Carnifex (2022)
Desperately seeking supials
31 January 2023
They say no good movies are made in Australia by Australians anymore. This didn't help that argument! At all! In any way! Shape or form!!!

As with every Aussie film made in the last ten years, that hasnt had an award winner in the front seat, this feels like a school project film.

All the usual suspects are here. The script full of plot forcing sentences, that would never actually be said. The actors that didn't bother to explore what their characters jobs actually entail. The camera work that someone desperately tried to show some skill with but the editor didn't really know how to use. The music that sounds like a stock music rip off of something from a better movie they tried emulating. I could have written this review without even seeing a second of this film. It's like every other trashy Aussie horror snore-fest

AND THE BIGGEST SIN! The thing that never ever, EVER! Should be left out of a creature feature...Not a single puppet, prop or even a piece of carpet to be used as a practical physical set piece for the creature... NOTHING!!!! Just bad CGI modeling and animation from whatever Cert IV multimedia student happens to know someone on crew.

As a side note, the nepotism in the reviews around this film is insane! "As good as Wolf creek." "...a groundbreaking piece of Australian cinema" Oh my merciful Jessepe! They could at least give their friends and relatives a cheat sheet on how not to make it obvious. I'm surprised they didn't put up a Sundance logo and remove a single leaf off the wreath to avoid being sued!

Also, Sisi Stringer, hang it up love. If you can't keep a series about a vampire high-school afloat it might be time to see Neighbours is back yet.

God why did this film make me so mad!?

Is it because of all the government grants handed out to Aussie filmmakers (see: Camera owner)

I need a sandwich or something.

Oh the colour grading was actually amazing!!! Really good work.

Don't pay to see this film! And if you did, join the law suit of the guy who's book they might have actually ripped, also called Carnifex (2015) . But don't bother because that's actually worse than the film but that's a goodreads review for later.
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