"The Flash" A New World, Part 1: Reunions (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Okay Eric, I'll bite.
thebatssidekick4 May 2023
The seamless transitions between old and new footage, full circle moments, and finally a story that made my stomach churn. This is what we were missing all season. Episode 4 was good, but 9 & 10 really knocked it out of the park. I think so far this might be one of the best episodes of The Flash, period. Or maybe I'm just so used to being disappointed in recent seasons that anything resembling previous seasons makes me ecstatic. Either way, one thing is for sure: this is shaping up to be an actually amazing ending to what started off as potentially the best superhero show in history, and frankly, until tonight, I didn't think Eric Wallace had it in him. I'm happy to be proven wrong, though. Three episodes left. Wow me.
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This episode was epic 😭⚡
anafarm4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my God, They did it ⚡⚡⚡⚡

I can't believe we finally got what we wanted to see 😶 The night when everything started for Barry and all of us.

Storyline was great, CGI and OST were very nice.

Malcolm's arrival was spectacular. We finally got to see the future that was promised to us from the first season. The West Allen family was lovelier than ever. How awesome was Joe West's performance. Barry's confrontation with Eobard was the turning point of the story. That despite all the tragedy, Barry still wanted to save Eobard, it was truly heroic. I can't describe my feelings. This episode was full of different emotions. On the one side, I am happy with the high quality of these two episodes and that's what we needed and on the other hand, I'm sad that we are reaching the end of the era, We wasted a lot of time when we could have seen a better story instead, and it was a pity 😭 Anyway I can't wait for next week.

In this situation I wish we could see a crossover with Superman and Lois because they had metahuman birth experience and could help to Iris 🤔
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joshuadean-733404 May 2023
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I was pleasantly surprised to find that this particular episode surpassed my expectations. The way Eric Wallace portrayed Barry as the origin Flash in the night sequence was truly exceptional and left me in awe. The seamless blend of lighting, special effects, and camera work all came together to create a truly mesmerizing experience that I won't soon forget. The attention to detail and the care that was taken to ensure that the portrayal of Barry's character was both authentic and captivating is a testament to the skill and dedication of the writers and production team behind this episode. All in all, I have to say that this episode was an absolute triumph and one that I will be revisiting time and time again.
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Dear Eric...
ariamalek-637715 May 2023
Dear Eric Wallace. You are one of the strangest people I know on this planet. Somehow, you can make an amazing masterpiece, all while dumping horrific crappy episodes at your viewers. Season 9 has been a rollercoaster of episodes. With only 9x9 and 9x10 being really good. I hope you don't screw up the last 3. Good luck, Eric.

9x10 was a fast-paced, well told story. We saw Grant's best acting in years. Matt Letscher also played a big role in this episode and fully embodies the character of Reverse Flash. Overall, it was a really action-packed episode with lots of emotion.

Well done, Eric, keep up the good work.
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It felt like a s1-3 episode!
furkproan5 May 2023
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It was near perfection, both emotionally and story wise with the future flash stoping s1 Barry scene becoming full circle. The scene after it with Barry and Eobard talking were also written really well. I'm also really excited and looking forward to cobalt blue with the teaser near the end. My only tiny nitpick would be that they didn't use the phase effect on reverse flash at all, even in scenes where he was supposed to come off as intimidating, at least they made his eyes glow red. Overall, this might be the best episode of the flash in years. So far, we've had a two episode streak of pure greatness, hopefully the quality stays the same or even greater for these last few episodes.
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A truly incredible episode and one that I will remember for years!
b_yocum5 May 2023
I genuinely don't know how we went from the beginning of this season to this. We went from arguably the worst start to any season followed by back to back incredible episodes, both being the highest rated episodes the shows had since season 5 (not including crossovers). Let me just start this review off by saying Eric Wallace wrote and directed this episode. Yes you heard that correctly. The guy I criticized more times than I can count, (for good reason of course). But I will give credit where credit is due. Eric Wallace may have just given us one of the better episodes in the entire show and gave us the most incredible ending to any episode in the shows entirety. This is the Flash show I remember. This is the Flash show I fell in love with. Words cannot describe how happy I was watching this episode. This felt like a season 1 or 2 episode at it's finest. It was a nearly perfect episode and for the first time in a long time i'm actually hyped for the final few episodes.

