"The X-Files" Tunguska (TV Episode 1996) Poster

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From Russia With Love
Muldernscully28 August 2006
Tunguska allows the viewer to re-board the thrill ride known as the myth/arc. The mythology episodes at this point in the x-files have a lot more action and are faster-paced. This makes them all the more exciting. Plus, anytime you get to add recurring characters like Alex Krycek, Cigarette Smoking Man, Well-Manicured Man and Marita Covarrubias, it gives a certain quality to the show. The teaser for this episode is different from what we're used to. It has Agent Scully testifying in front of a senate sub-committee, letting you know that you're in for something special. If Alex Kryeck(aka Ratboy) is a character you love to hate, this is your episode. Mulder captures Krycek on an FBI raid and continually gives Kryeck a beating throughout the episode, letting the insults fly. My favorite is when Mulder tells Krycek where the level of his moral dipstick is. One things that bugs for this episode is when Mulder is getting information from Marita Covarrubias. She acts all sensual towards him for no apparent reason. Weird. Another minor annoyance is the black oil. In Piper Maru/Apocrypha from season three, whenever someone got infected by the black oil, they acted as if controlled by an alien force with a specific purpose in mind. In this episode, the people that are infected by seemingly the same black oil simply become catatonic and non-responsive, which is quite confusing. Nevertheless, Tunguska is a very fun episode which has a great final shot for a suspenseful cliffhanger.
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"When you go underground, you gotta learn to live with the rats."
classicsoncall22 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea) and the infamous black oil make a return appearance in this episode of the X-Files, the title referring to a location in Russia which hosts a prison and testing ground for a variety of dubious medical experiments. Krycek can't catch a break in this episode, he is in turn beaten by Mulder and Skinner (Mitch Pileggi), who leaves him handcuffed to a balcony railing for short term safekeeping. Just speculating on something here because I don't know if the fate of Skinner's wife from the 'Avatar" episode was ever resolved, but it appears he's living in a new apartment. Mulder never brought up the topic when he arrived with Krycek.

You know, the idea that Krycek dangled himself from Skinner's balcony didn't seem so outlandish, but the idea that he could have hauled over the assassin sent to kill him was. Consider the physics involved with having to pull that off given Krycek's awkward position, the weight of his adversary, and the improbable logistics of disrupting the killer's balance and it's a bit of a stretch to believe he could have done it. But it did look pretty tense and exciting, I guess we weren't meant to think about it too much.

So it appears we've learned the secret of the black oil. It arrived via a meteor with perhaps a Martian origin, and a core sample tested by an FBI lab scientist releases some of the deadly stuff. Without going back to earlier episodes in which the black oil was a topic, it appeared that it's characteristics and behavior were somewhat different here, though one could say that maybe we didn't see all of it's properties before.

While Scully remains behind, testifying before a Senate subcommittee. Mulder heads off to Russia with diplomatic papers supplied by Marita Covarrubias (Laurie Holden), though they won't help him much. With Krycek in tow, the pair are arrested and placed in a Russian gulag. It looks like Mulder might be a goner for sure this time, as the cliffhanger for this two-parter has him being injected with a serum of some sort. The closing scene shows Mulder encased in a full body wire mesh, which I call the reader's attention to primarily because at the beginning of the next episode, the after effects of this treatment seem to be negligible.
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I love the black Oil myth arc
SleepTight6669 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Whoohoo, the beginning of an excellent two-parter. Perhaps better than last Season's 'Piper Maru & Apocrypha'. Yes, I love the black Oil myth arc. It's my favorite part of the entire mythology. The Black Oil is pretty creepy, and I love the effects that go with it.

This episode was intense, one of my favorite parts is that it brought back Krycek. He is definitely one of my favorite characters of the show, there's just something about him. I think that he makes the perfect nemeses, and he even has a sexual chemistry with Mulder. No matter how weird that sounds.

Another cool character in this episode was Skinner. We got to see him be a rough guy, who beat up Krycek and left him in the cold. We've never seen him like this before, so that was refreshing.

My favorite part of the episode was when Mulder and Krycek were caught in that Russian prison, and Mulder was injected and used as an experiment. That last shot was magnificent.

But I gotta say, Mulder deserved Krycek's betrayal after being such a prick to him. I know Krycek cannot be trusted... but still.

