Blue Bloods: With Friends Like These (2015)
Season 6, Episode 4
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I believe, that as many other Europeans, while we know this program is fictional, we do see it as an image of life in America. With everything that entails.

More than most, we are aware of the deplorable state of healthcare in US.

And funnily enough, for anyone who cares to look, it will soon be very clear that European healthcare is far superior, and cost about half, since there is no one who needs to make a profit, and nothing is run by big insurance companies. Healthcare should never be a business, it should be a human right, available to all.

The result of the American system is highlighted here, in this sad story of a mentally ill young woman who can't get proper help, because her sole parent, a loving but poor father, can't afford it.

Good on the writers to show the awful situation for these people, the patients and their families.
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