Miracle in Toyland (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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Beyond bad.
Christmas-Reviewer30 April 2017

In this film Living with a single father whose military career frequently takes him away on business, Jesse is a lonely little boy who has never learned the true meaning of caring. Miracle In Toyland movie When his father is suddenly called away on Christmas Eve and and he is sent to stay with his cousin, Gabriella, Jesse discovers a magical realm where toys spring to life to help him learn a lesson or two about love and family.

As delightful as this sounds in reality it is poorly made! This cartoon does everything wrong. From a poorly executed story to a bad song score. The "Toys Coming Alive" is a nice idea but it has been done before and much better.

The audience for this is children around 5 years old however even they will most likely be bored. There is plenty of other movies you should expose small children too that are much better.
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Eskenazi 7 Co., Please Up Your Games!
gregberne1111 December 2019
Everything you people made is quite cheaply done. I see there are no recent releases and hope that means you are no longer pumping out the poorly written, quickly animated, sadly voiced Christmas and family "specials". These are pretty much all bad and I assume only made to cash in on unsuspecting lovers of Christmas and kids' movies, who buy your videos based on the OK covers and then find out too late that they are quite bad.
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Indeed it's nice.
bellotbrawon22 June 2022
Thank you Golden Films for another great animated feature these films keep my kids entertained for hours. This film has a song in it that is so important it goes . That is a message that everybody should be thinking about these days.

I appreciate the golden films for making this type of movie out also I enjoyed the movie it's nice and cool.
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Blood is Thicker Than Plastic
ExplorerDS678922 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of a boy named Jesse. He was a very lonely boy who had little to no friends and a workaholic dad in the military who was never around. It was a sad existence for Jesse, until one Christmas he met some new friends in a very unlikely place. This is the story about the Miracle in Toyland, and no, this has nothing to do with the operetta Babes in Toyland, as the titular Toyland refers to the giant toy store that serves as the setting for our film. I've watched a few reviews of this movie and decided to view the whole thing and give my perspective of it, and while it isn't good, it certainly isn't horrible. There are some good ideas here, but the script needed a lot of work and the animation, while decent in some areas, is lacking in others. We begin our tale in an overly long fantasy sequence in which Jesse is put into battle with a group of soldiers. It goes on for 4 minutes until Jesse is awakened by his father, Colonel Daniel Justice. Yes, their last name is Justice, but that isn't quite as farfetched as it seems because in the first pilot for All in the Family, Archie's last name was Justice. Archie Justice. That just doesn't work. So with barely a good morning, the colonel heads off to base on another secret mission, and Jesse heads off to school with his fun-loving cousin, Gabriella. Despite her best efforts to cheer him up, nothing seems to bring Jesse out of his funk. Now in addition to being lonely and mopey, he's also extremely competitive, as shown on the soccer field at school: he pushes aside his own teammates just to score the winning goal himself. Obviously nobody was amused, and his gloating and trying to justify his actions fell on deaf ears. When Colonel Daddy got home, he hardly paid attention to his own son and said he was heading out on yet another mission, on Christmas Eve no less, and so Jesse would be spending Christmas with Gabriella. To try and cheer up her cousin, she takes him to the biggest toy store in town: Toyland, a palace full of oversized, generic toys. It really gives F. A. O. Schwartz a run for his money. This place even has a go-kart track, and leave it to Jesse to start feeling competitive. He drives that kart like a madman, saying he can beat the record and paying no mind to Gabriella's pleas to slow down. His prize for beating the record is Gabriella turning her back on him and leaving. Honestly, who could blame her? I know he's lonely and misses his father, but he's acting like a total jerk. Alone, he sits in a camping tent and pouts about how nobody cares about him. But then, something whimsical happened: as he fell asleep, a magic feather swirled around him and shrunk him down to fun-size. Another fantasy sequence? Almost immediately, Jesse comes face to face with the greatest unlicensed superhero of all time, Super Duper Guy, along with wrestler Bonecrusher, soldier Captain Agro, a pirate, an Indian princess, and an elf girl. This reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode "Four Characters in Search of an Exit," but this movie isn't nearly as clever. These are toys that have come to life... somehow, and they know of Jesse's plight of being alone and try to help him. Super Duper Guy tells him to care about others, which will make others care about him, and then they all sing and dance to a very catchy, Gospel-like song. It feels somewhat out of place, but like I said, it's very catchy. Following the song, Captain Agro and his men suddenly have to rush into a battle. Okay, abrupt. Agro orders Jesse to stay with a wounded soldier, but since the boy learned nothing from what the toys just taught him, he leaves the wounded to join the battle. As a result, the poor soldier died. But he was just a toy... right? Unless we're playing by Indian in the Cupboard rules, in which cause a life was truly snuffed out. Following that tragedy, which had nothing to do with the plot, we immediately move on to helping the pirate get his gold back. This time, Jesse is more helpful and their mission is successful. The boy gives away his share of the loot, so maybe NOW he's learned his lesson. Then they all get hungry and mine a Christmas star for chocolate chips... as you do. After that, I guess it's their naptime, so they all cop some Z's, but then, Jesse wakes up back to normal size. It's morning. Christmas morning! He hadn't missed it. The toy spirits have given him another chance... sorry, wrong story. First thing Jesse does is make amends with Gabriella, and it looks like everything will be okay, until a man from the Air Force turned up, with not so great news.

