"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Angel (TV Episode 1997) Poster

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A Back Story for Angel
katierose29513 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so I love the character of Angel. (Second only to Spike and when the two of them are in scenes together I'm SOOOOO happy, but that's another tale.) And this is one of the best episodes of the first season. It establishes Darla and Angel's past, explains Angel's curse and sets-up Buffy and Angel's romance, which will be the driving force of the show for the next several years. There is a bitter-sweetness about their relationship at this point, before the true ramifications of being a vampire with a soul become apparent next season. They really are cute together... doomed... but cute. Plus, bonus points for Angel telling Darla that the last time he'd seen her she'd been in a kimono. This fits nicely with the later BTVS episode "Fool for Love" and the "Angel" episode "Darla" which show flashbacks of the Boxer Rebellion. I love how the shows build on their history.

On the downside, Darla dies in this episode. Sure, she'll be back over on "Angel" but I wish she'd been around for season two of BTVS. Spike, Dru, Darla and Angel all together in Good Ol' SunnyD... *SIGH* That would've been fun. Also, I thought that The Three were pretty lame villains. Angel and Buffy should have been able to beat them easily, instead of running and hiding. I think they were just looking for a reason to be alone together.

As an interesting side note, when Buffy and Angel kiss at the end of the episode, the band is singing "I'll remember you" which becomes the title of Buffy and Angel's "perfect day" episode over on season one of "Angel."

My favorite part of the episode: Darla: Do you know what the most tragic thing in the world is? Buffy: Bad hair on top of that outfit?
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One of the best episodes of the first season
Gore_Won25 November 2012
We learn about the mysterious Angel in this tightly scripted episode. The extent of Buffy's feelings for him is also revealed. Comedic relief is provided by the vain Cordelia and Darla had some great lines, too. After a couple of episodes that filled out the other main characters but did not much further the plot, this episode moves along swiftly while providing the backstory to one of the most popular characters on the show.

For me, three episodes really stood out in the first season: the series premiere, which grabbed my attention with the first scene; this episode, which provided the first major twist in what would become a main character; and the season finale, which as is the norm in the story does not disappoint.
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madman_salv27 April 2007
After he saves her from a gang of vampire warriors, Angel and Buffy's relationship grows. As their love blooms, Buffy learns that Angel has been hiding a dark secret. She hesitates, not sure what to believe, but when Angel's secret puts someone she loves in danger, she knows what she has to do.

The revelation episode.This is a fantastic episode and one of the best in the first series.This is where the continuing storyline of the Angel/Buffy romance starts. I really enjoyed this episode very much and this is where everything starts. If your looking for a great episode this is the one.
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Touched by "Angel".
Son_of_Mansfield7 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome To The Hellmouth and The Harvest are a great beginning while The Pack is a fantastic stand alone episode, but it was "Angel" that showed just what this series was capable of. There is a vampire with a soul and the slayer has fallen in love with him. It's classic. Up to this point, the good and the bad were clearly defined by what they are, now, the judgment has to be made on who they are. This is also the first episode that really shows the depth of the leads, especially David Boreanez. He had just been trouble man until now, but his tortured vampire with a soul is a great character and he plays it well. His speech about killing everything with a smile on his face is chilling and that charming smile now hides over two hundred years of evil. The chemistry between Boreanez's Angel and Sarah Michelle Gellar's Buffy finds it's potency in this episode, the kiss at the end where Buffy's cross sears into Angel's chest is one of the most memorable and metaphoric images of the series.

P.S. Two things: Xander's immediate dislike of Angel is darkly funny in that his motives may be selfish, but he turns out to be right, Angel is trouble and S&M loving Darla leaves us all too soon. Thankfully, it isn't for good...
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Appropriately Titled.
GraXXoR7 August 2019
I honestly don't get it. The first time round, as a sprightly 20 something, I never got the depth of feeling of the whole Angel Buffy relationship thing. Actually, I stopped watching Buffy after the first season due to major life events. Also, nothing about this show twigged enough to pick it up, despite pretty much everyone I know being a major fan.

