"Yellowjackets" Burial (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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If everyone's crazy then nobody's crazy.
doofusmcsweeney15 May 2023
Yellowjackets needs to kick it up a notch.

It's becoming like The Walking Dead's season 2 on the farm. And we all know it turned into another drama going places its loyal viewers didn't want to follow. Either start divulging secrets or pick up the tempo because right now it's trudging water. If you were to cancel it now I can't say I would be disappointed unless it starts respecting its viewers.

The actors are the only saving grace hence my 6 stars and their commitment is why I hope for bigger and better things to come.

So far everyone's dealing with trauma in their own unique way but it's getting in the way of story momentum. Do better showrunners.
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Episode 207
bobcobb30119 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is at its best when they have the characters constantly shifting between reasonable and unreasonable because I feel like that is how those who have starved for months in the woods would be.

Misty instantly going from friend back to plotting and threatening further amplifies just how scary that character can be.

Do we need a little bit more action on a week to week basis than we are currently getting? Maybe, but the goal of this show is build to those moments and shock us when they happen. So hopefully they lean into that and give us something jaw-dropping in the next few shows coming up.
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critics hate fun
storeymason20 May 2023
Before you watch this episode and are shocked at the low ratings id like you to remember that critics hate fun and although they beg for character development when an experimental and visceral version of that is presented they turn away in disgust. Nowadays, critics beg for something new and fresh on television as most movies and tv shows are becoming copies of copies and ideas are running dry but as soon as new ideas are shown they deplore it and tell them to stick to this basics and work from there. This was an amazing episodes that really lets you connect and explore the minds of the surviving yellowjackets. This was the moment when i started to really connect with the characters as i saw who they were and what they truly desired. Yellowjackets still remains one of the most amazing television shows to grace our tvs today. Don't listen to critics who are clueless as to what to do when something new presents itself.
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Don't let the haters deter you.
bmc515115 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It seems to me that there are certain reviewers - here and elsewhere - who don't like this show but watch it anyway so they can know what happened and then give it bad reviews. Yeah I know YJ isn't for everybody, so if it's not your thing just don't watch it. I could very easily watch Grey's Anatomy, or Servant - two shows I've tried to watch but can't stand - and then come here and post a negative review. Those shows are not for me, but others like them. Fine by me. What's important is that this was a pretty-good-but-not-great-episode for YJ fans. So let's dive in...

Okay - yes - the scenes of the ladies completing their tasks at Lottie's compound were less than compelling (Quick aside - the guy who was giving Shauna a hard time about the goat needs to get his ass whipped). The exception to this - of course - was Misty's whack-a-doodle fantasy scene with Walter and Caligula. So many people complaining on the net about how cringeworthy and bizarre that was. Well, folks, THAT'S EXACTLY THE POINT! Let's be honest - adult Misty has been a little saner this season than YJ fans know her to be. This was a little reminder of how truly disturbed she is, and probably setting the stage for adult Misty to engage in some Misty-style brutality in the last 2 eps. Plus - and I mean come on - how awesome was the all-too-brief appearance of the amazing John Cameron Mitchell as Caligula?

How about when Misty started with "Hey remember that first summer?" and Van cut her off? Anyone else want to know what she was about to say? Maybe she was going to tell them she destroyed the black box. Wouldn't THAT be interesting?

Okay now to the three big factors of the wilderness story. Sammi Hanratty continues to amaze as Misty, and her scene pleading to Caoch to step back from the edge was easily Emmy-worthy.

Also, what happened to Crystal's body?

The big one, of course, is the Shauna-Lottie showdown at the end. Ashley, Bart and Jonathan continue to be SO demanding of Sophie Nelisse as an actress and she delivers every time. Speaking of Emmys, SN is clearly steamrolling her way way to a best actress nom, maybe even a win.

Like most, I was sickened by how the other girls didn't interfere with the beating, but they were basically under Lottie's orders to let it happen. Also, I believe that Lottie - aided by the "wilderness" - will heal much quicker than natural. This will elevate her status as a god-like figure to the other girls.