Overall rating: 9.5/10.
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kayonatan5 May 2023
It took the CW about 7 years, and they almost completely ruined the last season of one of their favorite and most hyped shows - but they finally gave us an episode that makes us remember why we watched the Flash in the first place!

Would have cut all the side stories of stupid costumes and writing a diary while naming plants though. It's the finale stretch of the finale seasons for gods sake, haven't you noticed the nobody cares?!

Just focus on Barry, aka The Flash story. He is the character people tuned in to see. He is the driving force of this whole thing. Makes sure you wrap up and send off his character in the best way possible. All the others are either already ruined or really don't matter...
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The Saving grace of Season 9
ComicBookNerd264 May 2023
I legitimately can not believe that Eric Wallace both wrote and directed what had to be without question of of the top ten episodes of the whole show. The season so far has been an absolute waste of time, other than the Oliver episode. I really hope this episode signals a turnaround for these final 4, because if they're all as epic and emotional as this.....then what an arc we'll be in for.

The dialogue and directing in the episode are top notch and the way that certain things come full circle are beautiful. I legitimately hope the rest of the arc is this good but I'm worried it peaked after its first episode, fingers crossed it didn't. You've redeemed yourself Eric....for now...
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An episode of The Flash, ABOUT The Flash himself? This should be illegal! Warning: Spoilers
(Note the sarcasm) Honestly idk what to say. I don't know if this episode was a masterpiece or it was just an average epised that felt good after all the trash we been feed up lately.

Whatever it is, we finally have an actuall episode of The Flash focusing solely on Barry Allen story, which is more than welcome. It is the final season we NEED to see more of The Flash itself and stop focusing on stupid forced filler about Cecille, Chuck and Allegra that adds nothing to the show just simply wasting precious minutes on small stories that nobody wants/care and end up going nowhere

Barry's parent's actors (forgot their names) are amazing, they always have a perfect chemistry when meeting Barry and you can see the scene's natural flow. Also It is always nice to see other characters back too, like Eddie, Captain Singh and would've loved to see professor Stein too.

Hope we can see more of this type of episode.
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Seriously ? This Is Amazing !
Tv-Addict19914 May 2023
There were some really , really bad Episodes and Moments in this Season of the Series, Cringe-Worthy, Bad-Acted, just bad Moments and Episodes !

This, This Episodes is The Flash we want, we love, we always wanted !

This is the Start of the End of The Show

Amazing Episode, Amazing Acted, Action, Story, everything fitted perfectly !

Damn, Maybe we really get the Finale of This Show, it deserves. I Really Hope It gets Flashpointed in Some Way or even makes waves to the Movie-Universe and Show Like Ezra MIller or something ?

The Flash is Back, its the Final Episodes and there is a great Chance that this Show will end on the High Note

9,5 / 10.
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You Can't Convince Me Eric Wallace Wrote This!
demigodshmurda4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's safe to say that I haven't been this excited about a season of The Flash in *so* long! The closest thing was at the end of "Negative Part One" where the show had the *perfect* Savitar setup. But even then, one thought crossed the back of my mind. "How do they screw this up?" And low and behold, they screwed it up. But now, almost a year later, we've reached the *final* arc of The Flash. For all intents and purposes, this should be an absolutely *terrible* experience to sit though! And yet... This episode was *somehow* amazing!

I know! I can't believe it either! But it happened! We've now gotten TWO GOOD EPISODES IN A ROW!! How?? How is this possible?? I thought last week's episode was our customary good episode that we get once per season, but we now have TWO GOOD EPISODES IN A ROW?? And you know the weirdest part? Eric Wallace co-wrote this episode. Yeah, um... No, no I don't think so. Eric Wallace doesn't care about the Flash, and I have two and a half seasons worth of evidence to prove it.

