I don't know what the others saw-- This is GOOD.
10 November 2006
This one has a DVD jacket image shot that says to you Vampire bloodsucking Hag queen out to get you-- Boorahhh!

I thought I was getting a grade C teen slasher monster flick-- it sure started off like a cheap production-- then it stopped being cheap.

The Sets and the atmosphere are tense and dark. The dialogue is simple and to the point-- and fits hand in glove with the growing desperation of the characters. There's no cheesy music score-- only very well placed sound effects that almost, ALMOST seem like a score--and not a pleasant one at that.

And the center of it all-- the girl. Just watch her move. She's not a girl. She's not a vampire. She's not some two-bit actor wannabe in corny slimy mutant make-up.

She's Worse.

She's utterly creepifying.

Get your nachos ready. Tell your girlfriend to shut-up. Turn off your cellphone. Turn down the lights.

Stop trying to be Siskel & Ebert. Just Watch it.

This is what a Late Friday Night Movie is supposed to be.
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