FOUR high stars for this one.
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"You're gonna keep me in the dark?"
Furious_Fenner20 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Placed in the bumpy beginning to Season 4, Tunguska, as the name suggests, was always going to take us back to the subject of aliens and hence the mythology. So its excellent that the episode contains a couple of welcome surprises, and ultimately has an excellent pace that many of the myth-arc instalments lack.

It begins with a shocking, and slightly surreal, teaser which quickly establishes that we're back on the trail of the black oil, last seen deposited by Alex Krycek in Apocrypha. And, of course, this in turn sees us back on the subject of Krycek himself, who is captured during a raid on a militia group in Queens. Since Krycek is a personal favourite character of mine, it's always nice to see him show up and he drives Tunguska with his information regarding a diplomatic pouch and general misdemeanours by higher powers. While Krycek cops a beating from pretty much everyone throughout the episode, Scully focuses on the black oil, emanating from a Mars rock, and Mulder attempts to find it's source. We get a cameo of sorts from both CSM and Well Manicured Man, bringing the syndicate into the storyline, and also an appearance by Marita Covarrubias in oddly seductive mood acting as a source of Intel for Mulder. The gist of it is, the rock originated from Tunguska in Siberia, the famous site of a 'meteor' crash, and soon Mulder is on his way with Krycek in tow, while Scully encounters first hand the oil's deadly properties.

Tunguska is an excellent episode, picking up a strand of the mythology which proved fascinating and giving a new angle to familiar characters. The pace, as I mentioned, is fantastic, not quite breakneck but never dull and the perfect balance of delivering information and observation. The final scenes of Mulder in a world of hurt are shocking, making the follow up Terma all the more tantalising. With excellent direction, good writing and well judged acting, I can't find much wrong with the episode.

A strong 9/10.
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The return of a well known face.
Sleepin_Dragon31 July 2022
Mulder learns from Krycek about some terrible testing that's happening in Russia.

Great storytelling, the opening sequences are dramatic but seem to come out of nowhere, the story that follows however, it's a high quality one, very fast paced, action packed, it offers a few moments of horror too.

I am intrigued to know more about this black oil, it has some pretty powerful properties. The scenes of the black oil doing its thing, nasty.

I am really glad to see Krycek back, he really is a character that you're made to hate, he's been high, here we learn that he's at a real low point. Personally I'll never get tired of seeing Nicholas Lea's face. The guy gets a punch from almost everyone.

More than ready for the next one, 9/10.
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Wars have broken out over far less, Mr. Skinner. Far far less.
Sanpaco139 February 2009
Tunguska is the first in one of season 4's two parter mythology series. It is also the first episode I think of in regards to the black oil storyline. The beginning of the episode shows a man harassed but the customs officers in an airport. And yes I say harassed for a reason. I mean when someone tells you to be careful with something because its dangerous the last thing you want to do is drop it on the floor so it can infect you. If that had been say a zombie virus or something then that guy would have caused an even bigger problem than he did. The first episode is exciting and action packed with chases and viruses and Krycek hanging from the balcony of Skinner's apartment and the like. Krycek and Mulder travel together to Russia in hopes of finding some answers about the origin of the black oil virus and are captured by a group who use their prisoners as test subjects by infecting them with the oil. The ending is a cliffhanger with Mulder among those being infected. I enjoy the action and excitement of the episode. I give it a 8 out of 10.
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The return of Krycek
devonbrown-9064914 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent episode that starts of with Krycek tipping of mulder about a bomb a group of extremist stole from government sites.

He becomes useful to mulder to uncover potential bombs on to her locations. But it's seems other parties are interested in Mr krycek so he needs or be safe. All whilst the Alien cancer is loose. In the FBI labs.

I'm happy to see kychek again as he is one of my favourite antagonist. He seems to be able to get out of the most precarious situations unharmed. Nevertheless the story about how he got out those bunker silos is full of holes.

I like how the other characters treat him like a low life but he's almost unkillable as he posses valuable intel in most episodes he featured in.

Mulder is now on search for the origins of the black slime, he's tracked in down to Russia via his united nation source, which is proving more and more useful to him as episodes go by.

