"Superstore" Cloud Green (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


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Bashir Salahuddin as Pastor Craig
safenoe23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bashir Salahuddin as Pastor Craig in Cloud Green, which is towards the end of season four. It's hard to believe season four was broadcast four years ago, before the pandemic.

Anyway, we see Glenn in conflict with Amy because Glenn is a Christian friend of Pastor Craig, and Amy ends up kicking Pastor Craig from the Cloud 9 store and Dina tries to whip up religious and racial conflict to drive a wedge between Glenn and Amy, or at the very least do a wedgie on Glenn.

The climate change or green politics of this episode, well I'm not really what the writers were trying to get at. Were they mocking it or what.
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About "Christian bashing"...
Zett765 May 2020
(warning: I will use a LOT of air quotes)

Well done! Obviously it triggered the "right" people... :-) Superstore is a show about plenty of looney characters. But the moment you include a "man of god", some "Christians" (I put that in quotes, because they aren't - "fighting back" is very un-christian-like; "turn the other cheek", no?), hell breaks lose. I wasn't even that impressed, this character was more of a side-show. But after reading this other comment (as of today), I immediately started to love this episode!

Ridicule those who have no humor. They are the worst, and they are dangerous.

Well done, Superstore!
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Hell yeah!
dmntrsn20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode made it very clear what those at Superstore think about militant Christians and I applaud it whole heartedly. Literally NO ONE wants religion shoved down their throats and those, like Glenn, just don't understand that. It goes beyond "well meaning" and into, as Amy so beautifully called it, "being a man baby". Glenn's behavior in this episode was SO annoying that I actually had to take breaks between each of his little wah-wah breakdowns. This'll upset a lot of Christians (I don't know, I refuse to read the reviews because I just know it's not good for my mental health) but honestly who cares? Non-Christians have been putting up with their bull stuff for ages.
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Preface- Superstore is an overall funny show.
guestyt24 July 2021
Now to my point. I'm not even going to add to any of the other 2 opinions. As an individual who appreciates good humor, but is also of faith, I was never upset about the individual episode in itself. I do, however, become disappointed in the fact that Christians are made fun of pretty frequently, and so many other agendas are glorified. It's throughout the show. I look at the overall picture in this episode to give my rating. Believe me, I'm sure there are pastors who are all about promoting their church or selling other things, but also believe me when I say that on the overall, the majority of Christians in the world are not as they are portrayed in Superstore. I hope we all remember it is a comedy (for any other Christians), but also be aware that Christians are most definitely the most laughed at in this show (for those who also just want to hate on Christians).
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Show has went to the dump!!
Marynewcomb201314 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a decent show, even with the bad Mateo! Now it's just really went down!! All the people in the show are airhead, ding bats that are made fun of except the black people! I get being funny but making all the races dumb & one smart is completely wrong!! It's not making up for history!! It's not an eye for an eye to make things better because it doesn't!! Let's not leave out the religion aspect!

I am not a fan of religion but this is clearly singling out Christianity & poking holes all in it!! But yet nothing was said when the Muslim went into the closet a couple episodes back!! This just ended up wasting the talent of America!!
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