Review of 13/13/13

13/13/13 (2013)
An Asylum that's actually decent.
30 December 2013
Upon seeing this is released by The Asylum, you might be tempted to flee in the opposite direction as fast as possible, but you would be missing out on something they are not known actual good film. That's right, a good film...not a 'so bad, it's good' film like most of them are, but a solid, well directed film that rises above it's budgetary restraints. From the interesting premise, to the camera work (with some great tracking shots), to the 'didn't see that coming' moments, and finally, to the insanely dark all adds up to an enjoyable time.

Of course, it's not without its problems. I mean, this is still an Asylum picture we're talking about here, but this is quite the step up from what we're used to seeing from them. It's definitely worth a watch.
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