Doctor Who: Planet of the Daleks: Episode Six (1973)
Season 10, Episode 20
The Daleks (The dead planet) but in colour, with Jon Pertwee.
8 August 2021
This story means quite alot to me, it's the story that started to really get me into the Daleks and it was the story I watched many many times. It was also the story that I watched in a childrens hospital to help me get through treatments. Jon Pertwee is my favourite Dr and I adore Katie Manning, together the pair gave me great hope and my favourite quote comes from this story "Courage isn't the matter of not being frightened you know, Its about being afraid but doing what you have to anyway". A quote that gave younger me good hope.

Looking at this all years on its still got a charm and place in my heart but it does fall into some famous Terry nation Daleks repeat problems. But one thing it is very good at, is just being a fun adventure. But considering many fans hadn't seen the first Dalek story by the time this aired this in a way was the closest you could get to seeing it. It was for me as I could never find the original Dalek story on VHS. So planet is more like a reboot/remake and Pertwee is an excellent Dr for it. With a beautiful costume.

Jo gets some amazing stuff to do here and really starts taking charge, looking for help/clues, stoping the Daleks when she can and risking her life many times. It shows how beautiful her character arc has developed and it's great to watch her as she explores the planet with her log recorder. The Dr even gets some great moments about her too, such as Jons incredibly tragic acting when he thinks Jo has been killed, brilliant performance and hes sad look as he watches her join in with the thals who are about cause a diversion for the Daleks. It's great subtext that she starting to not need the Dr anymore. She's grown up now.

I really wish the idea of the Dr thinking shed died had become an arc in the story. Especially regarding the tape she left him. Instead of him using it as a way to escape the cell it should of been a personal treasured item for him. For him it's the last thing he has from her. I think having him hold on to this and listen to it when the Dr feels worried or unsure what to do next, then eventually he has the hard decision to use it as away to escape would be great drama. This being so hard for him. But thankfully him and Jo reunite.

The side characters of the thals while not being anything too stand out are very enjoyable and here it shows more about them as individuals then pervious storys with them. We see some who are made to be tough and trying there hardest to safe there love and the crew like with the leader Taron, others who are too cocky and naive and want to just attack, others who wish they were that brave and courageous and then eventually realise just being self accepting and honest is the bravery they also need. Some also get great little arcs. Such as Vaber who steals the bombs and when he gets caught refuses to give his peers up even though he's blown there ideas.

There's also the thal Latep who Jo slowly becomes attached to. Now I don't see these two as lovers, more foundness and alittle cheekyness between the two. Although I much prefer the love story in "The Green death" and I'm so glad Jo got the ending she did as it's still the most heartbreaking in the shows history, I do really enjoy her mid sorta love story here.

There is of course alot of repeated moments here from the first Dalek story and some others, such as being locked up, Daleks cutting through the door, thals in the caves, Jo hidding in the city, dr dressing up as an alien to sneak in and the big first episode reveal of the dalek. Part 1s cliffhanger gets alot of rat but I don't get why. The dr is disorientated and didn't know the invisible creature would be Daleks especially when the episode clearly shows the invisible creatures to have legs. I've always loved the idea of invisible Daleks and so I do love the cliffhanger.

But there's a ton of fun action/moments here to still enjoy. The spridon Wester is an excellent side character who helps Jo and then traps the Daleks testing out infected bacteria. I was always sad to see him go. The Dr and the thals escaping the Daleks in an air balloon is another great scene. The supreme Dalek looks awesome too still my favourite design.

One of the things I adore about classic who is that regardless of bugdet they always give it there all, something as a lover of the arts I really appreciate. But here I think there is alot of great effects that you can tell were quite new. Such as the infected arm, the invisible creatures, and the sets are great even if the jungle looks like a studio floor covered in leaves. I also really loved the miniatures/toy Daleks being used for the caves scenes. It's both charming and effective for me.

The Daleks are great fun too, while there not quite as scary or miniupltive as we've seen before we do get to see more of them here with Pertwee and there voices sound alot better, even though as a child I couldn't stop imagineing Zippy inside a Dalek. The supreme Dalek is always a highlight and had quite the journey before being screen. From being in the movies, planed American Dalek show and later the Weetabix adverts. I do love a supreme who doesn't take failure and blows up his own Daleks. With his ending being such a great tease for them to return, we are not defeated! The Daleks are never defeated.

Pertwee gives a beautiful monologue at the end here too about war sounding like a game. Don't go back home and brag how awesome it all was tell people the horrific truth and don't make it sound like it's fun and games. While this goo debate whether doctor who does this too, for me one of the reasons I love doctor who is that it shows you both sides, adventure and horror and has the Dr be effected by it. So remember kids it's all fun and games but remember how scary it was along the way and the characters who didn't make it.

Overall it's not a perfect story, because really why if the Daleks can be killed by cold did they hide thousands in an ice volcano? But it is filled with such good fun.

Rating 3/5 7/10.
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