"The Walking Dead" The King, the Widow and Rick (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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a boring episode full of nonsense, incoherence and bad writing but with a good scene
MomentIMDB8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The episode has many plots, but they all progress very slowly. good points: we see again michonne and rosita, who were absent. I liked the introduction, something different and it works as a summary of the previous episodes. The scenes between Carl and Siddiq are entertaining. the fights with rosita and michonne against the salvadored were good. The best part of the episode was when Ezekiel is in the theater sitting on the floor and Carol enters to help him. It is one of the most emotional and best written scenes of the whole season. both characters were realistic and the actors interpreted them very well. bad points: the plot advances very little and the development of the characters is null. Jesus is very irritable about keeping the rescued saviors safe. This makes no sense, in the previous season he encouraged the war and did everything possible to end the saviors. also in the sixth season he proposes to go to the satellite at night and kill the saviors while they sleep, incoherence. Rick's part was nonsense. Why go to the dumpster who betrayed you, if the war was already winning? .
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A bland episode of nothingness
arvoturbo27 November 2017
This one was bland, yet again. Nothing substantial happened, every main character has been invincible for the whole season. What a total coincidence that only Ezekiel, Carol and Jerry made it out of the ambush./s The writers don't have the cojones to kill off anyone noteworthy anymore and it translates onto the screen. Again, where was Negan? What is he up to? The saviors and literally dumb as wood. Why are they so useless suddenly? Also everyone was talking about how they need to win. WE GET IT! You really need to win and losing your gay lover was tough. It gets old.

You seriously wouldn't miss anything if you watch only the season opener, mid-season finale and the season finale. The writers don't really care about any other episodes.

This show went from a magnificent show, to an enjoyable, to a watchable, to a meaningless show.
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How to Destroy The King, the Widow and Rick and the Series
claudio_carvalho28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The King, the Widow and Rick" is another episode with potential destroyed by the writers. The former balanced and rational leader Rick is turned into an unbalanced man, capable to visit alone a woman that betrayed and shot him to ask for the support of the Garbage People in the war against Negan. But didn't he say that they were winning the war and The Saviors are trapped by a herd of walkers? Why would he need the support of this nasty treacherous people? The leader Ezequiel now is a talkative depressed man with an annoying speech and no attitude. Maggie was a character kept safe until this episode where she builds cages to imprison The Saviors including that tall and scornful long- haired Savior that should have been executed a long time ago. Jesus feeding The Saviors using Hilltop supplies is also ridiculous and hard to understand. The only good part is Gregory staying with the other prisoners. Michonne kicking the tennis ball and Rosita dropping her gun in a crucial moment are awful clichés and Daryl hitting the car with sound boxes with a truck does not have any explanation since he was behind a building with Tara with no view to what was happening to Michonne and Rosita. Carl risking his life to destroy walkers with his new acquaintance is also inexplicable. At least the unreasonable shooting has ended. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "The King, the Widow and Rick"
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Sociological Perspective
guyadiangold24 February 2018
I still like the show. Granted it is not as fast paced as it used to be...which is a good thing. It wasn't good for my heart.

There were some scenes that didn't seem to make sense, but I still like the show from a sociological perspective, and watching how people work together or not.
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A steaming pile of garbage
TheDonaldofDoom27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the stupidest things that have happened in the Walking Dead's eight seasons, Rick's capture this week is definitely trying to reach the top spot. According to what Rick has been saying this season, Alexandria is winning the war on the Saviors. It's hard to tell whether this is true because of the awful camera-work, but if Rick says it it must be true. So why the hell does Rick turn up on his own in the Land of the Garbage People WHEN THEY HAD BETRAYED HIM ALREADY. I mean, what the hell did he expect? Of course the real reason Rick turned up at the Garbage Land was to create a contrived cliffhanger to give people a reason to watch the next episode. I swear, the writers aren't even trying anymore.

Not much else the episode offers up is any better. Jesus and Maggie's debate about whether to let the captured Saviors live drones on. At least when TWD used to have these moral arguments they were contained within a single episode. Now they're the main storyline of the season.

