Warriors of Terra (2006) Poster

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Hardly worth the time let alone the money.
kyyle73112 November 2006
If you're not on an unlimited movie plan, skip this one fast. Edward Furlong has fallen a long way from T2 and American History X to be doing movies like this. And even worse yet, he wasn't the main character and didn't have a significant amount of screen time.

The movie itself was relatively predictable with only a couple minor plot twists that were not entirely unforeseeable. A group of animal rights activists break into a laboratory to liberate the animals and display their message with graffiti. They unknowingly walked into a very dangerous and deadly experiment that they manage to let loose. With a "team" hot on their tails and their only goal to survive, the night lasts longer than this movie ever should have. The movie managed to make almost every single character completely expendable and in the end the only one left was the most obvious selection.

Don't waste your time and especially your money, the only redeeming quality of this movie is the creepy noises the creature makes a la The Grudge.
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Incredibly bad boring
siderite16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A movie which is not bad enough to be funny and that doesn't even have decent special effects is one to be avoided.

Short story: a bunch of ridiculously cute youngsters enter a biological enterprise which, of course, has some kind of monster inside. They being animal activists release the monster, which then kills everything except the blondes.

The monster is a girl, btw, which is almost indestructible, projects illusions in people's heads and basically looks like a Jap horror movie cliché, even with the weird postures and twitchy movements, only with the horror removed and a lot of stupidity put in.

Bottom line: really bad movie, even the stereotypes are badly made. And Edward Furlong is completely useless without a Terminator nearby.
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that's gotta be copyright infringement....
mikeperryatkings15 May 2007
OK, not the worst movie ever made, but the production company better hope the makers of the F.E.A.R. video game never see it.

Through the movie, you see the word FEAR on walls, posters, etc. The "creature"'s name is Maya and it's about one cheesed of little girl who's been done wrong by a pharmceutical company... where have I seen that before, oh yeah, the game F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon).

This movie rips that game off BIG-TIME... Except it replaces the squads of heavily armed (and generally innefectual) troopers with a bunch OK kids armed with dope and their sneakers.

If you like the game fear, you might get some enjoyment out of this version of the story, but as a stand alone movie, it's not great.

Oh well, for free on my satellite, with the option to turn it to another station, it's OK.
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Not just bad, aggravatingly bad!
tmcdaniel112 February 2008
I like a good "B" horror pic now and then and I respect the film makers when they can do something witty, or innovative, or just scary in new way, especially on a budget. For instance the first "Jeepers Creepers".

"Worriers", er, "Warriors of Terra" accomplishes NONE of these things.

Editing is nonsensical, characters are murky/schizo when not totally unsympathetic. The sets and photography are attractive but the TIRED effect of cutting lights on and off constantly as though shorted out detracts from what could have been an above average "look" for a movie of this budget.

Midway through the thing I just wanted them ALL to die, and pretty darned quick!

The monster is all-powerful, then the female protagonist can kick its ass, then its all-powerful again...ALL WITH NO EXPLANATION! If you start to feel irritable or even angry while watching this movie, it is not your medication, it is the MOVIE!
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juliankennedy234 December 2006
Warriors of Terra: 2 out of 10: Alien style movies have been done to death for a very long time. They can still work if A: The creature is decent. B: The gore is decent and C: If the underground fortress/submarine/spaceship the people are trapped on/in contains co-ed showers.

Grudge/Ringu style movies with pasty faced white skinned black haired ghosts that scream like insects has also been done to death. Personally I think that genre is close to spent.

Combining the two is a pretty bad idea. Warriors of Terra takes that already shaky foundation and goes nowhere with it. Needless to say there is no decent gore, no co-ed showers and a pasty ghost girl is not scary except in an OMG there is still another hour left to this movie kind of way.

First time director Robert Wilson has his finger stuck on the annoying effects button so we can never get a clear view of the action. (Guys don't zoom while you're moving the camera).

The plot is that of an animal's right group (Complete with rich daddy's girl, radical ELF terrorist who inexplicably sports a fur collar on her parka, and my favorite cliché hot computer geek who can hack into anything from her Mystery Machine Van headquarters.) attacking the big bad bio-lab. The corporate lab of course has a basement located somewhere around the earths core and is defended by a nerve gas doomsday device. (Are those available at Staples?). You can pretty much write the ending from here.

