because that feedback could make it far better. Id never turn around to my fellow actors/directors and say well your just a hater! Feedback/criticism is fair just dont be a Davros about it. The sole reason this story was made as great as it is was is due to Terrance Dicks critically asking for Terry Nation to try something new. Terry did and using some of his orignal ideas for the origin of the Daleks in the tv 21 centary comics "Genesis of Evil" the story was born.

Terry Nation has written some excellent stories such as "The Daleks" and although i enjoy "The Dalek Invasion of earth" i dont think his Dalek work is anything too out standing, heres deffintaly good and makes it fun and spooky but part from the original two Dalek stories theres not alot of themes, or much character development or world building. "The Daleks master-plan" was only idea of his so i wouldnt class that as apart of my point. I personally perfer David Whittakers writing for the Daleks, hes does something new and does some brillant character writting as everyone is reflected through each other.

Howerever here Terry Nation has done very similar and brought back the themes from his original Dalek story and made some stronger characters and world building here too. Immeditaly once we hear what the drs mission is, this world is bleak and horrific. We see soldiers being gun down in slow motion, dead bodies being used as fake real solders in the trenches and we meet a young, voilent and loud Kaled whos really been sold/corrupted this idea of a perfect new world. Shown brillantly as he screams across the map of skaro and acts very simalir to Hitler/Davros himself and his followers. The kaleds all wear black suits with seeing eyes on there collars and some with a band across there arms, they also stamp and salute. Talk about not so subtle and with themes like this it shouldn't have to be. We sadly dont see much of him later on but he was a perfect first character for us to meet, it sells this harsh world and reflects/forshadows how Davros/nazis/fascits can miniuplte you with an unrealstic view.

We see three sides to this war. The Kaleds, the Thals and the mutos. It was brillant that Terry at the start of this story showed us how both sides are no better then each other, both horrfic. We see Davros's side and the mutants/travel machines he's creating and the slow fear he has over the scientists. Then we see the thals rough nature and how they have many prisoners in a camp forced to make the rocket missile. It was very clever to show at the start the Thals being more physically bullying and have the kaleds be more mentally bullying. It shows the two sides of fascism and really makes you think Davros side isn't really that bad, almost like the story leads you to there side. Of course throught we see this really amazing arc for the thals as they change there nature and become more friendly and try stop Davros and help the drs and his friends. It does happen to quickly though and the only reason why is because of Davros tricking them into thinking they made peace and then has his Daleks slaughter them. It's a good enough reason but I do feel a scene with the thals and the mutos after all there nasty talk to them, needed to show them making pace or one muto maybe saving the other to show respect and sportsmanship. As it's really fascinating to see how the thals will eventually take on there morals of keeping life and not destroying it.

Davros is played beautifully by Michael Wisher. A truly dedicated actor. Hearing the stories of how he used to sit a chair with a bag on his head in rehearsals really shows he wanted to nailed this very limited performance to show how even in his crippled small scale he's got lots of power and influence. The way this Davros shouts and speaks is so creepy and really did scare me as a kid.

Davros is an incredibly interesting character throughout, he starts out as dedicated to saving his race but becomes utterly ruthless about achieving it and eventually becomes joyous about the idea of not only will it save his race it will give him power. We see this through the many incredible scenes with the Dr as he suggests to Davros after telling him all the Daleks defeats why not be remembered for doing some good and how the Daleks are evil. What makes Davros such a great character and a perfect fascist is that he doesn't see how there evil. He views life in his realistic way which turns out to be very unrealistic as we know the Daleks. One life must survive, survival needs dominance, ruthlessness and power. He even willingly destorys his own peoples city dome to fake a peaceful end and fear his people, which is what alot of facists do, lie and abuse there own people. The innocent must become a warrior to be safe. Its brilliant writing that makes the final moments of how he nearly achieve this but only to have his creation see him as someone in the way so perfectly satisfying.

The side characters are also great here, mainly from the kaleds which is a shame from the thals Pov but we do get an excellent thal soldier Bettan who takes charge in the end and plans to seal Davros in his chamber. Shes great fun. I do wish there was more women characters here because it's not like there wasn't many apart the Nazi regime. Nyder is an excellent character too he's incredibly loyal/dedicated to Davros and his plans. While we sadly don't get too much development wise or learn more about him, there is a hint that he does fear Davros and I do think it was best to keep one character very loyal to Davros and be killed off by the Daleks. It's incredibly creepy to see just he close he acts like Davros, almost as if like the Daleks he sees him as a child of his. The scientist Raven is also great we see his excitement and enthusiasm for Davros's creations then start to doubt and then fear him which something all of the other scientist begin to do, fear and then appose him. Which leads to one of my favourite scenes. Davros and Nyder hold a vote for continuing the Daleks or destory them. He's incredibly minuplute to the people/scientists here, including one who Davros gave a replacement heart and asks "will you now turn that heart against me" it's brilliant.

The dr here also goes on an incredibly interesting arc and it shows how strong of actor/Dr Tom was to nail the serious tones of this story. Especially in one scene as he believed Sarah and Harry died, he's expressions are so heartbreaking. Throughout he has one mission, to destory or slightly change the Daleks, although I would liked more scenes of the Dr trying to get Davros to change to really expand this theme, what we get works just as well. Arguably the Dr is the one who gives Davros the ego/idea to push for the Daleks here. We see Davros take the drs moral questions of would you break the glass of infection that could wipe out everything. Davros becomes full of ego of the idea of how much power that pressure of his thumb could do, even though he's already doing this. He also gives him the ego of how his Daleks go on, meaning if Dr was more careful he wouldn't have been pushed to make them become so superior and only as a means to keep the thals/kaleds alive.

Which leads the one of the greatest moments in doctor who history. "Do I have the right". It's an incredibly honest/beautifully written scene that sets this show higher than other science fiction. Most are the baddies are bad and must die because I'm a hero I'm good. That's it and yet here we see why I love the Dr. The Dr isn't a hero, he does what he thinks is right and tries to give everything another way and hopes they'll take it. I utterly love the way this scene is written having Sarah Jane be so innocent about it all and say what us the audience feels. It's the Daleks how can you not do it Dr! Because if he did he'd be no better than Davros, no better than the persure of the thumb and no better than the Daleks. We also see how although the Daleks cause pain and destruction we do know they can create hope. Hope for peace, races teaming up with another to stop them when they never thought they would. Look at earth and draconia, they became friends to stop the Daleks. It's just brilliant subtext. My only issue with this scene is that it's slightly ruined near the end. The Dr goes back to finish the job this time and a Dalek catches him and instead the Dalek blows up the Dalek mutants. Which is fine however if that said Dalek didn't come would he of killed them? It slightly undermines that original struggle of the "do I have the right" for me.

Music and directions here also very good, David Maloney creates some amazing imagery with the Daleks, such as having there shadows appear in the scene first, the Dalek looking over the trenches and Davros lightly tapping his control panel in the darkness with explosions in the background. It's incredibly creepy. The music adds to this grim tension too. Especially as the Daleks journey through the city to Davros.

Genesis Is an excellent story and although it ties with "Power of the Daleks" I still love it. There's only minor things that lower it.
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The story that made the Daleks a joke and ultimately killed them off.
7 August 2021
I hadnt watched this story in a very long time since I was a kid and I was hoping to find a new appreciation for it. However everything just seems to let it down.

