Clawed (2017) Poster


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Clawed Hopper
shawnblackman15 June 2018
A toxic substance in the woods has created a beast that instantly screws you over. A bunch of students head to the area to take samples and meet really gross deaths in the process.

This one had pretty good make-up effects and gore. A few cheesy CGI effects but over all not bad. The flick suffered however from lack of an interesting plot. After 40 minutes they run out of ideas and the movie fizzles at this point. I did laugh when a guy had been clawed and he starts jumping to get away. I called him a Clawed Hopper!

The ending irked me as well which is why I gave it only two stars. You will feel like your eyes should be Clawed out of your head for witnessing such crap.
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Tame and lame
Leofwine_draca10 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
CLAWED is yet another in a string of endless and cheap bigfoot hunting indie horror flicks. Students decide to investigate a local bigfoot legend and get more than they bargained for when the legend comes to life. It's a tame and lame film, entirely routine and predictable, lacking in incident and forcing the viewer to endure the company of dumber than dumb characters throughout.
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Micro-budget Indie about a horrid abomination terrorizing people in Montana
Wuchakk3 September 2020
A young man dying of cancer, his girlfriend, a college field trip and an officer converge on the Bear Claw Wilderness to witness the walking horror known as The Shadow of Death.

"Clawed" (2017) is a spare-change Indie creature feature with quality locations, an excellent monster, lots o' convincing gore and a decent cast that includes Felissa Rose from "Sleepaway Camp" (1983) & "Return to Sleepaway Camp" (2008), as well as a couple other good-looking females. Some of the camera work & editing is interesting or experimental, but also amateurish. The sound-work is noticeably bad (you'll know what I mean), but at least you can always make out what's being said.

The biggest problem is the way the film was put together wherein the story doesn't build any drive. I wanted to turn it off 30 minutes in, but persevered. At least there are some good things to glean, if you don't mind very low-budget Indies.

The film runs 1 hour, 30 minutes. I can't find any info on where it was shot, but it looked more like Southern Cal than Montana.

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Nothing to see here
Literally, there is nothing to see here in this film. Normally I will give a low/no budget film the benefit of the doubt and will try to watch to the very end. But this film I could only get as far as 15 minutes then turned it off, it was that bad. 9 minutes in and the opening credits start to roll. Before this, a podcaster with a clock ticking so loud to the point it was distracting. The effects were horrid and the acting was very one dimensional. If I could rate this on the negative scale, I would give it a Minus 10, it was that bad.
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Could have been something more
jhrum2 January 2022
There was some potential this film, but in the end, hindered by production and faulty missteps throughout the way, it suffered the usual pitfalls that most films in this genre do. But it had the potential.
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needs a bigger budget
WankerReviews2 June 2018
Imagine the blob creature from ''Creepshow 2'', in walking monster form, with the face of Venom from Spiderman, killing technique of Victor Crowley, that rapes women. You end up with ''Claw''. This reminded me a lot of those Hatchet movies, but with a budget too small to go it's full potential. A lot of the times the kills look very choppy, and it makes me wonder if that was done because of lack of funds. Fortunately you're still able to tell what's going on.

The camera work at times is super shaky for no reason. It seems like the director just graduated from film school, this is his first big project, and he's experimenting with different angles. Overall it's a silly fun b movie
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Very little Tiffany Shepis
thedarkestshadow-3278531 August 2020
If you are watching this because you saw her name don't bother.
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Not a bigfoot movie. Apyr confirmed!
freakforbooks28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a bigfoot movie. You will not see a bigfoot in this movie. There is no mention of a bigfoot in this movie. There is, however, a mutated demonic freak creature brutally eviscerating everything in its path. Is this a "good" movie? No. Is this a fun movie? Sure. Some things to expect...

1. Apyr 2. CGI vomit 3. Killer mud puddles 4. Breasteses 5. Disorienting camera work 6. Brutal deaths 7. Rapey rapers 8. Toxic waste 9. CGI fireworks coming out of a mud puddle (slow clap)

And much more. Do you like low budget indie movies? Do you like SOV horror? If you said yes then you might enjoy this one.
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Don't get too close
nogodnomasters15 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Toxic waste dumped in a remote rural area fails to create redneck zombies, but rather a manbearpig..light on the pig. A story was started that the waste has healing powers something added to the story for no particular reason other than to get 90 minutes in the can. Young adults are in the park for various reasons get attacked plus surprise ending.

The film quality and effects reminded me of a 1970's film. It appears retro-camp was on the agenda, but was only half way executed making the effect a negative instead of a plus. The film is told as a flashback by one of the survivors of the massacre. Tiffany Shepis is becoming the next Eric Roberts for cameo appearances in stinker films...I understand it's a check.

Guide: F-word, nudity, and I presume that was a rape scene.
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All Righty Then!
tmccull524 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see. The movie begins with a paranormal Podcaster interviewing the sole survivor of a horrible creature attack. This survivor is a "legendary lawman" of some five years' experience. This legendary lawman begins to tell the history of Bear Claw Mountain. According to his narrative, the residents living near Bear Claw Mountain had traditionally and historically been warned to stay away from the south side of the mountain. Evil, bad juju, that sort of thing. Then, after years of avoiding this area, a stranger comes to town, tells everyone that the waters flowing on the south side of Bear Claw Mountain have miraculous healing powers, and everyone believes him.

Now, let me repeat that.

The lifelong residents of Bear Claw Mountain had historically and superstitiously avoided the south side of the mountain, because bad things happened there. A stranger, who knew absolutely nothing about the Mountain and the evil bad juju there, tells the lifelong residents that the waters in this supposedly evil area have miraculous healing powers... and they just suddenly up and believe him. They just take his word for it, and start going there.

