20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall not terrible, but I really don't think this added anything to the Murder House story. I'm disappointed by the fact that the Harmons made no appearance aside from one throwaway line from the therapist when they made it their entire mission to scare people out of buying the house. Did they just forget about that? For that matter, where were any of the dozens of other spirits in the house? I think only one has an actual appearance, aside from the rubber man that were just supposed to believe is Tate (I assume) when it looks nothing like him?

Also, I'm EXTREMELY disappointed that the death reveal for the dads was the EXACT SAME ONE they used for Violet in Murder House. Trying to run out of the house but ending up back in the kitchen, then a flashback to when they died. I really didn't like that. There were so many other ways they could have done that, like having them stumble upon their own bodies. Even shaving Ruby explain it to them would have been more creative and exciting than using the same exact reveal.

I'm very disappointed, but holding out hope for improvement.
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