Review of The Hive

The Hive (2008 TV Movie)
OMG don't waste your time
17 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Bad acting. Bad voice-overs. Bad cuts to commercial. Bad plot. Totally predictable (I called "the big ant" in the first 5 minutes). I kept watching, as we all do, to see if there will be some kind of redeemable ending. There wasn't. So I guess an alien came here to control the ants to take over an island. OKAY... If the alien had so much power to control ants, then why stop at a third-world country's island? And why use *ants*??? Use PEOPLE... but that's already been done.

This movie is among the worst I've seen lately on Sci-Fi. I see no "cult status" in this flick's future. Each step of this movie was almost completely predictable for this genre's fans. Nothing about it is artful, interesting, or even insightful. Even if the spraying-of-the-chemical thing was supposed to be a jab at anti-environmentalists, it was weak. The whole movie was lame and just plain boring.

Sorry to say, but don't waste your time. But at the VERY end, the ants were rebuilding their computer, so maybe there will be a stunning sequel...

PS: I give this a 2 instead of a 1 because bugs in your ear is indeed the stuff of nightmares, and that will probably stick with most of us!
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