"The Andy Griffith Show" Barney's Uniform (TV Episode 1964) Poster

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Hitchcoc13 December 2019
Once again, Barney gets in trouble because his mouth works faster than his brain. This time Alan Melvin, who has played about eight parts on this show, is given a ticket. He threatens Barney with bodily harm, and our skinny detective goes into hiding. This is a redux of Barney's Karate prowess, repeating events from a previous episode. Yet, even in a position of victory, he has to continue to prance around like an idiot.
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A personal matter?
kacarrol-772-4454471 October 2020
I know it was the 60's, but tell me how--while pulling on his collar, and threatening to break every bone in the body of a law officer who gives you a ticket--does the law officer refer to the incident and its aftermath as a personal matter. Well, maybe because it was a comedy or because everyone in Mayberry looked the same.
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Wonderful Classic with Comedy and Suspense
scottschada@yahoo.com27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Barney against a huge jerk like Fred Plummer. Reminds me of a time many years ago when a much bigger boy in 6th grade at the neighborhood bus stop used to give me "noogies"; not painful but humiliating. I must have leaked something because one morning my mother offered to drive me to school but detoured to the corner bus stop and yelled at me "who is it?!" I, cowering under the dashboard,squeaked out "the big one with red hair"--I heard something to the effect "if you touch my kid again, I'll get the Principal (or your mother?) on you" Love you mom. You were my Andy. Anyway, this is a fine episode, whether or not Fred could have been prosecuted for his threats alone against a law enforcement officer. It's real, and funny and an excellent exploration not just of Barney's personality and goofy bravado (see the finish) but of the love for Barney from Andy.

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Fred vs.Barney in Mayberry
lmcsrbfl7 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of my fav.episodes. Excellent writing,super chemistry. Routine afternoon in Mayberry, there's a big dance in town coming up but the laundry co. misplaces Barney's (Don Knotts) salt and pepper suit,he really likes that suit because it's perfect for dancing. Just then he noticed 'mini mart' worker Fred Plummer sweeping dirt into the street which of course bothers Deputy Fife, he tells Andy I'm gonna cut him down but is warned not to mess with Fred because he knows Barney is also steamed about his misplaced suit. My favorite part of this episode is when Barney lectures Fred (Allan Melvin), "I've told you not once,not twice but three distinct times you're supposed sweep the trash into the barrel and place it out back,however Fred just shakes it off which means Barney has to write out a ticket for littering to Fred, this really infuriates him. Perfect lines delivered by 'tough guy' Allan Melvin "We'll now Deputy I figured you for a nice friendly fellow but you're not,you're just a cop". Barney informs Fred "I do represent the law", but Fred warns Barney "Sure you do but you and I are gonna meet when you're out of uniform and I'm gonna beat you to a pulp,the minute that officer becomes a civilian I'm gonna break every bone in his body". Andy notices Barney is wearing his uniform all the time even on his day offs,he tries to hide the fact that Fred threatened him,soon enough he finds out he tries to reason with Fred to let bygones be bygones but he ain't budging. He also tells Fred that Barney has been taking judo lessons. Andy visits the studio and has it arranged that the judo teacher pretends he's really Barney,he let's on that he needs to help Barney handle himself against 200 pound Fred Plummer. Later that night outside the courthouse Fred is waiting for Barney to come out to fight him Andy days out loud 'see you Barney' which distracts Fred however he grabs the judo instructor,but winds up getting thrown around. Andy then goes to Barney who is getting dressed for the dance and reminds Fred is ready for you,not knowing of Andy's scheme, he tells Barney 'We're officers of the law,people like Fred need to respect that". Therefore Barney meets Fred after being pulverize by the judo instructor and echoes what it means to be a law enforcement officer Fred agrees with him and everything is settled,of course Deputy Fife lecture Fred "When I say no more trash in the street I mean no more trash in the street".
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"He no can cut it"
vitoscotti4 June 2022
Terrific Allan Melvin role. Andy handles the original threat very strangely, and hands off. But if he handled it by the book, we'd have no comedy story.

Classic Barney cowardice being petrified of Fred Plummer. Some of TAGS best writing switching the judo teacher for Barney.

I always liked Fred's comments when Barney confronts him after getting beat up. "Oh I believe it... I do now". Allan Melvin will revisit the bully character as Clyde Plaunt in "Howard's Main Event". Two brilliant episodes, and two brilliant performances by Allan Melvin.

Classic epilogue with Barney demonstrating his judo prowess.
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Physically threatening (law enforcement) without an arrest ruins the episode ...
toldyousew7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For me. It is too much of a suspension of disbelief.

*Spoilers* Once Barney was threatened, the person should have been arrested and put in jail. Then he should have had to face a judge.

It sets up the wrong notion of what is tolerated by a citizen against the law enforcement.
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