Hypothermia (2010) Poster


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You will most likely not catch a cold from this one...
paul_haakonsen20 October 2012
"Hypothermia" was somewhat of an adequate movie. It turned out to be rather interesting and promising, as it had a great storyline and it was good at building up suspense. But, in my opinion, it all came tumbling down to the ground hard and fast when the creature was actually revealed.

The story is "Hypothermia" is about the Pelletier family who lives in a cabin out by a big lake. They are out for a family outing of ice-fishing when they discover that there are no fish in the lake, and something big and fast is swimming underneath the ice.

Storywise, then "Hypothermia" is actually interesting and quite good. I was thoroughly entertained by the story and the plot. And the movie was helped along a great way by some good acting. The people they had put in the movie for the various roles were doing good jobs with their given characters. Especially Michael Rooker and Amy Chang were doing great jobs in carrying the movie and bringing their characters to life on the screen.

However, the movie really halted when the creature was brought out and shown to us. It looked like a cheesy 1970's rendering of an Innsmouth creature straight out of a Lovecraft homage. It was an eyesore and it appeared more like a joke and laughable than it did scary and menacing. Unfortunately that creature brought down the movie overall for me.

If you enjoy creature flicks, then "Hypothermia" isn't perhaps the best of choices, unless you are a die-hard fan of anyone on the cast list. There are movies available with far better creature effects. But then again, if you are looking for a movie in which the creature will have you laughing, then perhaps this might just be the right choice.

I know I would be scared if I was being chased by a guy in a horribly fake creature suit like that.
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Good movie, good acting, but that monster..... My, oh my!
mjconway131 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I were really getting into this movie, until we saw the monster. We love Michael Rooker (been following him, since he was a serial killer in HENRY) and the rest of the cast was decent. This movie has a great title, an interesting winter locale for a backdrop and some decent writing.

What kills it is the monster. Interestingly, the documentary shows the crew marveling at how it looks, but the body looks a lot like a wetsuit with arm flaps and claws on the finned feet. The head has constantly exposed teeth and big eyes. Aside from the teeth opening and closing, it is very static. It doesn't help that the performer moves like a man, when on the ice. In the water, he swims like Patrick Duffy did in the MAN FROM ATLANTIS television show.

I know I'm going on about the monster, but it really was laughable. My suggestion would be to make it a flesh color, with darker patterns mixed in. Cover it with scales and add some open/close lips to that mouth. Have it move on all fours and some seaweed type of appendages hanging from it.

Guy in the suit aside, the movie was well made and had some nice CG shots of something big swimming under the ice where the actors were standing. The monster POV shots and title sequence were nice. What really worked was the idea of a family trapped in the middle of a frozen lake. I commend Michael Rooker for working on a small production, while giving it his usual strong effort. This could have been a minor classic.
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Creature feature thaws on ice
shakercoola21 October 2018
An American horror; A story about a man hoping to spend a relaxing holiday fishing by a frozen lake with his family finds the peace and quiet shattered by beasts both human and marine. The film starts with some promise with an eerie and mysterious setting, good photography, and growing tension. However, the characters are a bit flimsy and when a boorish ice fisherman appears, exaggerated to bad effect, it rapidly descends into creature feature territory and low budget design and the tension dwindles. The ending dodders to a dud.
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Like Opening a Decently Wrapped Present to Find a Dead Duck
zandertowne1 January 2019
It's always interesting to see how quickly a movie can go from promising to a great lump of awful. Hypothermia must have sounded pretty good as a pitch; a family is trapped on a frozen lake by a monster beneath the ice. There's a lot of possibilities there, not that any of them would be explored in the little more than seventy minutes that this movie takes to careen from potentially interesting, all the way down to sucky-ville where it crashes with a spectacular flopping sound. It doesn't just go there, it boards a roller coaster so the trip to Horrible is fast, and you're into before you know it. The movie starts out decently with believable, if uninteresting, family interactions; the quick introduction of the looming threat and then the insertion of obnoxious strangers to complicate the situation. But then...then comes the monster part. Where it degenerates to from there is best summed up by the moment when two women, bloodied and having witnessed multiple deaths, are walking across the ice with the monster threatening from beneath, and the older woman says "Just ignore it". And I kinda wish I was making that up...but I'm not.

