Demon Eye (2019) Poster


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Haunting of the demons
TheLittleSongbird4 August 2019
It was hardly a case of 'Demon Eye' being doomed from the start, meaning that it was not a case of it being a bad idea already. Actually was quite intrigued by the idea for the film, coming from someone who has a thing for good concepts, and it did have the potential to work with the right execution. Also appreciate horror, and there are lots of classics, lots of clunkers and lots of in between, so there has never been any bias against it.

'Demon Eye' though could have been so much more. Good idea, with some decent elements, but very overall lacklustre execution, am aware that that can be a cliched thing to say when talking about film, television etc. (and there are people that do hate it being thrown around), but do feel that it is apt regarding 'Demon Eye'. It also could have been much worse though, have seen a lot of potential wastes recently which has rather annoyed me but 'Demon Eye' is not among the worst examples.

Will start with the things that 'Demon Eye' did quite well on. For low budget, it did look pretty good. There was a suitably creepy setting, enhanced by moody but not too obvious lighting and photography that wasn't amateurish or too flashy. Actually appreciated that special effects didn't feature heavily here and thought that worked in the film's favour rather than being a detriment, it's preferable to having lots of them and risk swamping everything and exhausting the viewer from all the bombast. What there was of them were okay. The music has an ominous vibe and doesn't overbear anything or used too obviously that it ruins impact, hates of mine when it comes to music.

The actors, considering what they had to work with, put in game efforts, didn't see any phoning in or anybody trying too hard. The lead actress carries the film in a way that doesn't look like she was over-parted. 'Demon Eye' starts off promisingly, with some unsettlement.

Unfortunately, that promise peters out too early and the biggest offenders were a very dull pace and a story that was very thin for the running time and felt very stretched out. Too much of it was pretty uneventful and too reliant on clunky talk. There is very little suspense or sense of threat, while the horror elements weren't really enough and were pretty predictable and bland. Not much after the promising start thrilled or even engaged.

Despite the actors' game efforts, the clunky script and plodding direction worked against them as did the very sketchy characters that behaved with little logic. The ending needed more clarity and felt rushed.

In conclusion, lacklustre. 4/10
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Boring. Tedious. Slow paced. Uneventful...
paul_haakonsen19 July 2019
Well, given the movie's title, "Demon Eye", I decided to sit down and watch this 2019 movie from director and writer Ryan Simons, believing that I would be in for a horror movie experience.

Horror it was, but not in the sense of this being a horror movie. But a horror to sit through this uneventful, tedious and downright nonsense script of a movie.

The storyline revolves around a supernatural theme, but it is a theme that is hardly utilized throughout the movie, so it was really, really hard to buy into the storyline and plot of the movie. And it didn't really help much that the movie wasn't making much use of special effects and CGI.

The characters in the movie failed to captivate me, and they had zero appeal. It was a shame, because there was some adequate acting talents on the casting list, but their talent were squandered by a horrible storyline and pointless characters. It was nice, however, to see a cast ensemble of all unfamiliar faces. I enjoyed that part of the movie at least.

The movie is slow paced; unfathomably slow paced. And very little of any interest took place throughout the 1 hour and 27 minutes that the movie ran for. So yeah, it was somewhat of an ordeal to sit through this movie in its entirety.

"Demon Eye" is hardly a memorable movie in any way, nor was it a particularly memorable or enjoyable movie. So I believe this one will simply fade into oblivion without having left any kind of mark on the horror genre.

I am rating "Demon Eye" a generous three out of ten stars.
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ravenhair70214 December 2019
Sigh. Yet another bad movie night has passed and this one is called Demon Eye. How do terrible movies grab you with their short little trailers? This is what happened with my wife and I last night. The trailer was creepy, scary, looked promising. Then we watched it. Oy. It's filmed overseas, England, probably. Overseas, small studio I've never heard of...unknown actors, by the way, is it a bad sign that NONE of the actors except for 1 has a pic on IMDB? I mean, not even the star of the movie has a pic. Wow. I've read some of the reviews and when I see people giving it a 9 and I even saw a 10. ..please believe that they were most likely paid to give such high marks, or that some of them are the producers of the film. I'm still confused with the ending, too. Point is, if you see this movie for rent, LOOK HARDER. There has to be something better out there. Peace.
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TomFarrell633 June 2022
When will horror directors realise bad acting kills their film?

