Players (2024)
Fun... But,
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie shows everything that's wrong with modern dating. It depicts a woman having to play games, stalk and lose herself to be with a guy she knows nothing about. She mistakes attraction for love after 5 minutes, which they use as an excuse for the horrible things she does to Nick.

(If you don't thinks the stalking, playing with his heart and destroying his current relationships are horrible... It's time to take a look in the mirror) Her behaviour during the enitre, predictable, movie makes it hard to feel sorry for her. Even when it all comes tumbling down, you just feel "that's what you get" To then end up where she should have looked in the first place, the guy that's there for her. The guy that knows her and loves everything about her.

But she only realises this when her friends tell her... Which is a cheap plotline. Instead of letting her have a moment of self reflection. No a woman needs to be told when someone truly loves her or she's never going to see it. The movie clearly doesn't feel how wrong the entire plot is.

Oh how I miss the cute rom-com storries.
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