It's great to see Michael Rooker being given a leading role, and he is always good, but Blanche Baker literally scowls, and glares peevishly through an undeveloped and underwritten role as his wife. It remains a mystery to me why she would act annoyed, or simply irritated, about her husband's interest in finding them a safe way out and she gets really miffed because, if possible, he wants to kill the rampaging fish-man-monster who is killing her loved ones. She looks seriously aggrieved that he is trying to do anything. As for Amy Chang, playing their son's girlfriend - the kindest thing I can say about her performance is that she gives "terrible" it's new poster child.

As for the monster... well I'll be charitable and guess they spent a whole seventeen dollars on the suit and then hired the first performer who said "I know how monsters act, they roar like this: Roar. Roar." It wouldn't be out of place in a super-cheap amateur film from the 1950's. The old Creature From The Black Lagoon looks like a hundred million dollar special effect in comparison. But Cheapy Fish-Man-Monster does roar. A lot. It flaps it's fish-lips and makes noise (okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration - it doesn't have lips; those would have cost an added fifty cents). Some of the bloody FX on the victims are quite good but then others are distractingly poor, like the effects artist was in the restroom and they didn't want to wait so someone's kid brother visiting the set took over. I'm sure the kid meant well, but still.

And how to describe the "dramatic" moment when the mom talks the monster out of attacking by explaining that they think of this place as "Home"; which, apparently, your average fish-man understands perfectly well so long as you talk to him like an adult; don't raise your voice, look slightly peeved, and tell him you know he's just protecting his natural territory (which they have no reason to suspect, and it's not his territory anyway). And I wish I was making that up...but I'm not. When they just get up and walk away I immediately thought that's what I should have done before I started watching this demoralizing catastrophe. And I wish I'd made this whole thing up...but I didn't.
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Something smells a little fishy...
mitchell-182914 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So, what was that all about? Obviously, if you finished the movie, you enjoy B horror films, and this one was, well, kind of blah. The buildup was a little odd in that the father almost dies on the ice within the first five minutes, and doesn't even take the next day off to fully recover?! Also, do people really sit out on the ice all day fully exposed like that without a full hut?

Anyway, the film had an OK story and actors, but it just didn't come together to the point where I really cared about any of the characters, and at points, I started rooting for the fish-monster-ish thing. The moment the one kids arm was slashed and his father started going a little OCD, I would have been back in the cabin roasting marshmallows.

The Highs:

The cast was actually good, minus the wealthy gadget-obsessed dad. His roll could have been half as intense, and it would have added twice as much. Also, the mechanics of the film were solid (good soundtrack, lighting, filming, etc.) It wasn't perfect, but it didn't hold this film back from the possibility of being a fun cult hit.

The Lows:

The monster... we saw way too much of it in a far too abrupt way. The director should have taken a page from Hitchcock on that front. Also, the young couple seemed more like distant friends vs. people about to tell his parents they are going to get married. Perhaps a PG romantic scene in the cabin would have added to the realism.

