Well heck, I'm enjoying it regardless!
25 August 2023
I'm on episode 4, so maybe it will tank soon, as one reviewer said it does, and yes, it requires a lot of suspension of disbelief, but so far I like it anyway. Plus, ALL shows of this genre are ridiculous to varying degrees. No one but the good guys and gals can hit the side of a barn with their firearms, one person (little OR big) can unrealistically fight off hordes mano a mano, and on and on. I don't see this show as out on the margins on such measures. Just the normal silliness, which I can excuse because I'm used to it and because I'm drawn into this plot.

I disagree with early reviewers about other things. I think the acting is fine, the characters are interesting, there are unexpected twists and turns. I'm enjoying the unfolding story of Erin's life before Barcelona. But I'll come back and let you know if my praise takes a nosedive after this episode.
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