The poor lacking script doesn't work as a Dalek story and never really goes anywhere and is full of errors. Such as the Daleks looking for Davros in a very open already mined doorway. How the hell haven't they found him. To random slaves doing short monologues about there life and never hearing them speak again. It's very similar to the problem new who often has where a random character tells there life story for no reason and we never see anything of them again. It's not good Character development or even world building it's lazy.

The main Dalek plot here also really ruins and contradicts them. The Daleks are in a war with the incredible ridiculous Movellans but both of them are stuck in a logical trap. The Daleks want to fire and so do the Movellans but either can't predict what happens next. The Daleks aren't robots! And this idea just makes them so pathetic. Just look at David Whitakers Daleks to these Daleks. The Daleks would of easily gotten out of this. By either taking a chance and just exterminating them, with the ship or with a small group, or the Daleks would offer a fake peace treaty to then wipe them out. The Daleks are cunning and manipulative. Here, there are just laughing stocks. Which considering this is the highest rated Dalek story with 13 million viewers makes me think this story is one of the main reasons the Daleks started to be terribly mocked by the public. The Dalek props also sadly look so damaged/tacky, and I don't think the light grey works in this set. The story suffers alot from poor direction and bad lighting too. Most of the time the lights are left in shot. I imagine the idea was the slaves brought them down, but this is on Skaro not the BBC cupboards. The direction is fine throughout, it's ok to watch but it's got some very poorly shot scenes. Such as the way the Daleks break through the opening of part 1, which is cool, makes no sense though and we don't even get to see a good angle of them.

Its way to focused in and the second Daleks eye is being blocked. There's also alot of floor panning up shots to try and make them look towering and scary. Script doesn't help, lights really doesn't help it and we get too many of these shots. Do it a few times when it's right and it works like in Genesis. Special effects and sets/budget don't bother me that much. I care for the story but as the story is poor it just adds to it. It's too bland and like I said before the lighting doesn't work for it. Which is why scenes like when Davros is discovered it's so lackluster. No build up, no tension, so darkness just a quick cut to Davros with a few cobwebs on him. Davros here is played by David Gooderson and although I don't like this story I will defend another actor from an actor's perspective. Yes he's no Michael Whiser and that mask and hardly working chair doesn't help him, especially when he's wobbling around like crazy in some scenes which totally kill the tone, but this story can't make up it's own mind about tone anyway. But he could of been a good Davros if he was allowed to play him differently. He's quite good at more quite moments/internal hate. There's a good little moment when he talks to the Dr about how he felt alone and nearly dead but he has missions to do before he can allow himself the luxury of a death. It's played quite well and it's a good moment of Davros trying to hide his true pain.

But sadly Davros too is completely useless and nothing compared to his last appearance. All that great tension and complexity of his ego/fascism and how he really believes dominant races must cause carnage to survive is completely lost here even the brilliant way of how the Dr and Davros speak and act to one another. It's all full of pointless jokes for the sake of it. Douglas Adams can write some great humor/moments look at "City of death" here it's more like a moffatisum of dark then joke because joke.

Finally the extras, absolutely awful acting. I know your excited to be in doctor who but your being exterminated. This scene is more funnier than annoying to me though as its almost as if the extras are glad and look for the best place to lay down. Later on one woman stops and then just dies. The Movellans are also hit and miss, some are quite good like the main speaking leader, some not so. Especially when they die and seeing how easy it is to disable one makes them totally unbelievable to me. I'm still shocked they came back in new who. Of all the excellent monsters you bring those back? But I will admit it was nice to see them. They still looked awful but at least they were shot/directed better.

Romana regenerates into the image of the Princess of the last story "The Armageddon factor". Which I've always disliked that Mary Tamn wasn't given a proper Regeneration. But there's a great scene in which she has a few body swaps. Something that would cause alot of petty complaints from those fans. I also really loved the 4th Dr reading his book about the universe and saying the writer got it wrong on the first page. Tom and Lalla ward absolutely make this worth the painful watch, Tom is giving it is usual comedy goodness and it's said to know this was around the time he was becoming quite nasty to work with. Toms a great Dr and a lovely man and he's admitted his attitude wasn't the best in the past. Sometimes you can clearly tell when Tom isn't liking the story for me. Leela being my favourite companion, it's painful to watch how cold he is to her, Louise Jameson is playing the lead really. But there was also times when Tom would always give it his best and fill a poor story full of goodness. Such as here. Lalla ward always tries her absolute best to make this story work too, especially as the Daleks interrogate her. She's great fun even though having the companion be just as intelligent as the Dr doesn't always work, Romana I think offered a good take on it. She's very intelligent but naive about other races and planets. I do also really like the inside of the Movellans ship it's cool looking and simple but stylish, but it doesn't really make sense why robots need a big sofa and tables. I did also like seeing the Daleks with explosives on them, even if you can see the man inside. I do hope we get a making of documentary for the Blu-ray.

Overall this story makes the Daleks completely unthreatening and more a joke, zippy voices have never worked for me since I was a kid. If I didn't love zippy as a kid I'd of been fine but the story just doesn't work regardless. There nothing more than ridiculously looking screaming pepper pots. Thankfully Douglas Adams would write much better scripts latter on and even great stories, it's just a shame he never got the Daleks right. Abit like someone else I know in new who. *Cough *cough "The magicians apprentice/The witches familiar". Id still say Destiny is better than that awful story because i can understand that Douglas Adams dint really get them, moffat is supposed to be a big fan though.

Rating 1/5 3/10.
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A messy script that ruins the good stuff. With violence for no earnt reason.
7 August 2021
This story was so exciting and horrific to me as a kid and it was one of my absolute favourites for years. While I still think it's very enjoyable and good horror fun, today I can't help but now see how messy it all is.

Mainly from the main plot and it's tons of sub plots. While they are enjoyable if you really think about them alot don't work or even contradict itself. The Daleks plan to capture Davros and have him help cure the Movellan virus that's killing them. They swarm and attack the prison ship he's on and slowly kill everyone on board. It's incredibly creepy with the scenes of the gas causing a deformation of people's faces and we spend along time with a group of surviving crew who plan to destroy the base but the Dalek troopers get to them. It's sad and horrific however there moments of dialogue that mess with it, alot of these crew are young and inexperienced and while I agree it adds a horror to there society to make young people do these nasty jobs. But having young inexperienced crew on a prison ship holding Davros was bound to fail. It also really doesn't make sense that the Daleks wait so long to just blow up the base once they have Davros after part 2.

Davros here is played by Terry Molly and I do utterly love him, he has a great balance of creepy calm voice and high rages. Here he doesn't trust the Daleks and I really liked the little subtext of him warning them that he won't be easily killed. He then starts to possess people to make a little army and to eventually make two Daleks follow his orders. It makes sense to do this the quickest way possible to let all the other stuff happen, but considering how cleverly manipulative Davros can be I thought it was rather lazy to have him stick a needle in people. I'd love that false hope/lies that he tells/talks about to trick people into following him.

The Daleks have multiple plots here after Davros, they also slowly replace humans with Dalek puppets on earth for an invasion and trick/trapped the Dr to come here and help out Stien who's a secret agent. Now I love when the Daleks lure and trick the Dr and here it could of worked very well to use an innocent person as bait. However we spent too long with him acting like a good person when there are many opportunities to start playing with the audience to make us start thinking what if. But he just randomly becomes an agent when the story needs him to be. I personally think this way is lazy. It doesn't allow the actor to really work on it either and only have to make two characters and it's a shock Reveal nothing more. But even the shock doesn't work. But the main problems with this side Dalek plot is that by them tricking/involving the Dr cause there own downfall. If they didn't, the Dr wouldn't have even known about it.