Meanwhile, Carl reaches out to the stranger that Rick chased off in the season premiere. I wouldn't be this opposed to new characters being introduced if the cast wasn't already so bloated. But at the same time as the supposed main characters get so little screen time, is it wise to be spending minutes on introducing yet more characters that will probably be killed off in a few episodes anyway?

The only scene in the episode I actually liked was when Carol spoke to the King. Even though I find him annoying, the scene was well written. Everything else was garbage. But hey, at least AMC are paying for it in the form of the lowest viewing figures since Season 2.
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The King, the Widow and Rick
bobcobb30127 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There was nothing wrong with this episode, but this was about as filler as you can get. We got another scene where somehow our heroes outsmarted the Saviors despite not being as tactically strong. And we had Rick and D just wandering around doing nothing for much of the hour.

Disappointing to see how this show has been this year.
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So What Did We Learn Tonight?
sevenlilxenos27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If Rick's plan was to be thrown half naked into a box by the tall chick with a bad haircut he succeeded. Gawd I hate his plot exposition speeches.

Speaking of being locked up it was nice to see that slimy, sniveling POS Gregory right where he belongs. I hope his new friends eat him for a midnight snack.

A King has his reign and then he......takes a Queen Carol? Better choice than big Yo-yo to get him back in the game.

Mags will prolly regret not killing the tall Savior. You would think someone named Jesus would know that you can't save everyone.

Carol has a way with kids. At least until they die.

Coral seems to be more of a momma's boy than a Rick jr. other than asking the 3 stupid questions to a new person. Like they would NEVER lie to you.

Don't tell Rosy she won't kill you when she is holding a RPG and you boss killed her ex.

Fun to watch Michonne get down with a Savior chick. Too bad they didn't make it more interesting.

Don't play loud music around Daryl, well maybe something like Metalica.
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What a joke! Even in a zombie apocalypse, people do not act like this. Implausible. The writers should be fired.
Bababooe27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so last week Rick and Daryl beat the hell out of each other and lose the guns. Because, wait for it, Rick does not want possible innocent people killed, when Daryl attacks the sanctuary to let the zombies in to kill Negan. Nonsense. Put yourself into the show, how would you act. Rick? He's killed people, had close friends and family killed. This is not time to worry about some casualties that may get killed in the way of Negan. Anybody remember Glen? How about Red? Give me break.

Now, after last week's nonsense we get episode 6. Rick walks into a prison of the junk people. Who does this? Nobody, except the writers of this garbage, just to build some kind of implausible contrived suspense.

Then we get a scene with Carol and the King. This is the biggest nonsense after Rick. Last week the King's face was all bloody, and now he sits in a dark theater, ALL CLEANED UP, and holding his dead tiger's chain moping around like a freaking loser bum. I don't blame the actors. They followed the direction. I blame the writers. This would not happen in real life. These people have killed. They have seen their loved ones get killed. To have King Ezequio moping around like a spoiled little child is ridiculous. It's freaking Ridiculous!!! Nobody would act like this. Nobody! We get scenes with the Widow Maggie. She's killed. She's had her loved ones killed. What does she do? She keeps the killers of her husband as prisoners. Please no.

And what's up with Coral (Carl). He finds a buddy, and since his new buddy kills walkers to set their souls free, they go out to kill some walkers. Not to save themselves. It's a sport now to kill walkers. This would not happen in real life. It just would not happen.

The only part of this episode that was plausible is when Michonne and Rosita by chance found a couple of Saviors. Yes, coincidence, but that's the best part of this episode. Then Daryl and Tara show up just in time to crash a garbage truck into the saviors truck. More coincidence. Yes! So, my friends. I've seen every single freaking episode of this WTF TWD. When I first discovered the show, I thought, well, this looks like a freaking soap opera. But there was some interesting characters and some suspense. Then I got hooked into it like millions of other morons. And now I can't stop watching. But my patience has been tested. And I don't know if I will pass the test and just jump this stupid ship. As outlined above, my main problem is the characters actions and dialogue. The characters are unrealistic. Yes, it is a zombie apocalypse. It is not real life. But the characters are supposed to be real. And within the context of this zombie show, would it be too much to ask for some real characters. Please, help me.

