13/13/13 (2013) Poster


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13/13/13... Wait, how many 13s were there again?
paul_haakonsen3 November 2013
This being a movie by The Asylum, then all odds are stacked against the movie already. However, and this did come as a surprise to me, then "13/13/13" was actually one of the better produced movies to make it out of the clutches of the guys at The Asylum.

That being said, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this movie is great, actually far from it. The storyline is adequate, but it was weighed down by some questionable acting and even more dubious dialogue.

The story is about leap years having added time to the calendar as we know it, and one this unique day dated 13/13/13 the world comes crashing down, leaving a small group of people fighting for their sanity as the world crumbles into insanity around them.

I will say that the storyline had potential, but it was just shot down by a heap of irrelevant sidetracking and really annoying characters and bad performances. There were certain aspects to the story that had potential, and could have acquired so much more had director James Cullen Bressack opted to put more focus on these.

The outbreak of violence and erratic behavior was interesting, but it never really amassed into something spectacular. And throughout most of the movie there wasn't an overwhelming sensation of this being a major issue and a world-threatening outbreak of whatever phenomena it was supposed to be.

The characters in the movie were rather two-dimensional and wooden, never really getting to shine on the screen, and as such, then we end up with a bunch of characters that the audience don't really care for or come to have any kind of bonding with in any regards.

Production-wise, then "13/13/13" was actually quite good, and this was definitely a step in the right director for The Asylum, but there is still a long way to go yet.

This movie came and went without leaving a lasting impression, and I seriously doubt that it will make a return for a second viewing. The movie just didn't have enough to offer to sustain a second watching.

Don't get lured in by the interesting poster / DVD cover, which I did, because it is utterly misleading and promises something that has nothing to do with the movie at all.

"13/13/13" gets a mere 3 out of 10 rating from me, given the production value and certain aspects which had potential.
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Horribly digital
Leofwine_draca21 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
13/13/13 is a typical indie horror film with a story supposedly based on Mayan prophecy and the like, although in fact it feels more like your bog-standard zombie flick. It's one of the very cheapest films that The Asylum have ever put their brand to, and that's saying something. There's little menace here, and some cheap gore, amid plenty of bad language and worse performances. The whole thing is infused with predictability and stupidity in equal measure. The worst thing about it? The cheap digital look which saps it of life and vitality, rendering it blue, grim, and depressing.
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rockenkay16 July 2014
The premise of the plot was what drew me in, it edges on conspiracy theories and I was thinking (half way in) maybe they'll redeem themselves and give us a good reason for the death and destruction people were plowing their way through..

The whole movie was killing, stabbing, slicing, screaming, dying, crying and then kill'en some more.. There are no special effects and I give credit to the actors, it had to have been a grueling movie to make but while I give one star for the actors in the movie showing up and acting their hearts out; the second star is for the director getting me to sit through the whole thing by giving us a strong hero to follow.. but that's the extent of my benevolence towards 13/13/13..
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I cannot recommend in any way this zombie-crazies or whatever lunatic concept they tried on 13/13/13
alshwenbear130 September 2013
You can see from the very first minutes that the production values of this film are very bad, as the movie goes on, (with the exception of Erin Coker) we see that none of the actors have an ounce of talent for a long feature film. But curiosity got the best out of me, since at the beginning gave me a little jump, I decided to give it a chance, thinking "as soon as I get bored I will stop watching it".