This episode is like a fever dream full of things that will excite people that have been watching this show as long as I have! When Nora Allen says "He looks just like my father", that's a callback to the season 1 finale where she says that to the Barry that went back in time to try and save her. When Thawne vows that his life's work will be "finding new ways to kill you", that's a reference to how his motives are clearly laid out in season 8. When Barry says his name is Bart, that's a reference to "Cause and Effect" from season 3 where Barry gets his mind wiped, reads his own name off his ID, and says "Are you sure I don't go by Bart? Bart feels more natural." This is now the second consecutive episode with moments like that, and those are the tells that let you know that someone who cares wrote the episode. Which means it certainly wasn't written by Eric Wallace.

And we get to see Barry and Thawne face off in his house the night that Barry's mother was murdered! We even got to see season 1 Barry show up in the other room, and our Barry (not vibrating this time) hold out his hand to tell him not to intervene! They even remembered to include that moment from the season 1 finale! And while I personally would've liked an update on the CGI from that fight in the house, it didn't need to be updated and the moment works as is! (so long as you ignore the fact that the lighting in the scenes filmed for this episode is a lot worse than the lighting of the scenes from 2014) And for someone as intense about The Flash's final season firing Chekhov's Guns as I am, I didn't expect to see this moment take place during the show's run! But the fact that we did is awesome, and once again shows that Eric Wallace *couldn't* have written this episode!

We even got some new exploration on what happened after Thawne killed Barry's mother. We see a conversation that shows us Thawne's *official* origin story; the moment that he goes insane and vows that his life's work will be finding new ways to kill Barry! Barry even said to Thawne that he'll "always be grateful", and you just know that he had a sip of Thawne's patented "petty juice" before he said that! My god that line was great! And it just goes to show *again* that Eric Wallace couldn't have written this episode! He doesn't care enough to write a moment as good as that, and you can't convince me that he does!

Oh yeah, and Rick Cosnett is in this episode as (possibly, his character never gets namedropped) Malcolm Thawne. They're *finally* doing Cobalt Blue! I would've done him as the villain of season 7 right after Crisis, but at least he's finally here! It makes me a little upset that he's not gonna be Eddie, since we all know how great of a decision that would've been, but at least he's here! Though judging by how the show handled Red Death, I don't think I should be as excited for CB as I am...

But with Cosnett's few scenes during the episode, one of them is a recreation of the moment that Barry was struck by lightning! We see the liquids in the canisters begin to rise, we see him get slammed into a few sets of metal shelves, we get to see the lightning course through his hand. It's a surprisingly good recreation, and one that I wouldn't expect from this show considering... Well... All of the reasons!

This is another great episode for Flash fans! Two weeks in a row, I've walked away from an episode feeling excited to keep watching the season, and slightly disappointed that it's the last one. And because there was clearly a lot of care put into this episode, it's very clear that this was written by someone who cares about this show and these characters. Heck, we even get a scene of Khione writing to her dead sisters Frost and Caitlin about her day, and that's honestly not something I ever expected to see. This episode was great! And considering how the last two and a half seasons have gone, and all the evidence leading me to the logical conclusion that Eric Wallace has never cared about the Flash, you can't convince me Eric Wallace wrote this!

8 / 10.
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tj-841686 May 2023
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I teared up multiple times. Beautiful episode, perhaps the best Flash episode in years.
Mister_Ocean4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have no words to adequately describe what I just watched, but I'll try.

After an abysmal start this season with that horrendous acting from Javicia's Batwoman as The Red Death, I was not expecting the level of quality this episode brought.

It had everything that once made the Flash one of the best superhero shows on TV, and then some.

The beautifully written, heart-wrenching drama that used to be the core of the series is back: we get an extremely emotional final reunion with Barry's parents, but he knows he can't tell them who he is (let alone save them from what's about to happen) as it would destroy the timeline again.

So instead, he settles for being able to spend one more day with them, and telling them the words that he never had the chance to say before they were killed. We know he's been sitting on these words for years now, and he finally gets the opportunity to say them.

Great writing, and brilliantly performed by Gustin and the actors playing his parents.

