Blood Car (2007) Poster


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Eco-friendly porn-trash to go. Large car? Just supersize!
Chris_Docker17 June 2008
Do you worry about the price of fuel? If the price continues to rise, only the richest dudes will drive cars. Cars will regain their rightful place as 'babe' wagons. In this eco-friendly age where wheatgrass is the new cool, clean-cut kindergarten nerd Archie hangs up his teacher hat and goes home to work on a new invention – a car powered by the green slime itself.

Archie stops for supplies at the vegan store where a prim and proper bespectacled girl sells him wheatgrass while sketching artistic pornography ("your cum tastes like tofu") under the counter. Across the yard at the meat stall is a more predatory chick whose intentions are more openly high octane kinky sex. As they compete for his affection, Archie accidentally discovers that blood added to wheatgrass makes the engine work a treat. He even dispenses with the wheatgrass. Archie is a vegan, so killing small animals causes him great emotional anguish. Even more when they won't stay still. But having bagged a few quadrupeds there is even more anguish when he realise the car wants human blood or nothing.

Blood Car is a crisply-made, ultra low-budget movie that has been compared to the Troma films or those of Russ Meyer and John Waters. Low-tech special effects, bouncing bosoms, and hilariously tongue-in-cheek. For the first hour, I was spellbound by its audacity, the thumbing at convention, and never knowing where it was going next. The sight of Archie on a bike, wielding an axe and chasing two FBI men, reminded me of the luckless cyclist hero-nerd from Peter Jackson's early movie, Braindead. But then it struck me. Blood Car was made by talented people who knew their trash movies. And good lighting. And good cinematography. But it was also a mish-mash of many styles. It lacks consistency. Acting is (at best) caricature. And for all the gore, sex and violence it still lacks bite. Political satire here entertains rather than protests. Blood Car's limits are tamely within those defined by the Meyer and Waters it emulates. It had no real axe to grind against Hollywood as does Troma. It reeks of clever students showing off.

But although I was ultimately disappointed, I was still entertained for over an hour. It was the low-brainer I needed after an overly-serious and slightly soul-destroying morning. Like the girl who flashes her tits at Archie to get a lift, and is then lured into the boot to see the puppies, I had been happily hooked. It would sound mean to say I'd been had. Even if it's true. And, like me, I bet you want to look in the boot . . .
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Blood Car? Pfff, it was probably a lemon as well.
ElijahCSkuggs18 February 2010
Simple ideas can sometimes lead to brilliance. Take Eraserhead, a very easy film to understand turned into a masterpiece of simple, and modest film-making. The film Primer, one of the most simple story-lines ever conceived became a must-see because of the elementary approachability and simple style it used. And with the amazing title, Blood Car, we are once again given a film that uses a simple approach to put smiles on the masses eager faces.

Eh, to get to the flick, that ramble above wasn't very funny and neither was this movie. The flick revolved around a rather unlikeable poindexter who is trying to make an engine that runs on wheatgrass. Oh yeah, the gas prices are around 30 bucks so no one besides rich people drive cars anymore. Getting back on point, the dork eventually finds out that blood makes his lil engine run, and he eventually gets laid by some hot meat lovin' chick, and he ends up killing people so he can get laid more and be successful. Eh, there's some more tidbits here and there, but there's no reason to get into it.

I had slightly high hopes for this flick. And once again, I'm let down. These son of a bitches out there making these posters are doing some damn good jobs. Pig Hunt and Ink are two other flicks I was tricked into watching because of their cool posters. Bully to that!

The flick ain't all bad as there's some nudity, some okay acting, a couple scenes of splattery blood, and maybe a giggle or two. But the humor in this flick is tacked on much too much. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who dig this type of college/try too hard/nerd humor, but it's not my cup of tea. Check it out if you're bored, easily amused, or have a vendetta against oil companies. Bah humbug!
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Blood, Breasts and Politics. Oh and a car!
PhilipGHarris19 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well it's the first film I've seen to have a Vegan character as the lead! Blood Car is an odd but enjoyable film and whilst it is not by any means perfect it has some absolutely classic scenes that make you forget the duller sections.

However Blood Car is not a film I would recommend to everyone (and falls into the genre of Peter Jacksons earlier work). Alex Orr blatantly uses sex, gore and bad taste to drive large parts of the film and it almost felt that you were in the 80's again with the large amount of breasts being shown on the screen.

The plot is simple enough and nothing unusual given the horror genre this film fits into. Where it excels is at the start and end of the film which are also interestingly the more political monologues (or as close to as makes little odds).

