The Flash: Central City Strong (2021)
Season 7, Episode 4
Welcome back to an episode of "Iris and some speedster with a maxed out speech"
24 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Gosh, this show just becomes unbearable. Even without the Iris parts this episode is really dumb. Barry literally whines for the last 8(?) episodes. "I've been tricked by a magician from 64th century, uwu. What? An antimatter bomb is about to destroy the whole city? Get the hell out of here with that and let me cry" is how I can summarize his character in this episode, hell, in most episodes of 6B and, particularly, 7x03. Do I need to remind you that pre - Eric Wallace Barry didn't break emotionally (well, almost) back in 4x15 when a real nuke has gone off and he tried to solve this situation WITHOUT MOTIVATIONAL PEP TALKS AND FORCED DRAMA.

And don't even get me started about "peptalking the villain out of doing evil stuff" thing. Can you imagine Barry beating Thawne, Zoom or Savitar alongside any villain of the week from S1 - S4 just by talking that being bad is bad? How has Barry turned from a powerful speedster into a psychiatrist? I don't the answer, ask the writers.

It's a shame that this show has turned into a full drama show rather than a superhero one, because some storylines look promising like Force Quest or Godspeed arcs. But let me tell you that I will be surprised if Barry won't beat by telling Godspeed that "creating clones and using Velocity to kill people is bad, pls stop, dude".

Overall, a really mediocre episode that, surprisingly, isn't a filler. I was really excited about the villain of 7A, but we all know he will be talked to by Team Flash, they will hold hands and live happily ever after
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