It's a far cry from the manufactured teenage CW drama we use to get every other episode on the Flash. It feels truly genuine and real.

By the end of the episode, Barry proves that he has grown much during these past several years. He shows his maturity when he finally makes peace with his mother's death and lets Thawne kill her so that the timeline will be preserved.

Even more impressive, instead of hating Thawne or being angry at him, he thanks his enemy for giving him one last chance to spend time with his parents. Barry sees that what once was the worst day of his life is now one of his happiest.

And then we see the gulf between our hero and villain: Barry has managed to move on from his trauma, while Thawne is consumed whole by it. Serving his rage and hatred became his entire existence.

Aside from the brilliant plot and screenplay, this episode also had the best cinematography of the last few seasons. By a country mile.

The framing here is on par with shows like Mr. Robot: it's purposeful, and eye-catching. It strengthened the impact and tension of an exchange between Barry and Thawne at a bar, where Barry has to admit defeat.

The Dolly Zooms were versatile; sometimes used for the super speed, then used for dramatic effect. Effective in both cases.

The shots and sequences for the entire episode just felt so different than what we're accustomed to for this show, it's like night and day.

It's as if they got a real DP for the first time, or maybe they had to save all the budget from this season for these last episodes.

If that's the case, I'd take 5 excellent episodes and 8 terrible ones over a mediocre season any day.
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Wow. Just....wow
adhvikvak19 May 2023
This episode was probably the best in the season and the best from the Flash in a very long time. Genuinely, I was amazed. The ending was just completely like, wow, everything makes so much sense. And I LOVE how this was all just focused on Barry Allen rather than the side characters, which was the biggest mistake Eric Wallace made. It was fun to see Barry overcome his fears and loss and be the hero he always was. This was incredible, absolutely incredible. Sure, there were some moments in the beginning that made me a little bored, but overall, it was definitely one of the best Flash episodes I have seen in a very long time!
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Full Circle
slickslayz6 May 2023
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After nine years we finally get the answer to all of what happened that night and it did not disappoint.

We finally get the answer to which Barry stopped Barry in the season 1 finale.

We also see the return of Matt Letscher as reverse flash further proving his superior performance as the character. Growing up I always liked Tom Cavanagh more but 8x18 and 9x10 have made me realize Matt is much more intimidating in the role.

We also see Barry finally get closure over the death of his parents and he can finally move on. We also get some really emotional moments between him and his parents that really bring back the feeling of the earlier seasons.

Great episode; I wouldn't change a thing.
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Holy crap, they actually freaking did it!!!
b_yocum4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you told me going into this season and especially after watching the first handful of episodes that we would get anything remotely as good as this episode I would have doubted you. However after last weeks fantastic episode I had some hope this episode was going to be decent... and I was wrong. This episode wasn't decent, but was truly one of the shows best. This episode just had so many callbacks to season 1. The emotion was great, the acting, and some really nice easter eggs which I absolutely loved. Let me just say that Grant absolutely nailed his performance in this episode. I mean he usually does but this was a brilliant acting performance from him. Barry sees Eobard again and as always the tension and banter is at an all time high between them. The scenes with Matt Letscher and Grant were awesome and made me wish they used him more in the show. I'm gonna skip ahead a little to the end which was easily the best part of the episode and one of the best moments in the entirety of the show. The fact they actually had a full circle moment tying back into season 1 was truly incredible. I audibly screamed when i saw that scene it was a culmination of everything from the past 9 years and felt good as a fan to see it all come together. Brilliantly done from Eric Wallace I must say. Overall another brilliant episode from this show and for the first time in a long time am hopeful for the future episodes.

My rating: 10/10.
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Amazing episode
kongfamily-477697 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After having some kinda boring episodes, finally we have a good one. Till now, it is the best episode in Season 9.

Apart from the sidekicks story, the plot more focus on Barry Allen himself. A more mature Flash compared to Season 1. It's glad to see Henry and Nora Allen again, also Professor Martin Stein's voice. There are some plots are for hardcore CW Flash fans since Season 1.

Everything happen at that night explained. Although there are a lot theories and perceptions, personally think it explained quite well.