That's what struck me in this, the acting was truly poor. Look at B movies from 30 years ago, and the acting was far superior to what's on show here.

A shame as there's a decent storyline, and the film looks good for a low budget movie, but it's killed stone dead by the acting.
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Another no.
clairesmaybin19 February 2020
British horror is an oxymoron. British films are mostly an oxymoron. And I'm British. British films seem to be centred on really bad language (we're not all like that, people) and broad accents - we're not all like that either. I hate the way we're portrayed in films - we don't all swear all the time and some of us are quite cultured. This film is ok with the portrayal of people. But they're boring. And the film is boring. The acting is boring. It's a complete nothingfest. Other reviews say it made them jump. When was that?? Avoid if you have to pay. There is no coherence. The actors are just 'meh'. Sorry to sound like a curmudgeon but am fed up paying for films on Amazon that are complete rubbish. I gave up on this twice: the first time at 30 minutes and the second at around one hour 15. Just don't bother. And now I've watched it all. Don't bother. It's dreadful and painful. Really, really painful.
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A Waste of 87 minutes
thestonermua15 May 2019
Can someone please explain to me how tf this movie got 6.4 stars? Did we all watch the same movie?
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Avoid. Not recommended!
kevinmeylemans15 May 2020
A promising story with potential is the only good thing about this movie. Clichés can still work of done cleverly and with a creative spin. That wasn't the case here. Terrible acting and annoying characters ruined this film. Feels like you wasted your time..
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Too much
takato05243 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Too many ideas thrown together resulting in failure. And they were all unnecessary. And then things go from bad to disgusting when it's revealed they are brother and sister. And he doesn't seem to care because "they didn't know each other." That is not how it works young man! You can't have relations with your blood sister and think it's ok! Why was that even added to the film? Wish I could reverse time and unsee this trash
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a decent attempt
ops-5253527 April 2019
British horror, well, made this way its a decent try.its about a demonised house with a demon eye on a necklace, its a father that goes for the hangman story, his daughter coming back to rule out what has happened. befriends a local journalist, and gets work as a photographer in the local bankrupt sinking ship of a newspaper.the horrifying horrors a well spread out, and takes form of many things, dolls dogs,persons etc etc.

acting, somewhat stiff at part,quite profesional at others, and the choice of weird looking penine inhabitants are well done. the filmography and editing, and some of the special effects are really well done, and the music on top of it all makes it quite creepy, but not more than that. i might be in a somnolent level , and therefore not able to be shockjolted. the story are not well told enough, and that might be the directors responsibility.

the climax in the end are twisted and chaotic, and may be the cause to watch it twice, and the grumpy old man may do that when some texted version are available. its a recommend, but dont expect that much.
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Ghosts and gore combine for a decent chiller
metaCity12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Demon Eye is the second feature film from Ryan Simon and Jamie Cymbal, following 2016's Seizure. The film-making duo are from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire and the film was shot on location in nearby Eccles, Leeds, and Saddleworth Moor. The Moor contributes much to the feelings of strangeness and isolation that surround the main character, Sadie. She has returned to her childhood home, on the edge of the moors, following her father's suicide. In researching a local legend about a magic amulet that grants wishes, created by a woman later burned as a witch, Sadie's father, John, found the story was true. He recovered the amulet, the Demon Eye, and used it to wish his daughter home. The Demon Eye granted his wish then drove him mad and took his life. Sadie now has the amulet, or does it have her? She is haunted by the Burning Girl and her spectral accomplice, Padfoot, a demonic black dog. Simon and Cymbal have constructed an effective chiller, combining ghosts and gore well enough to keep fans of explicit and implicit horror satisfied. The story is well put together, with old surveillance tapes explaining just enough to make sense of the story and characters pushing Sadie to a conclusion she can't see until the very end. The acting is good throughout. Kate James carries the film as Sadie, moving forward from obnoxious brat to damaged woman who finds the love within her to make the necessary sacrifice to survive. Liam Fox is a slimy, malevolent presence, hollowed out by his obsession to reclaim the Demon Eye. Chris Blackwood is a standout as a gruff, grizzled editor of the local paper, and Ellie Goff excels as Sadie's nasty newspaper colleague Faye, her death scene is the best sequence in the film. A sense of humour, especially early on, gives Demon Eye some extra personality which makes it all the more appealing. Its inventive use of local folklore makes it more intelligent than most low budget horror fare.
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Well worth a watch
tonyrobbins-9035130 April 2019
Fantastic British horror which my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed. Not like your normal run of the mill horrors they seem to churn out these days. Made us jump around and the SFX are pretty decent. Good actors, nice to see some new faces who judging on the performances here will go on to do very well in the future. Would definitely recommend and after time would watch again which I don't normally do with horrors. Music was superb!
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Great Low Budget Horror
Pudz202028 April 2019
I really enjoyed this movie, great scares, ambitious effects and a well paced story.

