G.O.R.A. (2004) Poster


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Pretty Fun
Wulfstan1022 March 2005
Despite a lot of complaints that non-Turks would not find this funny, I did. I have seen it twice now. I do quite enjoy it and find much of it funny, with some parts extremely funny. Granted, a few things were not especially original, or were pretty tired or crude without being humorous to me, but these were minor problems and films like this always have some jokes that don't appeal to everyone. I cannot say I don't like a movie simply because I personally don't like some of the jokes or gags. Overall, the film was quite well-done and most of the jokes or spoofs of culture and films worked quite well.

One fun thing is to see this sort of film made from a Turkish perspective, rather than American. It puts a new twist on some things, even jokes that we've seen before or which would have been in an American or other film.

In part, I am sure my enjoyment of the film is helped by the fact that, while hardly being fluent in Turkish, I do know some Turkish and am quite familiar with the country. Therefore, while there are a number of very Turkey-specific jokes, I was able to enjoy at least some of them. I would therefore agree that a decent understanding of at least Turkish culture and recent history, if not the language, will enhance one's enjoyment of the film.

Other humour in the film seems pretty universal. As a result, there are quite a lot of jokes and spoofs that I know many Americans and Western Europeans would get. Again, while some are tired or crude, many are really quite funny and pulled off quite well.

I think that my biggest complaint is that some themes were not taken far enough. For example, more could have been done with the carpet salesman thing since that part was really quite funny and had more potential than the film exploited.

In the end, this is a pretty well-made, funny, and entertaining film. It could have been better, but it works well and should provide quite a few laughs, especially if one knows much about Turkey. It's rather silly, but that is pretty much the point, and the silliness here is mostly quite entertaining.

Although not really relevant for my discussion, I shall add that this film is also a milestone for Turkish cinema in terms of the special effects and production values for a film of this sort. I think it's important to recognize this, even though I was primarily concerned with giving my opinion of the film's content, etc. Thus, while one may be able to criticize some visuals compared to some big-budget Hollywood films, the production values/special effects are pretty good, especially considering the context.
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Commandant Logar, an object is approaching...
Greekguy20 November 2012
I have inflicted this film on every house guest for the last two years. Why have I done this? First, because I am exceptionally cruel. Really, that's true. But second, I have done this because it is a very clever film from an unlikely source. How many Turkish films have you seen lately? Okay,"Once Upon a Time in Anatolia" should be a must-see for everyone, and you might have stretched to "Iklimer" or "Three Monkeys", but after that? After that is "G.O.R.A." This film is strangely unappreciated. As I tell all those who fall within my grasp, this celluloid baby is the best Turkish sci-fi comedy ever made. Of course, they retort: how many Turkish sci-fi comedies are there? But that's not the point. Instead, you should prepare yourself for an onslaught of charm from the very talented comedian Cem Yilmaz, who also wrote the film. (Which is probably why he gets to kiss the stunning Ozge Ozberk.) No, it's not perfect- there are a few too many moments of physical comedy with Ozkan Ugur, one fart joke too many with Rasim Oztekin, but overall, it's a great antidote for those who don't expect smart comedy from outside the traditional powerhouses of the international film circuit. And for those of you who don't know - the fourth element is not wood.
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Turks in space
rawkidd19 May 2005
Well, first of all, this movie is a good project. There is no science-fiction film in the history of Turkish cinema, and if you think about the budget, which was about 4 Mio. USD and nevertheless huge for Turkish proportions, George Lucas wasted a budget of 125 Mio USD for Star Wars Episode III, then it is the optimum of what has been created.

The story is no revolution, but no one ever expected that. Cem Yilmaz realised his vision of "Turks in space" and made his work well. His love for details is average.

To understand everything in that film, first you gotta be Turkish, since a big part of the humor is based on the street language that Cem Yilmaz is using perfectly. The second thing is, you have to know some US Science-Fiction movies like Star Wars, Matrix or Star Trek. Only the combination of these two requirements makes the movie really funny.

G.O.R.A is unusual to the Turkish public, so this is why some people didn't like it I think. I consider this work as new era of special fx in Turkish movies.