Now after thinking about this episode for a few days, I have some suggestions to the writers. Here's my alternative universe of this episode:

1) Rather than Rick and Daryl fighting each other and losing the guns, they take the guns and go total Rambo on the Garbage People, like how Carol went total Rambo on Terminus. Remember Carol going Rambo on Terminus? That was nice, right? Here's a great Rick quote that he can say just before Rick and Daryl go Rambo: "You graze me, I destroy your Garbage Empire, MoFo!" How's that? We get some nasty killings. The Garbagers are gone. And the viewers feel great.

2) Maggie goes complete Rambo on the Hilltop prisoners. She single handedly St. Valentines Day machines guns them all, including Gregory. How's that? Morgan is vindicated. Jesus cuts off his stupid beard and sits the F… Down!

3) Carol finds King Ezequio, picks up his dead tiger chain, and Bitch Slaps him with it until he wakes the F… Up! How's that? No tears. No moping around. No speech. Just a good old fashion beat down. I thought the world is falling apart. I didn't think I was walking into a daytime soap opera: Days of our Zombie Lives, How the Zombie World Turns, General Zombie Hospital. Give me a break!

4) Carl (Coral) finds his buddy in the woods and brings him back to Alexandria, maybe kills a couple of zombies, not for sport but to save their lives. Boring. But that's it. We don't need no stinking badges, or any contrived danger.

Let's get real people. This is a TV show. It's about people trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse. But it should still be about realistic people. Not cartoon characters. Give us some real characters.
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Disgusting bias on IMDb.
astowell-296121 December 2017
It's so hilariously transparent. As soon as the latest episode of The Walking Dead airs, it's rated a 1 out of 10 by the same number of people (give or take). But it's not just exclusive to this show, it's a trend everywhere on this site.

This is why IMDb is the worst place of reference for the quality of any given show. It's all agenda driven, circlejerk, armchair quarterback BS. If you read through the reviews, it's all the same. Little input, no attempt to discuss the show, just vitriol.

No matter how bad I think an episode of a show might be, I just can't imagine voting a 1 out of 10 unless it is absolutely abhorrently awful. And if it was that bad I would be more than happy to explain why I feel that way, this is what IMDb reviews lack. Those ratings are in no way a fair assessment of The Walking Dead nor many other shows the suffer the same brigade BS.

IMDb is a go to for a lot of people on the internet, purely based on it's name and reputation. But in recent times, the site has devolved into an echo chamber of kneejerk hate and meme based evaluation. Even the great Game Of Thrones suffered an amount of the same BS undeservedly.

How can you possibly have a site as a source of quality and recommendation when it is completely drowned in the the typical "Youtube" or "Twitter" analysis of users?
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ThomasDrufke26 November 2017
With an episode titled "The King, The Widow, and Rick" I figured we would be treated with an episode that delves much deeper into the difference between how those three approach leadership. While Maggie was prominent throughout, and we got one big scene from both Ezekiel and Rick, this was far from the episode I expected.

With that said, I was let down with the lack of happenings in tonight's episode. I'm sure the show-runners are saving the big guns for the next two episodes to end 2017, but I definitely expected a big cliffhanger. Especially considering the synopsis read "an argument breaks out at the Hilltop, where the consequences of the decision are life versus death", one would think there would be actual "consequences".

Carol was nearly given the leadership role as Ezekiel is still brooding away below his throne. That's always been an interesting dynamic in this show and that was the case again tonight. I do wonder if Ezekiel's days are numbered though, now that he seems to have no hope left. Which, by the way, one would have to think Gregory's days are also numbered

It also begs the question of when this war is actually going to end. With most major characters surviving the war, do we still have a whole lot left? Is it going to end in 2 episodes with the mid-season finale? Or is this going to be dragged out until the season finale in April? And is it really smart for Daryl and Tara to be secretly plotting to kill Dwight at this point? I thought the crew was working as one unit these days…?