There's alot of plot holes and things that just don't work here too. The story opens with a great cold mass killing of people by the undercover police, however were subtly told they escaped from the Dalek ship, so does this mean that Stien helped them? Because why would he need to runaway or run with a group. Surely the Daleks would start thinking he's breaking down. I understand it's not as exciting to have him wonder out and nod to the police and then lay on the floor waiting for the Dr to arrive. The opening is one of the many reasons why the violence (although shocking/cool) doesn't have a justification for it. It's just there to shock you. We see this later on with the female army nurse who for some stupid reason doesn't run away with Tegan and is killed. This woman was supposed to be one of the main reasons Tegan eventually leaves. But the two have no moments together that reveal more about her or make you feel for her. She just sits there and asks you ok?. Then the old man fishing is shot. It's the perfect example of doing pointless death for no reason. Why would they kill him? Witness? Well there was also about 5 boats who just saw you do it too. I love horror/death to doctor who and sometimes (like the Daleks) random people are there to be killed however Eric Saward tries make you feel there important to the plot when there not, its just to shock you. It's the equivalent of a cheap jump scare in a horror movie.

Theres others too like why are the Daleks taking back the bodies? There's never a reveal to that. I assume it's for making replicas but a reveal would of been nice or even better mention how the bodies will be used to make new Dalek mutants. There's also the case of the virus. It make sense in a way to put them on earth however what if earths people found out about this, your invasion would be pointless and why would they carry this in there ship. It's creates a dilemma in the story. Even towards the end it's quite annoying how the Daleks want Davros to find a cure and yet plan to kill him before even getting a cure. There is some good things, mainly Peter Davison. For me he's the saving grace with Davros. His Dr is often quite serious/smiles every now and then, but for this story you just feel instantly the drs hate, worry and slight fear about the Daleks. Part 1s cliffhanger as he looks at the screen as the Dalek screams is brilliant. He adds subtext when there is non. You feel like he's had a bloody enough with these gits. I really like the 5th drs final season/arc of him trying to save the day but fails, we see this in the beginning with "Warriors of the deep" and eventually in The caves of Androzani". He's the dr who can't catch a break, he cant make peace. This results in an incredible well performed scene by Davison and Terry Molloy when the dr plans to kill Davros. You really see the struggle of this dr as he tries to force himself to do it. Of course Davros tries to manipulates him and even teases him about his lack of courage to press the button. But while door fears pushing the trigger, Davros fears the death, which the Dr does not as he would save anyone if he can. It's creates a great relationship between them.

However sadly because of the script it doesn't feel justified. It works in the context of season 21 but there's no build up to this. You could say the death count here is why he does it, but he actually doesn't see much of it. It needed to be an arc of him contemplating what to do. Instead of Turlough seeing the dead bodies in the ship, the dr does. But well done to Peter here as he actually tried to add some build up here. Often times in this story he gets a gun but he doesn't use it, in fact he eventually gives it to the nurse in a slightly disgusting look and even looks at it alot in some scenes, this is a nice set up for that scene even though it's not focused on or built up on. I really loved Davros here in this scene. He actually does try to change the daleks by adding emotions to them but only as a way to use emotions to defeat there enemies. Terry molloy has such a creepy calm way of explaining his reasoning. Because the universe is full of death, war and races are trying to survive to the top, so we can't change it and the dr knows even he can't change that so it makes sense why Davros feels like "why can't my daleks be at the top then?". Its very enjoyable stuff. Lytton is a very enjoyable and quite intimidating character. While we don't learn to much about him he's great fun, and he's just a contract mercenary and I do really enjoy seeing him back with the 6th Dr in "Attack of the cybermen". But I do wish they'd of made a recurring character and really develop his story and ending.

Despite its problems there's some great scenes here. The Dalek eyestalk being shot at and then thrown out of a window. Great Dalek explosion revealing the mutants and my favourite were the Dalek mutant bites the soldiers neck. Something Chibnall would later do brilliantly in my eyes, was show you how deadly the mutant is without its shell. It really bites this poor guy and it's incredibly creepy/exciting and i was so amazed to see this, it's why i utterly love how Chibnall has brought this back. So yet again Moffat they don't need the suits. Theres yet another sub plot that doesn't go anywhere that I really liked the idea of. The Daleks plan to use the drs duplicates to destory the high council of gallifrey. Very similar to a Pertwee action comic. I'd love to see this idea someday. I also love the Supremes design here, being famous for its original blue colours in the Madame Tussauds museum. Always annoyed the hell out of me that CO figure is so inaccurate, just watch the episode you'd see how different the size and base is, it's why I adore the figurine collection one.

Finally this is Tegans last story and she sadly has nothing to do it's quite disappointing I think. She spends half the time with a bad head because a Dalek slightly knocked her over. It would of made more sense if it partly paralyzed her. Even as she goes to get another movellans virus the dr just take it off her and does it himself. She's does absolutely nothing and it's a disappointing exit. Im not the biggest fan of her final lines either, "when it stops being fun give it up. It's stopped being fun dr. It's a beautiful line yes that reflects a lot of companions journey in the show, but this a very Moffat line. Have a deep/sweet sounding quote but the context of it doesn't work. How did Tegan ever have fun? She spent nearly all her time moaning about it. I can only think of "Black orchid" when she looked like she was having fun. Now I love Janet fielding, shes awesome and i love her humor, but god the series wrote her poorly. Thankfully big finish has made her great. So overall fun and enjoyable but it's very very messy.

Rating 3/5 6/10.
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Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks: Part Two (1985)
Season 22, Episode 13
Black comedy and Daleks
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where as "Resurrection" was more action packed and had tons of sub plots, "Revelation" is a more slower character focused story with its gruesome ideas more talked about then shown. But it's violence/horror has a reason/purpose to be here. For me "Resurrection" is incredibly messy with a ton of sub plots and characters that dont really do much. But here Eric Saward has taken his time to set up the world/characters to give us a better feel to this structured story. The story is full of great characters, but mainly duos, meaning we learn more, and get the plot going more.

First we have Davros/the Daleks. Davros is Incredibly evil/manipulative here, it's so much fun to see how he as a dictator/fascist can control people, especially later with certain characters. Davros has tricked this world/company to offer them a peaceful ending in death, to stop sickness and give out food to save the people. However it's revealed that he is using the bodies, dead/preserved ones to create new Daleks and food. It's incredibly creepy/horrific, made better by the bleak and sick humorous nature of this society. Davros even later gets a great horrible and slightly comedic line I've the Dr discovers this. He didn't tell any family members because of consumer rights.

Natasha and Grigory are two nurse/freedom fighters who are trying to find her father's body. I enjoyed these two and It's through them we learn the horrors of this place, leading to one of my favourite moments. She discovered her father in some incredible make up, all mutated with his brain exposed. He slowly is becoming a Dalek. It's a short scene but I loved the slight fatherly thing of asking whos this new boy then?. It makes the scene even more tragic when she has to kill him. The father is also the old friend the Dr is here too see, so it's such a shame that there wasn't a scene between the Dr and Natasha talking about him or Dr discovering his end. Towards the end they almost destroy the bunker but a Dalek kills them first. Eric Saward here builds up characters and then kills them far better this time.