In the end, it is a solid Turkish space movie.
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A fantastic Turkish Space Movie
djef_lat23 November 2004
A fantastic Turkish Space Movie !!!

Maybe my background has a big role that I find this movie the best movie at last time.

We are overrun all time with the US films and film industry.

There are only the best US films, US film makers and the view of US to all idea's. Forget it!

G.O.R.A. is a proof that the other people can make a good film, with a good view of the another angle.

I thank the maker and the actors/actresses of the film very much that they have given a good gift with this film.
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A classic
beratowberat22 September 2020
Everybody can find a scene to laugh. Awesome writing, i even read the uncut parts, i suggest you to buy the book(uncut scenario). If you dont laugh watch it alone! You can lie to others buy not yourself.
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I laughed the whole time, it was great!
ersel28 November 2004
I saw this movie today and thought from the first scenes that it would be a disappointment, but when Cem Yilmaz (the main actor) showed up the movie became really funny. He is a macho Turkish man who is kidnapped by aliens. The reference to many sci-fi movies is nice, but the real fun comes from the dialogs Cem Yilmaz makes. It's the first time I saw a Turkish film with so many special effects, that is great. The only bad sides are that it makes just to many jokes about homosexuals which becomes boring and the hero saves the planet just to easy. But it's a comedy, not the filming of a book so that is understandable. The most hilarious part is at the end when Arif (Cem Yilmaz) jumps in the air and makes a karate move like in Matrix with the camera turning around him. The only difference is, this time he makes a very strange move!hehe
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Perfect comedy with bad luck
the_xl16 December 2004
The movie is funny. Except some essential Turkish jokes, it's comic for any one. There are so many details that can make a man laugh.

We seen large super computers at Matrix, that loaded something to Neo, in GORA they used a Commodore 64(a computer classic :) )to do it. An android fortune tells to princess with Turkish coffee, these kinds of details are make movie much more funny.

Story is great, acting is great, details are great, some Special effects are not so good, but it's not a Hollywood movie, and also CEM YILMAZ, he wrote and also played perfect. He is really funny and perfect as in his other advertisement movies and old movies
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good piss take
kikuchio728 November 2004
Arif is a typical Turkish bloke selling carpets to tourists in Western Turkey. He is also obsessed with creating fake pictures of UFOs. Then he gets abducted by aliens from the GORA planet. After all there is no rule that says aliens can only abduct people from the USA. Nor is there a rule that says that only Americans can make contact with extra-terrestrial life forms. So what happens if aliens abduct a Turkish carpet seller ?

Basically, GORA is a good piss take of the more popular sci-fi movies such as Starwars and Matrix. And that's fine with me, because I believe both Starwars (feel the Farce) and Matrix (I know Kung Fu) are extremely overrated movies. The sense of humour in GORA is Turkish. That is neither a praise nor an insult. It is just Turkish. The subtitles don't help either. For some reason Turkish movie producers hire awful translators who sometimes even mix German with English. Translation between languages that are as different from each other as Turkish and English requires slightly more than a word-by-word correspondence. I hereby offer my services free of charge. Just ask. Had the subtitles been any better the movie could have achieved some international recognition as a comedy movie. Turkish speakers should definitely watch this movie. They'll have a good laugh. Non-Turks should give it a try.
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A Novel Perspective
TMetin27 June 2020
There are several movies set in Turkey that has been remembered quote by quote such as Hababam Sinifi, or the works of Zeki Alasya and Metin Akpinar. This one has been the greatest work of Cem Yilmaz, a collection of his observations and witty comments on Turkish lifestyle. When you ask people about a quote from Hababam Sinifi, almost everyone in the country will remember and show their appreciation of the work. Just as Hababam Sinifi, GORA has been the reference point for many jokes that has been used by all age groups in Turkey. I for myself watched it at least a dozen times and still can find novel jokes and anecdotes while watching it. It is full of both subtle and explicit jokes in every scene. It would not be fair to expect a great cinematic experience from this very movie as scenario and the rest is secondary to the jokes, and it is an early work of Cem Yilmaz and his crew together. However, if you want to study Turkish culture, this movie will be one of the greatest examples of the society.
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baturay3 December 2004
What are your expectations when you go to see a film? The most noticeable characteristic of Turkish people is that they are able to subtly critise their own culture through comedy and this is what the film has done superbly. When I read general reviews of this film, including the ones on this site, I can't help but see how Cem Yilmaz has quite cleverly and creatively worked a variety of cultural characteristics into a fictional theme. I believe that viewers who have reviewed the film in a light of this have done it justice... and come on, if there are so many 'Arif's out there, how can we still question whether or not there are extra- terrestrial life forms out there too! :-)