Oh well... They all can't be awesome B horror films.
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A scy/fy channel like movie that was actually not that bad. Not offensive or that good just OK. Ending was awful. I say C+
cosmo_tiger30 September 2012
"We're gonna need a bigger hole." Ray (Rooker) and his family are together again for another ice fishing trip. While they are out on the ice enjoying themselves another father and son show up and quickly start to annoy Ray and family. When they notice something "as big as a sturgeon" they come up with a plan to catch it. When it starts to attack them the plan changes and saving lives are the priority. I am a fan of the cheesy sci/fy channel movies, the over the top acting and bad effects make them fun to watch, going in I was expecting that level of film making from this one. I have to say this was in most cases better then that level. The acting wasn't good but wasn't awful either. I can actually say that about most of the movie. While the movie isn't "good" it doesn't really do anything to annoy or make you want to stop watching. The movie seemed to know what it was and didn't try to do too much, which is a rare thing lately. The only exception to that was the last two minutes, without trying to give anything a way it was a HUGE cop-out ending and the horrible beast was pretty much a dude in a swamp thing costume you can find at Walmart...other then the ending though this wasn't terrible. Overall, not as bad as I expected and if you are into cheesy movies this one will do. I give it a C+.
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Yes, yes it was...
tmccull528 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'd read the other user reviews of this movie, noting the criticisms of the creature's appearance, i.e., how poor the costume was. I thought that it couldn't be as bad as the other reviewers said that it was, could it? Yes. Yes, it was. It was quite possibly one of the worst attempts at creature creation that I've ever seen. The creature was CGI'd as it swam about under the ice, why wouldn't the film makers just continue the practice when the monster appeared above the ice? The monster's costume looked like someone took a speed skater's uniform, dyed it black, sewed some webbing under the arms, and tossed in a rubber fish head mask. It really was that bad. Going with an actor in a live action costume over a computer generated creature added absolutely nothing to the movie; if anything, it detracted from the film.

I've seen Michael Rooker in other movies, particularly "Slither" and "Tombstone", and he usually turns in solid performances. In this film, he was about as provocative as a slice of dry white toast. But his lackluster performance was far from the only thing wrong with this movie.

Rooker's family, in the movie, hauls from their shoreline cabin, a small makeshift ice fishing encampment using only a small child's wooden sled. Later, this same distance is deemed as insurmountable by almost any means. What is even stupider is that later in the movie, as Rooker's character, along with his wife and his son's girlfriend, head for their cabin, Rooker's character surveys the ice with a pair of binoculars. His wife asks him if he can see any traps laid by the monster along the way. Rooker replies that he doesn't see any, that there's only a big hole in the ice near the shore, not too far from their cabin.

Gee, there's no reason why a deadly predatory beast would emerge through a huge, convenient hole in the ice, is there? Even more bizarre and ridiculous is the empathic/telepathic communication between Blanche Baker's character and the monster at the end of the film.

Yes, this movie is that stupid. It endeavors to be a sort of ice fishing version of "The Creature From the Black Lagoon" and it fails miserably.

By the way, the costume for the Black Lagoon creatures is literally hundreds of times better than the costume for the monster in "Hypothermia".
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Poor old Michael Rooker
Leofwine_draca1 May 2015
You have to feel for Michael Rooker. He's a great actor, unfairly limited to the B-movie genre these days, passed over by the big name productions and stuck making what are, in effect, routine, low budget flicks. HYPOTHERMIA is such a production, a disappointingly cheap flick about an underwater monster. (At least Rooker's fortunes have started to change more recently, with a guest role in THE WALKING DEAD and an appearance in the blockbuster film GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. Perhaps people are starting to remember what a good actor he is.)

Needless to say, Rooker is the best thing in this tale of a normal family who visit an iced-over lake to do some winter fishing. While there they encounter a couple of city slickers who have the potential to irritate, but before long everyone there is being menaced by a creature that comes out from under the ice. The creature is a guy in a suit that bears more than a passing resemblance to THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, only looking about a hundred times worse.

HYPOTHERMIA is only just about acceptable as a film. The title bears no relation to the plot and the cinematography is too dark and dingy. There are some cheap gore effects and a few scenes of menace but none of it means much. You just wonder why the whole group don't just get out of there; their isolation is self-inflicted, making the whole thing faintly ridiculous. Still, a solid performance from Rooker is always worth watching.
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Decent acting butchered by... the monster
SonOfSalem7 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because of Micheal Rooker. He's the kind of actor who always brings integrity to his roles, no matter how weak the material might be sometimes. He's a professional and I admire him.