As far as next week, we finally get that hunt scene that we have all been waiting for since we saw the trailer. I think it's Gen, btw. For me, this will be my most highly anticipated TV episode since GOT's Battle of the Bastards. Next Friday at midnight, folks. Countin' the seconds.

Out. 😃
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I love the show but this episode was just pointless
Like the title says, this whole episode could be skipped and you wouldn't miss anything important. I was excited to see all the women come together finally, and to see the aftermath from the previous episode, and then... nothing. It's crazy how you can go from a pretty great episode like the previous one, and then the momentum just comes to a SCREECHING halt. It was killing me for weeks waiting for the next episode, but now I'm thinking I'll just wait till all the episodes come out. Speaking of which, why are we waiting for weekly episodes, even a mid season break of all things? Wasn't the whole point of streaming to not have to deal with this? But I digress.
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Worst episode of the series so far
hnt_dnl13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At this point, it's become obvious that the YJ writers don't have a legitimate, fluid story anymore like they did in the first season. They may say they have multiple seasons mapped out, but the getting there so far has been very shaky. If there's any episode that fits the definition of the term "filler," it is this episode entitled "Burial." The past timeline focused on the search for Crystal, a character that should never have been introduced to the show in the first place. She basically only had interactions with Misty (thus the popular theory that she may have been her imaginary friend), albeit a couple of very minor instances where other characters told her to stop it with her annoying singing. But otherwise, every time we saw the character, she was always joined to the hip with Misty and shadowing her everywhere. This was Strike 1 for the episode because it's based on the search for a completely irrelevant, unimportant character that added nothing to the series and felt like a waste of time. Also, did the writers forget their own story in regards to Lottie? Why couldn't she "feel" that Crystal was dead in the same way that she felt that Javi was alive? Continuing with the past, Coach Ben had yet another empty, meaningless glitching effect vision of his boyfriend Paul, who basically told him the end is near (yadda, yadda), then Ben is about to throw himself off a cliff until Misty interrupts him in a scene littered with terrible dialogue. The writers just spent the last 6 episodes (thus 2/3 of the season) with Ben giving up hope, then he just decides to do a 180 based on a character in Misty, someone who he legit can't stand? What does Ben care that Misty will tell the world about him when there's all those other girls there, especially Nat who he bonded with, that would actually tell the truth? And Ben's 180 felt laughably forced as he looked like a guy who just changed his mind about something trivial. A very poorly constructed scene and I knew the entire time that he wasn't going to go through with it, so there was a complete lack of tension or suspense. Then there was that cringe exchange between those 2 upgraded background girls (Gen and Cap Girl) in the cabin about eating Crystal's remains if they found her dead. It was like listening to dialogue from a CW show and I've noticed a lot of this type of dialogue this season. Cap Girl in particular is pretty bad and I can see why the writers gave her no lines in the first season. But the capper for the past timeline was that very disturbing and completely unnecessary scene of Shauna beating up a willing Lottie while everyone else just stared in horror. I don't care what state of mind Shauna was in after losing her baby, it wasn't anyone's fault and just because she's got all this anger doesn't give her the right to take her aggression out on someone else for her loss, especially when Lottie tried to help her in her own way. Shauna is fast becoming one of my least favorite characters of this series in both timelines.

The present-day scenes in Lottie's compound of the main 6 ladies, now all together as a group, were very bland with boring scenes of Shauna taking care of a goat, Tai painting a barn, and Misty in a healing chamber, which resulted in what may be the worst sequence of the entire series yet. While sleeping in the chamber, Misty has some ridiculous dream of a Broadway musical dancing number of herself with Walter and the human version of her parrot Caligula. That scene didn't work at all and was utterly lacking in wit and humor. It's literally like something you'd see on a daytime soap opera. That scene reeks of fan-favorite writing for a character that shouldn't need gimmicks. If this scene ends up being Christina Ricci's Emmy submission and she actually wins for this nonsensical scene, then 'll never take that award seriously ever again! Lol Also, as previously mentioned, I'm really getting tired of Shauna's character, who has YET another scene where she breaks out with her emotional crying and ranting, this time to Lottie. All season, I've felt that the writers don't know what to do with Adult Shauna, so they just create these random scenes like the chop shop, police station, and now the cult compound, for Shauna to have these now-annoying monologues just so Melanie Lynskey can have a bunch of Emmy-submission reels to choose from. But Shauna's subplot has arguably been the worst written all season with a complete lack of narrative focus and some very suspect supporting characters like Callie and Mustache Cop. In fact, the way that the writers got all these ladies together feels forced and an excuse for them to do all that slow-mo montage dancing near the end.