Takis and Lilt are two nurse/morguetistans who are very up themselves/quite bitter about the job and the new trainee. But I really enjoyed learning more about why there so bitter. It also paints this world/society well too. This place is for the rich and everyone has to fight to stay relevant/seen as important. There brutal to the two freedom fighters because there scared there meddling will cause them to lose just that. But I really liked how one was very bitter and one was slightly more worried about himself. In the end they call the Daleks of Skaro to come take Davros, which usually would seem very stupid. But it's because there fear blinds them. Towards the end they find a better way to create food using the flowers. You start of kinda hating them but then wish them luck.

Jobel and Tasambeker have a very interesting arc and my favourite of the story. Jobel is a disgusting advancing predator to the woman on this planet, but also in his own contradictory/state of mind he wants to be the best at his job he, but hates the idea of been watched/working for Davros. He also kinda wants a pleasant death. He was offered immortality but refused. But I like how open the idea is. Following him is a sweet/truly innocent trainee who hes really is nasty too and finds her disgusting. She crushes on him but he causes her so much pain because she slightly hates him too. It's really fascinating to see her innocence's and then anger. In the end shes tricked and manipulated to kill him by Davros and we see an excellent scene in which she desperately tries to warn him and yet he just causes her to snap and kills him. But then she is killed too. It just makes Davros feel like a true threat again and reflects that original Nazi leader he once had. He deliberately manipulates her to just kill him. It's incredibly dark.

We then meet Kara, a business woman who just loves power but not in a bad way, more an ignorant gloated hero way. Which you see by the way she's almost aroused by hiring hitman Orcini With her cringyly loyal assistant Vogel. The two are just ego bloated madmen who lust for power/success. There's some great puns between them. It's incredibly tense to see her/Orcini at the end in the hands of Davros, seeing her truly fear him and yet still trying to look smug. Orcini is a typical hitman character with an obvious storyline of this is my last mission. But hes performed so well, full of secret thoughts/subtext behind his sharp looks that he's just great fun. He's an older man now and looking to retire and yet willingly takes on this chance to kill Davros. It's shame we don't really hear much about why he hates Davros. Apart of me does feel like Lytton being here instead would of been a great end for his arc. Plus be rather fitting to get revenge on Davros due to past stories. I did also love how slick the action of the him/Bostock is when they attack the Daleks/Davros. We don't get to much from his assistant Bostsock, but I liked how much Orcini respects him despite were he comes from/how he looks, even when others look down on him. He's incredibly loyal to the very end and I was quite sad to see him go because it was beautiful tragic to see him have his hair stroked as he lays dead, then have Orcini drag him to press the button so they can save the day together. They destory the Daleks on this planet but fail to kill Davros and it's awfully poetic, yet a cruel end.

Lastly we see the DJ who is played brilliantly over the top, like a crazy/cringy radio host. But there's a great moment towards the end when we learn about the real him. He loves earth, people/radios since he was a kid and his grandfather gave him old tapes. Its sweet to see how shy and welcoming to Peri he is. He's not a bad guy in the end it's all just an act. The and Peri here are sadly the weakest part as they don't get much to do, they spend a full episode of walking around. Although it works to allow the characters to develop, it makes the Dr feel like he's not the lead in his own show. Colin is giving it his absolute all and adds great subtext that never really gets expand on, like a good actor does. There's some lovely moments with him. Such as at his grave stone when he really looks like hes scared about his future and death. I do feel this needed to be the drs arc here. There's also another scene in which Colin is walking down a corridor, hears Peri scream you killed him, stops and closes his eyes and looks angry. It's brilliant and they really should of pushed this more darker but sweet Dr to do something drastic like the 5th Dr did in Resurrection. I feel this story deserves that moment more.

In Resurrection there was an incredible scene were the Dr goes to kill Davros, but theres no build up to it and the events don't feel like it's justified. Here with all this awful stuff Davros has been doing that scene would work. The 6th Dr after learning what Davros has done, fearing his death takes the action to kill Davros. But Davros manipulates him and the Daleks take him instead. Even the very odd cliffhanger of the drs grave falling on him could of been used as a plot point. The Dr seeing his grave, seeing the dalek, watches it's leak with fake blood, and sees it's a trick, it makes him angry and he pushes the statue down and demands If he is to die it will not be at the hands of the Daleks, it will be getting rid of them. That's what I've of done. When you listen to Colin baker and Terry Molloy in big finish there's just uncertainty feeling of power between them, your not sure who's going to make the first move. I love Tom baker with Davros but theres something about Colin's Dr with him I just love.

People working here also willingly mock the dead, joke about the smells/looks or even talk about how one woman is so obviously faking it for money. The characters on paper are great but everyone plays it's so brilliantly it makes its work better. The sets/locations just add to this feel, cold snow on the outside, blue warm outfits in inside which is also full of beautiful flowers. It's so stunning to see. Even the Daleks gold and white design just adds to this look, they blend in with this fake perfect look of this place. The music is incredibly beautiful and creepy, especially when Colin is looking at the gravestone. And Graham Harpers directions and angels are incredibly cool. I particularly loved seeing the shot of Tamasbeker have the the Dalek eyestalk upclose next to her face or when the Dalek slides into the room of Davros's head. It's stunning to look at. So this story is full of incredibly dark moments so the story gives us some comedic elements to try and lighten the mood, I massively disagree that it kills the tension as it's very subtle or when it goes further adds to the world or characters self/attitudes. It's black comedy. But some scenes are very funny for the doctor who charm. Mainly the idea of Davros making a fake gravestone and when Jobel dies his wig falls off. Or Daleks being liked by rock and roll. It's ridiculous fun that I think adds to this story. I just still can't get over those damn Dalek zippy voices. Alot of fans say that the Dr being here means that Davros causes his own plan to fail. While the drs arc needed to be stronger regardless of the Dr, Davros would of eventually been overthrown like we saw anyway. It's just slightly wasteful with its regulars.

Overall "Revelation" has an excellent theme of "images" and how many many characters hide behind one. Its much stronger and more horrific but it's idea is in the dialogue then in the action. Doing an idea of a Doing an idea of a funeral home/after life is incredibly risky but even Eric Saward didn't go as shamefully far as Moffats "Death in heaven" did with its idea that you love one feels very bit of the pain in a cremation. That's just dangerous, the fact it was played as a real world heaven no fake out is reckless.
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Great stuff for the kids, excellent themes of racism for the adults.
7 August 2021
After a rough few years the show was starting to get back it's thunder and "Remembrance" kicks of the new series and sets up the new style of show it wanted to be. While it's a tragedy we never got to see this fully completed we can still appreciate it's ground work. In my eyes it's the perfect way to do an anniversary, explain techno babble and reflect your political themes.

It does an excellent job at showing the horrible and yet ridiculous nature of fascism/racism and racial impurity. We see the same story/message through the Daleks and Ratcliffs association, it allows both the adults and the children audience too see said message. I utterly loved how we follow Mike's arc of being a good guy but being brought up as a racist/believing of keeping the others/immigrants out from the country. Just like how they also want to keep the Daleks out of earth. By showing things like the sign in the hotel and later his final betrayal with holding a gun at Ace, we get a really nice ending were all the past characters still go to his funeral. Despite what ridiculous idea he believed he was brought up on it and possibly manipulated by people like Ratcliff, especially when you consider his dad isn't around. I love this because yes it's fair to point out these ridiculous people who believe this, but it's important to show how people can be manipulated to believe it. Something Rosa missed with its racist character. One scene that I utterly loved was seeing Mr Ratcliff who really believes Britain should of joined the Nazis, be so full of himself/proud and yet the moment his people die/the Daleks come he completely craps it. Beautifully ironic especially how the supreme Dalek is black, please say this was intentional. He gets what he wants and instantly regrets it, his own beliefs kills him. Very clever.

