The Hive (TV Movie 2008) Poster

(2008 TV Movie)

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Laughable and Awfully Dumb
claudio_carvalho21 June 2016
When the residents of the Bao Tao Island are attacked by ants, the government hires the Thorax Company to work with the army to exterminate the ants. The scientist Len (Kal Weber) and his friend Bill (Tom Wopat) are attacked by a swarm and lose communication with Debs (Jessica Reavis) that is recording from the base. One ant enters into Bill's ear and reaches his brain, affecting his behavior. The scientist Claire (Elizabeth Healey) arrives in the island and team-up with Len, and soon they discover that the ants can communicate and they want the island for them.

"The Hive" is a laughable and awfully dumb sci-fi. The first scene with the ants attacking a mother and her baby is violent and gives a wrong idea about the movie. However the story is so stupid that it is hard to believe that a producer invest his money in such garbage. And the ants have affected the brain of the viewer that liked (he rated 8 stars) this flick and has written about "an epidemic in Brazil" (LOL). My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "O Ataque das Formigas" ("The Attack of the Ants")
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Ants in the Brain!
Coventry11 June 2012
After watching a movie, I always like to take a moment to contemplate about what I've learned from my viewing. "The Hive" taught me that if ants would ever grow self-aware of their capacities and become more organized, the human race wouldn't stand a chance for survival. That is of course the case for every insect species on this planet, if you think about it. Well, except maybe for ladybugs, because what are they going to do? Cute us to death? "The Hive" is an almost entirely computer engineered and made-for-TV creature feature about killer ants, so you know to keep your expectations rather low. On a slightly more positive note, the plot here is most similar to the underrated 70's Sci-Fi/horror gem "Phase IV", and that just happens to be the best killer ant movie ever accomplished. That particular gem also presented the hypothesis that ants, suddenly and without apparent reason, began to control and develop their intelligence with disastrous consequences for mankind. In sheer contrast to "Phase IV", however, "The Hive" lacks any sense of subtlety and plausibility. There were the 70's movie was thought-provoking and genuinely disturbing, the development of the ants in this movie is just ludicrous and exaggeratedly blown out of proportions. Set in rural Thailand, an entire region is suddenly overrun by an enormous and aggressive colony of millions and millions of ants – even different subspecies are combining their forces – that in a very short time span devour harvests, cattle and even poor villagers. The ants structure their mobility, plan their attacks, learn to set death traps and even send a spy into the brain of a hired exterminator. Later on, they even build some sort of central computer entirely out of ants and generate their own electricity. How brilliant is that? The government hires the world famous Thorax extermination team. They wear cool outfits, drive in macho hummers and use highly advanced bazookas that disintegrate a couple of hundred ants at once. This still isn't efficient enough, though, so the team leader has to go to the ants' headquarters in an island cave and "negotiate" with them. Yes, that's exactly how retarded this movie is. But hey, no further complaints from my side regarding the film's entertainment factor. Any dumb horror movie that opens with a sequence in which a mother and her three-month old infant are savagely eaten by insects is guaranteed to enjoy my full attention. "The Hive" suffers from too many boring sequences and an overload of wannabe intellectual dialogs, but the ants attacks are campy good fun. Additional warning: don't sit around and wait to see the seemingly cute girl with the impressive rack that is illustrated on the DVD cover. She doesn't appear and the film and, in fact, it doesn't contain any sleaze or nudity whatsoever. Bummer!
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Indifferent acting, bad camera-work, lame plot. Give it a miss
ritchiealan21 August 2007
The acting in this movie is mostly indifferent. Is this sci-fi? They have to be kidding (ants that crawl fast enough to catch running humans, and even give an SUV a run for its money)! Couple this pretty lame plot with some of the worst camera-work ever to be seen on TV or in the cinema, and you have the movie in a nutshell. Ultra close ups to the point where you can't work out what's going on (though you can see every blemish in the actors skin), wobbly cameras, to name but a few. The CGI ants are below average, and the final dénouement about the cause of everything just leaps from the improbable to the downright silly. Monty Python would have been proud of the ending! Give this a miss! Two stars (just because Elizabeth Healey is pretty).
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Not bees, but ants, and pants
haradoka24 January 2008
This is a ridiculous albeit somewhat compelling low-budget effort at an "eco-disaster" movie. From the title you might imagine that it revolves around bees, but it is in fact about ant colonies which have developed advanced intelligence and super-powers as a result of alien intervention. The plot is mostly predictable although it does include some bizarre twists, the acting is mediocre and the special effects are not so special. That said, the premise is quite interesting - we know that ants communicate in some way and work together, but what if they got really clever? It is a mixture of "The Naked Jungle" (an oldie but goodie with Charlton Heston having to deal with "the marabunta") and "Phase IV", both of which are far better films.
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OMG don't waste your time
kiawa7717 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Bad acting. Bad voice-overs. Bad cuts to commercial. Bad plot. Totally predictable (I called "the big ant" in the first 5 minutes). I kept watching, as we all do, to see if there will be some kind of redeemable ending. There wasn't. So I guess an alien came here to control the ants to take over an island. OKAY... If the alien had so much power to control ants, then why stop at a third-world country's island? And why use *ants*??? Use PEOPLE... but that's already been done.