The real problem I had was with the lead Mike Brune. Not as woeful an actor as I have seen his delivery was still hit or miss, making him drag some scenes down. This especially didn't help as the two female leads (Chlumsky and Rowlett) both excelled in their parts and were obviously enjoying the whole experience.

Things to look out for have to be the chalk-board in the schoolroom which changes for each new scene.

I'd have loved to give it a higher rating but when jokes fall flat you tend to remember and it made this an up and down comedy rather than living to its potential.
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If Not Stopped, Goodbye Fun B-Movies
Eric_Cubed18 November 2015
I am a concerned celluloid citizen. I am concerned because there has always been an unwritten agreement, an unspoken truth, for all low-budget B-Movie makers since beginning-less time: If low-budget, then everyone tries their hardest and gives it their all, with the glorious bigger picture being a production based on passion, humor, camaraderie and most of all fun. Classic examples include The Evil Dead Part 2, Death Race 2000 and Soylent Green. As for Blood Car, the situation is reversed. The producers have only a business model in mind, and that business model is based on spending the majority of the movie's dollars on manipulating the public into believing we've created an avante-garde, Indie-funk art-house master-quirk film, when actually absolutely no emotional energy was spent on the script, casting, direction or production at all. To me this is a sad state of affairs. It's a sign that Ed Wood's vision and passion is going away for good. With this understanding, I encourage you to Boycott Blood Car, as it is a fake, phony and plastic virus that tries to manipulate us all into believing we are going to be treated into something like Quentin Tarantino's Kurt Russel masterpiece. Do the right thing. Send a financial message.
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I'm terrified!
cri_roman22 October 2007
I saw on this site that the movie was i watched it. Bad mistake!!! It was awful...a stupid movie about sex and blood with no plot at all and a very bad screenplay. Actors were weak, and also there were scenes that "contradict each other" (for example: there was a hole in the back of the car, and then in the next scene there is no hole, i begun to think that the problem was fixed...when the hole pops up in your face). And also i really didn't understand if they wanted this to be a comedy. In a word: awful, like i if this is the future of movies...if this is the movie of the year 2007, it is very sad...cause were heading to "Idiocracy".
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Interesting premise, but otherwise unsustainable for 76 minutes.
Puke Bag25 July 2009
I went in hoping for Little Shop of Horrors vs. Mad Max, but ultimately found myself unamused and waiting for the film to end. While the premise is interesting, there's not enough substance to sustain the entire length of the film, which feels too long even at only 76 minutes.

It's a notable achievement for their shoestring budget, but otherwise it comes across as very amateurish, the comedic scenes are forced (as in, "look at me, I'm trying to be funny"), and the characters are really unlikeable (save for Anna Chlumsky, whose portrayal of the girl next door is one of he few redeeming factors of this film). But, I've definitely seen worse. Heck, I've WORKED on worse films.
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Blood Car
Scarecrow-885 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sick-in-the-head, foul-mouthed, crude-humored comedy satire on the obsession of fuel about a quiet, scrawny, geeky vegan kindergarten schoolteacher, Archie Andrews(Mike Brune)who discovers by accident that his wheat-grass engine in fact works on blood. Through trial and error, Archie creates a metal fan chopper which he sets up in his trunk for animals with a long plastic tube that feeds blood to the engine..but soon Archie finds that people make his car's engine run longer. What ultimately motivates Archie to commit such atrocities like dumping the carcasses of a dead old woman neighbor, war vet with plastic limbs(..he actually beats the poor guy into the trunk with his own plastic leg), a bubbly hot brain-dead blond(..he goads her to his trunk by proclaiming that puppies are back there), and black gangster(..and a gas station owner who wishes to know why the black gangster was in Archie's trunk)in his trunk body smasher is the fact that profane and slutty Meat Stand operator(!)Denise(Katie Rowlett)will perform all kinds of sexual acts just to have the pleasures of riding in a car(..she has a superiority complex deriving from the idea that those who ride in cars are simply better than those who can not afford to). The relationship between Archie and Denise is a tool for an endless parade of homosexual'll find out as you watch it. Lorraine(..cutie Anna Chlumsky, of "My Girl" fame who is so short and nerdy, but so darn likable), the Vegan Stand operator(!)carries a torch for Archie even creating perverse artistic renderings between them. But, most of the film shows Archie escaping endless threats by government suits who wish to commandeer the vehicle so that his blood car can be studied and mass-produced for the marketplace since gas runs 33 dollars a gallon(..this warped comedy is set slightly in the future). Most of the comedy is dead pan using skinny, weakly Archie, who bores his poor students to tears reading from novels that mean nothing to their rather young ears, as this vessel of parody..he's often "showcased" in various sexual scenarios with Denise who may be "more" than she appears(hint:during their first sexual confrontation, she has him wearing his own shirt over his face). Chlumsky, who doesn't appear in that many film since her childhood days, is just adorable yet carries this wanton sexual desire for Archie that culminates in a less-than-enthusiastic(..for her, it is, but Archie, no)sexual episode on his bed(..not elaborated, so sorry for those who are curious about what Chlumsky might look like naked). Also, a running series of gore-gags concern the government agents who always seem to foul up either capturing Archie or his car, often ending up as fuel. For the most part, this film isn't for the easily offended, because most of the "funny" jokes and gags are really rather in poor taste. For instance, what the government agents do with all those who know Archie, so that they can erase his existence. SPOILER Or, the final gag where Archie, now perhaps President of the USA, holding an infant, does something with the newborn so that good ole America could still run those cars. While, the dialogue doesn't always tickle the funny-bone, there's enough outrageous moments of grue and blood splatter, along with the equal doses of wicked gags to sustain interest. But, this will undoubtedly ruffle a few feathers.
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Why waste time watching this ?
rpmdas13 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First Of all I would like to advise the future viewers to stay out of this movie. This movie is nothing but crap. The acting, the special effects, the direction etc all of them are nothing but crap. Not to mention that in a violent scene, the main character was laughing his hearts out. What a shame.