This is a highly successful and thoroughly hilarious film. When I walked out of the cinema, it didn't even cross my mind to analyze the film in the way I usually would.. I mean why should I? I really don't believe the writer or director even thought of doing this themselves. it's not 'persona' or anything. I experienced two hours of solid laughter. I mean what else would I have wished for? (When I think back though, the only down side was I didn't buy enough pop corn...:-))

Personally, I didn't feel the need to overstress the superb quality of the visual effects either. Yes they were surprisingly fantastic, very 'Hollywood', but this didn't add or take away from the film in any way. Put it this way, if a song is beautifully written then it will sound great even if you were to just serenade it. But if the song is crap/ badly written, then even the London Philharmonic Orchestra can't do much with it believe me!

In short, this film must not be missed! Leave all your expectations at home and don't watch it with any intention of reviewing it... just sit back & enjoy.
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Great science fiction comedy / spoof
johannesaquila5 October 2021
This film parodies various earlier films and is so joke-driven that it often comes close to breaking the fourth wall, but it also works as a 'straight' science fiction comedy. It is based on the tried and tested premise of an everyday character suddenly being catapulted into a space opera plot. Earlier classics based on this premise include Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda (1973) (also known as 'Turkish Star Trek') and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1981).

The film has high production values, which makes it stand out among Turkish films (at least compared to earlier films). Apparently it was only marketed in Turkey, which is a pity because most of the humor is international. Some of it pokes fun at specific Turkish circumstances, but can be understood by an international audience. The few untranslatable elements, such as the weird pun that motivated the movie's very name, could easily have been glossed over in the translation.

My only complaint is that for my taste, the film contains far too many jokes related to male homosexuality. (I would have tolerated one or maybe two of them, but there were definitely to many and I didn't really understand why.) Fortunately they are not as blatant, pervasive and obnoxious as those in (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 (2004), a far worse science fiction comedy / spoof that came out in the same year. (This German film enjoyed some limited international marketing and I believe is much better known internationally than G. O. R. A. is.)
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Best Turkish Movie
msaracoglu8 December 2004
I think that gora is by far the best & funniest Turkish movie ever made.

Cem Yýlmaz's acting performance is great. One negative thing about the movie is that it contains far too many local jokes which makes the movie quiet Turkish audience oriented.

Cem is great as a writer too we hope to see his work in a sequel gora 2 or even 3. little explication for the foreign readers: Cem Yilmaz is the best stand up comedian in Turkey he is half-way between Jerry Seinfeld and martin Lawrence. He mostly uses his daily experiences in his scripts and plays. He also used some of his play jokes in the movie too.
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funny movie watchable
surajkumarr-2974825 June 2021
It's a funny movie. Watchable. I liked it. It's those mind odd funny stupid movies, you would like to watch while drinking.
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fahte19 November 2004
After months of advertisement the movie is capable of breaking the audience record in Turkey. Yet, if I try to be objective, disregarding that it is a Turkish film and written by the best comedian in Turkey, I don't think that it was more than average neither as a sci-fi nor as a comedy. Many of the jokes are based on ordinary, sometimes vulgar, slangs that I rarely appreciate as funny. In some scenes the film looks like rather a science fiction with no humorous aspect at all. The references to other films are far from being smart; even I could hardly grasp what was funny in some references.

On the other hand, the cast was quite successful. Only Özge Özberk (as Ceku) somewhat reveals her lack of experience; but her charming look in several beautiful dresses compensate this. I also liked the costumes. Picturing was OK despite the focusing seemed odd to me in some scenes.

Cem Yilmaz displays a good performance and I believe that the film would be unbearable without him. But it is impossible to praise his achievement as a writer. The scenario have not fulfilled my expectations from Yilmaz, who could have definitely done a better job.