I remember "The happening" from M. Night Shyamalan, one of the biggest missed opportunities for weird circumstances, and 13-13-13, with all the bad acting, low budget, and else, and being a poor man's film, was being better than Shyamalan's failed attempts to recover and prove himself as a good writer and director. Yes, the lines and situations are absurd, but as a viewer you feel compelled to keep on watching, why? You may ask; well, I have watched some many movies, that for me is so difficult to find something interesting and driven, and tired of the "regular" zombies, criminals, and scripts full of dirty jokes, I look for something that can keep me from snoozing off. But… oh, disappointed again! One of the major flaws is the overacting from Trae Ireland, he plays the "state the obvious", over-thinking, bossy, overprotective "hero", too slow to realize the gravity of the situation, wasting time when he should be running for her daughter's safety and definitely I also blame this on the terrible direction. Phrases like "nice catch" and other witty lines made me smile in mockery, really I wished that he have been killed on the hospital's hallway so "Candace" gets to deal with the whole situation, this way the unnecessary characters of Quentin and Joe could have been eliminated from the script. I cannot recommend in any way this zombie-crazies or whatever lunatic concept they tried, and one thing is for sure I will never watch another film where Jody Barton (Quentin) is involved with.
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A struggle to sit through
TheLittleSongbird12 October 2013
That 13/13/13 had a decent enough premise was the main reason for seeing it in the first place. With the right execution the movie may not have been too bad, though seeing as this is The Asylum we're talking about that was going to be unlikely. And sadly 13/13/13 joins the endless list of movies that have "good premise but bad execution", and is yet another movie that shows why Asylum movies are hated on so much. The production values throughout are really cheap, the whole movie is very dully lit, the editing is abrupt-looking and sloppy and the photography never rises above amateurish TV quality. The special effects and the like are at best risible, and the make-up is fancy-dress sort of fashion. The script and story are also major debits, as well as the direction and acting. The script is very, very weak, it is very stilted and has no subtlety of any kind. It is also littered to the brim with cussing, some of it gives it some flavour but it's overused and quickly gets tiresome, reading often of being there for the sake of it. The story is to sum it up in two words dull and predictable with a touch of annoying over-silliness too, if you're looking for any thrills, tension or fun look for another movie because they're not anywhere in 13/13/13. The direction shows no sense of character or style, the external review said along the likes of it being too reliant on the acting than on the dialogue and that sums it up perfectly. Unfortunately, apart from Erin Coker who is reasonable, the acting is pretty terrible, especially from Trae Ireland who overacts and is also a bore. With Tiffany Martinez, there is shades of talent that are not used well here, where all she's talented at or is made to do is cuss with conviction. This she does but the performance is never anything more than that. Jody Barton and J. Scott suffer from not just being annoying but that their characters, none of which in 13/13/13 are you able to root for, serve no real point. The music is generic and at times over-bearing and the sound effects and quality are bizarre and lowly-mixed. Overall, initially 13/13/13 may not have been so bad judging from the premise but from the way it was executed on screen it ended up being a real struggle to sit through. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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softballrocks42212 October 2013
This movie is absolutely horrible. With a nonexistent plot and two dimensional characters made this file impossible to follow, let alone enjoy .i would not recommend this movie to anyone. If I could give it less than one star I would. I really do wish that I could have those two hours of mine and boyfriends life back. The only thing this movie has is ogre and not even that makes up for how crappy the story really is. The acting was more comedic then it was scary and seemed like it was trying to be a mix between a horror film and one of the satirical Scary Movie films. It seemed to be a wanna be zombie movies and failed miserably at it. Please save your time, money, and rental. Pick a different movie and don't give this one a second glance.
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Don't even bother watching it
paulruth24 October 2013
To be honest this is the first ever review I have ever written, and I am only doing it in the hope that I can stop a few people wasting a couple of hours of there life and few quid, this movie isn't even worth a pirate download.

From the moment I started watching this movie I was inclined to switch it off but as I had just paid for it I thought I may as well continue in the hope that something might happen, even one or two minutes of fun would have helped here but I got nothing.

The acting was some of the worst I have seen in my life, I mean I can't imagine any of them getting paid to be in this pile of rubbish and the ones who was in here must have been so desperate for work to accept in the first place, the only thing that was good here was the front of the DVD case, which was what made me pick it up, so don't ever judge a book by it's cover LOL.

The directing was absolute garbage, there was so many goofs that i couldn't even start to count them up so I guess they didn't even edit this at all. The music was tacky.

I won't really bother saying much more here as I have only really posted this in the hope that I might be able to save a few of you from wasting your money and intellect.

To sum this up if I could give a zero here I would. There is not one thing that can be written here to give it any sort of credit, so the person who wrote the review with full stars must work for Asylum or somewhere he will be making money, as there is no possible way that anyone could find this entertaining.

