Sharkdog (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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mks36323 September 2021
Why are the parents so stupid and oblivious to common sense. Also encourages lying and being dishonest to family members.
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FUNNY at every episode!
meghanljones53421 September 2021
My toddler is so happy when I put Sharkdog on! It's both our new favorite show.
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Teachers your child to lie
avseagraves24 September 2021
Quite literally every episode begins with the boy lying to his parents, which then continues throughout the remaining, frenetic chaos. It also emphasizes the gullibility of the parents, teaching our little ones to manipulate the more naive and trusting. This show is nothing but corrosive noise to the innocence of our little ones.
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Love it
harveyt-3804527 October 2021
Its completely refreshing to watch than most of the other kids shows. Its entertaining enough for adults to watch it, and my daughter absolutely loves sharkdog. She giggles so much when sharkdog is on the screen. It reminds me of catdog, but a 2021 version. My kids and i enjoy it.
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Just No
jnspirtle9 July 2022
I am not a fan of a show that permits lying to your parents, and rather taking responsibility for mistakes, it's lies on top of lies, sharkdog is cute and the concept is ok, I feel it's sends the wrong message to kids.
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Very good family show
biggamer-997149 September 2021
It is one of my favorite shows, and what's better is that any age can watch it and enjoy it :)
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All adults are stupid and oblivious so do whatever you want!
jenn-s-wals19 March 2023
This show is so devoid of any shred of personality I simply can't stand to even have it on in the background.

The entire premise of the show is about a boy having a shark/dog hybrid and all the while hiding it from the adults in his life. Which would be fine if there was anything more to it, but there really isn't any substance other than that.

One of the 2 lead characters is a boy and he has a shark that acts like a dog. That's it. That's his entire personality, he has no other character traits.

And the other lead, the sharkdog, is just a dog that likes fish and swims very well, that's all the substance you get.

Luckily my 3 year old was fed up with it too after 4 episodes, and trust me she likes EVERYTHING, so I was spared further torture.
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Was this produced by Troom Troom?
somarai3 July 2022
5 Min. Crafts presents: Hiding and Getting Away With Guilty Pleasures

I've watched a couple episodes and they follow a typically bland formula, but with a shallow, short-sighted morality.

Sharkdog goes nuts. His team of liars chase him around and take the blame for his mess. Their lies are framed in such a way that we almost want to give them credit for how funny and clever they are. The boy lies to his parents constantly and is never confronted by his friends, adults, the creature, or even his own internal guilt. At the end of each episode, the team recounts their close calls and decides they need to do a better job at deception in the next episode.
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NOT a TV-Y7, a TV-Y!
samueljohnobetts3 September 2021
Truly for ALL ages, UNLIKE the 2017-2021 DuckTales Reboot!
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TylerCartoonGuy30 June 2022
Sharkdog is one of those cartoons that show that "it's a kids show" is not an excuse for being bad. I have no children. I watch this show by myself because I think it's good. There's only one other TV-Y show I can remember that has what this show has: continuity and buildup. There's clearly an overarching story in both seasons, and Sharkdog does have episodes that take breaks from it, but that's ok because they're not bad episodes themselves. The only episode I wouldn't rewatch is the one that centers on a very cringey joke. A lot of the characters are likable, plot points from previous episodes are relevant later on, and there's actually growth. Now as for the messages, as far as the lying to parents thing goes, it would be wrong to ignore the other side. Max just lies to stay together with his friend. He's not lying to get out of schoolwork or anything. In fact, he actually often teaches Sharkdog right from wrong. This story has a lot of heart. People deserve a show like this. One that has plenty of harmless fun but still teaches some good lessons.
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great for all ages
jahsehlovette5 April 2022
I find it so entertaining and I find sharkdog adorable, I hope this show will be on for a very long time. I enjoy it very much. I dont believe it teaches your children to deceive their parents, rather it teaches the joys of friendship in a very cute way. He is seen taking care of sharkdog in every episode. This isn't one of those shows that is teaching children stuff, its just fun entertainment and sharkdog is very adorable, I love his voice and his personality. Very charming show and I am waiting for more! <3.
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Don't let the kids watch it alone
boszormenyis2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is a very useful show if you watch it with your toddler. The Fishers will remind you to all your bad parent-ish patterns and however it's heartbreaking sometimes they'll help you to be a bit better parent by letting you laugh on your own mistakes. Max needs to hide Sharkdog and has to say all the things his narcistic parents want to hear. It's also heartbreaking but at least I can have some very useful conversation with my son about the show. 3/10 if it's only for kids and 10/10 if it's family show educating kids and their parents at the same time.
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