As good as the tv original, sometimes even better.
8 August 2021
My personal favourite of the two dalek movies, not only is this a great movie, but a great adaption that in my eyes is slightly superior to the TV original. Unlike the first film it doesn't undermine the original, it's cuts are justified and make the story flow better and look tighter. It also improves many set pieces from the original, the saucer attack scene here is so well shot/directed, great actions and fights from both the humans and the Daleks, it's an impressive and more dramatically done scene. Plus I love that dalek double head take. I do also appreciate that the heart of the original story is still a massive theme here, the theme of hope/survival. I love the journey we take with these survivors of London and there are some great new characters thrown in too. Bernard Cribbins is excellent as Tom, I really enjoyed his arc of being a hero in a future world that gives him more confidence and skill when he goes back to his own time. I always really liked the crook who sells drwho out, we get a great line from Drwho who simply says "don't apologize I saw it coming". Then the two women who give Susan shelter who later tell the Daleks in a scene that freaked me out as a kid. Its a good extra side that I feel the original misses, even in the end there still bitter people using others to keep themselves alive. Peter Cushing it's far better here to, he's aloud to be a more serious dr, he gets some great scenes, especially him in the dalek control room were he commands the set, berates the Daleks and subtly gives Tom an idea of how to stop the bomb. It a shame we miss a recreation of Daleks over Westminster or the chimes of big Ben at the end, or a slither cameo. There is of course some rather silly joke scenes that don't bother me because it kinda works for the character Tom to be acting like a roboman, but the music score doesn't help. But overall the music is great. I do also prefer these dalek designs here the most, they look great. Overall I bloody love this film.

Rating 4/5 8/10.
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