Please please please stay away from this at all costs, or if you are tempted please come back to me after so I can say "I told you so" LOL

You have been warned.
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The worst movie I have seen this year.
D31an21 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie despite numerous comments and warnings not to watch it. Bit I did and I honestly repent such a decision. Awful acting and shallow story... No wonder why The Asylum is so bad-mouthed. Only few titles from that film studio I really liked. This movies is really not the one I would recommend to others, it contains no fun or entertainment, but it do contains only and plenty of bad language. It made me wish to stop watching it at the middle of it. This really is an end of blockbusters. If you are bored and you decide to watch this movie - you will bored even more. The movie keeps no attention of the one who watch it. I really do recommend you to watch something else and stop wasting your time on this - you will NOT regret it. I should have listen to those who tried to prevent me in watching the movie. Disaster.
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Rubbish Rubbish Rubbish
wnourallah15 October 2013
The only thing I can say about this movie is that it is absolute crapola and i switched off after 5 minutes that felt like eternity. Rubbish rubbish trash trash. Rubbish rubbish rubbish trash trash trash. Awful awful awful awful. Bad bad bad bad. Why why why why did they make it? Trash trash trash trash. Anyone who gives this film more than 2 is a moron and has no taste or sense. Don't waste your time people. Please please please do yourselves a favour and forget you ever came across this abomination. total insult to intelligence. Acting is atrocious and could not have cost more than a few thousand dollars to make. Surely none of the actors got paid for this. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn. In other words I did not like or recommend this so called film.
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Might be the worst movie I've ever seen
usedtoknow11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to say there are spoilers in this review, but actually watching the movie spoils it more than anything I could say.

I am not sure where to start with this movie, I have watched thousands of movies and this one is probably the worst I have ever had the misfortune of watching.

The acting is HORRIBLE, I hope I never seen any of the actors who were in this movie in any other movie again, even the daughter, a child actor, was unforgivably dreadful. The only feelings any of the actors inspired in me was dislike and hate. When any of the characters died, I actually felt good that I would not have to see them again in the movie.

The story and script writing in this movie is absolutely pathetic. A few examples: 1) The guy and chick are in the parking lot of hospital looking for a car, then the insane goons catch up to them and they hide. Goons proceed to yell at them to come out and jump around insanely for a solid 5 minutes, before one of them decides to walk 10 feet and find the chick (without even one warning from the guy). The goons then threaten the chick so the guy comes out, but he just chills in his very poor hiding spot for another 5 minutes. Goon leader decides to start killing his own guy, instead of walking 10 feet and finding guy, while guy does NOTHING to help any situation any where. Goon leader walks 5 feet from guy, then decides to start stabbing his last flunky, while guy does NOTHING for enough time for the goon leader to stab flunky a few dozen times. After about 100 stabs, guy finally decides he should do something about the situation, and slits the goon leader's throat. Stupid chick then thanks the guy for his actions in saving her life, when his complete lack of action would have gotten her killed a dozen times over if the script writers weren't on crack.

2) The two main characters escape the hospital in a car with intention of going to guy's house to get his daughter, when they arrive the guy says "we are here" and the chick's response is "where?" as if she had no clue at all where they were going or why. Then, when she sees his house she asks "what the f*** happened to your house?" as if she doesn't know that the world is ending in some insane chaos and there is a group of people trying to get into the house.

3) Chick watches guy's daughter gets shot in the head, has personally witnessed dozens of people dying in front of her, and barely knows guy. When guy dies in the car, she screams hysterically, crying and thrashing around like a maniac for what seems like ever. Why does she care? After a day of extreme chaos, blood covered walls and hundreds of corpses, she chooses NOW to get upset and start crying? WTF? I was only watching at that point in hopes that she crashed the car and died herself.