It seems that the director is more fond of x rated scenes than the plot. And I bet the movie was shot by some kid with a camcorder.

Thumbs up for the story. Thumbs down for all others.

Don't waste your time on this. I don't understand why people make this kind of movies.
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Not the usual thing
bernie-12211 November 2007
I wasn't going to comment, but I felt I had to offset our friend from Romania, who obviously didn't "get it". He would have maybe been right if the film had taken itself seriously, which it certainly didn't.

One thing that puzzles me: In the disclaimer at the end credits, the word "fictitious" is badly misspelled. So is "exhibition". I can't figure out whether this was intentional or somebody actually didn't know how to spell these words. All other words in the paragraph were OK.

Anyway, somebody should make Uwe Boll sit and watch this to learn how to make a no-budget film.
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If this is not stupid, I don't know what is...
kenneththaarup5 February 2008
Blood Car takes place in the near future, say 2 weeks from now. And suddenly gas prices have skyrocketed. And apparently because it costs hundreds of dollars to fill a tank, no one can afford to drive a car. The main character, Archie is a school teacher, who thinks he knows a thing or two about engines. In his attempt to make a functioning engine, he cuts himself on a broken bottle, leaking blood into the tank, making the engine work. After realizing that his engine works on human blood, the rest of the movie is about his chase of this dim witted and ugly girl that wanna bang him cause he has a car, and the government chasing him around. To fill up his tank, he kills random people and puts them into the trunk to fuel the car. That's basically the movie. It's 1 hour and 15 minutes long, and should have lasted 20 minutes tops. At the moment the only thing I'm more angry about than the quality of this movie is the fact that when I start watching a movie, I have to see it to the end. Don't start watching this movie - you'll end up wasting an hour and 15 minutes of your life!
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Horror, humor, schlock, and sex in a truck in a junkyard. How can you go wrong?
phila-33 March 2007
Schlock at its modern best. What made those 70s horror films great were their serious intent delivered with such camp. That is what works for "Blood Car." This indie film, directed by Alex Orr and starring Anna "My Girl" Chlumsky and Mike Brune is a fun romp into the camp of yesteryear, serving up generous portions of horror, humor, and political satire of our current affairs. Does it all work together? You bet! "Blood Car" bested my expectations with its over-the-top acting, a silly yet disturbingly plausible story (plausible in the most twisted of minds), and some brilliant editing work considering its indie film budget.