I'm not sure why after Cisco's leaving, the supporting roles are no longer that interesting. I had watched flash since Season 1. Frankly, I am quite disappointed series by series, especially from Season 7. There are too many peep talks. However, this episode let me find back why I love The Flash in 2014. Hopefully the series finale end up well, just wish it's a good goodbye plot.
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Two Good Episodes in A Row?
JacuzziEdits4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of "The Flash," Episode 10 of Season 9 is definitely one of my favorite episodes ever. We finally entered the year 2000 again and ended the Circle of the Flash after seeing that legendary OG fight where Thawne kills Nora. And we were introduced to Cobalt Blue first as Joe and then, at the end, Malcom Thawne gets hit by the Negative Speedforce.

I was absolutely thrilled when I heard that we were finally going back to the year 2000. Time travel is always one of my favorite parts of the series, and I was excited to see how things would unfold. The OG fight between the Flash and Reverse-Flash was incredibly exciting. I had chills as the two superheroes clashed. The choreography of the fight scenes was spectacular, and it was great to see so many of the characters involved in an epic battle.

The introduction of Cobalt Blue was another highlight of the episode. I had been waiting for this character to finally appear on television for a long time. At first, he was introduced as Joe, which initially confused me, but at the end of the episode, it was revealed that he was actually Malcom Thawne. I couldn't believe it and was excited to see how his story would continue to develop in the series.

All in all, Episode 10 of Season 9 of "The Flash" was an incredibly exciting episode that captivated me from beginning to end. The return to the year 2000 and the OG fight between the Flash and Reverse-Flash were spectacular, and the introduction of Cobalt Blue provided a surprising twist that increased anticipation for the upcoming episodes.
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The circle is complete!
arvinjanasis4 May 2023
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The present and the past

The Flash started 2014 and that particular night of March 18, 2000 changed everything. From that point, we see Barry Allen's mother stabbed / killed by Eobard Thawne but at the same time, The Flash from the future saved his younger self and took him away from the crime scene. Henry Allen arrested, Thawne loses his powers and was trapped in that timeline until today, we finally see the complete picture of that particular night. Barry tried to save Thawne despite everything he has done to torment his life, he still wanted to save Thawne. This scene is what made The Flash - The Flash! Its an episode paying homage to what started it all. Its an episode which will make viewers feel like its episode 1 again of the series. This and the scenes where Barry get to spend time with his parents again is what made this episode at best or probably one of the best episodes of the entire series run. Which makes me wonder where this kind of good episode has been all along? This and the last episode with the crossover were the best from this season.

Pros / cons +++Henry and Nora Allen +Eddie Thawne +Captain Singh +Joe West ++Cobalt Blue is born +++Eobard Thawne ++++Entire scene of the night of March 18, 2000

-Present scenes with Allegra, Chester, Kione, Cecille

A homage to what started it all. Thank you for an amazing top tier episode!
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Best Episode in four years
beckettlandau11 May 2023
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This episode captures the best parts about the flash and I honestly think that you could go back and watch season one after this. This episode was well pased had a return of Mats eorbord which I which we could've seen more of. Overall, this is the best episode of the flash that I have seen it for years and I really hope that there are more episodes like this to come. I also hope to see more action like a fight scene with Joe, which was very intriguing because it that wasn't like an arrow fight and have not gotten many of those in the flash. I really do feel like we're gonna wrap it up on a good note and I hope that we are happy with the ending.
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March 18th 2000.
ultraedits14 May 2023
Well after all these years the episode most fans have wanted has finally released. The episode features intense acting by Grant and Matt, but also Michelle Harrison and John Wesley Shipp. The music in this episode is another highlight, as it perfectly captures the sweet vibes of the show's earlier seasons. The soundtrack does a great job of transporting viewers back in time and reminding them of why they fell in love with the show in the first place. The story in this episode is also consistent and engaging throughout. It's clear that a lot of thought and care went into crafting this episode, and it shows in the way the plot unfolds and the way the characters interact with one another. Despite a few iffy VFX moments, the strong narrative more than makes up for any visual shortcomings. All round great episode.
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Really Happy That We Get Another Great Episode
panagiotis19938 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Live Reaction / Review for The Flash Season 9 Episode 10: The previous episode was super cool, I hope this one is good too. Eddie Thawne is back? What is going on? Is it from another earth? Happy to see him in the final season. Nice to see Joe too. Khione has to be one of the worst characters in the history of the show. Wth, how did Barry go in the past? Barry's parents are back for this too? Nice! All this is very emotional for poor Barry. What is this crystal-like object that Joe got? With all this stuff the timeline should become a mess. Barry's parents wanted Barry to sleep at their house, who does that?