This movie is among the worst I've seen lately on Sci-Fi. I see no "cult status" in this flick's future. Each step of this movie was almost completely predictable for this genre's fans. Nothing about it is artful, interesting, or even insightful. Even if the spraying-of-the-chemical thing was supposed to be a jab at anti-environmentalists, it was weak. The whole movie was lame and just plain boring.

Sorry to say, but don't waste your time. But at the VERY end, the ants were rebuilding their computer, so maybe there will be a stunning sequel...

PS: I give this a 2 instead of a 1 because bugs in your ear is indeed the stuff of nightmares, and that will probably stick with most of us!
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Really Bad on All Levels
Michael_Elliott29 October 2010
Hive, The (2008)

* (out of 4)

Extremely bad "nature" flick about two-hundred million (give or take a couple) ants that are ravaging through South Asia. The critters are eating countless people until a controversial extermination group comes in but soon they begin to think they're dealing with something much larger. I'll never claim to be any type of expert but I'm pretty sure the title, THE HIVE, is incorrect as ants live in colonies so I'm not sure what's up with the title or anything else that happens in this movie. I'm really not sure where to start on this one but I guess we can start with the actual story. Sure, I guess we could make a movie about millions of ants eating people but this film takes it a step further. Early in the film one of the workers has an ant crawl into his ear and to his brain. Soon this ant is "controlling" the man to do what the ants want but it doesn't stop here because it turns out that aliens are the ones doing all of this stuff. The story is just downright stupid but just when you think it can't get any worse it actually does. I think another major issue is the CGI, which is really bad. The effects are so obviously fake that you can never take anything serious and not for a single second will you actually think or feel as if you're watching all of these ants. What's worse is that at the end of the film the ants are teaming together and creating various things including an arm that can come down and pick someone up. Yes, more dumbness. The performances in the film are pretty much what you'd expect from a film like this and there's no question that the screenplay does none of them any justice. I think the biggest problem is that the film is simply boring. As wild, stupid and crazy as this thing is you'd think that it would at least be entertaining in a bad way but it isn't.
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What did you expect, it's the Sci-Fi network!
HighPockets595 February 2010
I don't know why I keep attempting to watch a film made by the Sci-Fi network. Somehow, I think that just maybe this one will be decent. But, as usual, it sucks! When will I learn? You can bet that when you hear the announcement, "An original Sci-Fi film" it will be the usual lame story line. Some painfully bad CGI creation of a killer creature (super sized snakes and reptiles seem to be the favorites) attacking a group isolated, stranded idiots. And when I say "painfully bad CGI", it truly is painful to watch. ("I confess, just turn the channel!") I've seen better effects from the original Nintendo games! What I find even sadder is that some of the stars who sign up for these catastrophes are ones that "I thought" were on the fast track to great careers. Actors like, Stephen Baldwin, Michael Pare, Casper Van Dien & Dean Cane to name a few seem to keep reappearing in these features. I like to think that maybe they new managers or that there is just no quality work going on.

