Life After Fighting (2024) Poster

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From an IMDb Top Reviewer...
A_Different_Drummer8 June 2024
Melodrama. Action. More melodrama. More action. Rinse and repeat. Truth is, this has been the formulaic approach to this genre of film for the last 20 years or so. To make a fight film stand out, to make it POP, there has to be something unusual, something different. And LIFE AFTER FIGHTING 2024 offers that. The melodrama is still ... melodrama. But the action scenes are on fire. In fact, when the action starts, this reviewer gets a vibe not felt since BILLY JACK 1971, the original, and that is high praise. ((Don't forget to check out WARRIOR 2011 and KISS OF THE DRAGON 2001 on my list of all-time greats, if you have not done so already. Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." See my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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kevxzara9 June 2024
Well after watching the trailer I was not going to bother to watch it as it looked awful .

But I went against my gut feeling and settled down to watch.

I was pretty surprised to be honest, the fight scenes were well choreographed, the acting and story were so so.. The movie how ever did seem to be a little long with scenes that were not needed.

The story was a little bit odd at times and not enough character backgrounds.

But if all you are after is a Friday night action movie with some good fights and a movie that's not bad but not great, then this movie will be up your street and worth watching.

I have now re named bren foster as the Australian Scott Adkins.
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Not bad if you're into fights!
panta-412 June 2024
I try to never miss an Australian movie while living in China... so I was happy to watch it... first, I would love to share a story from the time when I was a student... I studied archaeology in Macedonia in the late 70's and in their capital Skopje there was a cinema called Kino Napredok (cinema Progress) that was situated in the Bit Bazaar, the area mainly inhabited by Albanians and Roma people (Gypsies as they call them). In that cinema there were only Western movies, Kung Fu or fighting movies (Bruce Lee was the most popular), Bolywood films and erotic masterpieces like Last Tango in Paris, Emanuelle or anything with naked bodies that is NOT porn! The audience were mostly uneducated bunch of movie lovers that had trouble reading subtitles, and didn't buy popcorn as a snack but will bring their own garlic salami that they will chew while the movie is on with half a kilo fresh bread... I cannot really describe the atmosphere in it... it is more than enthusiastic for EVERY movie in that always packed cinema that started at 9 a.m. And continued until 9 p.m.

Well, this Australian movie was perfect for that cinema... I know it is late for cinema Progress, almost 50 years late, but the audience would appreciate the 2 hours in the cinema that had more than half just in fights... all sorts of fights! The screenplay felt like written by an AI system later revised by human editors and I admit that some good acting and good fighting saved it to be just watchable for me... So, if you are into fights, some good some really bad, try this one... and imagine lots of noisy Roma people cheering the Australian Alex, the main hero, kicking the butts of the Russians, Chinese or whatever those guys were!
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WTH, did not expect this!
idontdodrugs8 June 2024
Well, I actually only stumbled upon this little gem because the guy in the poster from a far looked like a beefed up Clive Owen. Alas the guy is Bren Foster, who wrote and directed the film. Probably a passion project. And it shows.

Let me tell you, this was a surprisingly emotional ride.

Up front I was expecting a very B grade martial arts movie with a acting-wise very limited protagonist. This Bren guy pulled it off though.... There are quite some subtle scenes where you feel the inner turmoil in him.

The story is simple but does not shy away from quite ugly themes. And it kind of even crosses a line in between.

Of course, it revolves pretty much how you expect it, with the main guy virtually having super powers. But that does not detract from the movie.

But the absolute standout quality of this film is the direction of the fight scenes. They are very real, visceral und the physicality of them is conveyed very well. I caught myself twitching with some of the hits.....which is very rare. That is some A grade direction that does stand the comparison with the likes of The Raid 2, Ong Bak or Hong Kong movies.

It also gets surprisingly brutal at the end.