Michael J Fox look-alike and T2 has-been Edward Furlong looks and acts like a walking cautionary billboard about drug use.

All in all the acting and production values are decent (this is not a filmed with daddy's old camera job) but the Grudge ghost in an Alien flick concept plays even worse than it sounds
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Awful and Boring Collection of Clichés Combined With Bad Acting
claudio_carvalho22 October 2006
A group of animal rights activists – Jade (Andrea Lui), Tim (Dylan Taylor), Fix (Andrew Hachey) and the hacker Izzy (Kristin Pellerin) – invades the complex of Chapel Pritchard to liberate subjects, with the support of the daughter of Dr. Woods (Andrew Gillies), Ali (Ellen Furey), and her boyfriend and security guard Chris (Edward Furlong). Dr. Woods is in charge of an unsuccessful experiment for the cure of cancer in the facility, and when they use his access card., the security system is activated. They try to escape using an elevator to the underground laboratory, and when the guards trap them, Izzy opens all the doors of the compound trying to provide a escape route for the group. However, she actually liberates an assassin mutant in the same floor as her friends and the guards.

"Warriors of Terra" is an awful collection of clichés with a predictable story repeated in many B-movies with minor variations. The worst are the acting and the characters: Edward Furlong looks like a drugged junkie with a terrible face, in spite of performing a security guard; Jade is a real bitch with her attitudes and Andrea Lui does not have a good performance; Izzy makes grimaces trying to look like an intellectual hacker and Kristin Pellerin also does not have a good performance; Ali makes all of this confusion to call the attention of her father, but Ellen Furey's acting is not bad; Dr. Woods is absolutely unreasonable as a scientist, disclosing his secret experiment to a security guard; Fix smokes marijuana while being chased by the security guards in a ridiculous attitude; and Tim is also an unreasonable character. Do not waste your time watching this movie, you will have a sensation of Déjà vu (for the worse). My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Mutação Assassina" ("Assassin Mutation")
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Avoid at all costs. This is a lame movie
Ragnarok-59 November 2007
This has got to be one of the worst horror movies I have ever seen. Avoid at all costs. The characters are one dimensional, the acting is horrible. They are no scares. You don't care when any of the characters get killed. Why and when did Fix even split up with his group? Ellen Furey (Ali) is one of the plainest looking actors I have ever seen. She is supposed to be the pretty girl, and she is so plain looking. I still can't believe Furlong would want his name above the title of this movie considering he was barely in it. Ali was a complete waste of time. This character shouldn't have even been in this movie with all her whining. The end credits music is just as cheesy as this movie. Too much record spinning on it. Do not waste your time renting or watching this movie. It is abhorrent, and most of the actors who are in this have probably killed their career by being in it.
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nikoschef20036 May 2007
Before i rent the movie,i checked the DVD case and i thought that this was going to be a nice movie. I WAS F@#@#NG WRONG!!! The story is good but the direction sucks. I thing its the worst movie i 've ever seen... The green like color of the movie was like the color of the Matrix movies and so claustrophobic.MY EYES HURT!!! The acting was so amateurish that i think that i could play in the movie too with my friends. And the ending??? What? The are going to prepare us for a sequel? Let me tell you what I think.I think they ran out of money To conclude, i tell you that.I lost one and a half hour of my life FOR EVER.
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xredgarnetx23 September 2007
WARRIORS OF TERRA may sound like a high-flying fantasy movie, but it is actually an indescribably bad sci-fi flick about a bunch of youngsters who break into a biology lab to rescue animals, only to be confronted by a girl who has been turned into some kind of evil telekinetic. She proceeds to kill everybody she can. Problem is, the special effects are virtually nonexistent, and the creature is not particularly scary. She looks like something left over from THE GRUDGE. The youngsters are played by a bunch of bad actors including Edward Furlong of TERMINATOR 2 fame. Old Eddie hasn't exactly had the most sterling career since T2 (see him in THE VISITATION for another example of his shrill acting). You may safely skip this one. Clever titles and box cover art don't always tell the truth.
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Only so many ways to show a monster
lastliberal13 July 2008
If you are looking for a creepy show on a Saturday night, then this one that could fit the bill if you catch it on cable. I would certainly be more inclined to believe that Big Pharma has something like this in the basement than some creature from space.