But, you can always count on the Sci-Fi channel to be in production of another low budget cookie cutter flick. I guess you gotta take what work you can get. Unfortunately, I believe that starring in these films is just going to keep you starring in these films. So you can kiss the Oscar goodbye!!!! "The Night of the Lepus", now there's a good cheesy I could enjoy over and over again. And that starred Janet Leigh, Deforest Kelly and Stuart Whitman.....what bet did they lose?
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This or watching paint dry...
hamptonsneil7 April 2019
The acting seemed okay as in I could believe they believed what they where saying. Often though what they said demonstrated a complete lack of basic science or what they had just said a few lines ago. Some kind of science adviser, even a kindergarten one, would have done wonders for the movie. Energy weapon versus chemical weapon, Endoskeleton versus exoskeleton, what a biological computer might look like and what it definitely would not look like. Keep in mind most of these guys are supposed to be highly educated. The Professor's role seemed contrary at every turn. He taught these people but can't seemed to address a simply first aide problem...? Really? I don't really understand what they were trying to do with the end though I would love to meet the writer just to find out how things could have gone so wrong. I think they were just going for "let's see how much we can cram in this!" The suits and guns were kinda cool. This goes in the category of if I could watch it again for the first time I probably would but would never watch it after that.
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Stinks like Cheese
atoner6922 September 2008
Bad, bad, bad. And worse!

This flimsy piece of Sci-Fi wish-wash is so contemptuously awful, I could not suffer to watch it all. After forty minutes of mind-numbing banality, I was forced to switch it off.

So where did it go wrong? My timer indicated 00:00:30. For a start the acting was so lame, in some scenes (notably the party scene,) not even a vet could have saved it.

The CGI was quite possibly the worst set of special effects ever to have inflicted itself onto my screen. Perhaps if I'd watched it through a woolly sock after rubbing olbas oil into my eyeballs it might have looked half decent, but I'm not going to give it the satisfaction.

The plot I can't really comment on as I was fortunate enough to stop it in its tracks. However, I can say that the first forty minutes that I did see must have been written on the back of a napkin, and then accidentally washed.

The script must have been on the other side. It was so jam-packed with pointless rhetoric and hackneyed clichés that the six or seven lines that did try to drive the plot must have had delusions of adequacy.

My verdict: Maybe this was meant for the ants to enjoy.

That said, though, if I was an ant, I'd rather find a magnifying glass on a sunny day.
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A very good non-comedy funny movie.
gee-604 June 2008
I'm giving this a 5 coz it did make me laugh out loud on a number of occasions.

The basic plot, killer ants. It sounded like the kind of cheap sci-fi B-movie I like, so I though I would watch it. And I was entertained for all the wrong reasons.

The acting was OK, not the worst I've seen, but I've seen a LOT better. The story was ridiculous! I mean, even to the point where; you know in Bond movies, how the bad guys does a plot exposition to Bond? Well, the 'ants' do this to the good guys of the movie...yes, the 'ants' actually tell the humans what they want! I'll not tell you how, but it is ridiculous! It made me laugh out loud.

The direction was taken from the 'how to film every camera cliché in the book' school of filming.

The end was really disappointing. They try to have a 'twist' ending, but it's more of a 'we couldn't be bothered to think of anything, so we'll resort to an obvious answer' ending.

