The Haunting of Julia Fields (2023) Poster

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After an hour of nothing...
dpearson9912 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is said in the end credits that Julia was found legally incompetent to stand TRAIL. Yes, trail, as in: "let's take this trail". I'm no grammar police, but this perfectly sums up the movie...

Gotta give props to the director, as how he was able to get this made is in itself a miracle. My guess is that the bulk of the budget went to creating the IM text bubbles that appear on screen whenever any of the characters are using their phones to text. Well, that and the dozen or so poufs that Julia has in her bathroom....

If this was a student film, then bravo! It's now on Tubi! Great work. If not, then maybe the director should find another path. Or trail, if you will....
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rodzombi30 January 2023
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I'm the first rating and review! Weird. Low budget thriller I guess? It has capable actors, the lead is cute and does a decent job. The story is kind of bland and boring. Not much happens, not much suspense or intrigue. She hears a noise, investigates, calls the land lord, he shows, looks around. Rinse and repeat several times. She calls her friend. She has dreams about the landlord showing up, he shows up. He sets some traps, she calls her friend again, she goes to the beach, she hears a noise, she has a shower (no nudity you creeps!). I rated it a four which is maybe a little generous? I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but it's in not the worst thing ever. Just boring.
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99% set-up
bowmanblue30 April 2024
Apparently, the film with the most 'on the nose' title ever - 'The Haunting of Julia Fields' - was 'based on a true story.' If that means a girl rents a house, then I guess it's correct. But I'm guessing the film-makers wanted to imply that the supernatural elements which befall her are the part which is supposed to be real. I guess if you make it until the end you'll realise which parts were supposed to be 'real' and which weren't. Um, that's pretty much a summary of the movie. A girl - Julia Fields, would you believe! - moved into a rented house in Florida where she's slowly stalked by more and more supernatural events and entities.

And when I say 'slowly' I mean slow. The film isn't long (not that much over an hour), but it does tend to drag. I wanted to like this one more than I probably did, but there just isn't that much that happens. Unless I blinked and missed the part where the story explains why a young girl (who looks more like she should be in college) can rent her own home and never seems to have to work, the central character does little more than wander round the house in her pyjamas and then hears a noise.

I know some people will say that this is all done to build tension, but there comes a time when the audience is just crying out for something to actually happen. It doesn't help that Julia Fields lives on her own, therefore she doesn't really have many times where she can interact with any other character - until she encounters one creepy person after the next.

However, saying all that, I did make it until the end. It wasn't just because the film was so short that it was easy, but I actually quite liked the lead actress' performance and she certainly did her best with what little she was given. Plus I wanted to see whether there was going to be some sort of major twist/payoff in the final moments. I won't spoil the ending, but I will go as far as to say that, although this is an easy watch and has a few moments of creepiness, there isn't that much that a seasoned horror fan won't have seen before, meaning you can take or leave it really.
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A college film project
thedivide27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story was cliche' and whoever filmed it should never get behind a camera again. Also, the person who decided a ghost in a rubber suit from a Halloween store would work... I really have no words for that one. The people who made this should be ashamed of themselves.

That said most of the acting was ok, besides the overacting done, almost to the point of parody, by the actor who played the land lord.

What I want to know is how does garbage like this get out to the unsuspecting public? I paid 2 dollars to watch this so I guess the joke is in me. Some rich kids with camera equipment fooled me into watching a rubber suited ghost story.
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Had Potential but Fell Flat
jmbprsbgqh30 March 2023
This movie had so much potential but was a bit of a disappointment. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good..The story is a true story so they could have really took this to another level and built some substance. The main actress' acting was robotic and almost cringe. I couldn't get lost in the movie because they weren't selling me on their roles. It was obvious they are actors. Bless their hearts they tried... it could have been scarier but kinda felt like a fever dream instead. There were a few creepy parts though. I think they could have added scarier music to make you feel unease and get your adrenaline pumping. The end is really rushed and there is no build up. It just kinda wraps up where you are left wondering what just happened and you're wanting more substance and detail.
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Very Underwhelming
dfa12037412 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very low budget student film type of project that doesn't really hit the mark. Now I know that that doesn't necessarily make it a poor film on its own, but the execution of it all does and this IS a poorly put together movie.

