India: The Modi Question (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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An episodic look at a grim story
paul2001sw-129 January 2023
India is not the only country in the world where different communities clash, nor was the track record of its once-dominant Congress party perfect, but the rise of the Hindu nationalist BJP in recent years is a cause for concern. This documentary looks at some of the controversies associated with its leader, Narendra Modi. Modi himeself, and his apologists, make the strongest case against themselves: while they formally defend their records, nothing they say indicates any level of concern for India's Muslim population. The series itself concentrates on particular incidents, rather than giving us a comprehensive account of the aims and actions of Modi and his party, or an explanation of why Indians have turned to them now. But it's still an important programme to watch (and now, one that Modi has attempted to ban).
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Basic history not included
vjdhqq3 June 2023
2 hours pass without mention of the key stat that there are 200million Muslims in India. And without making the obvious point that while you can win democratic elections driving a wedge against this minority, the minority is large enough that this could then become a severe internal security problem.

Why oh why does this documentary not give any basic context of the long history of Muslims in India?

2 hours mostly focused on how much Modi directly ordered police doing nothing / why Modi didn't intervene for 3 days while police did nothing is a bad use of our time...

Would be much better if it at least briefly touched on:
  • how Hinduism and Islam came to be in India in the first place
  • partition and how it turned violent, how this still shapes Pakistan India relations to this day
  • response to that (secularism in constitution, Gandhi and others aware of danger of India being defined as Hindu nation from the start)
  • Congress' rule and how Modi is now reframing that.
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Balanced, well researched, perfectly presented
arafatcubd31 January 2023
The documentary "India: The Modi Question" is a thought-provoking examination of the rise of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the impact of his policies on India's political, social and economic landscape. The film delves into the controversial aspects of Modi's rule and raises questions about his commitment to democracy, secularism, and human rights. The film does not shy away from presenting both sides of the argument, giving voice to Modi's supporters as well as his detractors. The film is well-researched and presents a balanced view of Modi's reign, making it an important watch for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of contemporary Indian politics. The film is recommended for those who are interested in current events, politics and human rights.
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Shows where my country is headed.
janmejaybh25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this documentary more than once and I believe it to be carefully researched and well presented piece of investigative journalism. They have followed every rule in the book, they have tried to identify sources wherever it was possible, they also gave chance to the other party to respond to those allegations but GOI denied to respond.

Watching this documentary gave me goosebumps and I couldn't sleep that night. There is a scene in this documentary where a man admits he has killed many muslims mainly kids and pregnant woman's and he has audacity to not just admit it but claimed he was so happy that day and slept like a baby after committing such crimes against humanity. I am terrified where my country is heading.

I won't be shocked if this documentary ever gets nominated for "Academy Award for Best Documentary".
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afzalchippu26 January 2023
I was born in 1995. When I was 8 I was well aware what is happening in my country. As a kid I was heard about these brutality happened in Gujarat. In our childhood Gujarat state was like a haunted place. As an Indian Musalman now I'm crystal clear what is happening in my beautiful country. My prayers is with all those people suffered because of this brutal genocide done by Modi and Co. Justice doesn't delivered yet. Still all those Hooligans are walking on the streets of India. Everything has changed after this cleansing. Especially in Northern States of India, now they are trying to forget everything they have done. But this generation and the coming generations would not forget it. Thank you BBC team for your hardwork, Passion and Courage.
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The eye opener, Darkside Revealer, Factual Work
michaelrowin-734823 February 2023
This documentary is a worth watching and must watch content for every Indian. It's clearly brings out the Cheap and filthy Indian politics before us. The main reason behind my time investment on this documentary is the fact that it was not yet allowed to be released in India. We as Indians should enlighten our visions that how the Indian Democracy is moving ahead. This documentary gives us the proper facts that how Modi came into Power. Nothing in this documentary is a mere assumption or an illusionary idea. I am expecting more episodes from BBC to also reveal the bigshots behind Modi's crown.
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Lopsided but raise questions.. Timr for BBC to make one on Bengal Famine!!
samabc-3195226 January 2023
Not sure if this is an agenda-setting story but there are many facts that one can not dismiss their significance in establishing a theory that could be half-true and half-false.

Gujarat Riots:
  • if SIT finding did not implicate then CM Modi or his government then what fueled 3 days of carnage
  • In what circumstances was Haren Pandya killed?

  • A smart and brilliant IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt who took on Modi was put behind bars for life imprisonment!!!! As he was the sole surviving witness of the carnage
  • Why SC upheld the finding of SIT? Why it did not investigate further into the witnesses' testimonies
-Why human rights activist who helped Jaafri's widow (Jaffri was the MP who asked for Modi's help as his home was attacked by a mob but Modi refused and later he was beheaded by the same mob) The Pink Revolution: 2017 lynching and killing of 300 mostly Muslims subsequent to PM Modi's strong message about animals being slaughtered on the name of the Pink Revolution esp about export of beef Good intention but he failed to deliver the same as a leader. Why did he wait to condemn the violence and he broke his silence only when Alimuddin Mansoori was killed. BJP spokesman NityaAnand Mahto and few others were arrested in connection with Mansoori's killing but then all 8 convicts were bailed. This bail was given by BJP minister Jayant Sinha who welcomed the convicts with garlands upon their release. These men are still free!!!! Why?