The film is set in the near future where gas costs hundreds of dollars to fill a tank. Only the most elite can afford to drive a car, making the cheapest of cars appear luxury if only for the fact that they can be powered down a road. The story concerns an elementary school teacher who seeks a method of clean-burning fuel to use in place of gasoline. As our teacher Archie loves his wheat grass, he tries to use it as an alternate fuel. During the experiment, he cuts himself, spilling blood into the mixture that makes an engine run. It's only later that he realizes its the blood and not the wheat grass creating the combustion. When he finds that the source runs out quickly, he abandons his life-loving peaceful ways and goes onto a killing spree to keep his car running. Plenty of humor runs between all the pseudo-violence as our poor anti-hero just wants to make good for the world, while spilling human blood. It was a joy to watch on the big screen and brought back memories of my drive-in days. (Yes, I'm old enough to remember drive-ins. They were outdoor theaters which you drove your car into, and... never mind.) Definitely a must-see destined for the cult-classic home DVD libraries.
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Blood as a natural fuel source
stack-115 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this movie, I think you have to watch it more like a comedy than a horror movie. Although the scenes are not always logical and here and there the plot is a bit strange, it keeps you watching until the end. The question is intriguing, how far would you go, to keep your car running? How much would you pay? Even pay in blood? Although it is ridiculous and would never work, in this movie the car actually runs on blood. And although one can buy gas in this movie, albeit at astronomical prices, you see nobody drive a car. They are still there, but nobody drives them. Not even the very wealthy probably. There is only one car running here, and it has an appetite. To appreciate this movie, turn off your brain, and enjoy it. I did. Don't try to use logic, because there isn't any. Although the end is quite harsh, the message is clear, we go to extremes to keep our beloved economy running at top speed, and the same is true for our cars of course...
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Deathcar: The Car that Bleeds
thesar-220 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If not for some of the shocks, the borderline unapologetic porn shots and the incredibly brutal finale, this unbelievably low budget "farce" would ended at just one star.

The jokes mostly didn't work, but I saw where they were going with it. The gore scenes actually went a bit inventive with what they had to work with. And the heart the creators had showed. Despite all that, sadly, this isn't recommended.

I can't even admit this to the "needs to be remade with a budget," because I doubt the budget was so much the problem. I will hand it to the staff and crew for giving all they could. So kudos to you and maybe you came come back with something better. (This was from 2007 and I'm just too lazy to research anything they might have done since. Hope for the best for them, though!)
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The movie dying from the start, then go on stick the nail in the coffin even before the movie finish.
atinder30 September 2012
I Liked the sound of the plot, i thought it be a really funny movie but I did not enjoy this movie at all.

I not did found this movie funny at all, all of the Jokes were just really bad, fall flat before then even ended.

The rest of the movie, I found it too dull, from the start there wasn't anything really keeping me into the movie.

They could have made this a lot better, with some better and funny jokes that worked, the ones in here did not work at all.

There is one good thing, i can about this, is that there was one good bloody scenes that, only stick to my mind.

The movie dying from the start, then goes on, stick the nail in the coffin even before the movie ended

with the last scene, which was not funny on any level.

That was a joke too far!

The acting in this movie was poor, from most of the cast.

1 out of 10
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Decent idea...that's about it
sabenge28 February 2008
The opening scene has to be one of the most pretentious things I have ever seen in my life. I loved it. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie falls flat on its face.

This is a prime example of companies like Troma trying to make B-movies. A good B-movie is the product of someone trying to make a serious movie on a low budget but fails horribly. The end result is a movie that has a certain charm to it that isn't over the top in its comedic effect. This movie, on the other hand, wants to come off as laughable and ends up too forced.

If Troma's your thing, go for it.
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Comment on Blood Car
nickj-1614 November 2007
I saw this film last night, i needed to check out the rating of this film just out of curiosity, when i found out it had been given a six out of ten i was very surprised. I must say this film is probably the worst film i have ever seen, not only has it completely irrelevant, the acting is terrible not to mention the story line. whoever made this has to be either a comedian or has far to much time on their hands. the budget must of been minimal and the actors must of been volunteers. Do you get my point, don't watch this film cause you will more than likely laugh, or just get annoyed about how bad it is. if this is all that producers can come up with in this day and age then god bless the film industry.
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Not bad, though I really wanted the protagonist dead.
howieroarkd10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is, pure and simple, a movie for people that enjoy B movies. That said this is above the level of a Troma feature. Lots of gratuitous nudity, violence, and shock in this little horror flick that really borders more on macabre comedy.

As a previous poster mentioned, the female roles seemed much better written and acted than the lead. I kept hoping this mopey hippy would die at SOME point in the 1 hour and 16 minutes, but alas he did not. The lead wasn't necessarily a bad actor, it just seemed like the writing on it wasn't entirely fleshed out and when he wasn't interacting with the 2 ladies in the film it was very hit or miss on the boring scale.