Sylvester McCoy as the Dr here is amazing too. Gone is the over the top comedy from season 24, here is a darker, more quiet Dr but also a very manipulative one. The Dr actually gets to be involved here unlike the last 3 Dalek stories. The story is very much his/his chess board. He goes through an interesting arc of dealing with the weight of responsibility/doing the right thing and fixing his past actions. Witch pays off so brilliantly at the end as he faces Davros and we see a much darker Dr, who's been deliberately making sure the Daleks got what they want in order for him to completely end them. Who needs a war Dr when you have McCoy? Plus unlimited rice pudding. Still a perfect line. It's also famous for its excellent scene in the café. The Dr talks to the cashier about his actions and meddling. This scene not only is a lovely character moment for this Dr and a great break from all the action and set up for what is to come and didn't come but also a perfect way of explaining your time plot. Instead of being lazy and just making no sense with your timelines (John Dorney/ Matt Fitton & Moffat), do your techno babble but explain it in a simple, understanding and sweet scene. Being honest it's just a scene of the Dr taking about how much suger is important to tea and people. But it explains this drs dilemma of fixing/stopping the Daleks and the timelines. Does the sugar add anything to the tea? Not really it's just nice to some people. The Daleks offer some hope for people. What if sugar never existed ? Well alot of slaves wouldn't have been made to work for it. The Daleks wouldn't cause anymore damage and the drs conscience would be at peace. But it still can cause ripples, no sugar, no jobs so slaves are useless or could be free to live longer better lives. No Daleks the humans could become just like them or worse cause earth to be invaded by another force but because they have no training or knowledge they fail. It's a really well done scene.

Ace is also great fun here. She gets her own arc and stuff to do later on and it works perfectly for her character and really shows just how different of a character/companion Ace is. Ace is loud/jokey and wants to get involved. But the Dr is in a more thinking mood, meaning we get some great moments of comedy when she's states the obvious really loudly and makes the Dr jump. Sylvester and Sophie just make it work. Ace gets some amazing action too, she stands up her self and wants to make a difference. She gets to blow up a Dalek with a rocket launcher, beat up a Dalek with a baseball bat (which will always be awesome, especially when Sophie hits the wrong prop) and starts to fancy Mike. Ace would get some good development in the VNA/big finish interms of her attitude and naivness on love/lust with people. Which we start to see here, I'd massively recommend "Love and war" book as it's Ace fully exploring that trust, lust and courage she has that ultimately gets crushed by something. Big finish don't seem to mention or explore as much of that anymore (from what I've heared).

Which is a shame as it's a great arc of watching someone be able to grow up and become her own strong person that helps out on Gallifrey.

The supporting cast/characters are all great too, even if they are just there as an early version of unit. We have Captain Gilmore who's great fun and also goes on his own arc of what to do. Listen to the Dr or have his men fight. But in the end he joins the drs plan and it's great too see. We have a female scientist advisor with professor Rachel who has a great arc of trying to be open minded/trust the Dr but is also quite annoyed that he has stolen her thunder/changed her entire world. But rather sweetly she tries to protect him in the end scene with Davros. Finally we have Allison, Rachels assistant, very sweet, curious and offers to help when she can but still is very loyal to Rachel. There all such excellent characters and I'd love big finish to do a story were these three meet the unit team from the 3rd Drs era. But imagine seeing this nowadays, the notmydr lot would have a field day. "Clearly Ben Aaronovitch is saying that men are just stupid soldiers but the woman are powerful scientists! Or "a female scientist and her assistant? Hes rewriting the unit era!"

The Daleks are great fun too, although my only issue with this story is how there nothing more than screaming, killing machines. But we get some excellent action from them. The effects/explosions here are really good for an era thats often bashed for its effects. We get some iconic moments which still happen today, such as the Dalek ray showing the humans skeleton which looks incredible and later we see the new mutants in the imperials, more horrific too with its claw like appendages and what looks like a spine. Of course we also get the very first Daleks flying up the stairs, an effective/awesome cliffhanger. I remember absolutely loving this scene as a kid and can't imagine how exciting it was seeing it live. It's just Incredibly annoying how people think new who did it first.

The story also offers us some rather interesting designs of new Daleks. I really like the renegades and I love the imperials but we also have the beautiful design of the special weapons Dalek that screams "kids will love this one". Theres great explosions which destorys two Daleks and ITV's windows. Not to throw hate to the new series effects department but your full of poo if you really think this is "over the top" you'd love to do this. We also see a new Emperor who is very similar to the famous design of the emperor from the tv21 comics. But it's revealed to be Davros, which is kinda of obvious with his screaming. But he looks great with all his wires and new casing, it's always been one of my favourites.

Davros actions/final moments here also kinda set up the timewar. Which I've always liked especially after how he was deliberately manipulated and tricked into destorying his home planet by the Dr. It's clearly stated his escape pod left the ship in seconds and we can only imagine he became more crippled or needed a new suit. Big finish have sorta explained this in the 8th Drs time war vol 4. *Spoilers* Davros is eventually killed with the Daleks so the time strategist goes to alternative Davros and forces him to become our Davros, but somehow that Davros becomes the real/original Davros too. Hence the new series casing. *End spoilers*

We also get another Dalek design/fake Davros which did surprise me as a kid and nowadays I just like the idea of how the Daleks have stolen children to be used as battle computer controllers. There free minds/imagination being perfect to them, it's incredibly creepy and I'd like big finish to bring this character back as I've never liked Dwms idea of her being in a mental institution. It's too "look how edgy doctor who is now", completely missing the point of what makes doctor who so great. It's the definition of the virgin new adventures. Trying to hard and full of pointless sex, violence, swearing and dark moments. Doctor who doesnt need to do in your face gore or horror. It's creepy/horrific without it, it's what makes it so much better than most horrors because it doesn't depend on cheap pointless gore etc. My only complaints are the Daleks being nothing more than shoot to kill creatures, ridiculously wobbly at times and some awful voices. I really don't get why some Dalek voices are forcing a D in everything, like "you will be ext Der mim aded! Finally the supreme Daleks demise really doesn't make any sense. That supreme wouldn't really care about Davros being dead and it contradicts the idea that a Dalek will do anything to survive. It's a great scene for Sylvester McCoy to basically talk it to death but it really doesn't work for me.

Overall it's a very enjoyable story. It's a fitting end to the Daleks in the classic series. It's also full of doctor who Refences, which make it fun to look for. Coal hill school, Trotters line, the 1st Dr, Susan's French revolution book, unit, spridon, original claw for the Daleks and of course the brilliant fourth wall of Doctor.....

Rating: 4/5 9/10.
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Doctor Who: Daleks in Manhattan (2007)
Season 3, Episode 4
The themes and parallels are too obvious to be missed.
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why don't people like it? Do I like it? Well there are 3 reasons why. 1, it's been done before in classic who, so you'll always get those fans who hate it, but I don't mind seeing the same idea but with a twist. However this story could of been just as good/similar to Evils arcs here. 2, human Daleks is a big no to alot of fans so doing the idea/winning them over is going be hard, personally I like it when it's done right "Dalek Empire and Evil of the Daleks" are good examples. And 3, the script is badly structed. My personal problem with it. There's alot of good ideas and themes here but they either never get expanded on or like Daleks sec get wrapped up way to quickly. However considering the writer was given a checklist, she did a good job trying to make it work.