So watch out for this Bren Foster guy! Within martial arts movies, I see a bright future.
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I'm Retired
nogodnomasters16 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Faulkner (Ben Foster) is retired from fighting. He lost his title. He has had many surgeries and concentrates his efforts on being an instructor in Australia. He operates a Taekwondo dojo. The wife (Annabelle Stephenson) of his cousin is his receptionist. She has two daughters. Samantha Hathaway (Cassie Howarth) enrolls her son Terry ( Anthony Nassif)into class, paid for by her jealous ex-husband Victor(Luke Ford). The jealousy leads to fighting when Alex and Samantha start dating. The latest champion (Eddie Arrazola) wants to fight Alex even though he was retired, lost his belt, and is not in best condition. And to top it all off a couple of thugs who know "military" MMA challenge and fight Alex. And then the girls get abducted and Alex must go Liam Neeson all over town.

Unless you are into a lot of choreographed fighting, the film was boring. Alex was a boring person. The characters were either all bad or all good and lack any type of depth or complexity.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Action Packed High Octane Drama!
sara_boyle8 June 2024
Bren Foster delivers a powerhouse performance in "Life After Fighting," a film he wrote, produced, and starred in. "Life After Fighting" is more than just fisticuffs. The story unfolds when two of his students disappear. The deeper the story goes, the more desperate the situation becomes, with more girls discovered in captivity.

Despite the dark subject matter, the film doesn't shy away from emotional moments. The bond between Alex and his students is genuinely touching, and there are moments that will pull at your heartstrings (believe me, I teared up too!).

The fight choreography is exceptional. Be warned, though - some fight scenes are brutally realistic, so be prepared.

Overall: "Life After Fighting" is a must-watch for action fans who appreciate well-done fight choreography and a compelling story. If you're looking for a thrilling ride with a satisfying payoff, "Life After Fighting" delivers.
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It can't get worse than -that-.
asafgreenberg8 June 2024
This movie is not even funny. It also does not show martial arts. There are 3 scenes where the fights are interesting, and 300 more that are just kicks in the air.

I thought I'd skip the romantic BS and just watch the fight scenes, but the fights get totally illogical together with the rest of the improbable plot.

There's no sense in locking someone's joint then , letting go and continue fighting with fists.

How many times a "bad man" needs to get killed in order to stop fighting? What - oh, he's just resting.

There's a Monty Python scene replica - where a fully amputated knight doesn't give up. Twice.

There's a guy who get all his limbs broken - just stands up and challenges the (severely broken) protagonist.

There's no blood in the movie... until someone drags-grinds a mans throat over a broken window.

Nothing makes here sense.

Even the genre(s) the movie pretends to be.
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It's about the fight sequences
Eagles4099 June 2024
If you enjoy Seagal or Van Damme movies of the 80s and 90s, you'll probably enjoy this movie. It has plenty of fight scenes and just enough plot to keep things interesting. I enjoyed it quite a bit, some of the fight sequences do go on a little long. The acting is good and the plot is decent. Is it high art? No, but if you turn off your brain for 2 hours you will have a good time. The main character is an Australian martial arts champion who now runs a martial arts studio. He must fight off waves of bad guys, who are also apparently really good at martial arts. The plot revolves around child traffickers, but it's really about the fight sequences.
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Unsteady camera footage
jmorrial8 June 2024
If you're like me and are sensitive to shaky camera footage, don't bother with this one. Most of the fight scenes were shot with footage that looked like an amateur and inexperienced cameraman was tasked to do the filming. Too bad the fight scenes were really quite impressive but they were all lost to this futile attempt to shoot an artsy film. Apparently, some filmmakers think shaky video is all the rage now in the movie industry. I feel sorry for the actors in this film who gave their all and yet it all went to the trash bin. In this age of digital stabilization, it is unforgivable to have shaky footage in a movie.
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Could Scott Adkins finally have competition?
destroyerwod9 June 2024
Not that long ago i saw the trailer for this movie and remembered the lead actor from a movie i saw with Steven Seagal call Force of Execution about 10 years ago or so. He was very solid in it in term of fighting but for whatever reason, its like he never really did anything more when it comes to Martial Arts? After watching his IMDB resume it seem he spent lots of years in recurring roles in TV shows so that could explain.