Hypothermia had the makings of a great horror feature. I found the acting to be adequate by most of the cast, and some of the dialogue was interesting and I soon found myself carried along and kind of enjoying it. Also, the fleeting glimpses of the creature through the ice, ratcheted up the tension nicely.

Then this guy shows up in his truck. His character is the cardboard incarnate of every bad character that ever existed in ass-hole form, and after a few minutes his true obnoxious role in the movie became apparent... he was there simply to hold together a rapidly disintegrating plot.

When his son, Stevie Cote Jr, is pulled through the ice and mauled by the creature, he develops a kind of telepathic connection with it; or more accurately, it with him. But this is not fleshed out properly and all it serves is to confuse the viewer, especially since the understanding of the ending hinges on this connection.

And even though the actors tried, they could not save themselves or the movie from what was to emerge from beneath the ice... when it made it's appearance, I laughed so hard I thought I'd either dislodge a tooth or pass out; truth be told, at the time, I really wasn't sure which might come first, because I was too busy trying to stifle a nose bleed as one third of my blood volume tried to escape through the follicles in my head.

Just imagine for a moment, every single crappy creature you have ever seen. I know you've seen a few. Now, I want you to completely discount any misgivings you may have had about any or all of those creatures because, compared to this creature, they were masterpieces born of such creative genius as to be simply visually profound. The "Monster" in this movie is so bad, it would make the creature from the black lagoon look like the "Alien" in Ridley Scotts masterpiece. It will forever be, branded into the deep dark recesses of my Amygdala; and may very well haunt me, until the day I die.
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OK, It wasn't the worst!
synsen-4033426 October 2019
Good story, good acting, bad monster. The monster was literally hilarious. Next time, please leave something to the imagination.
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Suspenseful Science Fiction/Ice Fishing Adventure and Stunning Tribute
jlthornb5117 April 2015
Beautifully filmed on location in New York state, this is a tremendous film that expertly captures the long, tension-filled hours of ice fishing and the innate potential for agony, terror and tragedy involved with the vocation. Michael Rooker gives a superb performance as the veteran ice fisherman who encounters an unknown horror and faces it with courage and wisdom. The supporting cast also does good work but it is Rooker who shines. The script is unique in that it has a highly detailed accuracy regarding ice fishing and the dangers those who engage in it face each time they head out on a frozen lake.

The direction is taut and achieves a suspense heretofore absent in other ice fishing films. However, it is the attention to detail that ultimately makes this movie such a resounding success and abundant technical advisement combined with extensive research were obviously incorporated in the production. Here is an unusually insightful look into the minds of the ice fishermen, their psychology, and the selfless motivation that drives them. It is difficult to have such a profound glimpse at that and not be deeply moved. Inspiring as well as horrifying and at times downright powerful, this is much more than science fiction. It serves as testament and tribute to the brave, obsessed souls who sacrifice so much and risk their very lives to challenge the utterly hostile natural environment encompassing ice fishing.

The mother's speech at the climax breaks one's heart as we come to understand the heroic nature of such exceptional yet unheralded individuals. It shows clearly how stoic the women are as they stand in support of there magnificent men, sharing in the glory at the end of the day.

Kudos to the cinematographer who captured the scope of that majestic, frozen landscape with such passion and skill. No one who views this will ever forget those awe inspiring vistas, those stunning skies, the stark white desolation, and the resounding courage of they who go down to the ice to fish.
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A good weekend movie if there's not much else to watch.
Michael-Hallows-Eve12 October 2012
This movie wasn't that bad really. It had the potential to be a really good little film but even though it had some good bloody scenes the actual "beast" itself was not the best. In fact, for me it was what let the film down a bit. But in saying that it was not the worst creature film I've seen. Michael Rooker was not bad in this and he was the reason I wanted to see this movie. But I thought this film could have been much better if only they spent more time on the effects and the story as it was only 70 minutes long. Again, I liked this movie but it wasn't ground breaking, but it's the kind of film you would watch on a chilly weekend when there's not much else to see. So I give it a 7 out of 10.
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Horrible, awful movie
jkelly600011 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
**** This may contain spoilers **** (though its pretty spoiled already by the acting, plot and effects)