NRC (CAA): Targeted to track illegal immigrants and make a roll call system, a much needed for the country. But then what went wrong? PM Modi's statement "We passed the bill to help the persecuted." clearly states his intention to welcome oppressed Hindus. Nothing wrong to do so. But why were Muslims singled out? How can one justify the police brutality at Jamia Millia University. As a leader he should have open the doors for talks instead of using force and a divisive approach.

Nothing wrong if India becomes a Hindu nation when 80% of the population is Hindus. But what exactly is Hindu Rashtra? How do you define Hindu Rashtra?

Does it mean Enforcing the Caste System?

Eradicating non-Hindus?

Becoming exclusionary for the key positions in the government?

Prohibiting inter-racial marriages?

Governing or restricting a religion specific practices, laws?

Restricting non-Hindu migration?

BJP's brand nationalism and the Hindutva ideology may have plagued the nation seemingly. But the fact remains that more than a billion people of different faiths and strong ideologies are still living in harmony. India lives in its diversity, its rich culture and its integrity.

Documentary does seem biased and lopsided. For example, no one from the Godhera incidence victims' families was interviewed during the documentary making. It deals with black and white scenarios. Extremism prevails on both the sides but only one side is shown. The goal of documentary is to prove that Muslims in india have a horrifying life and they all live in fear. It however does raise questions. Whether commander or the chain of Command was on the bandwagon, or however little their part was but as a leader he must own those mistakes or actions that were buggered up or targeted or conspired but all under his watch. Establishing a criminal conspiracy within a law is often difficult but the conduct could still be questionable.
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Very true story and real face of current pm of india Narendra modi...
hifishorts12 February 2024
Every indian must watch before voting any party who beg for votes in the name of religion.

Must watch if you are true indian Only andhbhakts will don't watch it BBC is not related or friend of any political party.

BBC shows the truth...true and only true face of Indian society that how it's going on in the name of religion and political propaganda just like... Britishers looted India now bjp doing the same ruling India and making india private property of mr. Ambani and adaani...the two friends of modi... The real story is based on Indian truth... Every indian citizen must watch it.its very very true story.... Just neglect what other says.
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Totally arranged propoganda.
vishaljoshi78927 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is a piece of arranged propoganda by Western paid puppets, coming together to defame a national figure who is wildly popular and elected again and again to the office of the prime minister of India. It is a prime example of how this particular machinery works against prime people who they find difficult to budge, manage and who won't work as their puppet. The world has seen in the past history how puppets are established in places of power to satisfy the western interests.

The man faced the laws of the land and had totally supported all the humiliating enquiries of the agencies, was grilled again and again for hours and cleared of all false charges against him and his government back then in Gujarat.

The Non Governmental Organisations getting suspicious fundings from out of the nation, couldn't explain their balance sheets, most of the funds were eaten by these so called activists themselves.

The opposition Congress party whose leaders are still under a trauma of how a chaiwala( tea seller) could become a prime minister twice, have no face to project as a future leader of the party which boasts of its lineage from Gandhi and Nehru. Infact the Nehru family was the ONLY family ruling the Congress party all these years and has reached at a stage where the old stalwarts are getting humiliating treatment from the young scions of the family tree.
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It is piece of Propaganda
aadityabhardwaj-6989727 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter-1: Masterpiece of Propaganda. Flaws; 1] It did not cover Sabarmati Express case. There are 31 Muslim people in Life imprisonment. They did not quote anything from judicial judgement.

2] There are no evidences mentioned in documentary. BBC tried to imposes their view based on interview of few emotionally charged people.

3] BBC want to investigate allegation against Modi; however, they should have referenced flawed in previous judgement.

4] Role of Media can not be denied in the riots but BBC omitted it, just to pitch a particular image of Modi.

5] There are three famous report on riots, everyone has pros and cons but BBC talked about only one which suited its narrative.

6] BBC tried to pitched a new narrative based on old information.

7] Even acting of people and quality of videos are below standard.

Chapter-2; 1] A lot of information without any background.

2] 35A, 370, NRC, CAA, UAPA, Lynching, Beef, Blasphemy, Communal violence, Freedom of Press, Right to protest etc. Each of these topics require at least 15 minutes of attention.

3] "Dharma Sanshad" is same as small church rather than parliament. Even Dharma and Panth is different. They should work on Sanskrit.

4] Some pieces did not connect with anything, like introduction of RSS. If they were tight on timeline why they introduced RSS and did not connect it with anything.

5] Even few audios were edited.
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Left wing propaganda !!
vin061230 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
BBC has usually been in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Instead of focusing on their own country's critical issues such as economic crisis, energy crisis, issues within the royal family, they are looking at India and as always trying to divert everyone's attention from their core problems.

It is a known fact that during the Congress government rule, the Supreme Court of India gave a clean chit to Honorable PM Modi. And this was 2 years before he even stood for the elections.

