Review of Limitless

Limitless (2022)
Where National Geographics meet science, athletics and acting
23 November 2022
Generally, it is a good show, good content. Definitely highly recommended for middle aged people who find themselves consumed and lost in life. Especially after covid a lot of people are struggling physically and mentally. Thus, congratulations for the team for creating this content and hopefully it will guide some lost or declining souls back on the right path.

Some episodes are better (or at least come across more realistic) than other. Surely it is a bit surprising to see that the A list mega start Chris Hemsworth would have any crimpling struggles in life while being surrounded by strong supportive family and a few dozen of people who's sole goal is to make him successful. Some obvious doubts aside it was genuinely good experience until people saw episode about strength and all of the sudden magic was gone! For someone who is among most genetically and athletically gifted people on planet earth to cry about climbing rope was just shocking. Albeit there was no clear timeline it seems that it took over 5 months, a large team of PT's and doctors helping this God like strength and endurance machine to climb a rope. And then there was his tiny wife without any help or training climbing that rope like it's nothing...

Needless to say, it takes a few days for this to sink in one's brain. Then, all sorts of interesting thoughts come to life: How much of this show is real and how much is it fiction? To what level of detail is it planned and scripted? What was actually happening behind the scenes? Is Chris Hemsworth on steroids? Is this show just for marketing and appearances?

In summary - it is a good show and good content. It appears to be scripted and acted as a fictional movie to some extent. If that is the case - it would be disappointing... It is still 7/10, if it would be genuine - maybe it could even be 10/10! This show has potential for new trends, could really be good, entertaining, and educational content for world's aging population. But only if it is genuine! Not marketing, decorated truth or acting.
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