He goes there with kychek as he finds he can speak Russian. But inevitably Krycek stabs him in the back and mulder is tested on with alien slime. How will he get out of this one!
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Nice episode, but full of weird stereotypes
ornatski14 March 2008
This could be a great "mytharc" episode, but it was ruined for me by some gross misinterpretations of Russia and Russians. I'm sure that American and European folks enjoyed it greatly, but at some points it annoyed me like hell.

Firstly, they couldn't make an episode about Russia without mentioning GULAG. It's as if there's nothing to say about Russia without this word. Frankly I can't remember a single American movie about Russians in which GULAG is not mentioned. Unbelievably annoying!

Then there are Russians on horses. I've been in the country a lot and I've never seen anyone riding a horse. Believe it or not, Russian people in the country have CARS. Basically no one rides horses, we're not barbarians for God's sake! Also, Alex Krychek reveals that he has a Russian heritage. His family name, however, is definitely not Russian. I've never heard of any Russian named Krychek.

On the other hand, it was good to see that most Russians in this episode were actually played by Russian actors, so I didn't have to suffer severe headaches trying to understand what they say in what is supposed to be my native language. Even Nicholas Lea speaks relatively well, that was a very pleasant surprise. Most of the Russian dialogue is grammatically correct, nothing to complain about.

On the whole, I enjoyed watching this episode, though it made me wonder once again - when will they learn to portray my country at least a bit closer to reality? 8 out of 10 for the story, 6 out of 10 overall.
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Scully: No, sir. What I am saying is that there is a culture of lawlessness that has prevented me from doing my job.
bombersflyup19 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Tunguska is about the smuggling of a mineral like substance, in which Mulder discovers firsthand, the black oil.

Krycek a worthy adversary and at times ally of Mulder. The guy's sure a tough out, a true warrior. The scene with Marita Covarrubias open ended. I mean she's in a robe, it's late at night, he's always watching adult films, she gets him to stay as he's about to leave, she's acting all sensual. :) The scene of Mulder under chicken wire is intense and the customs scene terrifically amusing. Tunguska's a high paced episode, much stronger than the continuation episode Terma.
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A Less Intelligent Mythos Episode
frankelee8 August 2023
The 'Alien Mythos' episodes are never the best, but they aren't the worst either, they tend to be in the middle, okayish. This is probably the first time in series history where a mythos episode was actually content with being a bit dimmer than normal. The situations, the dialogue, the cause and effect, all the writing in general came across as pretty slapdash. A bit unintelligent would be a good way to describe it.

I think using Tunguska is a great idea in their overall story, but it's just all rather rushed. As executed it doesn't have to be Tunguska, it doesn't have to be Russia, it could be anywhere, the show does nothing with the premise really. And I mean Mulder parks at a non-descript Vancouver area airport in one scene, and in the immediate next scene is in the Vancouver woods, like, "Okay I'm Russia now!"

Also there's a science related death during the episode, and the aftermath is presented in the most bizarre way imaginable. Just everybody keeps doing their thing, I guess somebody realized one guy standing in the middle of the lab was dead. Better call Scully, she's the person who singularly shows up to handle lab deaths after all. I don't know, you can't have like a couple cops and a guy in a coroner jacket standing around too just for effect?

It's all pretty lame brained. And of course, I don't appreciate the ever changing backstory for the X-Files universe. In previous episodes the black oil alien was one thing, now it's another thing, imagine trying to follow this at home in the early to mid-90s, remembering episodes from years ago, just for any memory you had to be completely contradicted by what you were watching, making it a sloppy mess of a narrative. When you're improvising something always remember "Yes, and..." Chris Carter needed to look at his own mythos plots and go "Yes, and..." but instead he went, "I changed my mind, it works like this now."
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Jumping The Shark
doctorbrinkley2 August 2007
This, and its follow-up episode, signified major trouble afoot. This is where X-Files "Jumps The Shark", and was a sad day indeed.

This would mark a watershed low in the series. Where past so-so episodes were still enjoyable, such was not the case in this instance. Had the feel of a really bad mini-series. Gulag Schmulag.

I find this to be a major turning point for the series.

However, to be fair, the quality of the series lasted much longer than most all other programs, (as this was Season 4) and unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. No matter how slowly that end may ultimately arrive. A rabid weekly viewer, I was now delegated to "on occasion" status after this, which would subsequently become "never", not long after that.
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