I don't think that the film is more than mediocre, so my vote is a solid five over ten.
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I laughed the whole time, it was great!
jack_o_hasanov_imdb4 August 2021
Cem Yilmaz's best film no doubt.

I still know the jokes by heart.
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aib4214 January 2005
This movie takes one of the best abilities of us, the Turkish folk: To be able to make fun of things (especially in difficult situations), and puts it on the screen. Although most of the jokes are local, I'd love to see how a foreigner would react to the movie. The Turkish reaction is obvious: Many, many laughs.

It is hard to comment on a comedy movie's plot, but I can say that G.O.R.A.'s is at least as "meaningful", or as good as The Matrix' or Star Trek's.

And special effects deserve a single word: "Stunning!" Until now, Turkish sci-fi movies had been known for their special effects, or more specifically, their lack thereof. However, G.O.R.A. seems to have made the turning point in the Turkish movie industry. Watch it to see "what we (as in 'the Turkish folk') can do", if not for the hours of fun you are bound to have.
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No Offense
erolcengizaslan12 January 2022
But if you are not Turkish or really smart you cannot understand this movie. Its the funniest movie ever and its not like regular "american" comedy which is all about funny faces and screaming. But the best american comedy are the comments here :D Some people taught this movie is a Hollywood wannabe . But it actually is a make fun of hollywood movie.

Sorry guys get back to your movies we all know its a huge problem for you to read subtitles.
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stan_lee9 August 2005
The movie has great sense of humor! The actors are really understanding the Director's idea. I am happy for the making of one such vital movie. I spoke with a lot of people from Sofia, and they really appreciate the appearance of G.O.R.A. movie. I don't know if someone has decided to manage this movie outside Turkey, but I am sure, it will be successful in all parts of the world, where people have not lost their sense of humor. I would like to say, that everyone, who likes the fantasy genre, should/has to/must:) watch this movie. It makes a new reading in the idea of fantasy films. The serious situations are mixed with a lot of jokes, which I enjoyed a lot. The story is intriguing, the characters are realistic and original. This movie is counterpoint of all movies, which are made too seriously without the necessary depth/reason, which we are able to find in many funny movies. In G.O.R.A. movie we are able to find enough human sense and wits. The relation with the Matrix and other fantasy movies is made with easiness and only in service of the screenplay. The main idea is original. I hope that this is the way of the funny fantasy movies to develop in the future. The real life is not so funny and this sort of movies make people laugh for near 2 hours and forgot the daily issues. I would like to send my sincere greetings to the G.O.R.A team, and wish them other successful movies.
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My first movie!
ElestirMan26 October 2021
Yes, this is the first movie I watched in the cinema. And I wanted it to be the first comment I made on this platform.

By the way, it was a movie that I laughed a lot and had a lot of fun.
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Worth to see
ersanozer13 November 2004
If you went to Cem Yilmaz's stand up show GORA may disappoint you. It doesn't make you laugh every 20 seconds like show. We expect too much from Cem Yilmaz and GORA frankly cannot satisfy us. But in spite of this GORA is a worth to see movie. Not a wasting time. The biggest disadvantage of GORA is that the filmmakers spend too much money and effort. This is why it's clear that they can't delete any scenes. If they did that I'm sure GORA could be funnier movie. Cem Yilmaz is a very very unique person. While I'm watching the movie sometimes I thought that Cem Yilmaz plays like in a home-video. But he has money and made this home-video a movie which can be seen in a theatre.
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Quite entertaining movie with an outstanding comedian
Mr.NO28 June 2005
Cem Yilmaz has been the most outstanding comedian during the last 10 years in Turkey and he continues to do so. What he did so far is a great achievement and Turkish people knows that. He primarily makes stand-up shows but he is also busy with writing and acting; in which he is very successful in my opinion.

The movie here looks like it's all around Cem Yilmaz, but we must say that the other people of the movie did their job just as successful.

This a sci-fi and a comedy movie. Cem Yilmaz plays a typical Turkish guy who runs a carpet shop. He is also busy with producing fake UFO photos. Then he is taken by an alien spaceship and transported to the planet Gora.

