13/13/13 (2013)
11 January 2014
I streamed this movie on Netflix and thought this would be watchable. But, it wasn't. The acting, writing, editing, directing, dialogue and plot was terrible. How did this movie EVER get made? Anyone who rates this movie higher is on crack. It was like a mix of "American Horror Story", zombie movies, "The Crazies" and the "Scary Movie" film series. The writer/director shouldn't be making movies anymore! The plot and the DVD cover looked like it was written by a 5-year old. The laughing, swearing and music was terrible, too. T I know that The Asylum is putting out garbage like this. A girl named Kendra in this movie, is trying be be a rip-off of "Carrie". It was like a very bad copy of "World War Z"! It felt like I was watching a VHS! Also, this film starts in washed out, low contrast mode. And the color contrast was low as well. I give this a 2 out of 10.
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