So Rick got shut down by the garbage folks, Maggie put her foot down (sort of), Michonne and Rosita made their return to the show (finally), and Carl brought home a new friend. It was kind of a jumbled episode where nothing fit as well as it probably should have.

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Silly stupid screenplay
spinoff7518 March 2021
Why Maggie and Jesus welcomed Saviors hostages into Tophill???? Is kind of a point a shotgun in your mouth even worst put an Scorpio in your mouth hoping it doesn't sting you.
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Rick being Rick
dantascezar6 November 2020
Rick again doing stupid things. That's why I like Negan - ok, ok, he is the villain, so he is supposed to get paid for what he has done. But it pisses me off when Rick acts like a moron.
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Is it Me? Well, no.
lmbelt-5014328 November 2017
Episode after episode I think, "Is it me, or has this show really really gone south?" I have to pinch myself to realize I am watching the same Walking Dead I grew to love and not dreaming (more like a nightmare).

The remaining characters I care for, of whom there are few, do not seem to be the same people as in prior seasons. Their behavior is nonsensical at best. What in the world was Rick up to? Wassup with de Lion King? Man is that character unbelievable. Maybe a pet weasel or ferret would help. Darryl seems to have morphed into a lunatic version of his brother. Carol cries nice. That's about the extent of that character's depth.

How about one new character HALF as interesting as Shane, Tyrese, Bob, Hershel, The Governor, Merle, Glenn, Beth (even Beth) and on and on it goes. The "star" Negan is cartoonish (pun intended).

My 7 score was actually too high. I always try to offset the nitwits who rate episodes 1, 2 or 3.
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Doesn't come alive
TheLittleSongbird10 January 2022
Was very underwhelmed generally by Season 8, which is to me and many others one of the weakest seasons of 'The Walking Dead'. Though the second half of it did improve. It did have a few good episodes, with the previous two being surprisingly good without being a return to form. But when the season was at its worst, it was worse than bad. Of the previous instalments of Season 8, "Mercy" and "Monsters" were particular letdowns and a pale shadow of the once brilliant show's former self.

"The King, The Widow and Rick" is not just one of the worst episodes of Season 8 (the worst too since "Monsters") it is also one of the worst of the whole of 'The Walking Dead' in my view. For pretty much the same reasons as the first three episodes of the season, except doing the flaws even worse here and making more flaws. Actually do feel bad writing an honest negative review for "The King, The Widow and Rick", speaking as a generally generous reviewer, but this just did nothing for me. It was almost as if the huge improvement seen with the previous two episodes did not happen.

It's not a complete shambles. There's some nice scenery and Maggie's role was quite nice in the only halfway intriguing plot strand of the episode.

Everything else is poor. Usually the acting in 'The Walking Dead' is great, here the actors struggle to do anything interesting, intense or emotional complexity with such trash material that they are well above, most are underused as well. The story is a complete disjointed shambles and the main reason as to why "The King, The Widow and Rick" fails as badly as it does. It tries to include too many plot strands and characters and doesn't advance or do much with any of the plot strands or characters. Only the strand with the prisoners has a little interest but that could have done with a lot more tension and everything in the sprawling storytelling is bland.

Pretty much none of the characters are that interesting and some are unnecessary or add little, have not seen zombies this useless on the show for goodness knows how long. Many of them also behave in ways that are cliched and ridiculous, Michonne and Rosita especially. Add to all those a cripplingly slow pace and we have an episode that feels bland, uneventful but also having too much content and doing nothing with it. The dialogue is back to the rambling, excessively talk-heavy kind heard in the first three episodes of the season. The action is chaotic and silly, while the music is gimmicky and misplaced this time, not the usual hauntingly ominous stuff, and the production values have really slipped since the second half of Season 7, with some very chaotic and self-indulgent photography going on.

