Sinister Squad (2016) Poster

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Fool me once ....
j-e-mcfarland-iii14 July 2016
Why even bother to have a review section for any films made by The Asylum?

They specialize in really bad knockoffs as a ploy to catch some of the money that will be spent on the real film - Suicide Squad - an upcoming film that is expected to pay off big. It obviously works for them - because they have been doing this for years now ...

I have yet to see anything original and/or even marginally decent come from their studios yet. The movies have no real humor and the plot only loosely, and I mean loosely, follows that of the film they are parodying. They know that once you have paid for the film that it is too late. They don't survive on word of mouth or return customers - unless you let them get one over on you again. ;-)

Next time you see a film with a familiar sounding name - check out who the studio behind it is first. Don't let The Asylum get your hard earned money .....

*If the other reviewer had known this - they would've got the 0 he originally wanted to hand down. It only looks original because they always beat the blockbuster in releasing - they have to or their ploy doesn't work ...
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No. Simply just no...
paul_haakonsen11 November 2016
Every now and then The Asylum do manage to hit the nail right on the head. Unfortunately, more than often they swing wide and miss even wider. And such was the case with the 2016 mockbuster "Sinister Squad".

I must admit that I entered this movie with little or no expectations at all, especially since it was going to be a rip off of "Suicide Squad" and also because I didn't recognize anyone in the movie. But mostly because this is after all another The Asylum release.

I managed to suffer a full 22 minutes and 12 seconds into the movie before I was ready to claw my eyes out and just simply downright gave up. I threw the towel in the ring and went to watch something else. I usually don't easily give up on a movie, but there was absolutely nothing compelling about "Sinister Squad". Nothing to make me want to sit there and hope for it to get better.

From what I managed to gather from what I saw was that the story was about fairytale and mythical beings being recruited for something. And that was about as much as I comprehended from the movie.

The acting was abysmal, as it usually turns out to be in these types of movies. So don't get your hopes up here, not even the least.

The effects and creature designs were poor, to say the least. If they at least had proper effects and CGI, or even just proper make-up and wardrobes for the acting talents, then perhaps I would have stayed for more than just a little over 22 minutes.

I lost every will to watch more of "Sinister Squad", and I am not even going to bother to return to finish the rest of the movie.

This is not the brightest of moments in the history of The Asylum. Now, mind you they do put out something good and entertaining every now and then, but "Sinister Squad" is a movie to avoid like a bad case of flu.
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What is seen can not be unseen
Bored_Dragon24 November 2016
If they picked up a dozen of random teenagers from the street and gave them 24 hours to make the movie using just cellphone and home computer, the result would be much better for sure. Story... I saw porn movies with a much better story than this one. Acting... may I even call it acting...Fantasy/Sci-Fi without CGI and with traces of costumes and makeup that look like they were created by 5 years old. It is completely unbelievable to me that someone made this crap, even more confusing why would anyone agree to act in it, and the most unbelievable of all is that any theater or TV station was ready to show it. This is probably the worst piece of crap I ever sa... tried to watch. I gave up after about 20 minutes and I never do that. I am ashamed that I watched even that much, and how makers and actors of this live with themselves after doing it... I really do not understand.

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brandim-4034718 January 2019
I never leave reviews for movies,but this one is so putrid, I felt I must. Ran across it on plutu tv, and I must say it is total trash, this movie sucks and made absolutely no sense..
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Well, I liked it
robertjhale5 September 2018
The reviews for this are almost uniformly negative but I thought it was daft fun. Are the performances Oscar winners? No, but a couple of them are pretty good in an eye-rolling scenery-chewing way. Is the plot derivative? Of course it is but so are a lot of movies with a hundred times the budget. Is the title a blatant cash-in? No question about it. In spite of all that I enjoyed it. (And I also enjoyed the two Avengers Grimm movies which have stolen very little beyond the actual title). Frankly I enjoyed it about ten times as much as Suicide Squad which I truly do rate as one of the worst films I have ever seen.
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Kill me, wait let me do it.
curtisedwards-9289426 January 2017
I watch some of the dumbest movies known to mankind, but some I just can't make it through...this is one of them. I don't think its the actors fault. I think its more the directors and editors. This movie would work if we were in the 1980's. Each scene seems to be stretched for lack of content to fill the movie up with minutes. They could get their point across in half the time they utilize. The actors seem they are in their first year of acting school, however a couple of them really got into their roll, pushing the boundaries of crazy and I know that had to be a huge effort on their part to rise to such occasion. I think at least one or two of these actors would do well under a different director.
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Alanjackd18 February 2018
So here we have a copy of suicide squad.

