Knuckleball (II) (2018)
Nothing about this movie makes sense
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for horror movies involving winter. The setting of isolation and cold can make for a decent to really good movie but this isn't it. The kid and grandpa of course are the only two actors who knew what they were doing. The plot was ridiculous. All hinged on a charger missing. Everyone took to long to do anything. Parents not checking the kids voicemail, the cop taking her sweet time checking on the house, the parents actually rushed in at the end which is ironic but the cops didn't stop them? Okay. The kid was way to comfortable with hurting the crazy guy who I guess was implied to be a pedo with him ripping the kids shirt. I believe it was mentioned Henry went to a boy scout summer camp so that kind of explains the survival skills but still for awhile I wasn't sure who the bad guy was. The movie was probably about mental illness because the grandpa was a psychopath so the kid probably inherited that. The end was dumb the kidnapped woman shoots the guy once then lets him shoot her then it just kinda ends.
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