In conclusion, very bad. 2/10.
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"The King, the Widow, and Rick" is a character-driven episode that further develops the themes of morality, leadership, and the human cost of war
fernandoschiavi22 March 2024
The stolen weapons having been destroyed, Rick heads to the Junkyard to convince the Scavengers to change sides again and help his people. He shows Jadis photos of dead Saviors in the aftermath of the three outpost battles, and tells her that the Saviors are close to defeat. This doesn't sway Jadis, and she has Rick stripped naked and locked in a cargo container.

At the Hilltop, Maggie is still unconvinced that they should keep the captured Saviors alive. Meanwhile, Jesus sees to their needs. Maggie has a large outdoor holding pen constructed, and moves the prisoners, declaring that they won't be mistreated. She also has Gregory thrown into the pen, as he has proven that he can't be trusted. Later Jesus tries to thank Maggie for her mercy, but she stops him. She says that if the captured Saviors don't prove to be useful for hostage exchange, they will have to die.

At the Kingdom, Carol tries to snap Ezekiel out of his grief-induced depression. She insists that the Kingdom needs him to lead them. However, the man cannot bring himself to "play his role" any more, because he is tired of what he considers to be a position built upon lies.

Carl returns to the woods, in search of the man he met at the gas station. He finds the mysterious stranger, and gives him food and water. He learns that the man's name is Siddiq. Carl tells Siddiq about his community, and asks him Rick's three screening questions. Feeling that Siddiq will be a suitable new citizen for Alexandria, he begins to lead him back to the settlement. On the way, they come across a small group of Walkers feeding on a dead elk. After a slight struggle, they kill all of the Walkers, and continue toward Alexandria.

Michonne and Rosita head out for the Sanctuary. They want to see proof that Negan's stronghold is indeed nearing collapse. Along the way they run across a couple of Saviors who have constructed a "sound truck" playing loud music, designed to lead the Walkers away from the Sanctuary and back toward Alexandria. After being discovered by the Saviors, Michonne and Rosita fight them, managing to kill one and cause the others to flee with the truck. Before it can escape to begin its mission, though, it is destroyed by Daryl, who sideswipes it with a garbage truck. He then reveals that he and Tara are also on the way to the Sanctuary. Like Michonne and Rosita, he wants to see that the Sanctuary is about to fall. Not only that, but he plans to use the garbage truck to ensure that the Walkers will be able to flood into the compound.

"The King, the Widow, and Rick" continues to explore the complexities of leadership and morality in the midst of war. The episode is divided into multiple storylines, each focusing on different groups and their reactions to the ongoing conflict. Rick's attempts to forge alliances and maintain unity among the communities are met with skepticism and reluctance, highlighting the fragile nature of their coalition.

One of the episode's standout moments is Carl's interactions with Siddiq, a stranger he encounters in the woods. Carl's decision to show compassion and mercy to Siddiq, despite the risks, underscores the theme of maintaining one's humanity in the face of adversity. This act of kindness serves as a stark contrast to the brutality of war and reflects Carl's growth as a character.

The episode also delves into the internal struggles of other key characters, such as Carol, who grapples with the weight of her actions and the toll of war on her psyche. Ezekiel's crisis of confidence continues as he struggles to reconcile his ideals with the harsh realities of their situation. These personal struggles add depth to the characters and highlight the emotional toll of the conflict on those involved.