Even the poster uses the same colours and style to sell the they expect us to make a mistake and think this is really suicide squad????

that'll never happen.

The thing for me is was made on a budget of almost nothing...bad acting...bad EVERYTHING....

so I ask this.... what is Suicide Squads excuse?? Millions put into it with some big names...and it's as bad as this rubbish.

Both as bad as each other to be honest!!
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What did I just watch?
iamwhitewica6 July 2016
I would give 0 but it deserves a 3 at least for the originality of the story.

That is it though. The acting, the directing, the filming, the music, all in this movie is bad. I wonder how can people really get things like this out on the market...although if we think Microsoft....

It is confusing from the beginning to the end. You get shoved in all kinds of directions, the plot is scattered around different explanations of different characters, if you pay attention, or try to, you might understand the plot behind all the chaos.

The director should go back to school or attend one. I know 15 yold that directs their non-actors better than this. He has put some humour on the movie, like if it needed any, it is funny as it is.

This should be classified in Comedy/fantasy, but even then, it would not deserve the plastic they wasted to film this...I hope it was all digital, at least the planet will not suffer from such a terrible flick!
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You need to seek a mint
nogodnomasters13 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Good storybook characters capture bad storybook characters and hold them in a big warehouse and plan to use them to fight Death, who has some unknown plan that involves the broken magic mirror. Yup, it is as bad as it sounds.

This is an Asylum film, perhaps designed to be a mockbuster of "Suicide Squad" which they got out a bit too soon. At first I thought this was a sequel to "Avenger's Grim" that no one saw, but this included characters from non-Grim stories such as Alice in Wonderland.

In addition to being an ideal that is not completely sound, the execution was bad in acting and dialogue. It had idiotic "boing" noises as if it was a kid's movie.

No swearing sex, or nudity. Good luck making it past 15 minutes.
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Very, very bad.
tigerpawraw3 October 2016
If you are someone who appreciates high-quality cinema, this movie is definitely not for you.

The acting is bad, the directing is worse, and overall, this film is amateur hour. Whether it's the nonsensical plot, the blatant (yet poorly executed) attempts at copying Suicide Squad, the bizarre "Alice In Wonderland" sub-theme, or the random "circus clown" sound effects added with no rhyme or reason, this thing is all types of wrong.

I downloaded this film knowing it would most likely be terrible, with the hopes that the unintentional humor would make it worthwhile, but I had to stop watching it after 10 minutes. The movie intentionally tries to be off-kilter and funny, but all it ended up doing was giving me a headache.

Save your time and energy.
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Seriously give this movie a chance!
kylemb-846573 February 2020
So I know at a first glance Sinister Squad just looks like a plain and simple Suicide Squad knock off with bad acting and rubbish special effects but I can tell you that after watching this 90 minute long movie it's the opposite of what I expected! This movie isn't perfect by any means but its an absolute blast with pretty solid acting and even when the acting is a tad off the whimsical nature of every character (especially Mad Hatter) makes it blend in perfectly. I seriously enjoyed nearly every last bit of this movie but of course there is a few flaws such as Tweedle Dee and the Underworld special effects but other than that this is a fun blast almost the whole way through and I would seriously check it out and maybe give it a watch with a group of friends who love superhero films! This film is also pretty fun to watch as it's whimsical and magical while also being Gory and Dark at many points throughout the movie, please give Sinister Squad an open minded viewing.
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Creepy fun
tle_mgr19 July 2016
Sorry but Asylum seems to be getting better. I don't know they are getting better writers or better funding, but it seems that they are becoming more serious about writing and acting.

This movie was obviously a take on Suicide Squad, but I forgot all about that after 30 mins. I was drawn in to the story line. Lots of creepy fairytale villains, very good acting on their parts. Bluebeard's acting was enigmatic, he almost made me he think the part was being played by Clarence Williams III.

