Turning Red (2022)
Worst Pixar Movie Ever Made!
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly one of the worst Pixar movies I have ever seen. In fact, it's one of the worst movies I've seen in general. First off, the main protagonist is just plain annoying and obnoxious. All of her friends are equally annoying as well. The designs of the characters in this movie are also super off-putting. Especially that of Meilin. Seriously, what is up with those big ass teeth? And finally, I found problems with the voice over. When people speak it just seems unnatural, like the voices aren't matching up with movement of the lips to whoever is speaking. This is especially prevalent with Meilin. It's so weird watching her talk. The plot is just bad, and illogical at times. The movie is filled with so many cringe-worthy moments. I mean, why is this 13 year old girl twerking?

I could go on and on about how terrible this movie is, but I'll cut it short with this:

Pixar what the hell are you doing?!
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