And as a fan of the whole genre of Vampires, gothic and the undead, that was pretty odd.

In 2010 or thereabouts, I watched the whole show, all 7 seasons, and while I loved the show and Joss's vision, still the relationship between Buffy and Angel didn't resonate.

Here, at the age of 50 I decide to watch the show again, once more with feeling, and ... Waterworks...

Perhaps it's the foreknowledge of what's to come, perhaps it's personal experience of loss and pain... Who knows. But finally, I see what all the Bangel Slash Fiction was about.

These two had serious chemistry on screen.

And conversely, I wonder why I was so immune to it ...
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Joxerlives3 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The Good; Awesome fight scenes with both The Three and at the Bronze. Lovely stuff with Buffy introducing Angel to Joyce, wonderful scene between Angel and Darla hinting at great things to come. I love Joyce's denial over the barbecue fork and Cordy's rage over the girl in the same dress. The big shock that Angel is a vampire which I must say I didn't see coming at all (he gives Buffy a cross in WTTH but it's in a box!). Love the diary misunderstanding too and the shock of Buffy coming home to see a bleeding Joyce in Angel's arms.

The Bad; The Master's killing of The Three (lame name or what?) is stupid. Also they seem to give up awfully easily, that or Joyce just walks right past them? (maybe they know better than to mess with momma Summers?)

Best line; Buffy "Stay the hell away from us!"

Observations and questions; Anyone else disturbed by The Master's relationship with The Anointed? Joyce is the first cast member to be bitten by a vamp (although despite being a huge part of the series she's never actually a Scooby) whilst Angel is the first to be shot. Why don't vamps use guns more often? According to Joss it goes against their demonic nature. We have Xander dancing, always a treat. Angel kills his first vamp on screen although we later learn he's killed at least 2 prior to this. The first of the many deaths of Darla

Here Buffy really kicks into high gear, the Buffy/Angel romance is set on it's course, we see the Darla/Angel relationship for the first time, it turns an OK show with an attractive cast into a brilliant show 10/10
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Willow: How is it you always know this stuff? I never know what's going on. Giles: Well, you weren't here from midnight until six researching it. Willow: No, I was sleeping.
bombersflyup30 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Angel is about Buffy discovering Angel's dark secret, as they flee from danger. She's undecided as to what to do, as she has feelings for him.

A wonderful episode, that expands the possibilities tenfold and adds depth to the Angel character. Buffy looks quite vulnerable here against the Three and confronting Angel, Sarah as cute as can be. The dialogue in the library superb. Good music again.
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BenTramerLives7812 October 2020
Since the first episode, there has been much mystery surrounding Angel. This is the episode where we find out just who he is. This is one of the best episodes of the entire series and is a must watch even if someone doesn't wish to watch the whole series.
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The truth about Angel
Tweekums17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Master has grown impatient as all the vampires he has sent to kill Buffy have been killed by her instead; he decides to send 'The Three', a trio of vampire assassins to do what the others have failed to accomplish. They ambush Buffy as she is walking home from The Bronze and it looks as if she will finally be defeated… then Angel appears and rescues her. They flee to her house and he spends the night… on her bedroom floor. The Three return to The Master and he has Darla kill them for failing him. Buffy and Angel are getting closer to each other and the next night they share a kiss in her bedroom… moments later his face changes… he is a vampire! She screams and he flees. The next day she talks to the others about it; wondering how she could have been fooled and wondering what Angel's motives are. Giles does some research and discovers that Angel is over two hundred years old… but strangely there is no record of him having killed anybody since moving to America eighty years previously. As Buffy steps up her training Darla taunts Angel, trying to force him to kill Buffy. Ultimately they will face each other again and Buffy will learn why he is different to every other vampire.