The themes and politics of the flick seem like they can appeal to all. Yeah, there's the insta-bash on working class "truckers," but you also get a fairly direct illustration of how conceited the "save the world" vegan hippy fellow is when he's wasting education time at his job as a teacher preaching political garbage like the kyoto treaty to kindergartners as well as ignoring the rest of humanity outside his narrow-minded goals.

All-in-all, watch this if you like horror and/or absurdist macabre comedies. For a first flick, a great effort, hopefully a little refinement will make this director someone to notice.
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Fill - er - up ...........
merklekranz26 January 2011
Appropriately crude "black comedy" that although wildly uneven, cannot be denied. There are a few knockout scenes of very dark humor, with the final toss in the trunk being the most outrageous of all. The absurd idea of a car developed by a vegan kindergarten teacher that runs on blood is inspired. Sure there are scenes that drag, sure there is an annoying amount of unnecessary four letter words, sure there is too much gratuitous sex, but in the end the film works because of the creativity on display. Gas is over $30.00 / gallon, but our hero can still fill - er - up. .......................................................... - MERK
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Dolphins are dandy...
paul_haakonsen12 February 2024
I have to say that I harbored absolutely zero expectations to the 2007 movie titled "Blood Car", as I happened to stumble upon it here in 2024 and sitting down to watch it. In fact, I had never even heard about the movie.

Writers Hugh Braselton, Alex Orr and Adam Pinney put together a cheesy script, no doubt about it. But there was just something that worked about the movie, because it was so far out there and silly. I mean, you got to appreciate when someone comes up with these outrageous ideas for movie scripts.

I wasn't familiar with a single actress or actor on the cast list. For a movie such as this, then the acting performances were actually fair. I will say that the hilarious dialogue, especially the dialogue from Denise (played by Katie Orr) was so hilarious that it more than made up for the shortcomings of some of the acting performances.

The effects in the movie were simplistic, but actually worked out well enough. You will not find yourself sitting down to be blown away by a myriad of impressive special effects here.

When Archie and Denise made it to the barbecue sauce, I have to say that the cinematography died. That hand-held, shaky camera that the movie suddenly opted to shift to just simply didn't work for me. And it was a rather horrible scene to sit through.

"Blood Car" is a fun little low-budget movie with a somewhat different storyline. Give it a gander if you enjoy movies that deviate from the usual cinematic stuff, you might just like what director Alex Orr has put together back in 2007. While I did manage to sit through he 82 minute runtime of the movie, I can honestly say that this is not a movie that will grace my screen a second time.

This movie is so wonderfully strange that it was actually well-worth sitting down and watching.

My rating of "Blood Car" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Nice idea, doesn't do enough with it.
poolandrews3 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Blood Car is set in the near future where the price of fuel are at an astronomical high, the majority of people cannot afford to fill their cars up & as such the streets are empty. Only the super rich can afford the high cost of fuel but kindergarten teacher Archie Andrews (Mike Brune) has been working on an engine that can powered by wheat-grass with little success, while drinking some Vodka he breaks the bottle & cuts his hand & lets blood drip onto his invention which begins to work perfectly. Archie realises that instead of wheat-grass his engine needs human blood, at first he cuts himself but it's not enough & as the power he gains from just having a car increases he becomes more desperate & eventually uses a dead body. However Archie needs more fuel & resorts to killing people to power his car which is getting him lots of attention from attractive girls & the US government who want the blood engine for themselves in order to solve the countries fuel crisis...

Co-written, co-produced & directed by Alex Orr this has a terrific premise that I am sure we can all relate to one way or another, in fact in Britain at the moment the price of fuel is so high it's ridiculous & it's going up all the time (although to be fair a lot of what we English pay at the petrol pump is Government imposed tax) with no sign of abating. The cost of fuel in Britain really is affecting people's lives, a lot of people simply can't afford to put fuel in their cars here & while the car graveyard situation seen in Blood Car is still far from reality (give it another two weeks at least) the basic story here will hit a nerve with most. So the story of rising fuel prices is obviously a political & social one the actually film itself isn't very good, Archie uses his blood car to have sex with a dirty, yet hot, woman with his addiction to fuel & his desperation to keep his car running fueling his need to kill & little else. There are some evil US government agents & an ending in which it's spelt out that because Archie controls this new engine & new type of fuel he is basically the most powerful man in the world & even becomes President! The whole premise is amusing & the parallel that you have to literally give blood to pay for fuel is understood but as a serious horror film Blood Car doesn't work, there are already other types of engines being made like electric ones, ones that run on alcohol & the like so the idea that petrol is our only source of fuel is wrong even now & at only just over seventy minutes long Blood Car still feels like it drags in places. Once you get past the initial premise then there's really nothing left here at all, I mean the character's are thin, the dialogue forgettable & not that much happens.