Trina Brink makes her debut performance ay Maya, the mutant. She doesn't have any lines, but she is a scary presence that will creep you out.

No great performances by anyone else, but I did like Ellen Furey and Andrea Lui.

The setting was perfect and the movie was at least more interesting than the NASCAR race on the other channel.
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I don't know what the others saw-- This is GOOD.
Rabh1710 November 2006
This one has a DVD jacket image shot that says to you Vampire bloodsucking Hag queen out to get you-- Boorahhh!

I thought I was getting a grade C teen slasher monster flick-- it sure started off like a cheap production-- then it stopped being cheap.

The Sets and the atmosphere are tense and dark. The dialogue is simple and to the point-- and fits hand in glove with the growing desperation of the characters. There's no cheesy music score-- only very well placed sound effects that almost, ALMOST seem like a score--and not a pleasant one at that.

And the center of it all-- the girl. Just watch her move. She's not a girl. She's not a vampire. She's not some two-bit actor wannabe in corny slimy mutant make-up.

She's Worse.

She's utterly creepifying.

Get your nachos ready. Tell your girlfriend to shut-up. Turn off your cellphone. Turn down the lights.

Stop trying to be Siskel & Ebert. Just Watch it.

This is what a Late Friday Night Movie is supposed to be.
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Decent entry, if not overtly spectacular
slayrrr66630 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Warriors of Terra" is passable if not overly spectacular.


Arriving at a test facility, Jade, (Andrea Lui) Ali, (Ellen Furey) Tim, (Dylan Taylor) Fix, (Andrew Hachey) and Izzy, (Krystin Pellerin) break in along with Chris, (Edward Furlong) a security guard, and immediately go to work protesting the place. Not finding the animals they came for, they comes across the facilities' SWAT team and are barely able to get away. Seeking refuge in the bowels of the building, they soon realize that the facility wasn't what they expected and soon find the SWAT team completely wasted. Raiding the company logs, they find that the company experimented a radical drug on a human, which caused them to mutate into a ravenous, dangerous creature loose in the facility. When it turns it's attention to the remaining group, they fight to contain it and get out alive.

The Good News: This here wasn't all that bad when it mattered. The biggest factor for this one is the layout of the basement. This is a highly creepy design that is excellently used to generate an air of dread. Using a more boiler-room style feel, this has lots of steel mesh, metal pipes, dark corridors and hallways, and with steam ducts constantly blasting off, there's plenty of good suspense to be had from being there. The fact that the creature also makes an eerie noise off-screen just adds more to the creepy feel of being down there. The perpetual darkness and mystery about what is down there add even more suspense to the suspense to be had from being there. Most of the scenes down there work for the film. Another really creepy factor is the early scenes with the creature. They're not brilliant, but it has a slightly off-kilter feel that works for what's being attempted. What also works is that the film has a really healthy body count, topping out in the double-digits. Only one was really spectacular, where a victim begins bleeding on the face only from points where the creature touched, and eventually melts down to a pile of goo only from those places, but that there's a lot getting bumped off is a plus. Another nice plus is the final showdown on the platform. It's nicely creepy, delivers more on suspense than action but still has enough of both to make it satisfying and really does end on a good note. All these make it watchable.

The Bad News: This here did have some pretty big errors at times. One of the biggest ones is that the editing is at times atrocious. This has a terrible tendency to do one of several errors during it's course. During attack scenes, it will either slow down to present everything in slow motion or it will skip a frame and jerk the screen for a brief flash, and it results in hurting the flow of the scene. The other big flaw with the editing is that the film has a tendency to fade to black at really inopportune moments. It's constant and manages to get quite annoying through it's repeated use. The other really big flaw is that, for all it's body count, there isn't a whole lot on-screen. This has a whole lot of off-screen or are done at screen but done to where it's impossible to tell what happened to them. This is a major complaint, as it really makes it feel a lot less bloody and gory that it really is, which really says a lot about it. While not a major flaw, the fact that the creature becomes completely nonthreatening due to familiarity. It's briefly glimpsed before, yet it's seen far too often at the end and it demystifies them far too much. Otherwise, this one wasn't that bad.