This episode is top notch even if it has lost some of its impact after the first viewing as the big reveal regarding Angel will no longer be a surprise and the viewer will know that he will survive… I doubt there will be many people who won't have heard Angel's secret even if they are watching for the first time. This doesn't really detract from the episode though. There are plenty of exciting moments when characters appear to be in real danger as well as a few more amusing moments; the best of these being the scene where Giles and Buffy spar with quarter-staffs. It was good to finally learn Angel's secret as well as something of his back-story. The cast did a fine job; Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz have a good chemistry as Buffy and Angel while still capturing the awkwardness of the early stages of a relationship and Julie Benz impressed as Darla. Overall a really solid episode with some great character development and plenty of excitement.
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The One Where Angel Is A Vampire...
taylorkingston24 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy this episode. Every time I come up to the episode, I always feel like skipping it, because for some reason, it isn't good in my memory. But most of the time I say, yes I will watch it, and then I remember how much I like it.

In this episode, The Master is furious about how many members of his "family" Buffy has killed. So he sends The Three, which are very strong vampire warriors, to kill her. But before they have the chance, Angel intervenes. Whilst back at her house, Buffy discovers that Angel is in fact a vampire, which scares her because of her feelings towards him.

Fun Fact: The first episode to be named after a character.

Overall, I give this episode a 7 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Great.
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buffy 1x8 review
jackDee-565659 November 2020
Finally a noteworthy episode, this episode centres on angel who ends up being a very important character not only on buffy but on his own spin off series, I love this episode the chemistry , its episodes like this that makes season 1 worth sitting through even the filler episodes just to see this
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I nice hint of some of the quality in the show to come
PassionoftheNerd26 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If ever an episode from the first season breaks into a Buffy fan's 'best of' list for the series its normally Angel or Prophecy Girl. Generally In Buffy payoff episodes like these the characters or their lives are permanently changed when its over. They are part of what makes the show such a blast.

The Master and the anointed one are lamenting the Slayer's recent successes. The Master decides to send a small cadre of assassins to take her out. On the way home from the bronze Buffy gets jumped by the assassins and bailed out by Angel. They flee to Buffy's home where Angel gets all shirtless and shows off his tattoo...a gryhpon. You know...a half lion half bird. *cough*

Angel and Buffy do some sexy close talking until her Mom shows. Buffy, fearing for Angel's safety, hides him in her bedroom for the night. When she comes home the next day Angel is still undiscovered.

"I hid in the closet when you're Mom came home." *cough*

Buffy and Angel do an adorable little verbal do si do and Angel gets a little too hot under the collar, revealing himself to be a vampire.

Anyway Buffy tells the gang what happened and the consensus seems to be she should stake him. Angel gets a visit from Darla who tries to convince him his attempts to be something other than a practicing vampire are a waste of time. She can feel desire inside him.

While Buffy is studying, Darla shows up at her house, tricks Joyce into inviting her in and then attacks her. When Angel tries to save her Darla throws Joyce into his arms and we can see his hunger. Buffy comes home at the wrong time. Darla tells Angel he's now in a kill or be killed position and Angel says he wants it over (clip)

This leads to the showdown in the empty Bronze and Angel finally disclosing the curse. As a punishment for killing a gypsy his soul was restored. For a 100 years he's been living with the shame and self hatred of the horrible things he did as a vampire. But remember, when a person becomes a vampire they get invaded by a demon and the restoration of Angel's soul didn't exorcise that demon in him. Angel confesses that he wanted to kill Buffy tonight, but I believe thats the impulse of the demon in him and I think he does too. He's attempting suicide by cop. He fights incredibly poorly and when the moment comes he freezes, waiting for it all to be over.

He admits to Buffy he still feels the burning impulse to kill and says he just wants it done. Thats his self hatred for what he is and the things he did before coupled with his fear of what he may still be capable of. And thats why Buffy won't kill him. I think she realizes its actually his desire to be good that has brought them to this moment. Its one of my favorite moments in the first season. Her walking towards him and offering him the chance to kill. She can see the good in him and knows he won't be able to see it himself. So she shows him his own spark of humanity. Its a lovely little emotional crescendo. And then, like making love and having a bucket of ice water dumped over your head, in comes Two Guns Lispy Vampire Darla to remind us we're still watching the first season. It's it's like a scene choreographed by John Wu's 10 year old grandson on his iPhone. Darla deserved a better end.