Fast forward many years later and this one finally get release, so i give it a rent on Xbox (i couldn't buy it even if i wanted to for whatever reason, rental only) and this really surprised the heck out of me.

I mean the trailer did showed some good fight sequences but with DTV martial arts flick you never know. But i was actually blown away.

The movie has a rather surprisingly long run time for the genre at 2h, but it want to establish the characters well so you feel for them. It still manage to insert enough fight scenes and training scenes in that first and second act that i never felt bored or that it moved too slow.

Once you get in the third act tough is where the show start. BRUTAL fight scenes, fast pace, great choreographies. I read in some other reviews that there was too much "shaky cams" but i think the guy may have had a few beers too much because i didn't notice much shaky cams at all. Yes sometimes the camera follow the action and its not completely steady but its not "shaky" at all.

Story touch on some hard subject and without reinventing anything, it is solid enough to be a base for the action show.

Bren Foster not only star in it, but also directed and written it, so it was really a passion project for him and he succeeded at making a very good modern day Martial Art movie mixing both old school kicks and flips with a more grounded BJJ style of modern MMA.

Other than Scott Adkins its been pretty dry outside of Asia when it comes to this genre. You got Michael Jai White putting one out here and here, but for some reasons he appears often as a guest star in non-martial art movies (i assume he don't want to be type casted) and when he do put one, they not always exactly great. Some are very low budget and it show.

I don't know how big was the budget for Life After Fighting, but even tough there is nothing extremely expensive in it (explosions, car chases or big action set piece), everything they done especially the climax really look great and its very well directed when it comes to the fights.

If i must mention a negative, i would say Bren Foster altough an amazing on screen fighter, lack a bit in term of acting when it comes to emotions, but then again you don't watch a movie like this for academy award type of actings. It was fine enough.

Overall this is one i will like to add to my physical collection so hopefully i can get at least a DVD at some point. And i do hope Mr Foster make more martial arts movie in the futur.
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What an unexpected delight
vikingtales7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've never heard of Bren Foster, but I found this movie as I a fair amount of what I watch pretty much by accident.

And to be honest I wasn't really expecting very much, if at all probably a B movie and it I expecting pretty awful acting, pretty awful sound and pretty awful direction.

So what a surprise to be presented with quite possibly one of the best action movies I've seen in a long while,

I don't know Bren Foster having never seen him in anything before but the martial arts scenes are just incredible, in a lot of martial arts movies, you can see the actors pulling their punches... not in this movie, the actors actually seem to be going at it full on, which is a welcome change.

Bren Foster really needs to be doing more action movies, after this I hope he will.
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Mazonpro128 June 2024
If you're anything like me, nothing cures a dull, indecisive movie night like a really good action film-Explosive stunts, high-speed fight scenes (not sped up rubbish), epic battles, bullet frenzies, good guys and bad guys.

Getting your snacks ready tapping go on a random title on VOD stream service, action films are a source of fun and energy, and watching them is sure to keep you entertained.

LIFE AFTER FIGHTING is the ultimate ACTION-packed drama. Featuring Bren Foster as the retired MMA fighter Alex. "a one-man army" that battles between a mindset of quitting or facing pain and hurt.