Nobody should ever watch this movie, it should be deleted from all forms of media and erased from the memory of every poor fool who watched it. The people who made this movie should be banned from ever making another movie again, to the point where they should not even be allowed to have a cellphone that has video recording capability. Every actor in this movie should never attempt to act in a movie again. This may sound extreme, but it isn't.
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Complete Garbage
blaqrayvn15 November 2013
This movie sucked. I would love to know who seriously thought this movie was good enough to fund, and continue filming the entire time. Terrible acting and poor writing. This writer/director should not be allowed to make movies. Do not waste your time and/or money on this crap movie. I had no idea what this movie was about when I downloaded it, thank God I didn't pay for it. It immediately lost my interest about 20 minutes in. What is up with these people with a camera and money that think they can just make a terrible movie like this? I seriously can't express how lame this movie was. Watch The Signal instead.. It's a brilliant movie compared to 13-13-13
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Fun Wild Horror Film
kmakenas23 October 2013
Written and directed by James Cullen Bressack who brought us "Hate Crime," "To Jennifer," and "My Pure Joy." Knowing and enjoying James' style, I anticipated a lot of insane moments and he didn't let me down.

"For millennia, calendars have added an extra day every four years. In doing so, they have violated the ancient Mayan calendar. Now, we are in the 13th month of the 13th year of the new millennium, and the few who survive will battle a world of demons." The demons basically have infected almost everyone and turned them into crazies. The infected are insane killing machines, but they're alive and not zombies.

The sky was the limit for James to go ballistic and he sure did. Horror movies like this are typically slash em up, but James added some fun characters to make the movie even more enjoyable and you may even snicker during some disturbing scenes.

It begins with us meeting the guys on a camping trip. When Jack (Trae Ireland) returns from the trip everything appears normal…..sort of. His twelve year old daughter Kendra (Tiffany Martinez) smashes a spider in her hands and eats it. His wife Marcy (Calico Cooper) is compulsively scratching all the skin off her arm. Jack takes her the hospital and experiences the doctors acting all hard ass dropping F bombs left and right on him. Meanwhile back home, his daughter is in a heated and distressing argument with Jack's friend Trevor (Bill Voorhees). Spoiler, Kendra wins.

It's pretty whacky and disturbing in many ways and I have to admit funny at points. Simple things, for example, Quentin (Jody Barton) and Joe (J. Scott) are sitting on the couch drinking beer and you can hear crunching of Trevor's head being smashed on the concrete outside by Kendra, all while Quentin and Joe zone out watching TV. In one scene Quentin stabs Joe and they laugh as if they smoked a pound of marijuana, and then laugh even harder when they smear his blood on the wall. Quentin and Joe definitely are the Beavis and Butthead of psycho killers.

Jack and Candace (Erin Coker) are the only sane people and meet in the hospital while the world around them is full of crazies. They team up to escape the hospital and get to Jack's house to save his daughter. Yeah, the daughter who eats spiders and smashed a guy's head on the concrete.

The film maintains the insanity throughout as Jack and Candace struggle to make it to 13/14/13. What would be more dangerous than "13/13/13"? James Cullen Bressack and Jared Cohn teaming up to write "14/14/14" On the DVD be sure to check out the bonus features which includes a "Making Of" and "Gag Reel."
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A good attempt at something different that sadly doesn't go anywhere.
The_After_Movie_Diner5 November 2013
Let me start by saying that James Cullen Bressack's film 13/13/13, released by The Asylum, has, at its core, a GREAT idea. At a time when the Horror and Sci-fi genres seem plagued by remakes, copy cats and irony filled shark attack films, even from so-called first time or indie talent, 13/13/13 has this great horror sci-fi concept.

Basically it's all something to do with leap years violating the ancient Mayan calendar and all those extra days in February, over time have created an extra month and on the date of 13/13/13 everyone who wasn't born on a February 29th goes completely nuts.

It's a wonderful, end of the world scenario that allows for lots of death, destruction, mayhem and the symbolism of the "unlucky number" 13. More importantly, I hadn't really heard of much like that before and it's always nice to hear a fresh idea. Yes, OK, so behind the idea is the whole Mayan calendar hoopla that went around last year claiming that, in 2012, the world was going to end and, I'm sure that, The Asylum liked it for that reason, as they're always making B-Movie versions of big budget disaster films (or Mockbusters as I believe the affectionate term is for them) but this has a decent spin on that and actually attempts something novel with it. The idea that leap years added up would form this weird 13 month is just the kind of bonkers, surreal hokum I am drawn to. There was a bit of George A Romero's The Crazies mixed in there as well but it's, at least, a different Romero source to draw from than the interminable bad zombie films we've had to wade through lately.