The Final Verdict: This one isn't as bad as it could've been, but there's still some fundamental flaws with this one that really prevent it from taking off. If it sounds fun or are interested in this one, give it a shot, though those who have a healthy disregard for this would be well-advised to skip this one.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
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JoeB1319 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is a group of animal rights activists break into a corporate building where they think animals are being tested on... but find a largely abandoned facility where they are just locking up one failed human test subject... which of course, they let out.

Almost immediately, this results in a group of mercenaries arriving, so they can also be picked off in short order.

The characters are instantly unlikable, and it's one of those movies where you are counting down, "Are we down to the final girl yet?"
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strange film
wrlang6 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Warriors of Terra is about a pharmaceutical company whose lead doctor got involved in human trials for a cancer curing drug a little too soon and had to secure the 'human' subject. When some animal rights dirt bags get into the facility with the help of the daughter of one of the lead doctor, all heck breaks loose. They are discovered and while trying to escape security forces, their computer expert operating from a safe distance opens all the doors in the whole facility and also the human trial (Maya) that went wrong. The doctor goes in trying to save his daughter as Maya feeds on all the others. Lots of infighting and bantering detracted from the film and added unnecessary length. Overall the story and dialog was good. The acting was a little sketchy. The effects were OK for low budget handled mostly by lighting.
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Horrible Horror!
jennaspivac11 August 2009
This movie is just awful.

I can't believe I actually sat through the whole thing. Is it seriously supposed to be a horror movie or is it just somebody randomly shooting stock horror scenes and editing them together thinking if they can put together enough screen time that's all that matters.

I am angry to think somebody actually may have made money off of this piece of crap. It's not even a movie, I am insulted that they thought someone would actually watch this poor excuse for a horror movie and be scared.

Shame on the people responsible for this.
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An OK rental if you're desperate for a horror fix
capcanuk14 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
sadly, the movie starts out OK, with an "original" idea for the monster/creature. They don't flesh it out enough, most of the characters are pretty skimpy as well. The dialogues are OK, nothing to write home to Mom about, but I've heard some incredibly awful dialogue in huge budget films, so....

The SFX, what little there are, are OK as well.

I like what they did with what little they had. It doesn't LOOK as low budget as it really is. Which is a pleasant surprise over-all.

I think what bothered me most about this film was the cheap ending. I know it's all pretty much been done before, and probably better, but it's as if writers of horror movies just aren't even trying.

Oh, and one peeve, at least as far as this film is concerned, is the annoying fade to black effect they use during the creature appearances. It works at the beginning because it's "fresh", but by the end of the film, particularly in the "climactic battle" it's happening every 3 seconds and REALLY gets annoying.

***mildly spoiler-ish*** SPEAKING of which... when guns won't do diddly squat, WHY would a size 6 Reebok suddenly have more effect? Come on, writers, force yourselves! I just dislike endings that rely on an inconsistency to close the story loop.

So! All in all, an OK rental for a dull Friday evening (I'd still rather be out having a beer), but I certainly wouldn't pay more than the cost of a rental for this film.
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Predictable & far, far too dark.
poolandrews31 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Warriors of Terra starts late one night as four animal rights activist's intend to break into a research laboratory & free the animals, Ali (Ellen Furey) who is helping them is the daughter of head scientist Dr. Woods (Andrew Gillies) & Ali has stolen her dad's key card which they intend to use to get into the laboratory. The group make it in safely but by using the key card an alarm is set-off & standard protocols are followed, an armed response team is soon on the scene to investigate & the animal rights activist's are forced to take an elevator to a lower level. In an attempt to get out the building's computer is hacked & every door is unlocked but that also unlocks a sealed room in the lower level in which a failed experiment escapes, the experiment is a virtually indestructible genetically altered woman named Maya (Trina Brink) who needs to melt people & then eat the remains to stay alive...