After I saw this, I read a review that said this film has 'credibility', lol, really, it's only credible if you've never seen the 'moving image' before. If you like B-movies, that make you laugh, then you will enjoy this. If you're looking for a sci-fi/horror/action film, then this isn't for you.
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The only real nightmare is how awful the film is!
TheLittleSongbird17 August 2012
I kind of knew that The Hive was going to be heavily flawed. But as bad as it actually turned out to be? Actually no. This for me was truly awful, not among SyFy's very worst but if there was a list of SyFy waste-of-times The Hive would almost certainly be on it. While not the biggest problem, the title is misleading, when you think of hives you think of bees instead of ants. But again that is not the worst part of The Hive, because there are so many things wrong it is actually difficult to pinpoint which was the worst. Even for SyFy, The Hive looks very poor. The camera work is some of the worst I have seen in a long time and the effects are very fake-looking. The scenery can be a strong point in these films, but here it is unauthentic and drab. The music is forgettable and over-bearing, while the writing is very hackneyed and trite with the rhetoric manging to be pointless and repetitive and the characters are stereotypical and annoying, none are likable and not much is done to develop them. The ants look cheap and are not scary at all. The story is dull and predictable especially at the end, with underdeveloped and eventually pointless subplots with no suspense or sense of horror. Only the bugs in someone's ears evoked any nightmarish feel. The acting is messy too, Elizabeth Healy especially is irritating despite her beautiful appearance. Overall, an awful film in almost every way. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Like creature flicks - you'll love this!
dk_bell7 September 2007
For me, if you start with a premise of killer ants you cant go far wrong but throw in aliens, babies being eaten, dialogue like "im not here to have a conversation with an ant" and you're moving into true cult status.

Add to the mix ants who form themselves into fists and knock over trees and how good does this film sound? And you haven't even seen the cool weapon the good guys have!

You could argue that its not the best acted movie in the world but I don't think awards ceremonious were on anyone's mind when storyboarding this one.

If you think say "the swarm" is a poor movie then this maybe isn't one for you but if you've ever lay awake at night wondering how ants would build a computer then this is the only place i know where you might just find out!
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Not as bad as you think, if you don't think too hard
NavyOrion5 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've liked movies about rampaging army ants ever since seeing Charleston Heston chewing the scenery in 1954's "The Naked Jungle." So I knew I'd have to check out "The Hive" on Sci-Fi (or SyFy, whatever they are this week.) This being the Sci Fi channel, I knew not to expect much in the way of special effects, and was not disappointed. The effects were, as usual, terrible, and the acting was only a small step better. Kal Weber stars as a cut-rate Keanu Reeves, Eizabeth Healey is annoying as the inevitable too-earnest scientist / love interest, and Tom Wopat of "The Dukes of Hazard," now so grizzled that he was completely unrecognizable, twitches and jerks as the world's most macho exterminator.

But as I said, all that was to be expected of a Sci-Fi original; if you can't take that, you need to look elsewhere on a Saturday night, because bad acting and effects are a given on that network's home-grown films.

Where "The Hive" improves over most of their flicks was in the story. The idea of an ants as individual cells in a larger brain, so that the colony can become self-aware and even sentient, is pretty novel, and was fairly well-handled. This revelation followed closely on the discovery that the ants had developed new physical tricks like working together to form huge tentacles. These tentacles could have been overdone (and later were) but were very effective in a couple of surprisingly subdued scenes; a field of writhing giant ant tentacles (which might have been expected to attack but instead were shown just looming ominously) was satisfyingly creepy. Coupled with a pretty cool ant-zapping ray gun, fairly plausible environmental suits for the exterminator / special forces team, and some good location shots and it's enough to keep me watching (if there's nothing better on.)

Now, the gripes. First off, while bees come in hives, ants form colonies, so the whole title is wrong. Secondly, people who use the words "telemetry" and "species" in daily life would likely know how to pronounce them, not as "teleMETry" or "spee-shees." The subplot of Bill (Wopat) having an ant in his ear biting down every now and then to access his nervous system seemed to be forgotten; after all the foreshadowing I kept expecting the ants to exercise some kind of control, but the only effect was for Bill to drop into an occasional stupor or jerk like a dog with a shock collar, both of which were well within Wopat's acting abilities. The native Thai extras (only a little less talented than the main cast) were used in two ways: to walk past the camera or to run in terror past the camera. In both cases they looked mainly bored, and a little embarrassed.

