Demon Eye (2019)
Boring. Tedious. Slow paced. Uneventful...
19 July 2019
Well, given the movie's title, "Demon Eye", I decided to sit down and watch this 2019 movie from director and writer Ryan Simons, believing that I would be in for a horror movie experience.

Horror it was, but not in the sense of this being a horror movie. But a horror to sit through this uneventful, tedious and downright nonsense script of a movie.

The storyline revolves around a supernatural theme, but it is a theme that is hardly utilized throughout the movie, so it was really, really hard to buy into the storyline and plot of the movie. And it didn't really help much that the movie wasn't making much use of special effects and CGI.

The characters in the movie failed to captivate me, and they had zero appeal. It was a shame, because there was some adequate acting talents on the casting list, but their talent were squandered by a horrible storyline and pointless characters. It was nice, however, to see a cast ensemble of all unfamiliar faces. I enjoyed that part of the movie at least.

The movie is slow paced; unfathomably slow paced. And very little of any interest took place throughout the 1 hour and 27 minutes that the movie ran for. So yeah, it was somewhat of an ordeal to sit through this movie in its entirety.

"Demon Eye" is hardly a memorable movie in any way, nor was it a particularly memorable or enjoyable movie. So I believe this one will simply fade into oblivion without having left any kind of mark on the horror genre.

I am rating "Demon Eye" a generous three out of ten stars.
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