Colonel Justice's plane went down in a remote mountainous region. They found the wreckage of the plane, but no sign of the colonel. Worse yet, rescue efforts were called off due to heavy snowfall. Jesse was devastated that he might very well lose his father, and on Christmas. Overcome with emotion, he trashes his bedroom ala Tommy Wiseau, but then he spots that magic feather from last night. So, it wasn't a dream then? Knowing it was a long shot, a very long shot, he heads back to Toyland as he knew the only people who could help him now. Of course, the store is closed due to it being Christmas Day and his attempt to break in was unsuccessful, but luckily the still-sentient toys heard Jesse pitching a fit in the alley and come outside to help. They formulate a plan to go and rescue Jesse's dad themselves. Using the magic feather, Super Duper Guy, Bonecrusher, Agro, the pirate, the Indian and the elf (seriously, why didn't they give names to the last three?) enlarge to normal people size, then they "borrow" a toy plane and rubber raft and take off. How do they know where to go? The military never said which mountains the colonel was lost in. He could be anywhere. Braving the fierce winds and snow, they navigate the nearest mountain range, and sure enough, they discover Colonel Justice's plane. Knowing he can't be far, Agro and the others parachute down, while Jesse and Super Duper Guy get separated and crash into a snowbank, where Jesse sprains his knee. The boy won't let a little pain slow him down, though, as luckily they regroup with the other toys and spot a disheveled colonel not too far away, stuck at the bottom of a snowy hill. I mean, Super Duper Guy could just fly down and rescue him himself, but Jesse insists on doing it instead. Just as he reaches his old man, a huge avalanche starts bearing down on them. They all jump in the rubber raft and go on a wild ride. They all land safely and Colonel Justice can finally meet his unlikely rescue party: a group of sentient, life-sized action figures, who all tell him what a wonderful son he has, and the colonel starts to realize that may he has been neglecting Jesse a bit too much. Hopefully, that will all change now. Once they were all back home, Jesse's dad brought him truckloads of toys, however since the boy learned a valuable lesson about generosity and putting others first, he suggests they donate them to the local orphanage, so everything worked out in the end, and Jesse's new friends were there to stay.