The world of cinema has long been a source of inspiration and i now what to Train with Alex at this Dojo.
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isaacmizrahii10 June 2024
Was EYE ever surprised by this movie...i had another one ready for when i would delete THIS one, after watching for, i thought, fifteen or twenty minutes. TOPS. But by that time i already knew that this was not just some shallow storytelling bolstered by the martial arts There was a good story, as well... but the martial arts scenes were, in my opinion, very well done, as well...and, since a lot of the other reviewers are saying the same, i'm not hesitating to say it, as well... but, again, there's another story going on that's very worthwhile... i'm thinking that this guy...main character...director...has a future in the business...i can't imagine that this movie had a high budget... and i HOPE that if he DOES get his hands on some money beCAUSE of how well this movie does(and it SHOULD do well...kind of a Rocky, in its own right), that he will not lose perspective and keep it from going over the top... but he HAS to have discipline to get to where he is i'm not all that worried that this would happen... so someone throw some money at this guy and let's see what ELSE he can do... by the way...just so you don't wonder...i live in the Netherlands and am in no WAY affiliated with him/the production...except, now, as a fan...i really WAS surprised... oh. And it WASn't 'flawless'...i thought the last COULD've been shorter if he'd done what EYE would've done in that situation...but i won't say anything else because i don't do spoilers...but i understand why he chose to do it the way he did... i still enjoyed it, otherwise... i came back to edit this...a six point TWO rating? How did THAT happen...a SEVEN i could tolerate but most of the review are at LEAST a what's up with THIS??? Do NOT be discouraged from seeing this movie if the subject seems's got the moves and THEN some...
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Awesome movie
rambo7810 June 2024
I've been a fan of Bren Foster for years now and often wondered why he's not a big action star. He has the looks, the physique, incredible martial arts skills and can act. It's another missed opportunity similar to the amazing Scott Adkins. Hopefully Life after fighting will be the launch pad for bigger and better things for Bren , as it's very clear he threw his heart and soul into this project and wore many hats including, writer,producer, director, action choreographer and lead actor. The rest of the cast did a great job too and play their roles really well making it easy for the viewer to invest in the characters and straight forward story that deals with child trafficking, a subject that sickens just about anyone, and the bad guy's in this movie are real pieces of s@#t and there's a couple of scenes that are tough to watch. There's some great martial arts scenes throughout the first two thirds of the movie that lead nicely into the last third that is non stop martial arts carnage, that showcases Mr Foster's incredible skills and those of his students/ stunt team. Speaking of the fight scenes, one reviewer complained that the camera work was too shakey. As someone who has been watching martial arts movies all his life, and has an extensive collection from many different countries, I can assure you that the fights are shot brilliantly. The camera moves around the action perfectly, immersing the viewer in the action while at the same time allowing the excellent choreography to be appreciated. Bravo to the camera man or women who shot those scenes, probably a martial artist themselves. Any real martial arts movie fan will know exactly what I mean when watching. I very highly recommend this movie to action fans and anyone who likes to see horrible people get what they deserve. Hopefully the beast that is Bren Foster will see his star rise, he deserves it, 10/10.
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True Fighting
ELNayak7 June 2024
The movie offers an incredible portrayal of reality, focusing on how a retired fighter manages to handle an overwhelming number of fights. It's a cinematic experience that transcends expectations, showcasing the intense and often unpredictable life of a retired fighter. The action sequences are meticulously choreographed, making each fight scene compelling and realistic. Additionally, the emotional depth of the characters adds a significant layer to the narrative, providing insight into the psychological and emotional challenges faced by retired fighters. The movie effectively captures both the highs and lows, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in action-packed dramas with a strong emotional core. The performances are top-notch, the storyline is engaging, and the direction is superb, making it a standout film in its genre. It's a testament to the resilience and strength of individuals who have faced immense challenges in their professional lives and continue to confront them even after retirement. Overall, the movie is a powerful blend of action and emotion, delivering a gripping tale that resonates with viewers long after the credits roll.
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The Fight team is Out of this world!
demmi-3645212 June 2024
A martial arts instructor is confronted with the disappearance of two of his students, leading him into a direct confrontation with a group of international child traffickers. This was a great Action film with a really good storyline.

I cant remember watching action this good for a very long time.

This was a low budget film but the Film felt more. A true Triple threat. Actor Writer and Director. It hard enough to do one of these jobs let along all of that.

