Doctor Who: The Rescue (1964)
Season 1, Episode 11
A tale of Team work
8 August 2021
The Daleks origins are a perfect example of team work, both on/off screen. From Verity Lambert's determination to use the story. Terry nations clever way of representing war, with racism, fascism, patriotism, sacrifice, heroism and teamwork by translating that into a sci-fi concept. Ray cusicks brilliant design that captivated the imagination of children and charmed adults. Peter Hawkins/David Grahams chilling emotionless voice that terrified millions. Christopher Barry/Richard Martins excellent direction to make them look menacing and their city bleak. The Dalek operators, Robert jewell, Kevin Manser, Michael Summerton & Gerald Taylor who gave them life and had the incredibly difficult job of moving the damn props. Finally our four main cast. All working together they created a success that 57 years later still stands strong. The story is a very well plotted journey of adventure/horror, every part knows what its main goal is, discovery, capture, drugs, escape, team up and final fight. We do spend 2 parts in the cliffs but it never drags as it adds to the desperation of the characters/storys journey. I also like the cowardly thal who sacrifices himself, it's gives him a nice little arc. I also love the 1st drs arc here, he starts off as a manipulative grumpy Oldman who refuses to help even Barbara in a great cliffhanger. But by the end he gets involved and excited by the defeat of the Daleks. Ian is the star of this piece he's a true caring hero and in away is everything the doctor would become years later, almost inspired by. There is also some excellent quotes/dialogue, from "if we are monsters what must they be like" it all adds to the Daleks tragically pathetic life, it's an incredible idea, a race of people who due to war became horrible mutated hate blobs trapped in machines. The story does a clever way of showing you their true nature, from blob, manipulation of trust and extermination of the thals. It's full of great action/cool scenes too, the mutant reveal, Ian inside the Dalek/escape and the final battle were the 1st dr finally stands up to them. That moment is when the dr is really the dr for the first time.

Rating: 5/5 or 8/10.
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