Doctor Who: The Big Bang (2010)
Season 5, Episode 13
A good adaption of a Big Finish series arc.
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After an incredible cliffhanger that looks near impossible to get out off, we see Amy dying, the alliance locking the Dr In the pandrocia, river trapped in the explosion/Tardis and the universe literally ending. It was always going to be very difficult to pull off without looking like a cliffhanger that is a pure cheat or cop out. But I will admit it's a fairly good and reasonable answer to it. I was surprised how well this arc ending/cliffhanger was done, it definitely does work well enough for this story and only has minor problems in later seasons ruining parts of it. Especially when you think about the crack leading to the timelords/Gallifrey, which makes you wonder what there whole obsession with eating away at Amy's memories. While I didn't love the episode as it's mainly 25 mins of a new plot and the rest of the 30 mins wrapping everything up, I did enjoy it. It's hard for me but to see the close parallels to big finishs crack In time/web of time breaking arc. Seeing Charile escape death when she was supposed to die and it causes huge problems in time etc. It is possible for people to come up with the same idea or re-use one, but there's alot of things in Moffats era that are very similar to things in big finish. The biggest being River song being a copy of Professor Bernice Summerfield, but she's not written like an actual person.

Of course it being doctor who, end of the universe will usually always be the same-ish plot of our main characters hanging on before the world ends and here it works really well. It's mentioned only once that the due to the universe slowly dying new timelines are being created and so hence this story of Amelia and the earth being fine. The story does often show you how things are being slowly erased from time but I do feel it needed to be shown much better. Have city's on earth or characters from the beginning in Amelia's life start disappearing etc. I think I you could do some excellent imagery of the group running through the museum and the structure of the building start disappearing, similar to the sets of unit in the quarry in "The three doctors".

I really did enjoy seeing the group fleeing from the restoration Dalek as they try to fix time/universe before the lights really go out. The design of the stone Daleks look excellent and I enjoyed the little time we got with the Dalek. I wish it went on longer. I like the idea of them hanging on in the universe till the end and are still the drs final enemy. It's a shame the story has so much to wrap up because I'd of I've loved to have seen a little theme or scene between the Dr and the Dalek as they learn that the two are actually it now, the last two in existence. Or maybe have a more Dalek involved plot, have the Dalek reveal that they only teamed up with all the other species to make sure they was the only race still alive at the end, starting anew army in a new universe. Because I just don't buy the Daleks not killing everyone after locking the Dr in the pandorica. My only complaint is how this Dalek was killed. By River song essentially scaring it to death before a bullet to the eyestalk. Sorry I don't buy that, ever. It definitely makes your mystery of who river is more exciting and alittle funny I guess, but it's at the expense of ridiculing your big monster.

Alot of the story does sometimes feel like pure info dump/explaining everything for awhile but considering moffat in later years wouldnt even answer the simplest of questions, this is like a Christmas day treat to actually get the answers to an arc. For me this when Steven Moffats timey whats it and twists in a stories work really well. I did really enjoy seeing the Dr from the future fix and escape the past, especially when he steals Amelia's drink in the past. And I did like the resolution of using the light/data records of the pandorica to be hit by the tardis to create another big bang and recreate everything. Its really enjoyable and works well enough. If you really think about it you could find holes there but considering how Moffats season finales would lazily be an answer of "I don't know just go with it" it's almost so good to see him actually work the story out and give an enjoyable and good enough ending.

The last moments of the story are purley to wrap up character endings and the arc and to be honest it's still the useal drama soap ending we see in new who nowadays but it's sweet enough and an enjoyable one to finally see Rory marry the woman of his dreams after saving/protecting her for years. Despite not being Moffats biggest fan I do really like his parallels of how wonderful/fairytale like the Dr is. We see this with Rory, young Amy seeing older Amy, the museum coming to life and the imaginary friend. Here it's done well enough that it doesn't feel too over the top or ridiculous to the narrative of the show, like in RTDs cases of the doctor Donna and a human Dr or ever character being born to be this or even a Jesus doctor. But even in the next season's this is something moffat would do alot later on.

Matt Smith really nailed his Dr in this season and he works for this era and story. I've always liked the scene of him talking to Amelia and telling her stories about him and the tardis. And moffat slips in a lovely line that reflects people throughout life and people's fear of the end. "we're all stories in the end, make a good one to tell".

Overall I did enjoy this as a finale, it's possible it's Moffats best story set around rewriting time and jumps in time. The answers are there but not heavily focused on and you do need to just go with the fact the Dr is in himself a paradox for getting out by himself/Rory. The second half is the season wrap up and is all up to personal choice, I've always liked Matt Smiths Dr and although I massively prefer Rory (so excited to see more of him in big finish), it's quite amazing to see two unknown actors in Matt and Karen become quite a big star now. I only hope Karen really appreciates doctor who made her get to marvel as Matt has never forgotten that doctor who did. For me this Moffats best finale unit his excellent "world enough and time/The doctor falls".

Rating: 3/5 7/10.
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