13/13/13 (2013)
13/13/13... Wait, how many 13s were there again?
3 November 2013
This being a movie by The Asylum, then all odds are stacked against the movie already. However, and this did come as a surprise to me, then "13/13/13" was actually one of the better produced movies to make it out of the clutches of the guys at The Asylum.

That being said, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this movie is great, actually far from it. The storyline is adequate, but it was weighed down by some questionable acting and even more dubious dialogue.

The story is about leap years having added time to the calendar as we know it, and one this unique day dated 13/13/13 the world comes crashing down, leaving a small group of people fighting for their sanity as the world crumbles into insanity around them.

I will say that the storyline had potential, but it was just shot down by a heap of irrelevant sidetracking and really annoying characters and bad performances. There were certain aspects to the story that had potential, and could have acquired so much more had director James Cullen Bressack opted to put more focus on these.

The outbreak of violence and erratic behavior was interesting, but it never really amassed into something spectacular. And throughout most of the movie there wasn't an overwhelming sensation of this being a major issue and a world-threatening outbreak of whatever phenomena it was supposed to be.

The characters in the movie were rather two-dimensional and wooden, never really getting to shine on the screen, and as such, then we end up with a bunch of characters that the audience don't really care for or come to have any kind of bonding with in any regards.

Production-wise, then "13/13/13" was actually quite good, and this was definitely a step in the right director for The Asylum, but there is still a long way to go yet.

This movie came and went without leaving a lasting impression, and I seriously doubt that it will make a return for a second viewing. The movie just didn't have enough to offer to sustain a second watching.

Don't get lured in by the interesting poster / DVD cover, which I did, because it is utterly misleading and promises something that has nothing to do with the movie at all.

"13/13/13" gets a mere 3 out of 10 rating from me, given the production value and certain aspects which had potential.
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