"Chicago Fire" A Chicago Welcome (TV Episode 2020) Poster

(TV Series)


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One of the sweetest episodes of Chicago Fire
ankitak-643407 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was so emotional and so sweet. The best episode yet. Showing the beautiful side of us humans. When everyone came for the funeral while the old man was all alone - I loved it! Very heartwarming.
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Bravo, Chicago!
katarka00716 February 2020
The final of this episode touched me to tears. Well done, Chicago!
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What we can be
pensman31 October 2020
At times we need a reminder of what we can be when we open our hearts to one another. There was a time that the rest of the world criticized Americans for being too friendly and kind to strangers. That criticism showed off our strength not our weakness. This episode is a welcome reminder that we should pay attention to our old reputation which is what made the rest of the world envious of us. And there is a bit of Schadenfreude in this episode as an old adversary of the firehouse gets his reward. Try not to give that subplot too much attention and rather keep in mind Chicago is there for each other.
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One of My Favorite Episodes
darlenem9996 September 2021
Third time that I've seen this one, and it still brings tears to my eyes. David Selby was great.
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This episode was great
pugpro10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the best of Chicago Fire. The homeless camp that struggled to save a kid to the old couple. That was a heartfelt show.
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That end scene about wrecked me!
dbeckton12 February 2022
Yup I cried. I've been binging all the seasons and this is one of my favorites. Oh and Ritter and Cruz are two of my favorites (along with Stella).

Seeing David Selby was a blast from the past.
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David Selby
leahmilesrn4 May 2022
David Selby deserved an Emmy for his performance in this episode. If he didn't at least get nominated, it's a damned shame. (I've been a fan since he was Quentin in Dark Shadows.)
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Wow, just wonderful
jknousak5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Agree with the other commenters, this was a lovely episode. The fire-people-caring stories are great, the neighbors' rescue down that cliff and its resolution was also a good story. Then there was a good thing happening for the CFD re: uniforms -- with a Severide save -- always a good moment. When the writers and directors et al put together episodes like this, really makes for good viewing.

And man! David Selby looks good here! Such a throw back for me, One who watched Dark Shadows rather religiously in the day (holy cow, like 50 years ago!)
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Guest Star
Bucabeach16 February 2020
David Selby as "elderly man" Tim Larson. I thought I recognized him (Quentin Collins from Dark Shadows) but did not see him listed in the cast.
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Further comment
rosa_alba-7413030 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Ritter. His comment about the volcanoes is pure gold, and so apt.

And the joy of seeing Gorsch finally getting what's coming to him.

Through the online detective work of Ritter, Gorsch's shady dealings are revealed. To see his "deer in headlights" look is excellent, and as another reviewer mentions, schadenfreude is truly delightful.

But man i am angry at Foster, the nerve of that woman. She is in a shared appartment litterally days, and throws a party, while effectively banning her roommates. The roommates who took her in, after she was passive agressive about looking for a place, and practically begged them.

In my appartment, she would be out on her ear. Why is Sylvie and Cruz, btw, don't get me started on his outfit, does he not possess a mirror ? Tolerating this ?
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