The Flash: A New World, Part 1: Reunions (2023)
Season 9, Episode 10
The circle is complete!
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The present and the past

The Flash started 2014 and that particular night of March 18, 2000 changed everything. From that point, we see Barry Allen's mother stabbed / killed by Eobard Thawne but at the same time, The Flash from the future saved his younger self and took him away from the crime scene. Henry Allen arrested, Thawne loses his powers and was trapped in that timeline until today, we finally see the complete picture of that particular night. Barry tried to save Thawne despite everything he has done to torment his life, he still wanted to save Thawne. This scene is what made The Flash - The Flash! Its an episode paying homage to what started it all. Its an episode which will make viewers feel like its episode 1 again of the series. This and the scenes where Barry get to spend time with his parents again is what made this episode at best or probably one of the best episodes of the entire series run. Which makes me wonder where this kind of good episode has been all along? This and the last episode with the crossover were the best from this season.

Pros / cons +++Henry and Nora Allen +Eddie Thawne +Captain Singh +Joe West ++Cobalt Blue is born +++Eobard Thawne ++++Entire scene of the night of March 18, 2000

-Present scenes with Allegra, Chester, Kione, Cecille

A homage to what started it all. Thank you for an amazing top tier episode!
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