Not sure how this movie rated higher than a 1, but as a huge fan of "B" movies, I can honestly say this one ranks right up there as one of the worst I have ever seen (if not THE worst). When the creature finally appeared I wasn't sure if it was a joke or if it was serious. Unfortunately, it ended up being seriously presented as a monster. Its nothing more than a guy in a black swimsuit and a fish mask, with a big fake fin on the back. I saw better Halloween costumes this year on 6 year old kids. The acting was horrible, but I don't blame the actors so much as I do the script and the plot. The lines were often simply horrible. The whole "seeing a yellow aura" after being scratched made no sense. Were they trying to insinuate the person was being turned into something like the creature, or what? You never find out. And then somehow one of the people talk their way out of being killed to it? What? This movie dropped the ball in every possible way imaginable. The character reactions, the acting (except for Michael Rooker, who did the best he could with what crummy lines he had), the effects, all of it except the setting was HORRIBLE. Even for someone who loves cheesy "B" movies, this was just bad. So much potential behind the idea, but the execution was outright abominable. I can only surmise the positive reviews were all planted. I'd rather have a burning UTI than watch this movie again.
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Pretty terrible
bjjnedan12 October 2012
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This movie is about a family on an ice fishing vacation. On a lake where something supernatural, prehistoric, or just plain stupid, is the top predator.

Yeah, this movie is bad. I don't really remember too many details because I lost interest the very first time I caught a glimpse of the tall, lanky retard in the sh**ty, cheap Halloween costume. The acting is bad. Hell, there were a few occurrences where the same person was called 3 different characters names. In one scene, the son is called David (I think that was the characters name), Stevie (a completely different character in the same scene), and Cody I think. Then 30 seconds later, they call the dad all the same things. Hell, the hot little Asian chick refers to Mr. Pelletier (Michael Rooker) as Mr. Cote on more than one occasion. Cote was the father and son they meet on the lake. The effects were miserable. The creature effects, the special effects, any effect in this p.o.s. was just embarrassing. Seriously, the monster in this looked like either a terrible costume or a cheap bondage (whatever it's called). This movie is bad. Avoid this at all costs. Seriously, if it comes down to it, sell your kid into slavery just to not have to watch this crap.
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I rate on a pass/fail, and this had potential and interest until...
tailsofthewind8 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...the very cool, extremely fast moving and very large creature under the ice turned out to be, on my very first impression, BATMAN. Then, I thought, no, it's all black, and it's got the teeth of VENOM; it's someone wearing a Venom costume!

Yep, it killed people in the movie. But first it killed any chance of me believing anything after that, especially because the script has the fish walking out of water on two legs...