It gets stupider from there.

The "legendary lawman" Then goes on to.tell the story of the Orderly sisters, who went to these miraculous waters so that one of them can be healed of some unnamed malady. The ailing sister reaches towards the black, brackish waters, and a huge, clawed hand reaches back and touches her. Hallelujah; she is healed! Then, the healed sister reaches for the miraculous waters again, and the lower half of her face gets ripped off. The black, tarry muck monster then chases and kills the other sister.

The legendary lawman then tells the tale of his equally legendary lawman grandfather, who lead a search party into evil bad juju country to find the missing Orderly sisters. They find the sisters, or what's left of them. The big, black, tarry muck monster then shows up and kills the entire search party.

Wait. If both of the Orderly sisters were killed, and then the entire search party was killed, who gave the legendary lawman being interviewed for the podcast the precise details of how they all died? There were no witnesses, no survivors.

Well, we're making a cheap-ass horror movie here; we can't be bothered with plot holes, details, and continuity!

We cut to years later, where a professor and some geology students are heading out to investigate and analyze the evil bad juju south side of the mountain, and the usual cheap-ass horror movie hijinks ensue.

This movie blows like a nymphomaniacal hooked at a Viagra convention. Spare yourself the horror of sitting through it.
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Interesting Ideas and Commentary, Falls Short in Execution
Reviews_of_the_Dead25 August 2022
This is a movie that I only know about due to my sister. She saw it due to it featuring scream queen, Tiffany Shepis. I didn't know much about this other than that it looked to be available on YouTube. I decided to give this a watch and came in blind aside from knowing the title.

Synopsis: a geology field trip into the remote Bear Claw wilderness area turns into a nightmare for a group of college students as they find themselves prey to a viscous man-beast locals call The Shadow of Death.

We start this movie off with a podcast host having her 100th episode. She comes to a house where she is interviewing the lone survivor of an attack on Bear Claw Mountain. He claims that what attacked them wasn't a bear. She points out that he signed an official document saying that it was. He reveals that he did that so they didn't lock him up. He then goes about recounting the events of what happened.

There is a large cast of characters here. One group has Jim (Wade Sullivan) who has cancer. He was told that the treatments fail. He decides to go to Bear Claw Mountain where there is talks of sludge like water that has healing properties. His girlfriend follows him up as well. Jim finds this substance and it seems to heal him. There also seems to be side effects though as well.

There is also this group of geology students. They're led by Dr. Jones (Anthony Connell). We see that he's trying to get rich off this and using his students to do that. They discover this odd substance that is coming from the ground. They think it could be caused by recent earthquakes. There also seems to be toxic waste that is dumped here as well.

Then there are also other smaller groups. There is a photographer who is there to attack his model. We have another group that consists of Donna (Shepis) and Sandra (Felissa Rose) where the husband is married to the former and impregnated the latter. There is also a couple of campers up this way as well. This monster attacks all these groups. It doesn't seem to be a bear like it said in the beginning. It is much more than that and it is vicious.

That is where I'm going to leave my recap. I wanted to introduce more of the characters, but this movie is all over the place. I'm glad that we have a large cast as this gives a lot of 'cannon fodder' to build up that body count. I'll even shift over here to say that the practical effects we get off these deaths are good. I even have a soft spot for what the creature looks like. For the most part, we get quick glimpses before cutting away. There is even an interesting enough concept with it. This lacks in the execution department though.

Now I did throw a good amount of information at you there. Let me break it down a bit more for you and I'll start with the story. I think our introduction is fine. We set up that there is a creature. It is thought to be a bear while those that have seen it, know it is something more. I like the idea of this thing on the mountain as well. The movie seems to be saying that it is a mutation due to the toxic waste dumped there. It almost seems like something that is naturally occurring as well. There are people that think things like hot springs have natural healing properties. To an extent, I agree. This sludge can remove ailments from people. We get introduced through a story with two women as well with what happens with Jim. I even like that this seems to cloud the mind after it works its magic. This works for me. We have a bit of eco-horror as well as humanity ruining nature with waste. If we focused more on this, I think we could have had a better outcome.

Instead, we get a bunch of characters that get killed off. You would think that this would make it more exciting, but for me it made it more manic. I'm having trouble piecing together who is who. I will say that the people cast are attractive. I was able to write some of the characters names down, but I don't think I need go through that. I did recognize Rose and Shepis. They just have cameos. The acting here isn't good. It is amateur and I'll be honest, for the budget we are working with, it works. I've seen much worse. I almost feel this movie could be condensed down a bit and flesh things out to help it out. There is even a reveal at the end that they're trying to use a stinger. It is clever, but by then it had already lost me so it didn't make much of a difference unfortunately.

Then really the only other things I want to go into would deal with the filmmaking. I thought that how this was shot was fine. I think the best part of the cinematography was showcasing the practical effects but cutting away before it gave it away. An issue I did have though was with the CGI. It isn't good. There were times that I noticed and it took me out of the movie. It was already having trouble keeping my attention if I'm going to be honest. Other than that, the soundtrack didn't stand out to me. I did notice some issues with the sound mixing which doesn't help this either.

In conclusion, there isn't much more for me to say. We have an interesting premise here. I like the idea of this creature. What I think the problem for me is what they decide to focus on. Instead of delving more into the story, they went with a huge cast and trying to kill them all off. There are just too many plot-holes. The acting is amateur, but I've seen worse. The practical effects are good and I'll credit the cinematography to cut away to help there. The CGI wasn't good though. This just had problems keeping my attention unfortunately. I can't recommend this unless you are into bad films.

My Rating: 3.5 out of 10.
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