This story does a good job at making/parodying the 30/50s Classic monster movies. From the great music, both instrumental and "The Devil in me". I quite like it but I can't believe no one thought to play it over shots/moments of the Daleks doing horrible things. It be alittle cheesy yes but it could work for the whole monster era feel and the Daleks are perfect for that.

There's also some amazing shots/angles. The lighting really works too. For example I loved seeing the Dr and Tallulah hiding in the sewers archway as a Dalek glides past, it's creepy and just stunning to see, it look amazing in black and white. We also get some nice high shots of the Daleks with the lights of the sets behind them and Dalek sec towering over others.

The story is set within the great Depression/wallstreet crash, leaving people poor and desperate. This how the Daleks get people into the lab to become either pig slaves or human Daleks. This is a great idea but it's never allowed to be expanded on, it just happens. There's no moments or constant feeling of these characters desperation for a better life. They even refuse to do a job for money. The Daleks manipulating people's poor life and desperation is such a good idea and we could have had such great drama and horror from this. The Dr be shocked but understanding why these people do these ridiculous and death sentencing jobs.

This could then be used as part of a human factor. The arc for Dalek sec hybrid is my biggest compliant. The story sets it up quite well, we get great scenes as the last four Daleks talk about keeping there purity but Sec has realized it's caused them to die out, they need to survive new ways. It's an excellent idea showing us how Daleks can adapt and evolve. The writer did a good writing dialogue for them.

The story doesn't really show us any of it sadly which is a shame. You could of shown us mutants running around in the sewers or killing people at night, later mutants on people's back controlling them and so on adding to the monster feel.

But not even 5-10 minutes after becoming the hybrid, Sec completely changes and becomes a fully human believer. No development, he doesn't learn anything. What a waste of an idea. I feel even more annoyed at the lazy scene of Solomons death which is supposed to be a scene of "development". One scene? It's lazy. You needed to develop this idea, because once Sec is overthrown the story drags on. You could/should have shown how Sec was learning and changing his mind and believes throughout the second part and then the Dr helps him. Have him plan attacks and kill a few of solomons men and other Innocence people in new York, showing the other Daleks how being human makes for better plans like the human factor did. Then watching Solomon fight for his people and maybe kill a Dalek, Sec sees his courage and determination. Or an act of forgiveness between Solomon and the young boy. The mask is quite good though. It looks alittle ridiculous but creepy.

The other Daleks don't get much to do apart from change the plans which doesn't really give us any shock, not because it's the Daleks, but because the plan is what sec wanted anyway. To use the human Daleks. It's also really annoying how these really smart Daleks believe in attack first strategies when most Daleks wait, plan and use manipulation etc. We do get some good scenes though, I loved seeing the Dalek look out across the city and say how it's almost fascinated how humans are weak but build all this city.

We also get one my absolute favourite scenes when two Daleks are alone and ask the other if they doubt Secs leadership. The other looks behind him and agrees. It's brilliant, I love it.

The pigslaves still annoy me to this day, I get why they are here, to add to this monster movie feel and the whole devil/angels and even Laszlo is a beauty and the beast parallel, which I do actually enjoy, due to the actors. Pigslaves look ridiculous, the robomen could of been used as yet another theme/parallel to the feel of desperation. The Daleks are desperate, so show that, humans are desperate so show it more and robomen trying to break free are visually desperate. I think they missed a nice trick here.

Towards the end, we see many humans that was filed with Dalek DNA and I like the idea of them. I do feel like having them just do an invasion plan is alittle silly when Daleks are better than that and can find better ways to wipe out the world without an invasion. I do also think the idea that the Drs DNA interferes makes me question how these Dalek humans didn't at least have a Regeneration/some timelord power. Missed a good trick/idea there. I'm surprised the Daleks didn't think of that.

The other characters here are all okay, some are more over the top than others and despite the lack of development I do enjoy most of them and there performance in this odd story. I also really liked Martha here, she helps people in hoovervile, stands up to a Dalek and stops the pig slaves but feels bad and slowly starts to realized that loving the Dr maybe is not good for her. It's a good little arc for her.

We get a finale scene between the Dr and Dalek Cann and he offers its help. I'm 50/50 with this idea, I get what they are trying to say/do. But this doctor has been so tortured by the war and the Daleks and yet still won't change/move on so why not just kill it? Yes the Dr is better than that, but this your only easy way to finally stop them for good and do what you wish you had done. This could of been a really powerful scene of do I, but the story hasn't earnt it so it feels odd both ways.

Overall it's not terrible, it had some great moments in it and I do kinda like it's weird and unique story style. It's one of the more different and weird new who stories and I enjoy it for that. But it could of been so much better. I do think the writer Helen, should of taken a break from script editing other story's to focus on this one, as by chance it needed another script editor. But imaging that moffat was offered with this idea I personally can't see it been better as I feel Moffat never understood the Daleks. But who knows? Eventually big finish did this story again, brilliantly in "order of the Daleks" were a surviving group of Daleks manipulate people's religion and passion to help them, going so far as to offer there vocal cords for the new mutants to talk. Plus the actress of Tallulah is now a 6th Dr companion. Id still like to see this expanded on in a target book some day.

Rating 2/5 5/10 Part 1 6/10 part 2: 5/10.
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Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks (2010)
Season 5, Episode 3
A lackluster ending but an enjoyable short.
7 August 2021
Looking back at series 5 it was a weird time for me as a fan. I was becoming a teenager and starting secondary school. Meeting new people and groups and I didn't want to be seen/known as a geek, so I kept doctor who a hidden secret with my closest friends. So I had to balance my new desire to meet girls, go to parties and try and be cool, plus I really crushed on Karen Gillan at the time. So I had to balance my new life with that childlike wonder for my favourite show. Bloody tragic looking back. Infact I remember turning down a party to go home and unbox the SDCC Dalek scientist figure.

This story isn't well loved and everyone seems to forget everything and talk only about the Dalek paradigms. But there is some good stuff here. It's a light-hearted attempt at showing you ww2 and adding Daleks into it. It's fun and enjoyable. I'd of much preferred a more serious tone as I do love the idea of Daleks in history and think there's a great story in having them in ww2. However you have to treat it carefully, your putting fictional Nazi's in the world were real Nazi are and it can either be a tonel mess or look disrespectful.

I do really love the feel/aesthetic look to this warroom and time zone though, it does a very good job in a more lighter tone to show you the daily life/jobs people had. The constant shaking and ruble falling in the background and constant talk in the background really does add to its feel and it looks great. Churchill is great fun here and has some great moments and famous lines. I did love seeing him not care if Bracewell was a bomb but if he was on there side and even towards the end as he offers the Dr a cigar. Actor Ian Mcneice really sells him and gives it his all. The only problem with this story is you have the companion here who is still quite new, so shes trying to prove herself to the Dr. Which means that the story requires Churchill to not know what to do or even at times, give up hope.

Amy is good here with what she's given to do. She offers the Dr some great serious moments as her arc continues of why she doesn't know the Daleks etc. Which is Moffats way off trying to fix the problems these finale Dalek invasions RTD had. The final moment with Amy helping the Dr in calming down the bomb inside Bracewell is very enjoyable, having him tell her about a secret love in the past. It's not too well written because this a family show so you can't really talk too much about this so you get very simple love talk. But I did like how even though Bracewell was given a new life he still came back in the finale to help in ending the war.