Well done to all involved it was a great watch. Worth its weight against high budget action. No CGI AND NOT SPEDD UP!!!! I see this be publicly confirmed! Those stunt guys are fantastic. Bren Foster Fight team is another level of Martial Arts experts.
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most exciting martial arts actioners of the season and indeed the year,
elitemaipad8 June 2024
The 2024 summer movie season is officially underway, and one of the most exciting martial arts actioners of the season and indeed the year, is preparing to bring the thunder from the land down under, namely Bren Foster's martial arts action thriller "Life After Fighting".

Bren Foster (The Last Ship) writes, directs, stars and performs his own fighting and stunts in this actioner shot in the Western suburbs of Sydney. This looks like an entertaining throwback to Ozploitation, featuring next level fighting sequences. Cassie Howarth, Annabelle Stephenson and Luke Ford also star.

Run Don't walk..
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Jeanforth7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers





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kevt-805109 June 2024
I came across this film by accident so I watched the trailer and thought it looked like a good watch with my wife. Well WTAF never expected what we watched honest to god it was brilliant. Good story amazing fight sequences all choreographed by Bren Foster the main lead called Alex. How I know it's good aswell is my wife actually stayed awake, watched it all and enjoyed it all. For me like I said story was good acting was good all fights were choreographed so brilliantly done no wires no CGI just so brilliantly done. I had never heard of Bren Foster before and I've watched plenty of martial art films and I am surprised that he hadn't done more martial art action films. He's like a Australian Scott Adkins just bloody amazing.
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natos999 June 2024
FEROCIOUS! Bren Foster delivers an explosive performance in this Australian martial arts action film." - Kapow

I had the pleasure of attending the Sydney premiere last week and not since "The Raid" have I been this impressed by a martial arts film and I'm proud to say it was made right here in Western Sydney

Easily the best Australian martial arts film ever made, absolutely ferocious fight choreography in Life After Fighting, Bren Foster has outdone himself.

Go out and see this at the cinema, it's not every day we get films like this coming out of Australia and the only way we will get more is to support them by purchasing a ticket at the cinema or buying/renting on vod.
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Was expecting one thing, got another...
sahibgora9 June 2024
Thought this might be a way to while away some time as yet another smash-em-up fist fest. But boy was I wrong. This is a great film; captures you from the opening right through to the last moments.

Bren was surprisingly likeable and real, the other characters well portrayed and acted and the fight scenes were just amazing - the speed and flow were so real and none of it felt gratuitous in the context of the film.

I should also mention that the plot held together and was well paced.

An absolute hidden gem delight of a movie that should get a wider release.

Watch this movie - you'll be pleased that you did.
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A kicking surprise
allankaaber10 June 2024
Before I decided to watch Life After Fighting, I read some of the reviews here on the site. I didn't know anything about Bren Foster, so I didn't know what to expect, but I must say, he is awesome, and I am definitely going to watch some of his other movies.

Some reviewers called it a B-movie with fight scenes like an A-movie, and I can only agree. This film truly has some spectacular fight scenes with lots of cool kicks. I also thought the story and acting were pretty decent. Although the characters made some stupid decisions at times, I wasn't bored at any point or to annoyed with it. All in all, a very successful film.
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Just wow!!!
georg-341527 June 2024
Ok... let me get this straight.. If you are not into martial arts movies or not into martial arts this movie will probably overwhelm you..

But if you are into martial arts movies and sad that while movies like John Wick get more and more mainstream.. good martial arts movies are getting rare these days... Movies like Ong Bak, the raid, undisputed 2 & 3 are such exceptions and most movies of the current straight to video stars are hard to watch and feature hardly any fights that aren't underwhelming..

Entering Bren Foster!

The man that is known to way too few..some remember him from the last ship or force of execution and were waiting ever since for his all out starring break out movie...

He basically wrote this, produced this, shot it in his school with his actual instructors and students making the movie sometimes look like a docudrama.

While you can of course see a bit the limited budget in the production scale, I must say the acting is solid and the movie crazy dark and realistic in many ways and goes places you wouldn't expect...

There us no performance that takes you out of the experience but I must say I was say how many scenes actually caught me in there intensity..