This Canadian production was directed by Robert Wilson & is basically your typical mutant monster on the loose flick, the clichés come thick & fast & overall it's just not very good. The script which takes itself very seriously is a mess of unrelated & unexplained ideas, there are several instances that don't make sense like what happened to Dr. Woods at the end? Why did the girl kill Chris but not Ali even though she's meant to be this unstoppable killing machine? Even though it's stated Maya needs to eat to stay alive what was she eating for the past ten years while locked up? Why did Maya not eat anyone she killed? All the bodies are seen at some point intact. At over 90 minutes Warriros of Terra feels like it goes on forever, there are seemingly endless scenes of these paper thin character's walking around dark corridors it's untrue & it gets very, very annoying since the whole film is so dark & devoid of colour it's often difficult to make out what's going on. The whole film is just one long frustrating experience, from the overly familiar (think Aliens (1986)) & predictable (Ali lives, the bad guy's die) plot to the lack of gore or solid explanations. A total bore from start to finish really.

Even the genetic experiment is nothing more than a woman who walks around, wow how boring & dull is that. I have to mention how dark it is again, I cannot stress enough how annoying Warriors of Terra becomes after constant scenes set in near pitch black corridors where you really can't see anything. The entire film is dark & it looks like all the colour was bleached out in post production, it's not that far from being black and white to be honest. Also I was sat there thinking about the lay out of that laboratory & that there was only one small lift to it, how did they get all that equipment down there? What happens if the lift breaks down? Not having some stairs as back-up just seems like it's asking for trouble. Forget about any proper gore, there's a bit of (dark) blood but nothing graphic or memorable.

Filmed in Ontario in Canada the production seem alright but it's so bloody dark & dank all the time it's hard to make out what's going on half the time, it seems quite well made otherwise though. Edward Furlong is the only cast member I recognise which in itself can't be good, the acting is OK I suppose but so what?

Warriors of Terra is your standard genetic monster on the loose in lots of very, very dark corridors only in Warriors of Terra there isn't even a decent monster as it's just some woman, totally predictable & throughly routine sci-fi horror that is merely a collection of ideas from better films thrown together. Not recommended.
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Warriors of Terri... well alright, complete f-ing awful
BakuryuuTyranno20 January 2013
"Warriors of Terra" is kinda like "Return to the House on Haunted Hill" - they are best described as "imitation movies".

It's pretty much clichés, nothing but clichés, without any purpose besides being clichés. Almost like the writers' thought train was "well, that's what happens in movies like this".

The main problem? It takes over one hour before an actual characters start dying, and there's not many redshirts either. Of the main groups, only three characters are "actual characters" meaning there's few people to converse with besides redshirts.

Nothing happens without the monster's presence, and when she's on screen you can't see much. She's not on screen much, although you can't see much anyway. It's dimly lit.

So remember only view this movie if... actually I can't think of a suitable excuse.
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Pathetic attempt to enter the horror genre
Raged010719 July 2010
This movie was probably one of the greatest disappointments among second level horror movies. I'm an avid fan of silly, made-for-TV horror movies, in particular those that deal with sharks or other ferocious animals but this movie showed an extreme desire for imaginative thought without the ability to put it all together in a style worthy of more than "2 out of 10".

From the horrendous casting to the ridiculous overuse of special effects, this film consumed two hours of my life that I will never get back. This idea would've been much better off in the hands of a capable director and producer duo since the basic premise shows potential. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and now the idea is worthless for at least 20 years until due time for a possible remake.
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Don't even waste your time.
jamestaglienti6 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This may contain some spoilers.

This was one of the most tired films I have ever seen. It upsets me to think that even a thousand dollars was spent filming and producing such a piece of garbage. The cliché climax occurred when the saucy Asian girl, a.k.a. Lucy Liu Jr. pulls a hairpin from her head and picks the lock on a pair of handcuffs. I am sorry, but any movie that is not a comedy or a children's movie should not contain someone being "knocked out" for any amount of time. This movie contained three or more said knockouts, with multiple occurring on the same individual. I think that they filmed this movie in an old battleship, but realized that they only had about sixty minutes of viable footage, and incorporated that miserable "fade to black" effect over and over. Also, the straw-sucking sound whenever someone was attacked was potentially the least creative sound effect that i have ever heard.