Finally, this episode encapsulates a couple of things that have been bugging me all season. First, there's been a real overuse of swearing that at this point feels incredibly unnatural, in my opinion. It's not me being prudish having a problem with profanity because of course people swear, but this episode just seemed to take it to another level where it was overdone. And also, this episode brings up the vague "we brought it back with us" spiel that the writers have been going with this season to feed into the supernatural nonsense. And there's been a ton of exposition with the writers having characters tell us everything with monologues and awkwardly forced interactions rather than just showing us through a well-written story. With only 2 episodes left in Season 2, it's really feeling like this show is in an official sophomore slump. The showrunners supposedly have 5 seasons mapped out, but I don't see this series could reasonably continue past Season 3.
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So horrible
amity138213 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And not in a good way. This was such a waste of time. Nothing happened, there was just no point to this episode. It had a stupid animal-turned-human musical number. It was just beyond stupid. I feel bad because I had talked several friends into the show, and now they are completely turned off to it because of this episode. If I was not as invested as I am, this episode would have truly been bad enough for me to never watch it again. I am shocked how bad it was.

Pointless and a waste of time. If you are recommended this show to people, make sure that you explain to them how horrible this episode is, and to skip it during the first viewing.
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At this point wouldn't you just start walking south?
CommanderCobra13 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show is starting to unravel, not much left to do besides get found now that they got the cannibalism out of the way.

It's just not realistic to think an entire soccer team would go undiscovered all this time. I mean, if where they are at is so in the wilderness, why is there a large house there?

They need to start walking south until they get to civilization, instead of sitting around like lame, hungry ducks.

I will say this on season 2, the adults side of the show is much better. Whereas season 1 the kids were more entertaining, that has dramatically shifted to the adults being a better watch and the kid segments are kind of boring.
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Another pointless and useless episode.
Top_Dawg_Critic26 June 2023
I thought the previous episode I gave a 3/10 was a waste of time, well, this one was even worse. You can literally skip this entire episode and you wont miss one thing. I could begin to explain why, and in doing so would give away spoilers, but there aren't any spoilers to give away, except for the older ladies having a ridiculous outdoor retreat that's all a waste of time offering nothing to the series' narrative, and some useless drama from the same younger stranded ladies, offering the same useless nonsense.

I've rated over 3k films and TV shows, and over 1,600 reviews of the same, so I do understand there is need sometimes to add some filler to fill in an episode or two for a specific season, but this episode was just an utter waste of time. Not only have the writers become lazy, but now they are insulting our intelligence and patience with an entire episode that should've been thrown in the trash can. I was getting very frustrated with this season not giving us anything useful, suspenseful or simply interesting, but now I'm just getting angry that I've wasted my time investing in this show only to be given such useless nonsense to see. All the writers need to be fired, as I'm giving up with this show and it wasting my time. Such a shame, because the first season showed so much promise, only to be left with the most boring and useless writing I have ever seen in my life for season two. I've never given any series episode a 3 as did the previous episode, and certainly never a 1, except for this episode, although it deserves a zero.
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Weaker episode
mrchrishain8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely not one of the better episodes.

Multiple flaws but the scene where Shauna beats up Charlotte is flat out ridiculous. Way over the top.

It also seemed like several of the characters were different versions of themselves simply for the purpose of serving is episode's plot. Older Natalie didn't seem like the same Natalie. Older Shauna didn't seem like the same Shauna.

And Misty's dream sequence seemed like a terrible departure stylistically from the typical style of the show.

Oh, when the older versions of the girls are hanging out toward the end of the episode, it seemed more like a commercial for alcohol.
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