It actually starts decent enough even though it has the very old cliché of person(s) who move into new house, weird instances start happening. Unfortunately, as the film continues on, it doesn't really get much better. If anything it actually gets a bit poorer and the acting gets decidedly worse, especially the actor who plays Sam. There is a wee attempt at a twist but it's a twist that doesn't make sense in the overall scheme of things.

The thing is, a lot of the movie doesn't make sense and some parts just seem to be put in just to beef the film out.

1) Who/what was the hooded figure? No explanation as to why it would be "haunting" the house.

2) Absolutely no reaction to finding a big ass gun in a drawer and the 22-year-old main character takes it all in stride and even uses it.

3) The relevancy of the "balloon man" 4) Given what we find out as the "main twist", how did Julia find out about the house? Who was she paying rent to? If she was renting legitimately, why the eviction notices? Oh, and you wouldn't get a "Final Notice" the very next day from receiving your 1st Notice.

5) The utter naivety of her (and her best friend) seeing a very obvious hooded figure in the background of a video (which it very obviously was) but putting it down as a "there's nothing there/can't see anything/it's in your mind" situation.

I could probably list more but I'm sure you get the point.

I rate it a 4 purely because of effort and the fact that it's not a truely awful film. However, it's definitely flawed and if the film were a report card it would be marked "Must do better".
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nlk874 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
*WARNING SPOILERS* 1st off I'd like to say I enjoy "B" movies. Well some anyways. Sometimes you find a really good 1 & think wow if this movie had the right production company, it would've been a hit... Ya'll I've seen better "B" movies with a rating of 3/10 compared to this 1... Who on earth would give this movie a rating of 5.2/10..?? Ya'll I PROMISE you, this movie is AWFUL!! As I'm watching it, I check to see how much time was left cause all that I watched before I checked, was her moving to Florida, a young pretty girl moving to another state, she takes meds for anxiety & begins getting "creeped out" feelings, she has a couple repeat of the moment episodes & talks to her friend, & when I checked the time there was only 19 mins left!!! She sees a hooded shadow with white skin a couple times. & her landlord comes over alot cause she called him alot. She searches the web, her landlord is really a murderer who killed himself before she moved in, & then she kills her bestie cause she thought she saw the hooded figure & now she's in the nut house for life... The end! This movie is NOT WORTH your time, TRUST ME!!
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Just a mentally unstable person sharing their delulus with us
tabithatheterrible10 October 2023
It's very clear that this account if from a mentally unstable person. Most of this could be explained by her stress level, medication misuse, and some sort of mental illness that causes hallucinations/time blindness. There was no "haunting." It's all just a woman's hallucinations and nightmares after moving into a new apartment.

The filmography is kinda crap. The house flips multiple times. Sometimes the outside door opens in, sometimes it opens outward. There was no consistency.

TLDR: It's just a mentally unstable young woman in Florida. Florida woman, if you will.

The acting was horrible, the characters were unlikable, and the plot line was a flop. It's a waste of time.
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Lacked emotional depth.
tonyautorepairservice16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film should have not said based off true story, meaning this story could be true for 90% of the women, who experience paranormal experiences and real life experiences, but this film missed that. The film was dry in contrast and in content. It didn't seem like a haunting but more of a stalker feeling, the scene jumped from one subject to another. I could make heads or tails if this is a true story based on true events or these events were just made up by the writer. I didn't feel scared or put in the moment of fear, just had no feeling in the story. I just wish it had that element of surprise but fell short. Only to find out the character in the story had made herself so paranoid, causing her to commit murder is so old school.
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Don't let this movie waste your time.
kb-6255111 May 2023
It wasted mine. I forgave the plot contrivances, dumb little errors and writing flaws that made no sense - in the dwindling hope it would "get to the good part." While this movie is available for free, it's not worth it. It hasn't a good part. There is no pay-off to "Balloon Boy," no development of the paranormal aspects, the script is just in every way awful. The acting - what there is of acting, is merely acceptable. Neither good nor bad. The incorporation of the cell phone text messages does not though, pass for dialogue, drama or tension building. And boy happy howdy, does this sham of a movie rely on that. GET IT? SHE'S 22, SHE HAS A CELL PHONE! That doesn't make a movie. I'd tell the people behind this thing to try again. But, they sure weren't trying with this.
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Krismn4314 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see why people are putting this movie down. Was not bad at all. What really bugs me, it was a true story and in the movie it said that there are records out there too. But when I tried to find them, or find out something about the real story about that poor girl. There was nothing! I love how at the end of the movie, they show a picture of the real Julia. That Actress was grate! I love that they did a great job at showing that most of the stuff that she saw, was only because she was Mentally ill. But then again where dose the Mental line ends and the Paranormal begins? I can't really say what is my favorite part. Because it was all good!
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Interesting yet illogical
sanamnoor-6188722 October 2023
The Movie was interesting in the beginning well filmed and suspense built up can be seen but I just don't understand the end. Sam the Landlord must have been a ghost because Julia read that he was dead but how is it possible that the hooded shadowy figure turned out to be her best friend?? For one thing how did she gain access to her house aa the figure showed up even before Julia had given her the keys to her house and why would this girl lurk around her friend's house in this way. So the revelation messes things up more instead of a clarification to the viewers. Clearly this was a halfway haunting because Sam was a ghost but her friend was not.
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keithclarke-5945628 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's low budget which is no excuse for an awful script and poor acting. Dreadfully inept acting in fact. I blame the director rather than the actors who I am sure could have done better.