Finally (and worst of all) the writers seemed in the end to not know what to do with their promising storyline. The gradual revelation of the ants' physical and mental abilities was pretty effectively done (and who could have resisted having the ants form a giant ant that stamps on a human?) but the ant-based computer pushed the limits of even my generous tolerance for BS. The final reveal (that the whole thing was caused by aliens) was just a let-down.

Overall, "The Hive" isn't great cinema, but it's worth a look, if just for the schlock factor. It's definitely one of the better of the Sci-Fi originals (talk about a low standard!) Keep your expectations realistic, and you won't be too disappointed.
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Analog_Devotee5 July 2021
I remember picking this up at release from Wal-Mart. It was a blind-buy. I was going through a rough patch, hoping to take my mind off things with a so-bad-it's-good flick. Unfortunately, this was just bad-bad.
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Really bad effort in making this film.
lum_nicole16 October 2008
I do not dare to call myself a film critic but I think I do know how to appreciate a good film and differentiate between a good movie and a bad one. And in my opinion, this is a rather bad one, given the technology in film-making of 2008.

Honestly, when I play the movie, I thought it was made in the 1980s. The whole texture of the film just looks cheap and unpolished. Even if it's done on a low-budget, I assumed given the abundance of hi-tech equipment and all today, there should be at least some quality to making this film (apparently I was wrong). None of the characters look good(except for the lead actor who look like Keanu Reeves at times)and frankly, I would not turn my head to have another look at them if they passed me by on the streets.

The plot is ridiculous and the twist at the end of the movie just made me deemed this film as stupid rather than pleasantly surprising. The CGI is really really bad and childish. And to be called a sci-fi movie, the special effects should be the most basic component that the film-makers should invest money in. I would probably had felt better if it was seriously just a plain good horror movie about man-eating ants destroying things and end up being destroyed by humans. This, to me is more convincing than telling me that the ants are controlled by aliens. I am utterly disappointed in this movie and though I do not deny the fact this movie has the potential to be good, it failed badly this time as I do not see the effort in the film-making process.
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a hive of ants
kairingler25 April 2009
i really can't think off hand the last time i seen a supposed horror movie this lousy,, Tom Wopat's acting was well very wooden at best. the storyline well was totally unbelievable,, " we don't negotiate with ants" oh boy,, and the part where the ants got that thing going on , like they are talking to the humans, where do they actually get this stuff, the only part i think i actually liked was where one of the ants crawled in the guys ear, and kept messing with him the whole entire movie. i have seen some bad horror movies but this one i think really takes the cake , because it is so unbelievably bad, and for the most part very unrealistic, i think that this movie could have been better, with a better director, and better actors would have helpled quite a bit, you could have had the ants swarming and stuff,, and terrifying people , but i think that you would have to cut the crap out about the ants communicating, that has to go .
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"We don't negotiate with Ant's." More Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' crap.
poolandrews13 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Hive starts as terror sweeps a small Thai island called Ban Tao, millions of killer flesh-eating Ant's are on the march devouring innocent locals & damaging property wherever they go. Some Thai geezer who own's or runs the island or something calls in Thorax Industries lead by company founder Leonard (Kal Weber), together with his crew Leonard uses high-tech laser pulse gun weaponry to rid Ban Tao of it's killer Ant problem but Leonard has never come up against Ant's like these before. These Ant's are smart, they form war like strategies, set traps & even try to communicate with us human beings. Puzzled & unsure of this behaviour Leonard calls in foremost Ant behaviour expert Claire (Elizabeth Healy) & together they make an amazing discovery about the origins of the Ant's intelligence...

