Moon Knight: The Goldfish Problem (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
What a pilot should be
30 March 2022
The show kicks off with things that make you question whats going on. It continues to do the same throughout the whole episode and thats what a pilot should be: establish the characters and their personalities and hint at the story to come over the next few episodes without being slow or overly convoluted. Even skipping the action scenes and just showing the results of the action was a smart move to add to the mystery of what Moon Knight is capable off whilst seeing it from Steven's eyes. It adds to that mystery of whats to come.

The acting here is great but at the moment Oscar Isaac's British accent is hit and miss but otherwise its great.

It seems to be a bit more brutal than the other marvel shows but from this pilot it shows to be one of the stronger marvel shows. In MCU shows they tend to reveal any connections early on to establish its place in the timeline but I couldn't find any connections in this pilot bar one obscure one: did they reference Claire Temple? I appreciate establishing the show on its own and not making big connections to the films at the moment. Let's see what the next eps hold.

Overall the pilot shows a promising potential of whats to come.

P. S. Any shot with a reflective surface like a mirror, puddle or just glass were crafted beautifully.
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