Review of Volcano

Doctor Who: Volcano (1966)
Season 3, Episode 17
Forget the tension, fear and action. Its now a Spooner joke fest.
8 August 2021
Parts 8-10 (Comedy runaround stuff) : Sadly for me this is when the 12 part story goes drastically downhill, all the horror, tension and character development stops. Instead we get 3 parts of padding nothingness. Even the chilling music is replaced by a goofy one. For me this is Dennis spooner at his weakest, jokes/scenes happen for no reason. That's not saying you can't enjoy these 3 parts, I did enjoy parts of it but it drags on so long that I worry that the upcoming amazing finale will completely kill anyone's enjoyment of it if there watching this for the first time. Parts 1-6 was so chilling/creepy and these 3 parts completely shatter all that for a run around. But it's not all bad, the start of part 8 has great creepy Dalek moments. Having gotten back the time destucter core the Daleks attempt to test it on one of there alien delegates. It fails and the Daleks just kill him, it's so ruthless and a great way of showing how they will stop at nothing, no one is safe especially when they fulfilled their purpose. We also see the return of the meddling monk, a character I do adore and Peter Butterworth is excellent as always, however he's completely wrong for this stories tone. It's something new who falls into a lot, how can we the audience Keep feeling horror if you have a character who's soul purpose is to be a clown character? That's not to say it can't work, but it's hard to get it just right. The monk has no arc, maybe a team up/redemption arc in last parts as a thank you for saving me would of worked rather well. But I do enjoy the camaraderie between the Dr and the monk, especially the tardis chameleon circuit. One scene I do utterly love is the doctor facing the Daleks for the first time on his own. I loved seeing Hartnell stand up to Chen/the Daleks to save Steven/Sara & the monk. Hartnell beautifully commands the stage and it shows how far the doctor has come and how the Daleks and his relationship has developed. Parts 8-10 would work tonally in a comic book format, a few years ago a fan (for charity) made this 12 parter into a comic and parts 8-10 work really well there in the realms of a comicbooks over the top/dramatic tones. Just not in the show.

Rating 2/5, 5/10.
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