Directed by Peter Manus I have to say that I am not quite sure what the hell I watched here, The Hive is one of the most totally bizarre & frankly laugh-out-loud ridiculous & unintentionally hilarious Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' piece's of crap I have ever seen. If you think the average film that plays on there is inept & silly then you ain't seen nothing yet, or at least until you have seen The Hive anyway. I can't believe someone wrote this, there's all sorts in here randomly thrown together with little regard for the audience who actually have to watch it. There's flesh-eating Ant's who join together to make a computer which coloured 'impulses' travel down, there's the Ant's being able to 'see' as one, there's a bunch of insect exterminator's who look like a cross between the space mission in Armageddon (1998) with their orange spacesuits & the Ghost Busters (1984) with heir backpack styled laser beam weapons which kill & vapourise Ant's but leaves the surrounding terrain, property & other living creatures totally unharmed & if the ridiculouslessness of that wasn't bad enough there's a terrible sci-fi angle in which it turns out that an alien has been controlling the Ant's all along. Why was it controlling the Ant's? Why no other creatures? What did it want? Just a section of the island? Why? If it was controlling the Ant's anyway why did the Ant's form that 'computer'? Add to that a pointless sub-plot about a guy who gets an Ant stuck in his ear for no apparent reason (he hated Ant's before having one lodged in his ear, hated them while it was there & still hated them when it left so what was the point of that?) & in my opinion nothing in The Hive works, the plot is a mess of ideas & outlandish themes which I couldn't take seriously for a second & spent most of the time picking holes in the script & production values between various bouts of laughter.

Right, I don't know much about Ant's & maybe someone will correct me but don't Bees & Wasp's live in hives while Ant's live in Colonies? Well, that's what it says on Wikipedia anyway & I have never heard of an Ant hive before. The pace of the film is quite good, it never slows down but but the end the silliness really got to me & by the time the Ant's took the little girl hostage I was completely out of the story & continued watching for curiosity sake alone. As with most Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Features' the CGI effects are mainly terrible, some are alright like the giant Ant at the end but they never pass those heady heights, most are just plain awful & it's as simple as that. There's not much in the way of gore, there's a few skeletons, a puffed up bleeding face & a corpse inside a spacesuit which you can't see properly.

Apparently filmed in Krabi in Thailand this looks surprisingly bland, as I was watching The Hive I thought it could have been shot just about anywhere. The production values are fairly low with poor special effects & terribly dubbed local actor's (the 'we don't negotiate with Ant's' line is hilarious). The US actor's don't do a much better job either & are instantly forgettable.

The Hive is yet more 'Creature Feature' crap from the Sci-Fi Channel or whatever production company they brought it off, a terrible story, awful CGI effects & an Ant in someones ear means I am grateful i caught this on cable telly & didn't spend any money on it. One to avoid.
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Total Junk
Zoooma1 June 2014
This may have been independently financed and then picked up for broadcast on the Syfy Channel or Syfy is totally guilty of paying to produce this dreck. But then what else do you expect from Syfy? The story here is about an elite group of exterminators who are called in to get a pretty serious infestation taken care of. Ants swarm, they kill people and they are smart enough to actually hold people hostage. Ay caramba. Poor Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) -- he must need money or something to have signed on to be in this. Terrible acting, terrible writing, total junk! Out of 96 movies I watched from January 1st to April 12th in 2013, this was the third worst! 2.8 / 10 stars --Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
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A Dumb and the Ants.
midnightmosesuk17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect when I saw this film on Amazon. I had no idea it was a SyFy movie, but that very quickly became evident after about ten minutes into the film.

I had high hopes for the film, one of my favorite films is Phase IV, a great movie from 1974 about roughly the same type of thing.

I hadn't expected such a dumb film. I did like the ant computer, that was kind of clever, I guess? But the Ghostbuster type anti-ant equipment was laughable and that wasn't even the worst of it.

Watch Phase IV if you want to see this type of film done correctly.
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Ants don't live in hives...
davemathews-346531 April 2023
...they live in colonies. That should tell you most everything you need to know about this film.

This has got to be Tom Wopat's worst performance ever. Don't forget: this is the man who spent seven seasons appearing on The Dukes of Hazzard. Here, here he's a big overbearing macho military type with a big overbearing macho mustache who stomps around with his paramilitary exterminating pals. They're wont to trading pithy, heartfelt comments like, "There's something weird going on!" and "We can think ahead - that's one of our advantages over the ants!"