The witch was funny as I don't know what. She was sexy and scary at the same time.

I'd say everyone but the actors playing Goldilock, the Wolf and the Pied Pipper did very well in their roles. Alice (in Wonderland) was a hoot. No seriously she was a wacknut meant for the insane asylum, as were they all.

You won't enjoy this film if you walk into it thinking "oh no not another Asylum film", give it a chance. It is a wholesome family movie (only a few curse words and no sex or nudity).
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nomoreonsunday8 December 2018
My husband and I found this movie by accident. We thought we would watch it anyways. After a few minutes we laughed and turned it off. It was worse than some of the creature feature films that I have seen. It was just as bad as this western movie we tried to watch. Seems like someone made this for a school project. Not my cup of tea.
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Super bad, and not in a good way
TheLittleSongbird2 April 2018
Have made no secret in the past of intensely disliking, and even outright hating a lot, a vast majority of The Asylum's (near-universally maligned for good reason) output, though there is curiosity as to whether they are capable of making something good and compulsive about their output's badness. Admittedly, The Asylum do have a small group of watchable films and the occasional (big emphasis on that word) above average one, unfortunately outweighed by the lacklustre at best and often dreadful films they churn out.

'Sinister Squad' is not quite among The Asylum's all time worst, at least it didn't offend as much as others like 'Operation Dunkirk' did, but it is down there with the film that very nearly reached that distinction. The first part of the tagline is correct, the second part couldn't be more wrong. Sinister is also the last word to describe 'Sinister Squad' too.

Despite what people might assume, it is not a blatant rip-off of 'Suicide Squad', having been made and released before that film was released. But like 'Geo-Disaster' did with 'Geostorm' and 'Operation Dunkirk' did with 'Dunkirk', 'Sinister Squad' capitalised upon it. Was one of many who didn't think 'Suicide Squad' was good at all, but compared to this dreck it is a piece of art. Take absolutely no pleasure giving my lowest possible rating and a negative review, being encouraging and generous on the most part, but it is deserved here.

Visually, 'Sinister Squad' looks incredibly cheap even for something made on a low budget. It's very drably, garishly and sometimes dizzyingly shot, incoherently edited (bacon-slicer-like) with glaring and unforgivably sloppy continuity errors and even the scenery doesn't make much impression despite being actually the least bad aspect of the film. Even worse are the pathetic effects, garish make-up and shoe-string budget-like costumes.

Can remember little about the music, which tended to be intrusive, annoying and out of place. The script makes little sense, sounds awkward constantly and on the wrong side of camp throughout.

There is absolutely nothing thrilling, tense, suspenseful, emotionally investable or fun about the story. The predictability may have been forgivable if the film was actually engaging let alone exciting but it fails to be either throughout. Like so many films from The Asylum, 'Sinister Squad' is basically non-stop dullness and intelligence-insulting ridiculousness, with unintentional humour because of the excessive cheese, bouts of mawkish and stilted melodrama and irritating character behaviours that makes one endear to them even less in a film with not one interesting or rootable character.

Won't talk about much the muddled direction, with no style, taste, coherence, direction of story or drama or sense of knowing what to do with the film, or the all round weak at best performances.

To conclude, super bad all right. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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ASYLUM strikes again!!
AliensReservoir28 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Don't wast your money or time to download this S-word (to be very polite). 10 lines to speak about what? . An empty movie? . To speak about how you will loose your time and once you lost it ... You will claim it back ...

Seriously, go away from this. The guy who comment it and put a 8 rating and says that it's a good one was drunk or smoke the curtain during he was watching this s..t. Unless he hit the wall with his head and he does not know what he is doing anymore. Because you need to have less than a quarter of your brain if you like this s..t!

Seriously, go away from this. The guy who comment it and put a 8 rating and says that it's a good one was drunk or smoke the curtain during he was watching this s..t. Unless he hit the wall with his head and he does not know what he is doing anymore. Because you need to have less than a quarter of your brain if you like this s..t!
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Its better than Suicide Squad
korowheke26 May 2017
Okay so this movie is completely rubbish but it is also entertaining for those of us who find really bad parodies entertaining. The witch is funny as heck and the other fairy tale bad guys actually present a reasonably believable team.