If they had removed all of the curse words, this movie could easily have aired on television, and probably made a lot more money than it has to date. There was a conspicuous lack of boobs and sex for such a low budget film. I would like to state that i am a fan of low budget films if they have some merit, be it artistic or otherwise. But this movie had no merit whatsoever. It was possibly the least original creation that i have ever witnessed. I could surely go on, but the less time i waste on this piece of crap the better. Redeeming qualities: Ill get back to you.
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Good movie.
shadowgirl1010125 October 2006
For a 'B' rated movie in a $3.88 bin at Walmart, I found the movie quite entertaining even though it did have quite a few reference's to other movies.

On a Halloween night, this is definite movie to qualify to watch with other Horror movies. I am a fan and do watch a lot of Horror movies everything from Movies Box Office to 'B' rated movies.

When I bought it, along with a few other Horror movies which I bought 6 in total of horror movies along with 6 more movies that were non-horror. Warriors of Terra has it's moments that make you jump and a few that make you laugh. What is a horror movie without a few laughs?

In my book I am keeping this movie and save it for years to come on Halloween.
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A genre specific 6 or a main-stream 4
thekarmicnomad15 August 2012
This is a rip off of the first Resident Evil movie but made on about a 1000th of the budget.

Compared to a main-stream movie it is cheap, corny, predictable and a bit dull. But as mftv movies goes it is not that bad. The sets are well lit and work has gone into them (I still couldn't quite shake that shot in a studio feeling though), the acting is solid enough and the Nemesis character works well.

The great thing about low budget movies is the writers and directors get a chance to go a little out the box and sometimes what emerges is a unique, innovative movie. Here they have stuck rigidly to a prescribed format and with all the talent and will in the world they could never hope to compete with the big boys.
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I don't know what you saw, but this movie sucks... really bad
corey_theis15 December 2007
Ralph17's must be high, because this movie is freak'n terrible. If I could, I would request the time I wasted watching this movie back. For that reason, I will be short as possible in writing this. There's no need to waste more of my life on this movie.

The writing is terrible. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that a 8th grader wrote it.

The plot is just as bad. The acting was bad as well. No one acted like they were in the situation.

The only good thing about this movie, is that the movie doesn't look like it was shot by a $300 camera. I guess they spent all their money on it, instead of a good writer, director, and actors.
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Very Predictable
bemyfriend-4018424 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable, cliched, and kind of sad. I'm beginning to think that there are some people who have an arousal response, to the kind of movie menaces we have in this very typical film. There must be a sexual fetish for these creature things. The science was almost convincing. The pig DNA made her strong, fast, able to quickly heal. But I'm sure it couldn't make her invisible; or even make observers think she was invisible. And could this boogie woman really take about thirty to sixty rounds, from two automatic rifles? I'm not a ballistics expert, but I think the rounds in the automatic rifles those dudes had, would be bigger than the NATO 5.56. See, the US military commonly uses a very small round. It flies far, but it is small. The goal is to hit people far away, to wound them. See, if you wound someone instead of killing him, it gradually causes the enemy to use people to go get the wounded person. Thus more targets. But the movie dudes also had .45 or 9mm handguns. These larger caliber rounds were made to do what the dudes were trying to do: knock down a person. But she is soooooo strong, that even shots from a .45 don't knock her down. Do you know a round like that can go through the engine block of a car? But she is just soooo... etc. Movie villains should have a weakness. Otherwise, the story is hopeless, and not really worth telling. The movie still gets four stars, because the other girls were pretty, and it sort of kept my interest until the end.
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good and bad
calligurl33321 October 2007
I would give this movie six out of ten stars. It is a good movie, so I thought. I am a big Edward Furlong fan, so unlike a lot of people, I believe he was excellent in this movie as well as many others. Each time I see this movie I get chills up my spine. It's friggin' creepy! In a good way. However the main plot and just the way it was constructed wasn't that good. I've seen it three times. I only watch it now for the scenes Eddie is in. lol I would not suggest just buyiung this movie. Because you'll probably get sick of it and give it to someone else or end up selling it. I would stick to renting it, then, if you liked it enough then buy it. Not a movie worth buying, to me, that's why I just rent it sometimes.
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