I have a high tolerance for eco-horror films, but this is a whole lot dumber.
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Good in some ways, horrible in others.
Boba_Fett113824 February 2011
This movie is for some part being a good and enjoyable senseless movie, that really isn't half as bad as you beforehand would expect but it takes some seriously wrong turns toward the end.

I was really liking this movie went it was being simply a killer animals against humans movie. But the movie must have thought that this wasn't being anything good enough, so they actually decided to throw in a plot, involving the ants getting extraordinarily smart and try to communicate and negotiate with humans to get what they want. As ridicules as the movie already was at its beginning, it at least was still something I could accept. I simply took the movie as some mindless fun but the movie was simply pushing its luck and really going too far with its ridiculousness and story. And it's not like this movie is being a comedy, even though it might sound that way, the way I'm describing things. The movie is really being death serious, which only makes things all the more ridicules.

It also certainly doesn't help that the movie is featuring some extremely bad spacial effects. All the more ridicules and bad is the way its getting used. Seriously, this movie really didn't needed much special effects but at times they really try desperately to impress you with it all which, needless to say, just never is the case. Especially the ending was ridiculously bad, when the gloves really seemed to come off.

It's also a movie that runs out of steam half way through. It's hard to keep your interest in this movie. Luckily the movie isn't being anything too long to watch.

I was willing to let lots of this movie its ridiculousness slip, until things were simply getting too crazy and unconvincing. Still I have to say that as far as these low budget killer animal movies go; there are far worse ones to watch out there.

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Give this film a chance and you won't regret it
Espinete_pincho14 November 2007
This is one of those misleading films that you see in IMDb and you instantly assume that are utter trash. I guess most people will dismiss this film as silly and awful without haven't even watching it. I pity them. And I'm not talking about your regular "This is so bad its good!!!". No dear internet fellows, I'm talking about, "This is so good its awesome!".

The, for most people I guess, apparently laughable plot (a film about killer ants, you say?) hides an extremely satisfactory script that manages to deliver thrilling action and top of line dialog lines. Not many low-budget TV films manage to capture the essence of what every sci-fi should aim at: originality, compelling story and, above all, credibility. The final twist of the film is the perfect example of that: pure indie brilliance.

I'm not giving the film a 10 since CG scenes are a bit blurry because of the film's low budget, but don't let that mislead you: this is one film you owe yourself to see.
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For a 'little' movie, BIG fun!
l_chance-19 April 2008
Tom Wopat is always fun to watch from a nostalgia aspect, and his part is very cool. At fist, though, you will wonder if the gray haired old guy really is him- it is. This movie is as other reviews have stated- much much better than what it should be. It's not gory or vulgar so the kids can watch it, but it's very entertaining for all. It's very worth a watch- better than a lot of big budget films. It's fun, if nothing else, and makes you feel satisfied, never bored. The pacing never leaves you wanting more (an aspect of the little screen I suppose). I've always thought the reason for a movie was to have fun, no matter if it's old 40's with no CG or all green screen. If it doesn't make you feel your time with the movie was worth it then it's no good, no matter what you paid for admission. This one rates.
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Slow, plodding, non-standard English
mst90017 October 2013
This is one of the worst movies out there, slow, plodding, highly improbable, not scary. It is also poorly acted and written: C-bonics. The writer uses the subjective pronoun I instead of the proper objective pronoun me. Let you and I, for you and I- is not standard English. As usual, the black guy of the main characters dies first-same race propaganda we see in 99.9% of movies and TV shows. The actors mumbled most of their lines which made a bad movie even worse. If I had not been too settled on my couch, I would have turned the channel, instead I ran through the movie with my DVR. Hopefully, the writer learned basic English and greatly improved his story telling skills.
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ladiesluvbey5 May 2020
Messed up they ate the baby in the first scene that was kinda a Tuff one to digest
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