Two legs cannot move us that fast under water, and there's no way that that creature was the large thing we saw underwater. So much for the suspension of disbelief. WE DO TRY, you know, even with these TV movies, BUT YOU HAVE TO GIVE US SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN!
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Very confused
gasmann-526271 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As you have already read in other reviews the acting is decent. Cinematography isn't terrible. Had the making of an ok story. Until they reveal the " Creature". Holy good god. Whoever had a hand in the creation of this thing really needs to find a new line of work. It's downright comical of how truly bad this thing is. I'm not gonna say don't watch this movie. But when they reveal the creature at maybe a 3rd of the movie in make sure u don't have a mouthful of popcorn. Because you will end up spitting it all over. The most obvious thing would be to just get off of the ice rite? But then I guess they would have missed out making this dumpster fire.
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Brought down by the Creature
uturnfilms26 January 2021
This had potential. Could have been decent. Unfortunately the awful creature design/outfit singlehandedly ruins the film. Decently directed, and Rooker is fun. Not even a 'so bad it's good' type. SKIP.
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SanteeFats28 September 2013
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Man this movie actually started out with a lot of promise. Then the creature actually shows up. A human in a wet suit with some added garbage in this day of CGI? What a load. Until the thing showed up this movie was alright. Decent acting and writing, nice scenery if you are in a warm place since the cast is surrounded by snow, ice, and winds. Then things went to what is becoming the usual for Chiller and Syfy movies, really poor endings. There is no closure in this movie unlike most horror movies, usually the bad thing dies. The monster just goes away after killing all the males, but only after the old mom basically begs for the lives of herself and her sons fiancée. This film could have been so much more than it was.
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Could have been so much better.
sforrester-323 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The acting from most of the cast on this was okay, the setting was suitably bleak and the basic premise of this film was good. The problem for me were the effects and especially the creature itself. The very basic quality of the effects took what could have been an okay horror to something that was, at times, laughable. I did actually laugh out loud when the "creature" ran across the ice looking strangely similar to an ungainly man trying to run in flippers. Considering at other points of the film, the creature's speed on the ice is an integral part of the plot, you would have thought somebody would have looked at the scenes of it running and said "that looks crap" but apparently nobody spoke up. It would have actually been better if the creature had never been shown at all. I realise that this film did not have a huge budget but there have been other small budget films where the horror factor has been huge with the use of suspense and without the use of fancy dress shop outfits. Overall, quite disappointing.
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I wish they did more with this film
coraschell-1875227 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very good strong story line, Not that bad of acting I only really watched it for Micheal Rooker, the fish could have been way better made to be scary, there was lots of blood and gore which I loved, a couple good jumps scares, it's a good movie to watch on a rainy day. I felt so bad for Micheal Rooker in this film because he has done some amazing work. This film in itself wasn't amazing like I thought it was going to be. The deadly fish thing that they have wasn't anywhere near realistic like I suspected. The visuals were absolutely gorgeous. Everyone else's acting however couldn't compare to Micheal's. I wish they did more with this movie, get into depths about the characters and give us a better backstory and such, but no such luck. I probably wouldn't watch this movie again.
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MAYBE contains minor spoiler
ulrichburke4 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'd say ignore most of the other reviews and take this movie on its own merits. Here's the MAYBE minor spoiler, I go along with the others and say they should've stuck to CGI for when you see the monster. But to me, that's a minor thing. Because despite a slightly draggy first 10 mins (considering the whole thing's only 70 mins!) when this thing gets going, it's one of the scariest films I've seen in ages.

Why? The characters are excellently acted. They're not melodramatic movie characters, they're real, visceral, people you could imagine living next door to. So when the monster gets one of them, you really feel like a neighbour's just been murdered. The coloured effect used when the monster's seeing things (I don't think that's a spoiler) is lovely. There's great lighting effects used on the snowflakes. And that director knows how to build a terrifying atmosphere.

Are the effects the best? No, the film had no dough which wasn't its fault. But effects don't make a movie, atmosphere, caring for the characters and, in this type of film, FEELING for them when they die is what matters. Not just 'Oops - add that one to the body-count!' But caring like they were your friends getting murdered. I felt I'd lost people I'd loved to have been friends with by the time that movie was over and I applauded the mother's courage at the end.

That director took something that had not much money, no sets, just a terrific bunch of actors, and pulled it all together into a minor terror masterpiece, in my reckoning. I haven't felt so much sorrow for people dying in a monster movie for a very long time, if ever, and I've watched a ton of the things.

This is a very good film. If you're willing to go along with it for its ride, it will deliver. If you let yourself become the characters' friend you will grieve, like I did, when they die. I've given it almost full marks, less a star for the creature itself, but as a film I have only respect for it.

I joined up to say this, after reading the other reviews. It didn't deserve them.

