Angels & Demons (2009) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence, disturbing images and thematic material

Sex & Nudity

  • At the beginning of the film, Robert Langdon is shown swimming in a pool. He is soon shown exiting the pool; he is shirtless.
  • Other sexual references present.

Violence & Gore

  • PLEASE NOTE: The violence/gore in this film is extremely high!! CAUTION when viewing... (see "Frightening/Intense Scenes" section)
  • A bloody eyeball is seen on the floor. Later we see the owner of the eye: the graphic, bloody, empty eye socket is seen.
  • A corpse of a man is shown with rats eating his flesh, and dirt shoved in his mouth. He has a branding on his chest, and has been buried up to his waist. (In the Extended Cut, you see a shot of a rat chewing on his bloody eye socket.) Startling & Disturbing
  • Two people are shot at point-blank range. One dies, the other moves slightly, and the man shoots him again. (In the Extended Cut, blood sprays from the wound - but this is dark, and only noticeable with a High Quality picture.) Intense & Very Gory
  • A man is seen treating a gunshot injury. Gory/Graphic
  • Two people are locked in a room where oxygen is cut off and are shown suffocating and gasping for air while trying to get out. Really Tense, and Suspenseful
  • A graphic scene shows a partly decomposed corpse with disturbing black swelling in the mouth.
  • Several images of bloody dead bodies.
  • A man is killed by a car bomb.
  • A man is shown with bloody injuries.
  • A man brands himself in the chest and screams in pain.
  • A man is shot several time and he falls to the ground gurgling and blood is shown pouring from his mouth. Another man is shot in the back. Very Violent & Bloody
  • A number of murder scenes and intense situations throughout.


  • Bastard is said a couple of times.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Cardinals are shown smoking cigarettes, a man asks another man if he smokes, and a man smokes a cigarette.
  • A man is shown injecting himself with a drug. He sticks a needle into a bloody flesh wound on his shoulder. The open, gory wound is seen; VERY GRAPHIC.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Should have been rated R.
  • Most of, if not all, the scenes listed in 'Violence and Gore' are frightening, numbing, and grotesque.
  • The whole theme of the movie revolves around murder, deceit and the threat of a terrorist attack.
  • The whole film is tense, suspenseful, frightening, numbing, thrilling, and extremely dramatic with many instances of death, and/or people on the verge of death...
  • The live burnings are very disturbing, gory, & frightening.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • A man is shown hanging from the ceiling and burning alive over a fire. He is screaming in agony, and a a large brand is burnt onto his chest.
  • A man is seen in a pool of blood with blood coming out of his mouth. He has a graphic branding injury on his chest. When a woman tries to give him mouth to mouth blood squirts from his chest spraying into a man's face, and we learn his lungs have been punctured. Upsetting
  • Cardinal Baggia is tied to a device with weights and is thrown into water in an attempt to drown him.; He is shown gurgling in the water and has a branding injury in his chest. Robert is shown chasing after the killer's van, but instead races towards the fountain where the Cardinal had been thrown into. Entering the pool, Robert tries to free Cardinal Baggia from the restraints, but is unable due to the extreme weight; Very Emotional. Robert swims to the surface, calling for help, but no one answers as he descends back to the bottom where the Cardinal is shown gurgling water (He is not breathing). As Robert attempts to aid the Cardinal by breaking off one of the air tubes, some citizens are shown jumping into the fountain, just in time to save him. Robert & the others pull Cardinal Baggia to safety where is he shown shaking, and spitting out the water from his mouth. An ambulance pulls around the corner with people on-looking the incident. Robert asks Cardinal Baggia about where the killer was hiding him, and the Cardinal speaks in Italian: "The Castle of St. Angel". A Very Intense & Emotionally Upsetting scene
  • A massive explosive device goes off and causes some destruction and people are shown being injured by a blast wave, which also destroys the inside of the church. Intense, Violent, & Emotional... The most dramatic part of the film.
  • Camerlango Patrick McKenna is shown, at the very end of the film, burning himself alive by grabbing a flask of holy water and a lit candle jar; He pours the holy water on himself, murmuring the words "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit...". Patrick then smashes the candle on the ground, engulfing him in flames; He is screaming in pain and burning, with blistered flesh and is shown violently swaying on the ground, burning to death. DISTURBING & UNSETTLING to watch.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • There is a constant threat of executions of people and the detonation of an explosive device.
  • Near the end of the movie, an antimatter annihilation reaction occurs in the air, causing a violent shockwave that hurdles several people around. This may be experienced as the most Intensely Emotional & Thrilling moment of the entire film...
  • The death of Patrick McKenna is disturbing to watch. The most unsettling moment of the film

See also

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