I often feel/wonder how scary it was for Matt smith, to go from being very unknown to having everyone know you and have your face on toys, t-shirts, teddy's, pencil cases etc. I've always loved Matt's Dr, he has a good balance of comedy and hes dramatic when needed. Plus the Dr has finally gotten over feeling sorry for himself and treating people awfully. I think this story really shows how serious he took the Dr once the Daleks was here, because his performance is the best part about it. There's some excellent moments when he's very serious to Churchill as he tries to warn him/everyone about these Daleks. He just builds up his frustration to the point he smashes the tea tray out of the Daleks sucker and then starts beating the Daleks with a metal spanner, it's incredibly exciting and quite spooky to see how much this Dr has had enough of these Daleks pretending. While 10 would preach angry monologues at them, 11th would actually fight back. Even towards the end I really feel Matt's Dr as he painfully has the chance to get rid of these Daleks once and for all and yet chooses the earth. When they escape he just looks so shocked and disappointed by it, despite saving the earth. Its good stuff.

The Daleks plot is very minimal and more a set up, but there's a small story structure/continuity error here. So a ship survived and found a progenitor device in ww2, so they used there last remaining power to travel back there and hoped to use the drs testimony to activate it as they are impure.

So how did they know the Dr would turn up? Did they just hope? A simple line could of explained this that they knew he would come see Churchill again if they turned up. Also, why are these Daleks so impure? Big finish have now reconned this that these Daleks came from the cells of Davros in "The stolen earth" but the emperor had his own Daleks and so when he created and scattered these progenitors around time/on earth, he hoped his Daleks would find them, such as the cult of skaro. So well done big finish.

Big finish have also explained that the Paradigms was actually meant for the time war but never got to be used by the emperor. Unless we see them in the future?. Watching this today it's quite sad seeing how the Paradigms in this story was so obviously set up to appear later on/multiple times, but apart from 3 darker Daleks in a few scenes they would never appear again.

I've never had a problem with them, I think design wise they look stunning, empowering, tall and slick. I never really cared about the colours either, but I think the problem is when there all together in a room, they look ridiculous. The colour choices was probably a step too far because I think these Daleks would looking stunning in other colours such as black or silver and blue. But I do love the darker blue and red we see in "Asylum of the Daleks". My biggest problem is that they don't do anything in this story, I like the idea of each Dalek having there own name/jobs and I'm annoyed we never got to see them act in these jobs and show them off more, even the idea of the extra weapons coming out the back, yes it sounds ridiculous but I'd of love to have at least seen that.

Today I'm far more annoyed at Moffat and Gatiss for giving up on these Daleks so easily. It's true they got some big backlash/criticism. But surely your job as a writer is to show us/prove us wrong. Show us how amazing/awesome these Daleks are and some fans would grow to love them. Fans have already started to love them nowadays. One of my followers has a full size supreme Paradigm and it's a stunning prop.

Say what you will about Chibnall but his design of Daleks got the same the blacklash but he didn't get rid of them, he showed you how cool/awesome they were and so more fans started to like them. And let's be honest those Daleks changed far more than the Paradigms did. But we do also get my favourite new series Dalek design. The Dalek with a British flag as an I'd tag and covered in all green with a waterbottle etc on the waistcoat. With some tea and some nice references to "Power of the Daleks" it's a stunning dalek design. But my god that spaceship interior looks awful.

Rating: 3/5 5/10.
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Doctor Who: The Big Bang (2010)
Season 5, Episode 13
A good adaption of a Big Finish series arc.
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After an incredible cliffhanger that looks near impossible to get out off, we see Amy dying, the alliance locking the Dr In the pandrocia, river trapped in the explosion/Tardis and the universe literally ending. It was always going to be very difficult to pull off without looking like a cliffhanger that is a pure cheat or cop out. But I will admit it's a fairly good and reasonable answer to it. I was surprised how well this arc ending/cliffhanger was done, it definitely does work well enough for this story and only has minor problems in later seasons ruining parts of it. Especially when you think about the crack leading to the timelords/Gallifrey, which makes you wonder what there whole obsession with eating away at Amy's memories. While I didn't love the episode as it's mainly 25 mins of a new plot and the rest of the 30 mins wrapping everything up, I did enjoy it. It's hard for me but to see the close parallels to big finishs crack In time/web of time breaking arc. Seeing Charile escape death when she was supposed to die and it causes huge problems in time etc. It is possible for people to come up with the same idea or re-use one, but there's alot of things in Moffats era that are very similar to things in big finish. The biggest being River song being a copy of Professor Bernice Summerfield, but she's not written like an actual person.

Of course it being doctor who, end of the universe will usually always be the same-ish plot of our main characters hanging on before the world ends and here it works really well. It's mentioned only once that the due to the universe slowly dying new timelines are being created and so hence this story of Amelia and the earth being fine. The story does often show you how things are being slowly erased from time but I do feel it needed to be shown much better. Have city's on earth or characters from the beginning in Amelia's life start disappearing etc. I think I you could do some excellent imagery of the group running through the museum and the structure of the building start disappearing, similar to the sets of unit in the quarry in "The three doctors".

I really did enjoy seeing the group fleeing from the restoration Dalek as they try to fix time/universe before the lights really go out. The design of the stone Daleks look excellent and I enjoyed the little time we got with the Dalek. I wish it went on longer. I like the idea of them hanging on in the universe till the end and are still the drs final enemy. It's a shame the story has so much to wrap up because I'd of I've loved to have seen a little theme or scene between the Dr and the Dalek as they learn that the two are actually it now, the last two in existence. Or maybe have a more Dalek involved plot, have the Dalek reveal that they only teamed up with all the other species to make sure they was the only race still alive at the end, starting anew army in a new universe. Because I just don't buy the Daleks not killing everyone after locking the Dr in the pandorica. My only complaint is how this Dalek was killed. By River song essentially scaring it to death before a bullet to the eyestalk. Sorry I don't buy that, ever. It definitely makes your mystery of who river is more exciting and alittle funny I guess, but it's at the expense of ridiculing your big monster.

Alot of the story does sometimes feel like pure info dump/explaining everything for awhile but considering moffat in later years wouldnt even answer the simplest of questions, this is like a Christmas day treat to actually get the answers to an arc. For me this when Steven Moffats timey whats it and twists in a stories work really well. I did really enjoy seeing the Dr from the future fix and escape the past, especially when he steals Amelia's drink in the past. And I did like the resolution of using the light/data records of the pandorica to be hit by the tardis to create another big bang and recreate everything. Its really enjoyable and works well enough. If you really think about it you could find holes there but considering how Moffats season finales would lazily be an answer of "I don't know just go with it" it's almost so good to see him actually work the story out and give an enjoyable and good enough ending.

The last moments of the story are purley to wrap up character endings and the arc and to be honest it's still the useal drama soap ending we see in new who nowadays but it's sweet enough and an enjoyable one to finally see Rory marry the woman of his dreams after saving/protecting her for years. Despite not being Moffats biggest fan I do really like his parallels of how wonderful/fairytale like the Dr is. We see this with Rory, young Amy seeing older Amy, the museum coming to life and the imaginary friend. Here it's done well enough that it doesn't feel too over the top or ridiculous to the narrative of the show, like in RTDs cases of the doctor Donna and a human Dr or ever character being born to be this or even a Jesus doctor. But even in the next season's this is something moffat would do alot later on.

Matt Smith really nailed his Dr in this season and he works for this era and story. I've always liked the scene of him talking to Amelia and telling her stories about him and the tardis. And moffat slips in a lovely line that reflects people throughout life and people's fear of the end. "we're all stories in the end, make a good one to tell".

