The Witcher: Family (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
Topped Season 1 !!!
18 December 2021
Far simpler timeline with special focus on Ciri. The stakes are at an all time high. The amount of chaos caused and the rift between Mages, Nilfgardians and the trio of Geralt, Siri and Yennefer has set the table for an action packed and explosive S03. Just hope the wait isn't as much for the next season.

Cons- Would have liked a bit more screentime between Yennefer and Geralt but I think we will have plenty of that in S03.

P. S. Just gonna see how much power can Siri actually generate when she is properly honed. The Witcher is making enemies left and right no matter where he goes and I am just loving it. Bring it on. The whole world versus The Witcher !!!


Verdict- 9.6/10.

Edit: Upon second viewing I have got to say that now that the hype is gone. The finale seemed a bit empty. The stakes in the first season finale were huge and somewhat this felt bland. And the big bad for the season never seemed a major threat. Could have been a lot better.

Edited Verdict- 8 (Finale) & 8.7 (Season 2)
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