It's a very slow pace. You keep hoping for a chilling moment but they don't come. We get the trope of the duvet being pulled away. A bizarre goblin in the cupboard.

The table lamp steals the show with some good stunt work.

Sound effects are straight off of you tube.

If I saw a hooded figure with a dribbling sewed up mouth I'd go crazy! She sits down and holds her hands up in front of her face.

It's brave to have so little background music. They should have stuck to that plan cos the techno synch music is awful.

The gun shot sound effect is awful too. Guns are LOUD!

I like the time slip moments. The landlord is an unpleasant person, real or not and the place has rats and the locals are intimidating. I'd be out of there and at the local motel in a flash!

Ahhh but the twist! Well 2 twists are good. Are they worth an hour of your life to get there? No.
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Evieweevie10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure how everything in this film relates. Like the balloon boy, the lamp, the friend at the door with balloons, the landlord/ghost behaving weird, the eviction notice etc. Not sure where the haunting part was? Ending was absolute Cr@p. Please don't bother watching. It was one of them films where you watch it and think the ending is going to be great and you think where does it start to get better?..but it doesn't. It could have had so much potential with better writers/producers. It was like I left the room and came back half an hour later and thought I'd missed something. Glad it was a free film.
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Better than I thought it'd be
ttreakle23 February 2023
Well this movie turned out better than I thought it would. Supposedly based on a true story this girl moves to Florida to start over from a breakup. While at her new house she starts to hear and see things. This is typical in these movie's. I tried to look up to see if it is in fact a true story but nothing is what I found. However this movie with it's little budget was really good for the money they spent. I liked the actress and the creepy landlord who turns out to be something else. Some of the shots were excited poorly yes but again small budget you get what you pay for. The haunting of Julia fields is a popcorn movie and nothing more. I do recommend you check it out.

Timothy Treakle.
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mattfrancis-6025419 October 2023
Okay, low budget, really frustrating and annoying dialogue, but wow. The ending is completely the opposite of what you'd expect. Based on a true story in some ways.

There should have been more characters involved, more depth to Julia's character other than blogging, and staying round the house in her pjs. I sort of get why, because the script was short and they wanted to get to the point but much better use is the English language was badly needed other then saying, totally, like, it's like, seriously. Like, like, really, I'm so, like. Look America you know there are many more words than that right? Is this how American girls talk really!? What in every film? Also a bit more clarity needed in the final third rather than us just being made to wonder.

Aside from all that, blown away as to how surprising this was. Well done this time. Audience reviews are lying.
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Great Actress but Director/Writer sucks
mthibeau-055022 January 2024
I truly think that if you would of torched the writer and fired the director that the whole ideology of the film together along with the actress could really come through to shine in the true light that it should of. I Love the actress and absolutely can not wait for more films to come with her in them! I liked the landlord in the film as well but just camera quality and the filming together made it seem a little soapy to me. That ultimately come down to a bad director. Really the only thing that I liked about this film is the fact that the actress seems to of had more experience with acting then both the writer and director combined.
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