Overall I did enjoy this as a finale, it's possible it's Moffats best story set around rewriting time and jumps in time. The answers are there but not heavily focused on and you do need to just go with the fact the Dr is in himself a paradox for getting out by himself/Rory. The second half is the season wrap up and is all up to personal choice, I've always liked Matt Smiths Dr and although I massively prefer Rory (so excited to see more of him in big finish), it's quite amazing to see two unknown actors in Matt and Karen become quite a big star now. I only hope Karen really appreciates doctor who made her get to marvel as Matt has never forgotten that doctor who did. For me this Moffats best finale unit his excellent "world enough and time/The doctor falls".

Rating: 3/5 7/10.
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Doctor Who: The Witch's Familiar (2015)
Season 9, Episode 2
That time Moffat tried recon the Daleks
7 August 2021
I'm ashamed to say it now, that series 9 was the "I'm done with new who" moment for me. While id never give up on the show today, series 9 is still my personal, least favourite season of the shows history. Everything just failed for me. The same old same old, it felt tired when it looked and sounded like the show was pushing the boundaries with ideas, only to completely back off last minute because of silly lazy excuses, such as that tv shouldn't look like movies. From a no straight answer ridiculous hybrid arc, to bringing back monsters/references and completely missing there point, to making speeches for the sake of being shared, to pandering to a small demographic like tumbler or Twitter. To calling out Clara haters and getting big actors like Maisie Williams (one my favourite actress) and putting her in the most kiddest who story yet. Plus the usual stuff of "looks good, sounds good but makes no sense". Such as the Dr punching through Crystal making a doorway. Is it really good " symbolism"? I seem to be the only one, (apart from batmanmarch) to be baffled why the Dr is punching a bloody wall made of something 10 times stronger diamond?

The series annoyed me so much that I went to the Festival live show to get my answers. From Moffat being smug and swearing at the few kids that was even there and the many teens cosplaying, plus the fact that bbc was selling a bowtie worth over £100 that actually sold over cheaper incredibly detailed Robert Harrop classic statues. I look back now and cringe at my actions but I really did wonder if doctor who (new who) for me anymore?

The story's first part is a very long tedious joke fest. From missy's try hard "Hey Mickey joke" and the puppy joke. Both jokes have one thing in common, they ruin something for the sake of a joke. Hey missy makes unit look ridiculously incompetent and the puppy joke ruins the entire setup of armed guards watching missy. Yet an old couple with a puppy is allowed to walk across? We also get yet another joke that a lot of fans still reference/debate today. The Dr on a tank. Its ridiculous with any Dr, even the 11th would struggle pulling it off.

My family all looked and cringed at me when i watched this with them. Resulting in me now using BBC iPlayer to avoid that awkward moment again. Like many jokes here it ruins 12, gone is more serious Dr and now we get a more forced cringy joke teller. Poor capaldi. Even the cliffhanger has a fake death of both Clara and missy. Death means nothing to Moffat so it's ridiculously obvious they will be back so your just wasting our time.

The story finally starts to kick in and then later forget it's own arc about how the Dr is dying. Yet again. I can see what Moffat was trying to do and I do think it could of been very interesting stuff seeing both the Dr and Davros fear death and not knowing if the other will be the cause of each other's death.

Davros is revealed to be dying back on skaro and it's never explained but these Daleks all serve him. We get a nice mix of different era Daleks, however its never mentioned why they are here? And why is a renegade Dalek here, with davros? Julian bleach and Peter capaldi are two absolutely stunning actors and really make this nothing story sound better, what a waste of two great actors. The two have many debates about being good men and the story plays around with the idea of helping a child who grew to be evil. I don't think the opening scene captured the war at all, the men should of deliberately left the child there and the handmines are pointless when you have real horror of people being shot at because of race.

We get an Incredible interesting moment with the Dr and davros as he prepares to die and congratulates the dr on his planet being back. It's a really honest and powerful scene that gets completely ruined because Davros tricked the Dr and the Dr tricked davros. So it was all a lie, it meant nothing, cheap. You can tell at the start that davros was planning something but then it stops and gets very serious So your lead to really believe this moment between them. The idea of using the Drs regeneration powers to the Daleks is a really good one but it's wasted. The Daleks here shouldn't be dead and the fact the regeneration is linked to every Dalek on skaro how did davros really not know how the regeneration would also go to the sewer ? Makes him look very stupid.

The other side plot is an incredibly ridiculous one. Moffat tries to recon the Dalek. I don't mind the idea that a mutants emotion and hatred will trigger the gun, but the idea that exterminate is a way to help charge the gun just cheapens the line. The exterminate chant is supposed to be scary, saying it's automagical and needed as a trigger help ruins it and I much prefer the idea of a Dalek doesn't need to say it at all, the gun needs no loadup, but it screams it because it can and wants too. It's also said here that the suit controls the mutants. Showing that Moffat never understood them. It's baffling how one can reference genesis and not understand it. The mutants are genetically engineered and born with hatred and will do anything to kill with or without the suit. The whole reason many kaled scientists died at the end of Genesis to put right and wrong in the mutant. Even Chibnall understands this. His first Dalek story is all about how the mutant will survive and kill no matter what, with or without the suit, so I find fans who say Chibnalls Dalek stories are worst than Moffat laughable. It's your opinion of course but it's a fact that Moffat doesn't understand them. I'll personally never understand how one wants the show to go back to a season like this either? Series 11 was far from good but id take it other series 9 as it actually did something different, it didn't work but I think they know that and I don't see Chibnall doing a video every week about how stunning and heartbroken fans will be, you get ready fans! Even towards the end the Dr doesn't even question why this Dalek (that has Clara inside) is acting weird.

There's a big theme here about the Daleks and mercy. I honestly think Moffat was trying to explain why Daleks sometimes talk the way they do, why when they shouldn't if davros made them a certain way.

That I don't mind but it didn't work. Because the Daleks don't have mercy, but it doesn't mean they don't understand it. Theyve used peoples mercy and compassion against them since the first episode when they use Susan's friendship with the thals to lure them into a trap and kill them.

Having the Dr go back and tell Davros about mercy doesn't fix anything it adds more problems as to why did he then goes on to make the Daleks at all.

My biggest problem with this story is there is some great ideas here to do something new and really interesting with the Daleks and davros. Have the theme and main focus be davros is dying and questioning whether he is a good person. The Dr being a more darker Dr has decided to put him out of his misery. Have The Dr give him one last chance to make the Daleks good. Maybe the sewer Daleks are failed good Daleks. The Dr is tricked for regeneration and the Daleks become more powerful and can regenerate. The Dr has also at the last minute given the regeneration energy to the sewer Daleks. They need a new casing so attack the Daleks above. This could explain rusty? Davros in many audios and books has been written like this pathetic dad who wants his children's love and so it wouldn't look odd him trying to change them near the end. During the timewar he created a nightmare child to kill the Daleks but also himself, he made the Dr watch this. The idea being, did davros turn good in the end by creating something that would end his Daleks. Plus did he fall or jump?

So while there is great sets and ideas here, there is still a lot of very bad reckoning or silly things such as davros eyes being fine even though he was blind in the war, missy swearing because the show is now edgy or even tickling the Dalek hemispheres. I will say Michelle Gomez really makes awful stuff at least enjoyable, same with capaldi.

But for me it's easily the worst Dalek tv story yet.

Rating: 1/5 3/10.
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