That being said... what about the action...

Jesus!!!! I can watch Bren train and spar and having little fights all day and you get plenty of that throughout the movie... But while the movie makes it with no fake explosions or similar dtv action crap.. has very few gun shots and sets up a showdown that is (like teased in the trailer) Bren vs 9 guys in his martial arts school..

Now what could be a small scale non event showdown had an intensity that had me almost exhausted..

If the bad guys would't be ultra bad scumbags you would almost feel like this is turning into a horror film where they are trapped by a maniac martial arts killer!

Bren is so intense in his violence that its sometimes almost shocking to watch and gives his fights such a unique character His students and trainers that are basically the stunt team here take so much abuse that it feels like all of them went to the raid 1 &2 in one go..

On a martial arts level this film will surpass everything the normal viewer can comprehend...

Bren did something here I always wished for...he makes very grounded gritty and sometimes super violent fights yet there is sooooo much beauty and art for the schooled eye...

I can't even tell what he does best... throwing cheat 720 back kicks faster then normal people do a front kick?

Doing crazy intricate BJJ grapling and judo throws where you finally see what it would look like if a black belt bjj guy shot a fight movie?

Doing the fastest Panantukan trapping, dirty boxing, kali knife work done in film making you wish soneone in the bourne movies had thise skills?

Doing all the thai ellbows, clinch set ups, flying knees and leg catch counters you ever wanted to try in muay thai class?

Hap Ki Do throws you haven't seen since Philip Rhee but done in a speed that makes young steven segal look like he moves now.. Or all of that and more!!

Its insane! Bren is the definition of mixed martial arts and all is done so proficient and high level that current martial arts actors must cross their fingers that not everyone sees this movie cause it raises the bar beyond what has been shown today!

Yes the movie feels a bit like a big scale TV film but its really well put together..and if you have trained martial arts, have taught them, had fights or anything like that.. this film gets you on a whole different level...

There are do many scenes where you know the guy who has written this has a school... train for years.. battles with age and aches.. and when you see Bren talking to himself during a dramatic fight you know that only someone who has put himself through the ringer writes stiff like that... Truly an awesome genre gem stone!!!

If you like martial arts movies purchase this and watch it!!! We need more Bren Foster...

Imagine this man in a big movie like the raid!!!!
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Must watch of the last decade or two
Marcus_Suridius12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was in my local pub watching the Ireland v Portugal game and after the match I was drinking and playing darts and this film was on in the background. Got the name of the film and when I got home had a few beers and watched it and im glad I did. It has heartbreaking parts about child trafficking, which goes on all the time and a person training kids in martial arts and he shows so much to end the people doing it (im not explaining it well cause im a little drunk and emotional cause it was such a good film). The cinemaphotography and choreographing was beyond top notch, the fight scenes were fantastic and honestly I haven't seen those kind of artful fighting scenes since I watched Bruce Lee films 20 or 30 years ago. Honestly, it was one of the best films ive watched in at least the last decade or two and it had me at times tears welling up cause he was fighting so hard for the kids and putting his life on the line. I couldn't recommend this film enough.
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Watch this today!! A new dawn of action cinema is here!!!
JamesFlood00711 June 2024
Incredible drama. Amazing action.

The reality of the fighting is what grounds this film as what I think will become an all time, classic.

I think this is the dawn of a new era of Aussie action, which Bren the director has flagged in a few interviews.

It is not really Hollywood action and not Asian action - it somehow feels uniquely Australian action.

The direction and cast are strong. The narrative holds and the audience is taken on a ride of ups and downs until we reach the climactic finale fight sequences which literally makes you breathless. I had a stitch just watching the ending!

The MMA style fight between Alex the protagonist and Arrio the current Champion is a standout scene for me. The music and rawness of this scene is something that we have come to be familiar with in the MMA world and the music lifts this scene completely.

I would recommend this as a watch for sure - if you like action, the drama will surprise you and if you like drama, the action will impress.
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