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Should have kept the monster a total mystery...it ruins the movie nearly.
Robert_duder8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few reasons to see and actually really enjoy Hypothermia. There are also a few good solid reasons to not even bother with this and why it gets some rather harsh reviews. The good to this film is Michael Rooker (more on that later), the setting for the film in the form of a cold, snowy, isolated lake, the suspense and the story are all pretty good. I was actually pleasantly surprised at these positives. The bad though is pretty bad. The supporting cast are barely passable actors, very cheesy and B-Movie amateurs. The run time on the film is just over an hour which usually raises immediate concerns about the quality of the film. If you can't come up with enough story to make a full length film, you have a problem. And finally and the biggest problem...the monster. They literally put a guy in wet suit with some felt glued to him. It was not even amateur, its childish and it just about ruins the entire movie. There are some good performances and tension runs high and you get excited and then this ridiculous looking clown monster comes out and ruins everything they've built. This movie could have easily been an 8/10 if not for that terrible costume.

Michael Rooker single handedly carries this film and makes it worthwhile. Fans of his from Walking Dead will embrace this and you won't be disappointed in him. He buries his fellow cast mates and makes them look even more amateur. The difference in quality of performance from him to everyone else is night and day and then some. The film makers should thank their lucky stars he was involved. Imagine my shock that Blanche Baker, who plays Rooker's wife, is a skilled and experienced actress. She is terrible in this film. I had her pegged as one of the film makers mom's. She is obviously not interested in this film and cares very little about the character. Not surprisingly, the only performance worse than hers is Benjamin Forster as the son. He has very little to no experience in film and it shows in his monotoned delivery that sounds like a grade school play. Amy Chang is almost as bad playing his girlfriend. The two of them together are just extremely amateur and really drag the cast down. Don Wood gives a very good performance as the fast talking, obnoxious Steve Sr. He is actually really good and helps Rooker support this awful cast. Greg Finley is also decent as Wood's son although he doesn't get as big of a part as everyone else.

The problem with this film is half the cast..Rooker, Woods and Finley are great to good, and the rest of the cast are so incredibly awful that they drag this way down. Indie film maker James Felix McKenney has a decent idea, an okay script and managed to land some good actors and probably doesn't even know it. He lets everything fall apart before the film can even succeed. The potential for this to be a good horror/monster flick is actually significant but he handles the making of his own film entirely wrong. Instead of using Rooker, hands down his strongest actor, he ends the film with this god awful melodramatic monologue from one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. The entire last part of the film is two of these terrible actors together on screen. McKenney blew this because there is a lot of potential here. I am even recommending this to horror fans or monster fans because there is enough here to really entertain but be prepared to be disappointed when you see what could have been and how it turned out. I'd like to even give this a 7 but I can't do it because the bad seriously outweighs the good. 6.5/10
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Not very good
davidradlett10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Worth watching if you like old B-movie creature flicks. The storyline is marred by some off-the-wall decisions by the menfolk that really do border on the incredible. Several times we found ourselves arguing with them (not that it did much good). I think the writers could have focused more on developing the women characters and put them in more believable opposition to the crassness of the men. On the other hand, the acting was good across the cast (Ms Chang had particularly powerful screen presence), and the photography was exquisite.

Spoiler warning

There is a monster. It seemed like a refugee from the 1960s UK TV series 'Doctor Who' (not the 2000s reboot). It had all the screen credibility of James Arness' creature in 'The Thing'. As in the otherwise great 'Night of the Demon', it was probably a mistake to show the creature at all.
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Take the safest route when dealing with a monster.
suite921 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ray, his wife Helen, their son David, and daughter-in-law Gina are setup in a cabin by a frozen lake. Ray scouts the lake in the twilight for a good fishing spot for the next morning. He spies a dead coyote, and goes to investigate. Something goes bump in the evening, and Ray falls through the ice. Ray is a man of considerable strength and stamina; he is able to pull himself out in the dark with no tools, but the effort leaves him flat on top of the ice. The rest of the family soon think he's been out too long. David finds him and walks him back to the cabin. They are still going ahead with the next day's fishing; they will just have to be more careful about weak spots in the ice.

