Demon Eye (2019)
'Dare YOU take a peek at this ominously occulted orb?'
11 June 2022
While frequently derivative, there's much unintentional levity to be found in Ryan Simon's low budget, supernaturally shonky DTV horror flick. The blackened 'Demon Eye' is given a weirdly warped tonal tweak by the uniformly unthreatening presence of housewives telly favourite Darren Day!!!?? A cheap and cheerful creepshow that relies heavily upon its garish smash n' grab of contemporary horror tropes, borrowing liberally from J-Horror, Found Footage, Blumhouse, and the current vogue for 70s Folk Horror nostalgia. After the sudden death of her estranged, occult-dabbling father (Darren Day), his pretty, emotionally fragile young daughter Sadie (Kate James) reluctantly returns to her spookily isolated family home in rural Yorkshire. Far from stable, perpetually popping pills, boorishly blitzed on booze, self-medicating Sadie fatefully discovers an ancient, ill-omened amulet that somewhat duplicitously grants the finder their darkest wishes. In a dread moment of pique she misguidedly makes with the hocus pocus, thereby heralding a hellaciously hateful haunt upon our hedonistic heroine's handsome head!

On the plus side, blissfully buxom Blonde bombshell Kate James is an appealingly FF'd up, saucy-looking terror Thottie, and I righteously grooved on the idea of the film's darkly demonizing duo 'The Burning Girl' and 'Padfoot' rather more than the so-so execution. And yet, wholly unexpectedly, 'Demon Eye' maintained interest despite its lack of invention. The singular casting choices, and the delightfully earnest, am-dram theatricality colourfully provided some deliciously overwrought interludes! 'Demon Eye' is generously slathered with a silly, supernatural soapiness that I found strangely appealing! Sadly, the conspicuous amount of drone shots diluted the desolate location's innate sense of doom, and FYI there were FAR too many bubbles in the bath scene, which, frankly, is a schoolboy error. Provided one's expectations remain low, 'Demon Eye' yields a bemusingly eccentric 'Emmerdale' slash 'Halloween TV movie-of-the-week' aesthetic which just might win it some additional fans!
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