The things that I enjoyed in this film were the slow build up to people going crazy, some good and, on some occasions, even darkly comic deaths, a nice, atmospheric, gory and weird hospital sequence and attempts to establish different types of craziness for different groups of people. There was a really strong bedrock here for a pretty decent end-of-the-world horror film and what the filmmakers were able to do with, what was, obviously, a limited budget was, also, very impressive.

What was a slight disappointment with the movie, for me, was the fact that, I didn't feel, the concept went anywhere or was explored as much as I would've liked. For example, it needed a crazy old professor, or someone, who knew about the old world and spouted Donald Pleasance-like doom filled one-liners. The film, definitely, could've done with some sort of further explanation of the situation or some place to go. Maybe a glimmer of hope to reverse the situation using a mystical rock, Mayan gold amulet or something, or, maybe the rising of old beings to establish their order again on earth. As it was, while it was atmospheric, gory as all hell and nicely shot, the hospital sequence went on entirely too long and once our two, Feb 29th born, protagonists finally escaped there was little time for anything but a muddled and, I felt, rushed finale back at the house.

The acting was a problem in the film. I watch a lot of amateur and low budget films so it doesn't bother me a lot but the acting was pretty stale, unfortunately, and not one character really shone in the film. A lot of that might have been the script too because, while the idea was there and the deaths, gore and action were all there, the dialogue was, in places, dreadful. I thought that more creative ways could've been used to convey the craziness other than just rage and repeated uses of the f-word said unconvincingly by actors struggling to act. Don't get me wrong, there were some creative bits of craziness, especially Quentin (Jody Barton) believing himself, suddenly, to be a Korean war general but overall the swearing and the anger felt forced in some of the performances. I liked the laughter and the random acts of violence but thought the opportunity to make that truly creepy was missed. Without a few strong, decent lines of dialogue and the odd interesting character, the film did, very slowly, become something of a slog but there was, genuinely, some nice potential here.

Trae Ireland and Erin Coker were solid enough, but neither of them had very interesting characters. Calico Cooper is Alice Cooper's daughter but sadly didn't get to do very much but what she did was fine though. Jody Barton got the showy role and was, at least, enthusiastic with it and, probably, the strongest performer of the lot. Bill Voorhees, with the name made for horror film acting, was sort of funny in the role of sidekick to Jody Barton despite it being an underwritten, obvious, slob-friend role.

While it, sadly, does go nowhere, there was lots to like in this B-Movie. One positive on the acting was that I didn't feel anybody was winking at me or playing any scenes in a lazy, half-arsed manner. I felt that everyone was trying their hardest and playing the scenes straight and true. This is important because it's become all too fashionable these days, even amongst high-profile stuff like Tarantino and Rodriguez's later work, to knowingly and lazily play every scene just for puerile, pathetic and ironic laughter and, for me, that just takes me right out of the film. While the acting isn't always strong or dynamic, I am glad to say 13/13/13 doesn't do this. The key to making a fun, enjoyable, weird, silly, wonderful, cult or B-Movie is to believe in what you're doing, no matter how ridiculous and, again, this film does succeed in that regard.

While not quite there completely I appreciated this film for it's attempt at a different, creative take on an apocalypse scenario. It was an enjoyable romp, some great scenes, some good enthusiasm and a decent idea at its core.
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petarmatic13 November 2013
How do I come up with a film like this? My friend recommends it. I am so sorry I wasted my time on this. I thought Hollywood can make only the good movies. I am so wrong on that. They find the money for a bad film like this. How? It would been better to give it to me, I would use it in a better manner. It is like a very bad copy of World War Z. Really bad copy!

I only could say more bad things about this film but I hope I filled my 10 lines required by IMDb who really should rethink this minimum 10 line policy.

Please use your time better then to watch this. Yuck!
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alesclavon3 October 2013
I went into watching this movie with some high hope thinking that this movie would be good after all the other garbage that we had to watch this year. But this movie was a complete let down. The cast I will leave alone cause I saw no one that I can relate to....plus the acting could have been better. The whole world coming to an end and we all turn up acting like crazies is like ...What is happening right now or these guys just rip headline news stories and try ( and rather poorly) to convince me (the viewer) that this what's going to happen? NOPE! Save your money and your download time for something better I give it 1 star.
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Recalculate the dates: the Mayan apocalypse is on!
suite922 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Mayan calendar did not have leap days, so we've been miscalculating. Anyway, the 13th month of the 13th year after the beginning of the third millennium is upon us (exact date, who knows?) It is to laugh.