I mean they didn't even know him for 24 hours, he could be a psycho. Matt Letscher is back? What? He wants to kill Barry as a child knowing that Barry won't kill him and doesn't want to destroy the timeline, damn that's brutal, really bad situation for Barry. Wondering how he will solve this puzzle. Finally an episode about Barry, about the Flash and not all the other side characters. I really hope the next episodes are like this too. Who is controlling Joe, what is going on? Love that Joe has lots of screen time in this episode. Wait, Eddie becomes the flash? Whats going on?

Ok, conclusion... it's not better than episode 9 but still I enjoyed it very much, main reason being that this episode is very flash-centric. We have decent drama, action and performances. I really hope the rest of the final season focuses on Barry. My rating is 8/10.
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So they are capable to making this?
calebzacz9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I gotta say it tho, this episode was wild in every sense. We finally saw the POV of the og flash from S1ep1, and it was brilliant. After nine 9 seasons we saw Barry got stuck on his suffer from his parents death, but now he embraces that pain because he knows that everything led to this point, and i loved it so much. Barry it's the hero by wanting to save his worst enemy even when he wanted to kill him and eventually kills his mom. Now he's a mature and wise flash, so he's the one to stop S2 Barry from making flashpoint.

Seeing Barry hang out with his parents one last time was so heartwarming, and Grant Gustin delivers a wonderful performance, one we having seeing and a while.

This episode it's brilliant in every single way, i was so surprised that Eric Wallace got to write and direct this, but it pisses me off, because we had to wait 8 long and pointless episodes to have this last arc. Maybe im not a writer, but i mean, i can tell that the whole Ryan/red death arc was disappointing, and then we had 3 filler episodes leading to nowhere. But after a few weeks of break they just gave us the best flash content in years, and i mean yeaaars. Why the wait? Why the effort in making us waste time while this season could have been the best thing ever?

Anyway, i truly hope that this last 3 episodes will be nuts and will make us say farewell to our favorite scarlet speedster. Kudos to the team!
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Horrible execution
sarwanprateek4 May 2023
Horrible execution. This episode could've easily be the best episode of the entire series, it has the amazing story and potential, but the way they have executed it, it was just straight up bad! I mean you're showing THE most important episode of the series and you have an amazing story too, old actors and characters are back for the episode and you still can't pull it off! First of all, what is wrong with the CGI and VFX aren't you guys paying the VFX artists, how is it 100 time worse than the freaking Season 1? It doesn't even look like there is a Speedster running!! Wasting money on filler episodes and reusing old footage for new main important canon episode how is that a good idea! Even the flash's suit is not same as the beginning, it should've been the first suit! You didn't need to give an explanation! Not a single scene looks good in this episode!! I'm so sad that it sooo BAD!!

There is no point of complaining now, you guys have already RUINED the most amazing superhero show ever!!
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adeliamendes16 July 2023
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In my opinion, this was the worst season of all, so much so that this season of The Flash had the worst episode in the history of the show, only episode 9x9 was being saved, but it was yet another farewell to the hero who gave rise to the Arrowverse. But this episode was incredible, even I can't believe that eric wallace managed to make such a good episode, but not taking away the fact that the episode couldn't be bad, but they have several mistakes, like joe's battle with barry, which is the hated lightning battle. But other than that, glory god that the reverse flash he couldn't have that horrible ending in season 8. I liked this episode because it focuses on the flash (barry allen) something we haven't seen in a long time.
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