It's obviously low budget (and that shouldn't be a surprise if you've watched the trailer) but I loved how that didn't hold the film back. It's got some fun deaths, imaginative ghosts and a creepy burning demon.

The actors gave solid performances and Kate James shone as Sadie.

Great watch and I'd recommend if you love a low budget horror.
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Shouldn't have been made never mind released
Pairic16 August 2022
I was so disappointed, it could have been good Folk Horror given the subject matter. It had a promising opening scene.

Appalling. Bad acting, bad dialogue etc. Gave up on it after 20 minutes. On Horror Channel/Legend.
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Too much jump scare! Too predictable! Not worth the time watching!
kwenchow3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film start with the main actress father hang himself to death! And the main actress want to find out the cause of her father dead! After that keep showing many flashbacks and jump scare scene! Predictable and freaking bored! The most creepy scene is the main actress colleague scare by a demon and fall down from the stair! A scary scene that a lady give birth to a child also fake like hell! The baby can clearly seen is a doll! Most disgusting is even the main actress found out the man she love is her brother, she still kissing him! Watch it if you have no brain and nothing to do about! Lol!
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The Burning Girl
nogodnomasters6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sadie (Kate James) leaves her American home to go back to her old home on the Moors following her father's (Darren Day) apparent suicide. We later discover there is a "demon eye" necklace made by a girl in 1851 and she was burnt alive because of it... and her little dog too! John had the necklace and was haunted by her. Sadie takes a job as a photographer at the local paper and has her own visions...even before she found the necklace.

The special effects were okay for a low budget film. However, the scenes needed some help. The bedroom scene with Sadie and Dan (Robert Hamilton) was pathetic as they just talked. The tub scene should have been a shower scene with Misty Mundae in the lead. The "eye" aspect was underdeveloped.

Now the paper was looking for a story. She had a photo of the burning girl on her camera and she had the demon eye too. Yet, she is out looking for a story about the eye and the burning girl. The horror aspect wasn't bad, it just needed some support. I mean you writer/director Ryan Simons.

Guide: F-word. brief sex scene. brief photo nudity.
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No "must see".
nergismeurer-7428814 May 2019
Breathtaking views and great pictures overall but still stuck in the horror movie clichea. Erotical buildup instead of really blood chilling horror tricks.
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Such a trash that you start thinking about quitting B movies
django-shegman9 January 2021
I do love B movies, but this one flops it all. No later than the 30iest minute you only wish that this disaster ends. Do yourself a favor, even as a B movies fan, don't watch it. Really. Just leave.
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lifelinespublishing29 April 2019
There were some good points and bad points, I would recommend it if you really really don't have anything good to watch though you may get bored with how the story progresses., anyways here is a quick rating of the movie

