"Hanna" Friend (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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A deep character study
wms-9274124 May 2021
I've seen a lot of negative reviews about this show and this episode in particular, which mostly seem to convey some kind of disappointment because this show isn't like the movie which inspired it.

Well, of course it isn't. The movie was about two hours long, which doesn't provide much time for character revelation. The series does take the time to reveal character, and it does so very well. Esme Creed-Miles, as star of the show, has to bring a major presence to the screen and she does it. It's a role which tasks the actor, because this character was raised alone, knowing just one human for her entire life. Hanna has no emotional markers, no idea how to express how she feels, indeed no idea even what feelings mean. She has been taught since birth to focus on survival and emotions get in the way. This is a complex character mainly because of her enforced, and rejected, simplicity.

This episode brings Hanna to the world of humanity and gives her a friend. It's emotionally powerful. This series has some action but is primarily about this character, an incomplete soul who wants to fit in but is in constant danger. She has no idea how to live her life, but is determined to have control over it.

I saw the movie years ago, once. I recall being impressed. I don't recall much detail, and I didn't expect a whole lot from the series except that it might hold my interest, as many shows do not. Hanna holds my interest. It's a fine series, and this is a fine episode. It is not non-stop action. It's smarter than that.

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Omarvelli9 May 2019
It was lovely seeing Hanna, who has not had any contact with a girl her age hang out with Sophie. We see her explore a range of emotions and learn new things along the way in a crash course kind of way. The family was blended really well into her journey.
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Hanna Lets Loose
lavatch31 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In this second episode, Hanna shows off the intelligence that she evidently received artificially from a secret State-controlled experiment on babies. She also models the martial arts skills she learned in her forest cave from her father.

Hanna has been placed in a detention center deep in the bowls of the Moroccan desert. Apparently from her base in Eastern Europe, Marissa is controlling Hanna's fate. But Hanna outfoxes her captors, kick-boxing her way out of the detention center. She also secretly absconds with her DNA test which has been graded as "abnormal."

When Hanna emerges into the sunlight of Morocco, she gets linked up by accident to a family vacationing from the UK. It is quite the dysfunctional family that is arguing all the time. But Hanna rescues the daughter Sophie, who has become separated from the family.

Hanna's "friend" of the program's title is Sophie. In a touching relationship, the two characters bond, and Sophie convinces the family to take Hanna to Europe and send her off to Amsterdam at the train station.

In the meantime, Marissa has hired a sleazy private contractor to apprehend Sophie, and he somehow easily discovers her traveling with the family. But, Hanna's training pays off when she puts the hurt on him and his associates at the train station.

Erik, Hanna's father, has made his way to Berlin, with some collateral damage en route. Marissa has paid a visit to Erik's mother Sarah and demands that she contact her if she hears from Erik. Erik registers at a hotel under the name of Peter Olssen, the man who is Hanna's contact.

To be continued....
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This was a pretty lame episode.
LegendaryFang5612 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A predictable glimpse at normality, more like it. Surely something different could've been done to give Hanna that than going to a club and partying. That was so dumb. Not only that, she should've known better than to become involved with other people, especially if she's obviously going to grow attached to them given she's lived in a forest her entire life. I'd be surprised if those chasing her don't end up using them to get to her. If they don't, they're even dumber than she is. Because at this point, she's more likely to try and save them by doing what they want in return that they're not killed instead of caring about her own safety more. Hopefully, she knows better. I doubt it, though.
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No! Hanna Don't!!!!
wandernn1-81-6832749 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Open with random family packing up and leaving on a trip? I'm sure this will become relevant to the story...soon.

Hanna is being held in a cell. Undressed and sent to shower.

Hanna is put in an interrogation room. And given the questioning. Hanna tells her captors that she wants to speak to Marissa, naming her by name.

Cut back to random family girl, making out with random boy I guess on some beach in Morocco? I guess that's where they went in their camper van.

Back to Hanna where they've sent in a fake Marissa to speak to Hanna. Oops. Big Mistake for her!! Hanna specifically wanted to get to Marissa Hanna kills the fake Marissa and escapes from the facility into the World. Should be giving a star here but really the killing of the fake Marissa and the escape was far too easy.

In the desert / mountains/ beach, Hanna runs into random family and gets offered a ride.

Haha, Marissa has a meeting with her counterpart in a male strip club. I don't think I've ever seen a guy in high heels doing a pole dance before on TV or even in movies.

+1 Star for this 1st of a moment for me!!!!

Flip to Hanna leaving random family and merging into a Moroccan city. Her first experience in a crowded environ. Has she been taught well enough? How will she fare??? Oh nevermind, she meets back up with them almost instantly. Not a lot of parting time there.

Really? Hanna is spotted and recognized? Talk about spotting a needle in a haystack.

-1 Star for that silly illogical spotting of Hanna by counterpart dude. Jacobs, i guess is the character name.

Some random moments Hanna spends Sophie and family. Hanna is about to board a train for 'Amsterdam'. Sophie says bye. And then...Hanna spots she is being watched. They try to take Hanna down but she's having none of it. She beats down her potential captors and then Clark Kent's onto the back of a moving train!

+1 Star for the end sequence of the episode.

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Accentuates the tiresome
dwyde_shryde1 April 2019
Far too much is made of the Brit family on holiday in Morocco in this episode. I really hope the series stops focusing on these tropey dysfunctional characters or else this will not be watched through the end.
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oh dear
namstonk30 March 2019
Ok so this follows a few scenes from the original film but the acting and direction is woeful. You wish the characters Sophie, Tom, Rachel and Jay would die in a horrific apple pie incident within the first minute of introduction, especially Sophie the character played by Rhianne Barreto (jeezus boy did Variety mag get that wrong). The dialogue basically becomes girlie teen talk about being pretty and showing off her figure, then escalates to a bloody makeover. I know it's early doors in the series, but please establish the series one way or the other, the film Hanna or teen crap like Riverdale. It only gets four stars because the original was good, the two protagonists and Creed-Miles has great potential, the episode gets zip, nada, nil.
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2 episodes in and not sure if I can keep going...
bethtyparty20 July 2020
Why oh why is there a story line of a family on holidays with absolutely dreadful, bratty and miserable kids. Just move along with HANNA! Isn't that who the show is supposed to be about? Suspense, thriller, action...no. Sleepy drama, trying to be silly...maybe. At least the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have 2 songs in 2 episodes.
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