Overall, "The King, the Widow, and Rick" is a character-driven episode that further develops the themes of morality, leadership, and the human cost of war. It sets the stage for the challenges ahead and raises questions about the future of the communities and the individuals who inhabit them.
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This show needs new writers...
benjaminprof28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I'm giving this a 2 is for the first time in a long time the walking dead has actually focused on our core group and we haven't been in one location through the entire episode, now onto the reason I'm giving it such a low score is for the sole fact that we have been cheated, we endured the disastrous season 7 with 1 decent premiere and 15 dreadfully slow episodes which barely moved the plot forward, now after 4 OK episodes and 1 average episode, episode 6 gives us it's slowest yet, we already have loads of characters in this show so why the need to introduce new characters which serve nothing to the main story? this show is returning to it's old bad habits again, AMC advertise the show as a 16 episode long war and this is what we get? no wonder the ratings are getting lower, at this rate this show will be lucky to get a season 10 let alone a season 9, gimple needs to up his game if he wants to save this mess of a show, I've been a loyal fan since 2011 and season 7 slowly destroyed my interest for this show, why can't we have a more plausible/gritty survival show that we had during seasons 1-5? now it's cringey dialogue with the king who makes this show sound like an episode of power rangers from the 90's and then we've got negan? what a joke, this show doesn't have to completely copy the comics, the creators surely know that it doesn't translate well! anyways back to my main problem with this episode, why did rick return to the junkyard group? it makes zero sense and now he's a prisoner again, let me guess next episode we'll get a winslow 2.0? now the show is copying it's old episodes trying to be edgier and ending up a complete disaster, a 2 is my final score, kill negan already and end this disaster before it gets worse, if the mid season finale turns out to be a nothing episode and the saviours live or negan makes another escape from death with his plot armor I think it'll be bye bye to the walking dead for me, gimple, you are losing the interest of fans!
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lydia-nalen6 February 2021
The Walking Dead catches up with the its main communities as Rick's plan heads into its second phase with "The King, the Widow and Rick."

We follow several different groups throughout the episode, including Rick visiting the garbage dump, Daryl and co who are planning an alternative strategy in the war against the saviors, and Carol who is getting closer to Henry. It is important to emphasize that this is a suspense-building episode that lays the foundation for the rest of the season.

Can seem a bit slow at times, but still a solid episode with some quality scenes and good moments. One scene in particular involving Rick Grimes is one of the most enjoyable and coolest scenes throughout the season. Give it a try, and don't be fooled by the poor score.
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fahadzs-0281527 November 2017
First lemme say that I've always stuck with this show- Good, bad always. But today's episode was one of the most slowest and uneventful episodes ever. And frankly I've had enough of this. The writers should just not write at all and that'd be better than writing episodes like this. Just sad and disappointed.
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Not bad at all !!
titoqashar-5207013 March 2021
We all have our mistakes , but we all can make it right
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so awful TV series
kobrzzz428 November 2017
I don't know what is happening with the writers, but guess they are just satisfied with the amount of money they earned in past with this show, so they don't need to improve anything, because money keeps coming. The best thing about this episode (and the walking dead in general) was that I could have watched it online and just skip it. It took me 4 minutes to see whole episode.
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A bland episode
shanekraus31 December 2021
This episode was not bad. I still enjoy this show, though it's much more slow paced than it used to be. Most of this episode feels like filler, and is kind of boring. There was some bad writing in this episode however. This is where the season quickly starts to deteriorate.
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Getting Better
aj-nitsua26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the best one this season, and character actions actually make sense for once. Light on action, this episode instead focused on the themes of war that make this story more interesting. Most actions make sense, and left me rooting for characters I had almost given up on.

Maggie's plan for the prisoners was well done, and throwing Gregory in with them had me laughing in sheer delight. Rick using the pictures taken in earlier episodes was a great reveal, and makes me think the trash people will side with Alexandria. Ezekiel's grief was believable and heartbreaking, and Carol supporting him deepens my suspicions that they will eventually become an item.

There were some character motivations that left me confused, mostly in why Michonne and Rosita had to check on the Sanctuary. I get they are restless, but it just seemed like a poor way to get them to team up with Daryl and Tara. Speaking of them, their motivations make sense, but I'm wondering what they plan to do to the Saviors. Until I see the plan play out, I'll remain on the fence about this subplot.

One last thing: how did Carl track down Siddiq again? This took me out of the scene, and overall their screen-time felt like filler disguised as character development. Overall, this episode helped set up for the final two before the break. Hopefully these subplots all lead to an explosive conclusion, but this season actually has me praying for slower episodes, as they can't seem to get much right when they go fast-paced. Overall, a well done episode.
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The Written Dread; The Shell-shocked, The Angry Face, and The Delusional
drkknt-231491 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First some facts before the review for those interested in Nielsen ratings. Other than the season premier episode, the remaining 5 of 6 episodes have a rating size less not seen since season 2 (and season 2 finale was larger than the 5 also). SEASON 2, when the series was in its infancy! So 5 straight episodes less than 9 rating when season 3 had only 3 low episodes between 9 and 10. Also the average size has dropped the last 3 seasons, 38% drop since it's peak (season 5) and currently 20% drop since last season (so far). See Nielsen ratings on wiki for The Walking Dead to verify.