But all's forgiven in the final scene. He loves her.

If I'm brutally honest, when I first watched this episode I didn't quite GET why Buffy and Angel were so drawn to each other, other than raging hormones and the fact that their both waaaay prettier than I am. Which to ME is the very definition of trashy romantic schlock. Romance driven by the superficial rather than character and narrative. But, in doing these reviews I've realized I'm just an idiot. Their attraction makes perfect sense. Buffy is the Slayer. The only super powered human on earth. Her powers isolate her. She can never be a completely normal human being. She can never live a normal life. Angel, a vampire cursed with his soul is also isolated. He isn't a human and due to the curse that restored his soul, his conscience won't allow him to live as a vampire. It is their mutual isolation that brings them together. Their relationship works because they are kindred spirits. Unique.

Of course you could argue that Buffy didn't know any of this about Angel until this episode but I don't think that's entirely true. Whenever they spoke he was always alone. The signs were there from the start.

Its just an all around great episode. Wonderful dialogue. Great scenes. And a more interesting world for the characters after its done. But drink deep my friends, because we have two painful doozies coming next.
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Episode 7 Review
leecdewsnap7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER WARNING This is easily the best episode of the series so far. We finally go into the mystery which is Angel. I love the tattoo on his arm. I think the reveal of his true identity was brilliant, although I think the scream from Buffy wasn't realistic enough. I like the cryptic use of Darla, and it's a shame we didn't get to know more about her during the show as a whole. One reason I like Darla is because I have watched Angel and know the back story of her, and I wish Buffy The Vampire Slayer had expanded on her more, I think she could have really brought something more to the show as a whole. The end was perfect, although the scar from the end, should have lasted longer into future episodes, when we've seen less damaged injuries, last longer throughout the show. An extremely good episode overall and sets us up nicely and leaves us wanting more.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer:Angel
Scarecrow-882 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, designed as a way to develop Angel(us) into a serious character of substantial merit, we learn that he is a centuries-old vampire who, when coming to America, quit feeding on humans. He and Buffy develop an attraction/affection for each other, and the fact that Angel is a vampire, her a slayer, adds an interesting complication explored in depth here. When The Master(Mark Metcalf)sends "The Three", warrior vampires, on a failed mission to kill Buffy when Angel assists her in getting away successfully, a new menace arises, wanting a crack at the "chosen one". Buffy seeks guidance from Giles as to why Angel would befriend and not kill her since most vampires have no remorse or feeling in regards to feeding from humans. Julie Benz has a early juicy part in her career as Darla, a vampire who had once been Angel's lover(..she later admits to have turned him)and now targets Buffy. This was a first chance to see how danger hits close to home when Darla almost feeds from Buffy's mom, with Angel arriving in the nick of time. Good episode for the hunky Boreanaz, whose enigmatic Angel would get his own spin-off series. The Master's apprenticeship of the boy-child "anointed one" is further elaborated in this episode and we see how the kid has developed into a mean little corruptible fiend, consoling the vampire leader as he laments Buffy's continuous success against his "family"(..coven of vampires sent out to end her, always unable to seal the deal despite coming close on many an occasion). We see how Xander feels jaded at the obvious sparks between Buffy and Angel(..good chemistry between Sarah Michelle Gellar and Boreanaz).
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The Big Angel Reveal
kellyq1227 November 2021
This episode finally reveals exactly who Angel is, and the complicated feelings that Buffy has about it and the events that transpire are great! One of season 1's best for sure!
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It is better than Twilight
Jakemcclake27 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert

Similar story to Twilight, but this one came first. Unlike Twilight, Angel works alone, has no family of vampires, no one has skin like diamonds and Angel is not as fast as Edward Cullen. Oh, Buffy is a far different person than Bella. They could easily have turned this episode into a movie and probably should have, because one could miss a powerful transition that Buffy has regarding her feelings about Angel near the end of the episode that was caused by the fact she realized that he is not the killer. When Buffy realizes who the real killer is, she immediately responds, well, by figuratively getting her claws outs because she realizes she is being challenged for the affections of the one who she was considering killing a minute earlier. It was a good scene, but could have been played out longer.
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Angel's story
Realrockerhalloween18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Angel is unique from the rest of season one as it explores Angel's past instead of leaving him as a mysterious stranger popping up with information. It turns out he was vampire cursed by gypsies for punishment in killing the village's favorite daughter and given a soul. What makes it poetic is a slayer and a vampire are natural enemies who are constantly at battle. Their love is unorthodox, contradicting to the animal world, yet it bloomed a passionate romance.

Another aspect was Darla's jealousy for losing the man she loved to someone who hates them. It was very emotional to think of this otherworldly creature mourning a lost loved one without a soul and her obsession almost driving him over the edge instead of moving on. When Angel kills Darla it was powerful as it proves not only he was good, but his heart belongs to his slayer. It shows vampires aren't as inhumane as we thought and have the ability to care if they desired it.
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A Hard Relationship
Hitchcoc15 May 2024
David Boreanaz as Angel dominates this episode. Buffy has been taken with him for some time. She escapes from the three with him and they end up in her room, where he stays overnight. What she doesn't know is he is a vampire. As they kiss passionately, he is transformed. We find out that he is centuries old and has killed a multitude of innocent people. Things are not going well for the master so he sends that girl to kill Buffy. The results are not easy, especially for Angel. There are some great scenes in this one, especially when there is a fight to the death between Buffy and the girl who was once in love with Angel.
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Key Episode with Lightning Pace
Aegelis5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In retrospect, many can tell just by title that this episode would be an important one, but a lot had unfolded in a brief amount of time. What was previously hints and allegations comes to full reveal in the context of Buffy's prior encounters with a mysterious man who seems to help but maintains distance.

An evil plan is always afoot, but this time the sinister plot is not only well thought out, but also solid in development. All characters seem to take some sort of step in their progression, some forward, some back. In the end, a satisfying partial resolution with a touch of light and blues.

Well written suspense, fully thought-out, and directing gives the show the much needed classic horror vibe. Put this on the 'must watch' list for the series.
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Best Buffy episode in Season 1 so far
Misterniska5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently started watching Buffy for the first time. I really enjoy its characters, its teenage high school drama meets horror narratives, and its unique humor. Angel is the best episode so far as it finally explains Angel's background beyond him being a Deep Throat-like enigmatic character. The revelation that he's a vampire was not totally unexpected but added good depth to his character, caught in-between a man with a soul and a deadly vampire.

Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz have great chemistry, both in terms of romance and their understanding of the Master and vampires.

I hope to see more of them working together in the future seasons. The only thing that I found a bit irritating is Anointed storyline that seems to be dragging throughout the rest of the season.
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Who is this 'Angel' guy?
ossie858 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After hiding out from The Master's assassins, Angel spends the night at Buffy's, when the two finally kiss for the first time it is revealed that Angel is a vampire. Buffy is devastated and when Darla frames Angel for an attack on Buffy's mum, Buffy decides she needs to kill Angel.

Why It's So Good - Twist, Angel is a vampire!! Certainly didn't see that coming, but things are not always as they seem. Angel's struggling against his vampirical urges and Buffy's shock over Angel's true self and Angel 'attacking' Buffy's mother provides many powerful scenes. The concept of the curse is very intriguing, and the episode also hints on the deep history between Angel, Darla and The Master.

Watch Out For - Buffy babbling over her diary.

Quote - "Y'know, hey, I don't know what everyone's talking about. That outfit doesn't make you look like a hooker!" -Xander to Cordelia.
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