Quentin, Jack, Joe, and Trevor are out in the wild, doing some drinking. I'm not sure what else is going on for them to be out there. I did not see hunting gear, fishing gear, anything to eat, or hiking shoes. Jack, a former policeman, thinks one of the others has been fooling with his watch since the time is wrong. We get to see the military time 13:13:13 (1pm plus a bit) in the year 13 (short for 2013, I suppose) in Jack's watch.

As they drive, the SUV's clock starts showing 13:13. Jack checks on his daughter Kendra. (Dad is African American, Mom is Anglo, their 'natural' daughter is Latina; go figure, it's set in LA). Kendra is non-responsive; Marcy is tearing all the skin off her left forearm. The hospital where they take Marcy is a madhouse of bad manners and incompetence. Kendra kills Trevor, which was unexpected. Joe and Quentin kill two people in Kendra's neighborhood by running them over. After failing to kill Jack, Marcy jumps out the third floor window to her death. Quentin stabs Joe, and both of them think it's funny as they play with the blood.

At the hospital, the walls are covered with blood. Jack finds Candace, who is also not infected. Candace and Jack were both born on February 29th; Candace figures that is why both of them were not affected. Jack decides to go back to check on Kendra. Candace objects, but Jack goes through with it. She does convince him to make a plan. I did not see his accomplishing that. They decide to fight their way out to get to where Kendra is, and perhaps any other non-crazy people. This works for a while, but neither of them got there in a car to get to Kendra. They make it to the car park with keys, but have to match some keys with a car. They encounter large, still healthy bullies intent on killing them. They emerge OK, and head for Jack's home.

Quentin and Joe have armed themselves with Jack's guns and ammo. They get in each other's road, of course, but decide to kill off the other crazies first. They survive for a bit, but Joe starts to bleed out. Jack and Candace join them, but the house is under siege.

The emergency radio says the outbreak has affected all 50 states.

Will anyone get out alive?


Cinematography: 7/10 Daylight scenes should be sharp and good to look at. The film starts in washed out, low contrast mode. I felt like I was watching VHS output from a tape player with dirty heads. Color contrast was low as well.

Sound: 5/10 Too much maniacal laughter. Some of the incidental music is poor.

Acting: 0/10 Some of the worst I have ever seen. Enough fake laughing to last twenty years.

Screenplay: 2/10 Stupid dialog plus terminally stupid dialog. Very little in the way of natural motivation.

SFX: 2/10 Poor.
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Horror works as Comedy
ferdmalenfant16 August 2020
Really, if you can't even afford a professional camera or lighting, you should not be attempting to make movies...with that said, if you watch this as a comedy you'll get a few belly laughs. Horror 1/10 Comedy 7/10
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kelseybells52411 January 2014
I streamed this movie on Netflix and thought this would be watchable. But, it wasn't. The acting, writing, editing, directing, dialogue and plot was terrible. How did this movie EVER get made? Anyone who rates this movie higher is on crack. It was like a mix of "American Horror Story", zombie movies, "The Crazies" and the "Scary Movie" film series. The writer/director shouldn't be making movies anymore! The plot and the DVD cover looked like it was written by a 5-year old. The laughing, swearing and music was terrible, too. T I know that The Asylum is putting out garbage like this. A girl named Kendra in this movie, is trying be be a rip-off of "Carrie". It was like a very bad copy of "World War Z"! It felt like I was watching a VHS! Also, this film starts in washed out, low contrast mode. And the color contrast was low as well. I give this a 2 out of 10.
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What the Hech
gary-cvitanovich22 July 2018
This movie probably has the worst actors I have ever seen!
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This movie sucks
daniel-asovic13 February 2015
Ever since I saw this movie I can't fight the headaches anymore. For days I've been suffering nausea and irritable bowel syndrome. I can't sleep because every time I think of this movie I vomit all over myself.