Blood Car looks alright, it was obviously shot on a low budget & some shots are poorly lit & shot but overall it's not that bad. The gore is retrained, a guy cuts his arm with a knife, lots of blood is seen spurting around & a guy has an axe in his stomach & not much else. There's some nudity too if you like that sort of thing. Blood Car is never scary or funny & plods along without ever being anything other than a one gag curiosity.

With a supposed budget of about $125,000 this was filmed in Atlanta in Georgia. The acting is alright, the babe that plays Denise the meat stand worker is hot by the way.

Blood Car obviously had lofty ambitions & has a neat little concept that I am sure most people will be able to relate to in one way or another but as a full length feature it's surprisingly empty with little incident before a political ending that is nothing more than a rant. I can't say I liked it that much but will give it credit for the idea.
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Surprisingly funny and effective
Wintersnake23 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It was the title that caught my attention at first, but after watching this horror-comedy-parody hybrid I'm pleased to say that it's a good movie as well.

Set some time in the future where gas prices have reached extreme levels, a well mannered school teacher called Archie is trying to discover an alternate fuel source. Not quite there, an accident causes him to discover the solution. Blood. And not just any type of blood, which he hilariously discovers, but human blood. This newfound addiction to driving around causes the well mannered teacher to obtain another addiction...murder, all while being chased by mysterious Men in Blacks and stuck between two ladies.

I went in with no expectations, and came out surprised, entertained, slightly shocked and impressed. The story is surprisingly entertaining all around, and despite it's low budget it's a well made movie that both doesn't take it self seriously, yet manages to stab you in the back in the end by throwing morality down the drain with a pretty shocking ending.

Give this movie a chance. Set your expectations down a few notch, realize this is low budget and you'll find a movie that is worth the time.
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Load of crap
bojan-horvat431 August 2021
Load of crap! 85 minutes of my life I will never get back.
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Don't get caught in the headlights.
squaretip7 January 2008
Thats right, avoid this movie at all costs. Not only is it possibly the worst movie i have ever seen, it's the most disappointing. Oh, and it's the worst movie i've'Blood Car' sounds like the shitty movie I would view out of boredom or just sheer intrigue, but from the word go, i was lost. Thanks to its award-winning acting and really well rounded characters, this heightens the words "pure shite" to another level. Badly written (the narrator WTF?) badly acted (Everyone in this movie is under 25, including the FBI Agents!!?) and poorly executed, Blood Car ranks high on my list of regrettable titles I've watched. And if you don't believe me, just wait for the stellar acting inside the car, once the main character has realized what he's done. Crap-o-la!
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funny low budget horror
skunkfoot714 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie came off as a little amateurish, but the premise and the humor was quite interesting. The T and A and sex jokes would make a Troma films fan want to watch the first half of this film. My Complaints are NOT ENOUGH GORE!!! If there is a blender in the trunk that turns people into fuel, show a little bit more of the blender in action, and the government guys stalking the main character, are idiots.. terrible acting.. and the main thing was some inappropriate scenes (2) involving children and firearms towards the end... I love the horror genre, but watching suits shoot kids in the head, complete with blood and brains spray leaves a terrible taste in the mouth, even with Tabasco pop corn on my lap, it could have been implied without the actual gunshot and brain spray. ... would have been a 5 but instead a 4!
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"SPOILER" Plot Summary
sal108517 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about Archie, a school teacher who is attempting to build a motor that runs on a natural fuel source. The movie takes place in the future where gas prices are at a ridiculous $30 dollars per gallon and driving is an expensive commodity. This film targets a lot of issues that we see are happening today. For example gas prices, alternate fuel sources, evil government plots etc. Archie by accident, discovers that blood is able to power his motor. Unfortunately only human blood is accepted by Archies car and once he powers his car Archie realizes the attention he gets from an attractive young woman. Her interest is in the car and she clearly expresses it. Archies fuel-finding task spawns a series of events that eventually leads to Archie being contacted by government agents that have been following his progress since the beginning of the movie. In the end the government makes use of Archies knowledge but with a very dark intention. A VERY dark intention!
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