The setup for fishing goes without a hitch. On the other hand, there are no fish. Another family drives a truck and a trailer out onto the ice. The Pelletiers are a bit skeptical of all that weight even further out on the ice. Later they drive the truck away in a rush, leaving the trailer behind on the ice. The idiots return on ice-mobiles of some sort. The large whatever moves through and catches all of their hooks, but they do not bring it in.

The new people are Steve Cote and Steve Jr, who are intent on catching the big whatever. The initial guess is that it might be a sturgeon of some sort. Steve Jr. gets pulled in, and the monster cuts him. Steve cleans him up, and lets him sleep. He offers the Pelletiers steak dinners. During the meal, Steve Junior starts feeling some sort of effects from his cut. Definitely an infection, but it looks like an infestation as well. The Pelletiers think Steve Jr needs to go to the hospital; Steve insists not.

Steve and Ray go out to catch the beast. Steve starts a generator to charge batteries, provide light, and hopefully attract the beast. Steve Jr. gets up instead of resting; the beast comes back, and drags Steve Jr. away. Steve Sr. takes a shot at the beast, misses, but manages to fall into the drink. The beast manages to cut Steve Sr, not as deep, but a long laceration. Steve Sr also gets an infection. Steve Sr is determined that something is going to die before the night is over. He gets his wish.

The Pelletiers wait for the dawn to go back to their cabin. Unfortunately, the monster gains partial access through the capped fishing holes in the trailer; David gets a fatal cut on the neck.


Cinematography: 6/10 Several of the long shots were rather poor: fuzzy, low contrast, too dim. There was a fair amount of camera shake on the closeups in the interiors.

Sound: 7/10 Pretty good.

Acting: 5/10 Michael Rooker, Blanche Baker, and Amy Chang were fine. Don Wood, Greg Finley, and Benjamin Forster I could have done without.

Screenplay: 2/10 The story has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and the exposition from one to the next is not that bad. However, there were so many opportunities for the fate of the family members to come out much better. The case for all decisions to be bad ones was rather weak. The ending sucked rocks and made no sense at all.

SFX: 0/10 The monster is the only SFX, and it looks really cheesy. This was a major detriment to the film. Its silly appearance shut down the suspense.
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Decidedly inept and barely worthwhile creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder10 October 2013
Attempting to have a relaxing vacation ice-fishing on a remote lake, a man and his family get caught up in a fellow fisherman's quest to land the prehistoric monster terrorizing the lake after they get stranded with the creature and must find a way to survive the creature's attacks.

There's not a lot to like about this one. One of the biggest faults here is the fact that there's just no screen-time for the main beast to be seen, as the majority of the film focuses on the not-so-interesting dynamic between his family that are used to roughing it without much in the use of outside equipment with the newer family having the state-of- the-art tools that soon grows into them believing that makes the newer family easily adaptable to survive the creature's attacks while his family comes to believe they should all leave once things start escalating in danger. While that's pretty chilling on paper, in execution it doesn't come off at all and really only serve to drag out an already quick film without doing anything with it. That said, the creature isn't much better, given one of the most basic, simplistic and barely disguised costumes around that doesn't even try to cover up it's a wetsuit with a fanged head, fins and webbed feet attached which really does look better than CGI since it interacts with the cast from time-to- time but beyond that it doesn't offer much. The film does do some right, as there's pretty chilling moments as this accurately gets the feeling of isolation amongst the cold and freezing temperatures right, several of the encounters with the creature is handled nicely including a night- time scene illuminated only by generator flood-lights and a harrowing chase over the ice as it races after the escaping group to get away from it before the cracking ice gives way and plunges them in. All in all, though, there wasn't much else to this one.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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