Strongly recommend everyone to watch the counter to this propaganda piece on YouTube "On Republic Day, A gift from India to BBC".
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An Indian's view of the documentary
shubhamkumarsingh-9365530 January 2023
I am from India. I would like to give an unbiased review of the documentary.

The documentary looks very well researched but from one narrow and biased perspective. I condone everything bad that happened to people during the riots but it wasn't just one community that suffered. This documentary seems to be promoting the narrative of muslim victimhood. It portrays Modi as the ultimate villain but the arguments fall short everywhere.

There's only claims and statements, I don't see any strong arguments or proof to back them.

You really want to believe entire police force decided to stay quiet, you realize there's muslims in police too?

CAA NRC is wrongfully portrayed and the students who gave their statements, have no idea what they are saying.

I can point out 100s of such small details that are left out just to create a narrative of anti-India and anti-BJP and show BJP as anti-muslim. Disappointed by BBC.
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Trump with Modi - says it all
d-poir23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watching now but it seems like Modi did accept Trump (and his right wing autocrats) and demonized Muslims. He seems to be drawing India into an authoritarian non democratic nation, suppressing decent, inciting hate (sound familiar?) He has shut out amnesty international and now bringing suit against the BBC. Why, and how it will play out, we will have to see. It seems the more he tries to shut down this story the more publicity it will get. It is sad to see hate against Muslims by Hindu peoples. India has such a great history and diversity- it would be a great loss to lose all this just because of autocrats playing politics and putting citizens against each other as trump has done here in the US!
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Propaganda and information warfare
arrowamit-2056330 January 2023
From Nehru, Indira , Rajiv to Manmohan India had been shaken by many riots not only to muslims but to many other religions. But for some propagandist there had only one riot in India since Independence. During the Manmohan regime there was worst riot in UP. But no Political leader was responsible. Bhagalpur riots were worst of riots in India but no one had ever noticed to that. No cm was responsible. A riot which was fueled by minorities by burning innocents in train is always propagated by the communist infested Journalism in India. BBC is not higher than supreme court of india. BBC should stop this information warfare in india, whose head is indulged in corruption charges and biasness. Britishers are unable to digest that india is now more powerful than their own country. How a country ruled by britishers has become cynosure of the world, how can they become so developed. They are unable to digest that. But Long gone are the days of the Britishers. They should look at their own country and attrocities done by them throughout history to many countries in the world. They should make documentaries about the land owned by them in various parts of the world like The falkland Islands.
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An Delhi residents view of the documentary
prmask13 February 2023
This documentary portrays Prime Minister Modi as anti-Muslim, which is not true. The BBC should be ashamed of themselves for spreading propaganda like this. Someone should count how many times the term "Hindu nationalist" is used in this so-called documentary. The funniest part is that this is made by the BBC, which is based in a "Christian nationalist" country. What do BBC have to say about that? Most of the people who have been interviewed have a documented anti-India bias. I am a resident of Delhi and I was here when the CAA protests were going on. I know the restraint Delhi Police had shown during the protests. You can't allow anti-social elements to destroy public property and threaten human life. I totally support the Police action. It was necessary.
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moviebluffhere27 March 2023
Lies. Vested interests. Propagandist garbage. The BBC and the allies cannot begin to see an assertive India affecting the politics of the global order. The previous regime would lick the boots of the milords, and characterize their own land sheepishly - the presence of Modi, and the subsequent boost of morale and confidence in the Indians related to their cultural identity surely threaten a cabal.

This so-called research doesn't go beyond including individuals who have been known for spewing hatred and cooked up lies and stories that threaten the internal security of India - move beyond Arundhati Roy, who's been questioned for her credibility and stands before.

Muslims and Islamic extremism cannot evade by always playing the victim card - it must reform sooner or later.
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Timing of documentary says it all..!
gkxtbcbx11 March 2023
Well researched, totally biased work by BBC considering the upcoming elections in India. This is nothing but propaganda targeting to disturb the communal harmony in India.

This documentary is even criticized by even British prime minister Mr. Rushi Sunak and other members of parliament on a public forum.

As expected, soon after the release of this documentary there was toolkit that went active starting a criticism wave against Indian Prime minister which is very hard to go unnoticed.

Good move by Indian government to quickly taking action and blocking this piece of propaganda.

Wishing all the best to BBC with their tax scam..!
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India: The Paradox
cooldwijen29 May 2023
I just watched the thrilling IPL final in Amdavad one of the main cities shown in the first episode.

The British media and their stooges are still doing this after 76 years of Independance. People calling it a well-balanced and researched show are blinding by their personal bigotry. The show is one-sided campaign against Modi.

Time for some fact checking. There are more Muslim living in India then Muslim majority countries like Bangladesh & Egypt. India is also the country of largest group Muslims living peacefully. The show has worked hard to destroy this narrative and I appreciate the stance of Indian government.

The show is working hard to portray that Muslim.

The real reason was never shown why Modi government removed Article 370 from J&K. Why a BJP spokeperson has .
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