The situation of a typical Turkish guy in a sci-fi environment was quite funny for me, but also I guess that a non-Turkish viewer would find it just as funny. Other characters are acting quite well. Ceku (Ozge Ozberk) is gorgeous.

This is the biggest budget used in a Turkish movie so far, so don't expect poor scenes behind.
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one of the best movies of the year
keremdereli13 November 2004
There was much hype about this movie because of the long delay in the release of this movie.Luckily,we all got to have a chance to see this movie,finally.I certainly loved the movie and Cem Yilmaz was very good as well as almost all the other actors in the movie.There was however one flaw about the movie.Cem Yilmaz reminisced us from his old stand up comics in some of the parts in the movie and some surroundings and situations were very familiar to the audience while he was mentioning some of the stuff in the movie in his stand up comics about how Turkish people would be and act like if they were to go outer space or meet the extra terresterials.So,that left us with some old material of his but hey that didn't stop us from laughing anyway.It was the first serious take on the term space and aliens in the Turkish film industry so we have to give the guy props for that.I recommend first and foremost every Turk to go see this movie.For the international guests,I would like to point that there are some jokes in the film that appeals only to Turks of such can be seen in the British comedies.
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one of the funniest movies i have seen
needspeed067 June 2006
this movie combines comedy and action in a way that no movie i have seen has, understanding the language is better because the sub titles are way off at some points but in the end it is a great movie. also the way cem yilmaz can play both arif and logar helps the movie a lot, he does a great job at becoming the characters he played and his comedy makes it a lot better, bob marley faruk is also a lovable character along with princess ceku who besides being beautiful is also a very talented actor. movies like scary movie have tried to make fun of other movies while providing some sort of comedy and action yet they fall short, unlike this movie which includes at least 4 spoofs of movies that are extremely popular, i forgot to mention the great effects and the songs used throughout the movie
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Great movie, superb Cem Yilmaz
nachoking032 December 2004
* This is my first movie comment, so please don't get too serious with it :) *

After watching G.O.R.A. last week for the first time, I was so excited, that I wasn't able, to stand a week, without watching the movie, so I visited it last weekend again and I think, that this movie is the best production in Turkish comedy movie history :)

The special effects, the set and especially the actors were all doing a great job! It was a real surprise, that this movie was even better than Cem Yilmaz's comedy acting in "Bir Tat, bir doku..."!

But there are some negative points for the "foreign"-movie visitors: The humor is all around Turkish-lifestyle, so they maybe don't understand most of the funny lines and acting. Further the subtitling was really bad! Most of the movie was inside the G.O.R.A. prison and so it was not able to read the white subtitles on white background. A slight shadow under the text would helped a lot.

Sure this movie doesn't has the emotional deepness of for example Vizontele, but it's a funny movie and far better than some German pendants like "Traumschiff Surprise".

I don't want to loose much words about the plot itself, because other users did this already very well, but I can say, that almost EVERY minute in this movie had jokes, that were so awesome, that you were not able to NOT jump out of your seat :) Especially the scene, where arif and ceku where creating some kind of romantic atmosphere and bob marley faruk farted while he was sleeping right next to them. I know, it sound very childish, but the overall acting and the reactions from cem yilmaz were so unbelievable funny, I was not able to hold my tears from laughing. *In fact I hate fart-jokes and crappy fart-movies like "Nutty Professor II: The Klumps" and others...*

Although most of the environments were done very well, sometimes you were able to see not so well done background images and some scenes were used twice... But nothing, that would distract you from the main aspect of the movie: Making you laugh :)
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GORA an average film by world standards
mbirol-18 March 2005
Relying mainly on coarse language and unsubtle innuendo, much of GORA's humour would be lost on a western audience. True, it attempts to make fun of Star Wars, Matrix and the Fifth Element to name a few well known films, but overall the humour was a bit tedious. Moreover, the image of a Turkish villager attempting to mount a robot is confusing, the only explanation being that the Turkish psyche may see men of that society as being fixated on one thing only.

More entertaining was Cem Yilmaz's portrayal of a fast talking carpet seller and perhaps more could have been done to develop this character. The special effects and cinematography were excellent for a non Hollywood film.
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