Back to the series: I believe a lot of the crew are victims of their own success and resultant narcissism. Several seasons ago, viewers didn't have the "fancy" production with voice over pan shots of people walking around in semi-slow motion, musical introduction with faces sweating and dripping blood. At the start it was straight forward and got the viewers attention, not the current compost heap. Just wait, I'm sure there'll be more of this editing trickery to waste more time from a slow season.

Back to the episode: I'm not sure what the angle is with Gregory, but I think it would be smart if he is truly getting in good with the Saviors to help save people. That's all I can present as the intriguing aspect from the episode. Otherwise, the rocket exploding person (is it a parody joke doing this inside a building?!), 5+ different story lines, the idiot junk yard cult (society communications drop so dramatically in less than a couple years?... "Talking bad. You annoying."), chronic moronic behavior. Wandering around in weird patterns?? How have they survived? I'm surprised they have any tactical methodology to survive this long.

At some point, the actors have to take a stand and tell the writers and director, "My characters behavior is so screwed up and makes no sense. Do they have brain damage, are the oxygen levels on the planet dropping thereby reducing brain functions?"

I'm committed to the series until the mid-season break, afterwards depends on how it breaks.

P.S. What is the status of the HELICOPTER?!! Seriously, the storytelling is pathetic. Great, even the helicopter has pulled a "Glenn"... (see prior review on what a "Glenn" is).

Thank you.
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Thanks for that last review!
ericstevenson26 November 2017
Well, my last review was my most liked ever in the 1,000+ reviews I've done! I guess it would be a tough act to follow here, but I really shouldn't be saying stuff like that in the actual review. Anyway, I didn't think this episode was great. The best part was when we get introduced to this new character, Siddiq. This cast is getting larger all the time. He's a guy who claims he's been killing walkers to release their souls which probably makes as much sense as anything else here. It's interesting how a show with zombies still doesn't treat itself as being supernatural or proving the existence of such.

I wished to see Negan. The most relevant part is probably Rick trying to get help against the Saviors. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out well. This episode doesn't focus on a single character or even a single group of characters as we get to see scenes from most of the characters in this. It does come across as kind of pointless because there aren't many character revelations made. I just expect more from this show. It still had its unique bits and was mostly enjoyable. ***
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Worst episode of this season. Fire the writers.
WetTempe2 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Almost nothing happened this episode. The writing was terrible. Why would Rick walk back into the McPoyle camp? Why not send someone else, whoever really. And the dialog when they found the two saviors with the speaker truck. Jesus Christ that was bad, i couldn't watch. Why would he whistle? And yeah I get that they are supposed to be psychopaths, but seriously, not even a little adrenaline when they get ambushed after they have lost every outpost? So stupid.

This season is by far the worst season of the show so far. Even Neegan who I loved in the last season is now just an annoying character that I wish would die already. And the savior that was captured previously and proved to be just a complete psychopath, why is he still alive? Maggie says there will be zero tolerance and the guy tries to grab a gun and still lives. Just shoot him already, whats the problem? Afraid to hurt Jesus feelings?

The hostages are probably going to get lots of airtime in the coming episodes, and it's gonna be super annoying. Just kill them, we don't care about them at all. They are probably going to end up killing them as well, after something goes down or maybe nothing goes down and someone just decides to kill them. Then we are gonna have 5 episodes of Jesus being emo.

Just be done with the saviors already, kill them all off and move on to something new. It's boring and predictable. And it's so painfully slow.

The show needs new writers, I'm not sure the current writers have met people before, because the characters decision making no longer makes sense.

They are at war and Carl decides to go walker hunting for sport. OK.
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