Well, the title of this movie really lived up to its name.. it's a not so merry Christmas after watching this
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why do I feel very attacked whenever they "villainize" Chuy/Jose Padilla (the protagonist)???

Of course he will be grumpy. On top of him only getting one gift every year (vs others getting one birthday gift and one Christmas gift) and people forgetting it's his birthday too, it appears that he is the one doing all the chores despite it being his special day. And to top it all off, it would appear that he buys everyone gifts too.

About the curse: why does his life get fast forwarded into his next birthday?! Except for the protagonist, everyone gets a memory of what Chuy has done from the last 364 days since his last birthday. If you put yourself into his shoes, would you be able to change your mistake if you are not even aware that it was a mistake to start with? Ironically, one of the plot lines talked about empathy and it would appear that the writer/s don't understand empathy that much - they can't empathize what their protagonist was going through.
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