Bad actors, stupid plot, The editing is awful and unnecessary scenes drag on forever for no particular reason while other scenes are so short they make no sense at all. On multiple occasions you can see the film crew, actors switch places between cuts, wounds appear from out of nowhere. Although... I almost feel like I could forgive all of the above if it were not for the simple fact that most of the blood that's in the movie looks like either diarrhea or strawberry jam. All I could see were walls painted with poop. I rate this movie 0/10.
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threequidm827 May 2014
I enjoyed many parts of this film, the gore was pretty good and some of the violence. But the acting was terrible from most the cast. The story line was passable if the scripting was done better. Some of the cinematography was good. The whole film had a blue tinge to it which was very strange. I feel if the film was made with a grind house feel, it could of worked a lot better. I couldn't stop watching it though as it had some good points. Just felt overall let down. i really don't have much else to say about this film, but i need to write 10 lines and if a film is so bad i can't write 10 lines about it it must be pretty bad there's nothing more to say done.
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carlesmiquel8 July 2014
I guess it's pretty difficult to pull one like this out of the hat. Badly acted, terribly directed, boring script. A fully flawed flick. Trying to save something out of the total mess: the girl killing Trevor is quite a remarkable surprise.

As for the rest, there's nothing to say or to see. Maybe one of the most disturbing things is that when you shoot on video (and I mean, a video camera incapable of doing anything but video-looking-video) what you get is so plain, that, if you don't have a good story to tell, you better think about any other hobby.

I know I'm harsh, but there's no way to deal with something so bad as this video. The colour timing is absolutely out of whack... audio is unbearable most of the time. Holy cow! There's nothing to get out of this thing but disappointment. We shouldn't let these kind of careless productions to be shown. So, for just making it (there was a lot of effort, I concede, I give you one point.
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Great Movie
boblevoy6 October 2013
13/13/13 is a great movie directed and written by James Cullen Bressack and released by Asylum films. This movie was well written, well filmed and acted. The only thing the film could have used is closed captioning for some us older folks...lol. Anyone that has not seen this film, please either go out and buy it or you can rent it at redbox first. That is were we watched from and now i got to get my own copy of this one. I am a big fan of horror films especially ones done by independent directors and screenwriters. James Cullen Bressack has written, directed and produced many films in the past. After you watch this one you might want to check of many of his other films.
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An Asylum that's actually decent.
Kienzan30 December 2013
Upon seeing this is released by The Asylum, you might be tempted to flee in the opposite direction as fast as possible, but you would be missing out on something they are not known for...an actual good film. That's right, a good film...not a 'so bad, it's good' film like most of them are, but a solid, well directed film that rises above it's budgetary restraints. From the interesting premise, to the camera work (with some great tracking shots), to the 'didn't see that coming' moments, and finally, to the insanely dark humor...it all adds up to an enjoyable time.

Of course, it's not without its problems. I mean, this is still an Asylum picture we're talking about here, but this is quite the step up from what we're used to seeing from them. It's definitely worth a watch.
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This movie is trash
salomon1614 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy a good horror movie. This movie is TERRIBLE. I can be easy going on a movie if it has a good story line. But the entire premise of this movie is wrong (Dead Wrong). Leap year doesn't add anything to anything. The reason for February 29 is because a year is 365.25 days. So instead of having a 1/4 day every year we add it up and even everything out every 4 years. And we haven't been "Adding a day for millenia". Leap Year started in 8 AD. Very rarely have I not been able to finish a movie. This is one that I just couldn't. The laughter was annoying. The swearing got old quick. As for Trevor being a pervert, Why was that just thrown out there? Wouldn't Jack not let Trevor hang out with him if he was a pedo? Jack is an ex-cop isn't he? And how weak must one be to have a 12 year old girl kill him? The cinematography is such poor quality. One reviewer said it felt I was watching a VHS ... He nailed it on the head. The music is bad ... Very bad. and lame. The people who gave this any kind of good review works for Asylum. I have no doubt about that. I really hated the external shot of the hospital they used over and over and over again. Quentin shooting one of the crazies at that distance with a handgun without even aiming.... c'mon! DO NOT WATCH! just don't!
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