The fact that Asylum has managed to give its characters more depth and its plot more coherency than Suicide Squad should count for something
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bad and boring movie
danker7248 November 2020
Really boring, I expected to see the usual trash film (So bad it's so good) by Asylum, instead I found myself a useless, unwatchable and suppressed film B O R I N G
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worst film ever made
tirrelltovey1 August 2018
I have joined imdb to review this film it is the worst thing I have ever seen the acting is terrible the costumes are from a joke shop i watched this film on my own and i was cringing so much i had to turn it off after 30 mins i know some movies are so bad there good the toxic avenger,basket case,troll 2,ect. but this is not one of them rumplestiltskin is unbelievably bad and so is alice embarrasing
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Which Witch to Watch?
angelghorses27 April 2019
Similar to Suicide Squad but with a modern day fairy tale twist. Corny at times but semi worth watching
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I will explain why everyone hates this movie!
cloudshowtgm15 September 2020
It doesn't actually involve the movie all that much. It's the studio behind it. The asylum is known for ripping of movies, making a movie with a super low budget and making the title, trailer and box art look the same as the movie they are ripping off, in this case: suicide squad. Profiting out of other people's work isn't good which harms the ratings of the movie. This movie would be at its highest a 6/10 if suicide squad didn't exist. Other works of the asylum are: ratatouinc, homeward, star battle 2000 etc This is actually illigal but the asylum doesn't make enough money to really be noticed.
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Not good but still enjoyable
tasherratt15 February 2019
This film is typical Asylum fair, bad acting, bad directing and a bad script that comes together to make an inexplicably entertaining experience. Classic B movie fun.
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It's really really not very good
richard_stiles25 November 2020
It's the bare minimum of what could qualify to be the movie it's packaged to be. Not even one decimal point of an effort beyond that was made. Whoever is reading this, you or anyone you know, your grandmother or that kid who mows your lawn, could gather up a small number of free actors, ask around for an abandoned building you can film in for a day or two for free, have a video editor that can add basic smoke effects, and make a movie just like this.
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Better than Suicide Squad
Cheesy acting, weak special effects but still better than Suicide Squad- better story, better acting(anybody can act better than Leto), more fun. Couldn't watch Suicide Squad straight through without wanting to harm my self-- watched this in one go and even laughed.. a lot of times! Cheaper is better!
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If you watch Asylum, expect Alysum, and as such, its watchable.
destroyerwod6 December 2023
The Asylum are known to make "mockbusters" or basically "rip-offs" of big budget movies but with a very small budget themselves and i think they are mostly aimed for TV. As such if you decide to watch one of their movies, you can't expect great production quality and amazing storytelling.

I knew what i was getting into before watching it and as such, its not terrible. Some of the over the top acting/characters are kinda funny. There is even one character where they added cartoon sound effects, basically without any reason, and its kinda funny.

The plot is a bit hard to follow at first, because they kinda mixmatch fairy tales monsters with other worlds and so on, but ultimately the movie is basically an hostile take over movie.

There is very few locations, and the sets look kinda cheap. The acting like i said is goofy and over the top, but on purpose, and on that side it worked for me. The fights were kinda subpar but not the worst i ever seen and sometimes the blood was decent when the real liquid was use, sometimes its some cheap CGI splash and it look terrible. And the story is servicable at best, but once again i saw worst.

Overall its a cheap movie true and true and you should expect just that. Its not the "best" Alysum movie i seen, neither the worst, and its really reserved for peoples who can enjoy a "so bad its good" type of movies or someone who by morbid curiosity want to see what a Suicide Squad ripoff could look like. If you have no idea what you signing for, then i can understand you may really dislike it. For me it passed time with its 90 min runtime.
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I have actually seen much worse!
minlin2 July 2022
So I just finished watching Sinister Squad. And yes, I watched the entire thing. Was it a great film? Nope. Was it a good film? Eh, not exactly. Was it the worse film I've ever seen? Not even close!

Basically it was semi-harmless way to spend about 90 minutes on a rainy afternoon. I actually chuckled quite a bit, there were several amusing moments.

Also, I have to admit, that the witch quite creeped me out.

I watched on freevee (formerly imdb tv) which means it cost nothing.
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