So that was Miracle in Toyland. If you're not expecting much from it, then you won't be disappointed. The animation and character designs are okay, but I think they overused the color yellow. Why was Agro's uniform yellow, shouldn't it have been green? The song "Life Your Eyes Up" was very catchy and the highlight of the movie, and the voice acting was good too. You'll instantly recognize Cam Clarke as Jesse. As for the story, it's pretty basic, the plot is not too interesting and while the toy characters are amusing and likeable, they're all pretty stock. This came out in the wake of Toy Story, so it's apparent Golden Films wanted to capitalize on Pixar's success. Well, had the script been a bit stronger and elaborated on a bit more, it might have turned out better. But for what it is, Miracle in Toyland isn't bad but it also isn't very memorable nor does it stand out from the rest, but if you take the story's message to heart, how caring for and loving other people is what's important in building relationships, then the special did its job. So, this Christmas, if you want to see something lowkey, simple, not very flashy and slightly underwhelming, but whose heart is in the right place, then I recommend Miracle in Toyland.
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Awesome movie
jeffdammy22 June 2022
Awesome music in this new Christmas film. Great songs like "Lift Your Eyes Up" are powerful songs reminding kids to look to a source greater than themselves to remind them that Love is the final goal.

I really enjoyed this s miracle in the toyland movie it's really presentable for any kids to watch.
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Standard movie.
chimexayo22 June 2022
Nice movie to watch steadily and amazingly I love this movie and everyone who watched it with me enjoy it my friends keep telling me that We should we should watch and be united together and watch it together.
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I like this.
taiwobella22 June 2022
After watching I like the movie I really know that this movie deserve my own main ratings I enjoy watching this movie and all thanks to the Golden movie that let us enjoy this super story movie it's amazing

I love movie to be fantastic and good I am happy watching this movie.

Good movie.
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Nice movie ever seen.
kunlejohnson22 June 2022
Wow this is another banger of best Golden films.

This is the story of Jesse a kid who is ignored and left alone by his father at Christmastime. Sad and dejected he wanders into a toy store where he shrinks down and with the help of the toys to come alive for the night he realizes that he is not alone and that he has the strength to help others. This is a great Christmas film.

I support this Golden films project they are really amazing Thanks for creating this kind of movie.
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Amazing 😍😍😍
ptom-9797121 June 2022
This is the story of Jesse a kid who is ignored and left alone by his father at Christmastime.

Sad and dejected he wanders into a toy store where he shrinks down and with the help of the toys ho come alive for the night he realizes that he is not alone and that he has the strength to help others.

This is a great Christmas film.
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Steady nice movie.
scottmiller-1386222 June 2022
Golden film how are you making this type of amazing films I can't just think this movie will be good like This but after watching this movie I can see that this movie is amazing.
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Delightful animation from Golden Films
TheLittleSongbird4 April 2013
I quite like the Golden Film animations. There are ones, like Tarzan of the Apes, Hercules, The Jungle King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Anastasia that don't work, but most are solid entertainment. Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio, Three Musketeers and The Night Before Christmas are ones that I am very fond of. Miracle in Toyland is not quite as good as either of these, but ranking Golden Films it is towards the top end. The animation is nicely done, maybe some of the character designs are a little rough but the backgrounds while simple always have something to look at and the colours are shaded nicely. The music is very 80s- and I prefer the classical music choices that most of the Golden Films animation have- but it is also very catchy, so that didn't matter so much to me. The writing is funny and good-natured with some heartfelt moments also, geared perfectly for the target audience while not being too embarrassing for older audiences, who might even consider it a nostalgic throwback. The story is imaginative with an exciting climax, while Jesse is an engaging protagonist, Gabriella is pretty and sympathetic and the toys have very fun personalities. The voice acting is above average and suited to their characters. All in all, delightful. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Movie with no issues at all best ever.
johnhardy-1818022 June 2022
I love this movie and I will keep loving loving this movie because I know golden films they are amazing with all the movies they use to produce out I'm a great IMDb movie lover I used to watch The Best IMDb movies this film miracle in the Toyland I watch it is my younger brothers and sisters in my room together they won't stop asking me brother can we watch that film we watched the other day and I will sat no problem you can all come in we just watch it together again and again we all In Our accord give you a huge of applause for this kind of beautiful and stunning movie.
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Interesting movie and it's all really fantastic I love it.
jamesmike-2903222 June 2022
I have take my whole time and watch this movie and it is time to leave a perfect ratings this is one of my family favourite movie we what quite often every times in the weekend do we used to watch different golden films but this miracle in Toyland is just like the best and best I am hundred percent sure and believe that this miracle in Toyland movie really deserve my 10/10 ratings right now.
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