STORY = 5/10 ENDING = 6/10 ACTING = 4/10 SPECIAL FX = 5/10
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Stevieboy66630 June 2022
Just watched the UK TV premiere of this and my advice is don't bother wasting your time watching this poor British attempt at horror. For a start there is some painfully bad acting here, in particular the two lead characters Sadie (Kate James) and Dan (Robert Hamilton). Low budget British horror films often find it necessary to include an American character (Sadie) but unfortunately they usually cast non-American actors who can't do a convincing American accent, such as here. Thankfully Chris Blackwood as newspaper editor Tony puts in an enjoyable performance, best character in the film. As for horror this movie is very lame, it plays it straight but fails miserably. More laughable for the wrong reasons than scary. The "demons" are pathetic. On the whole I find that modern horror movies suck and this is a prime example why. In addition to foul mouthed Tony the only other positive thing are the impressive outdoor scenes of the Yorkshire and Lancashire Moors, as a hill walker this is somewhere I would like to visit.
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Has this person ever had a conversation before?
reneunused30 October 2022
I watched this with a group of friends and we swear, the writer and director has never seen 2 people let alone 2 women interact before in our lives. A lot of the interactions seemed very sexist and it was angering most of us to sit through it. I don't blame the actors at all but the written direction and reactions to things are very out-of-no-where and over the top. It's all very stigma-based, sexist and unnatural.

There are some creepy/gross aspects to the movie but you have to go through the middle school-like drama and fighting over a dude just to get to it. It really wasn't worth it and we only finished watching it out of obligation for having started the movie and investing time in it. I would not recommend it to anyone.
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Made me jump
KidKat1829 April 2019
We enjoyed watching this. More of a story to hook you in and a few scares that made me jump out my seat
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'Dare YOU take a peek at this ominously occulted orb?'
Weirdling_Wolf11 June 2022
While frequently derivative, there's much unintentional levity to be found in Ryan Simon's low budget, supernaturally shonky DTV horror flick. The blackened 'Demon Eye' is given a weirdly warped tonal tweak by the uniformly unthreatening presence of housewives telly favourite Darren Day!!!?? A cheap and cheerful creepshow that relies heavily upon its garish smash n' grab of contemporary horror tropes, borrowing liberally from J-Horror, Found Footage, Blumhouse, and the current vogue for 70s Folk Horror nostalgia. After the sudden death of her estranged, occult-dabbling father (Darren Day), his pretty, emotionally fragile young daughter Sadie (Kate James) reluctantly returns to her spookily isolated family home in rural Yorkshire. Far from stable, perpetually popping pills, boorishly blitzed on booze, self-medicating Sadie fatefully discovers an ancient, ill-omened amulet that somewhat duplicitously grants the finder their darkest wishes. In a dread moment of pique she misguidedly makes with the hocus pocus, thereby heralding a hellaciously hateful haunt upon our hedonistic heroine's handsome head!

On the plus side, blissfully buxom Blonde bombshell Kate James is an appealingly FF'd up, saucy-looking terror Thottie, and I righteously grooved on the idea of the film's darkly demonizing duo 'The Burning Girl' and 'Padfoot' rather more than the so-so execution. And yet, wholly unexpectedly, 'Demon Eye' maintained interest despite its lack of invention. The singular casting choices, and the delightfully earnest, am-dram theatricality colourfully provided some deliciously overwrought interludes! 'Demon Eye' is generously slathered with a silly, supernatural soapiness that I found strangely appealing! Sadly, the conspicuous amount of drone shots diluted the desolate location's innate sense of doom, and FYI there were FAR too many bubbles in the bath scene, which, frankly, is a schoolboy error. Provided one's expectations remain low, 'Demon Eye' yields a bemusingly eccentric 'Emmerdale' slash 'Halloween TV movie-of-the-week' aesthetic which just might win it some additional fans!
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Not Good
richardjloder31 July 2022
Sounded ok from the description, but ended up being a boring plot, bad acting & the film's washed out colour & lack of decent effects only adds to it's bleakness. I'd keep looking if I were you.
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Not good, but not the worst
Leofwine_draca29 September 2022
DEMON EYE is a typically cheap little slice of British horror, the kind that used to be straight-to-video but which I guess is straight-to-streaming these days. I caught it on a rare late night showing on the Horror Channel, itself rebranded these days. It starts off amusingly enough with a cameo from a slightly bloated Darren Day, playing the young female lead's father of all things. She comes into town as a reporter on a paper in a little West Yorkshire town, but somebody has dug up an old witchy curse and it's now active once more. This film has pretty bad acting from most of the cast who possess some of the broadest accents you'll here, while the horror aspects are hackneyed and over-directed. It's not quite the worst you'll see, though.
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A good try
brentgray7311 May 2019
I really liked it It was a good story line...Good some really fefking gruesome parts throughout
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